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I he Latent Special Dispatch ( f0 the citiZ9ii8 of Ann Arbor and - Vicinity ! ! INTENSE EXCTi'EMGNT! Uilndrcds waiclang the progresa of " Daily Ev nis ■ i [.'he Federal Army again Victoriinis! 'j 'The Union must and sliall I be Presé? ved !" - - - i - ■■""■■■-'■ " TJure ivas a man in our foien, ' lie, was so wondrous wise" But with all his wisdom, he was not ro -wise na thnt 'olher man," who when he wanted to buj' the TJ.e cheapest and best CLOTHING! in this market always jurnpcdinio G ü ITER MAN' tí HEAD QÜARTERS! For tbere he l;new he alwaya got las monpy'! worth. Seeing is belieTÍng and yju that ■vish to eee come in and believe. Thoso that can't sec can keel, and as wc íihvays malea our ciistomers IVcl good over good bnrgaijit, tlicy are rapeoially mvited to our anxioue eeat, that they loo in.-iy refilize liow "good it is for tlitm to le witii na," md how ínueh pleasure can be obtained in the enjoyment of SPLENDID BARG&IIffs ! " mo n1l ye lliat are %reiry and licnvy la den" - witli Roks and we ■will do our bi si to relieve vou - guing you in remrn the Jinesl kind of Gnods at. the lotccst figures. Groat l.attles are liourly taking pïacoin tli Clothing line - win 'le regí ment s of Oagsimeres, Vestinis. Acare being slauehWed bv Gen, - to fit the graat rush of reorufita th'at are pouring in from every direction.pll aiixious to have their ñames enrjlled for a NEAT AND TASTY SUIT ! - íueh as can only be had at the Ilead'Quariers of Guiiermam,'d; Co. Oneoftlic firm, Mr. M Guiterman', having jiist returned from líurope with a large asortment of Clotlis, Cn-íinicres and n mee lot of fine Vestings, also a few Dieces of fine l'envcr for overi-oats whi li we will make ii]i to oruer n fin' 1 ilest Btyle, vu IVel eonfident that we can satisf; all. STTJIDEISTTS l Wo are happy to greet you aga:n in our City.after spndÍDg your vacntion with tlic ' " díar o!d folka' r, hofne Be nssnred we wisli you i pleasant term, and shall tvtr bi: glad to me?t you at the Oíd Jtcíul-Qimrttrs, No. 5, QZT Our former cnstomrs, we feel fissured, will cali cu U8 ftgnin To you who come u Btrangera we ironld tay ñ few word, ire wíbIi you to cali nnl look at our fine Coate, Pañis and Veste we can do better by yuu than ar.y othér h use in the City, and i f yi u e;ill ano examine our goous.and try thcir fits, you will purcliuse Dowhere else. DON'T FAIL TO OwXjsXj -A.1!!? GJ-. 3E3l. QDlí. IIOOFLAXD'S"" BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For Iho spesdy cure of Couqhs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Diseases of Ütt, Botoels. arUingfrojn Cold, Incipient Cnnswnptwn, and for the relief and if 'it all posnible) cure of Putients in adcanced stages of th$ laiter üiseast'. rnHEBalsamic ConHal is entfctsly a Vegetable prouucX tion, comí : atiiof propertien ni the Baïsani, with tbe invigorating qaalities of íirdiil, producinga conobitrat on bo well actapttd to Ihe ])ur-oses ■ ;, that there are but ifv cases of disease wb-ich will not, at íin e;uiy periud, &uccumb to its hcalingaud I Por age-, h:ts the trealmcnt of pulmonnry diseasefl oceupíed the greater portion of Hie attention of the scientific of the ï&dic&] WorW, but nene ncqnked tnore finiiiünce in bis treat ment of these diseasua, than the ceiubra I . Ür. Hocfiaod, tlic orígntot' oí the BalEtamfc Cordial, Hislifewaa ileroteá to the iiroduc, i fiiu W that would stanl unriralled, Ffow . é '-- ■■■- ■■ 1, the American peopj ;v able to and vre posltirely assert, that no pepanvtiOas tbat have evei b ftP6 thein, bave conferred ii a orí auffering humaiiity, or nave elicitéd so many comtnondations irum ;i!l elaaeea of soci f Ir. Hoofland, prepared bv Ir. r. M..i;i. ! ■■■n .v'1,., of Pailndelphia. The Cordial is dftñgned for a clasa uf diseases more und more fatal lluiii aiiy other tu whicb the peoplc of this country are subject - thoee a ffora a "sligit cold." '!!■ kirthority, Dr. iíi-ll, s; v: "I will not.say that ('olas are to our inhabitanis ■,. i ■.'■!(: and Yiilow Wever are to those i ■ . lently that they ;n dlsAfe of reuter complioUy and mortality Unta Llw ■ La Lel ." Entirely Vegetable, No Alcoliólic lJreparation. DR. II ïOFLAND'S CELKBIUTED 6ÜHMAN BITTERS Pregured by DB. C M. JACKSON í: CO., PhiUdelphla, ?a. Will eíTectuaUv cure LTVEK COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNiUrE,Chfonic or Neiroua DebiUty, Dfeeasesol che KidiRV.s, and all discaaes ansing i rom a dlsordered r Stotnach, Suri i as Cooatipatlon, [nward Piles, Pulness or Rlood to the Hear", Ac'díti oí the' Stomach, N huiíu I i gusí ■ I ot h in the Stom ach,Sour Emctatloní, Siaking or Ftuttering at the Pit toraaeh, Swimmiag oftheHe&d, Hurí Iiifílcult BrnftthÍDg Ftuttering at the Heart, Choklnj oí Suffecatiog .■ ■!.■■;: i n - whoii in a lying posture, Dfaa uesa o! Vision, Dota oí webs bef ore the aight, Ftver and I'ull Tuin intliu Sead, DeBciency ot' Pofspiftftton, Yelluu neea of tlie Skin and lv es; Hala in the SÍ le, Bacfe ( h -i . Limbtii &c. Suddec Flushes ;i' Heat , Burnlng in the {Fleah , Constant Imagioings of evo, and great lepressioesof Spirits, a Dd will positively preveót VKLLOW FEVER, BILLIOÜS FEVER,&c. Che Propriel orín cuiling the atontion of the public lo tlrfa preparation , does so with a feÜn cf the utmost ooDüdencein its vh'tues and sdaptatitfn to the disea ei ínr which it is recommendttd. [i ooncw aod oatríed article, but (bal has sloid thc test of a twelva years! i ;"i;il bef ore the nd ii.s rsput&tioo and saie are unrivaUoxj by any similar preparatioBB extant. The testimqny in its fatorgiven by the moetpvominent and well Physictans and individuáis in all parta of the country is a car ful perusal ol the Almanaö, pub.i ietors, and to Ik bad gratig of any of their ï ■ . canaot bat HfttUfy the most . ,1 thatth's iviuc'ly ia rtally deervtiig the great colebrily it haiabtaioed Xlead tixe Evldenei. : TromJ. Newton Brown 7). D., Editor of ihc Encydopt-d'a lígious Knowíc'ge. Althongh notdïsposwl to favor or reconimond Patent Medici n ■ through ditraai of their Ingre■;■-. ! i-[ knovf o1 do iuflioienl reason why a man may oot ttehlytoöiebeneötlie ■■limos himself to havo n'C(!ived from any limpie pröpaxaticn, in the hopeihathe my thui contribuid to the buelit of othera. [ilothjathe mora rejtdüy in regard to ';II ■ . ■ ' . 'i red by ih? C, M. Jaokson, oi this : . ■ . . ■ i chiefly au aleuholi íc mixture. 1 am indebted to myfiiod Etobrt Shoe. ur tho romoval of UiLb prjudte ty ,i i tor éncouragf nu-.i to try tbem, vhsn nering from gtoal and long euntin'-ied delwUly, The asts "f ■ Bitters, at the begioniag oí Hip i rilawed by ffviJn1 rKf, and resto ra l '-n to ft i' Bres ■ i ■■ '■ oh. 1 had nnt feit forsis i . ■ hadahnost d ■ haak God on I , r of them. J. XEWTO-N" BItOWK. Iïonrl whui tlie eraint Gi;iss Mjanuftiotnrer, JOHN il. WHUiUl, Bftys of the BALSAMIC COK DIAL U .Tu-.-n ■ HiiTinw for a [nted with tho rtw . m Cdu hs, Colds, linhimmafinn of the . to its eflBcacy i : (ff }■!■■ I KithOUt it i;l !'. family ' ■ ■ ■ ' I';t! I have ■ . iiire su-'C'-s in t'ie treatmeat of Bovrel Comnlaints. Thy frienl truly, JOHN M. WHITALL, ; Fiftíi Mo. 7,1 r-ö, ll!u Pliila. ■, ' , . ■ H ' ■ by all rejEtftabhf Drujr: ■ ■ ín tho Tnii b :tk' - i;c bui . ■ nuioe, wïth the Rlgnaturo i . -r ol each buttle; all r1 j counter f ri Prmclpal Office and Mjuufactory,4J8 Arch Btvtet, r, r,i. 8i0y1 jíreat Xícducticn in the Pricc cf SINGKU & tiOS Standard Machines . ÍYcll knou-n In le í? Btst for Han ufocturing l'urposc. n. 1, Stiiniínrd Öhutfle Afcchine, forincrly snld at 890, reduced lo S70. N. '2, oí' saino kind of Machine, for merly sold at $100, reducid to -S7f. SINGlíK'S LETTEE A MACHINE ' tlse In llie world f.r Fnmil f.iiit Manufaoturing Puron's ; wvn tíemma . ttiautífu . ■ d ■■"'i . u ■]!,(; Nos. ] aud "-i Machines are of Lriai cn]aeity inl - ipp{lcattoti for mannfacturlng purpoaeu. Uur No. -i Machines :in ep ed lo al! khids t :f ligtit and heaTj !' b nt a ii 'I .-huí.' Mftking í !i i tu . ..ele, l ,i. .■ re Of exl r ■:■■■ and yüth ■ n arm Lui cke uoder i and ■ teh i tic tu _ . ■ . Hiere ]■, icaí oely any pa-t ofa Trímm be better done wrth them than by band ; o, too, the íj uring "i time nnl labor íb v-y fcraat, Thetableof those machines la 21 Lnchtf Umg, and thesbuttle fl] hoM bis timwth usual quantityfol thread. The larga machine work m fai ;i sinall ones. Wewouldaskfor our l-iiier A Mac ti lije", tb% , ' ciatattention of 1 Makers and Dresa U ■ :. those who want Machine for Heht mnnnfut'tnrtispttr- , posen, Thfy embody the pridetplea tri I machines, maki i i theintei'lopUtd sitch, ju1 : ( nre i'.-1-' iifii to ]" as osldbratsd for í' Sun inc; ni i', -jfií raanafaotarlng psrposea aa ,our standard ma . chinee are for manufaci uring micpoae in gene] al. We have alwayson hand, MotldRa gai ( kttist . UMXK AMD CUTTu.N THHEAD, OM 8POOXJI, KOR K4CH1KS 01 L In , etc., etc. Y idanuíacture put own ÍTeedlrs, ad wouM wíirn all n ourtBachinB nottobuyanv others. ft know tlüit tiiert) are teedle Ald ƒ ti t;.í;pí inferior 'uniiiy at bfgher prieea than we charge for I rri,. aeedles nold by us are manufactured eapedally foi out mu hlaefl. A bad neudlemay rendir the btst m almost usdes. uur customors nifiy rösfc AíflUred tbatallour l'ranch Offices irefurnisheü with tlie ■ geuuibactÍGl 'J ]m ',-;isp "f fsroall purchases, tbe mone may b; f.otit in e itampft, or bank notes. Correí pondentu w please write theÍT nmos ■■' j, It is atl mpnrtaat that w iboutd, mn . knotr tlie Post Office, Connty, aud Staie. JGS A.1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ijütw.n n'i',u' - Machines tfieír size, priesa, trortrinf espacitíes, and the tbodt of purchftBing, can óblalo it by Bonding to u, or jiny of our Branch Oiliceslor a copy of I. TU. Singer & Co ' öazette, Which in .i be.-iuiiful Ficto rial Paper efitirely devotedt the sftbjèct- Jt will besent gratis. a-Webave raadetheabuveREDÜCTIOJíTHrRICEí with fche two-foW víew of ■ public and our selves. Th pul a swiuuled bj spurioun dischinfB roaiíe in tmitation oí our. T,,e metal in thciu, from the iron casting to fchoamallesi ii-iiy' ' Tlicir ni keri bare nut tke meansTn do i lieir work well. Th( y ;i r nid away ir ■ ■ ■ wnnM i e ímpoBfdble to have al tlieir connnitw ; er mechanical appUances. It is onh bv dfiing n greal businesB ,and bat ing etcnsive manufacl i ■ ments, tkat trood machín' ., ■ oderatpriees. The best riesigned mac I y MAÍE, ar alWBVB Hable to got ut of oder, and aresuro loco.e considerable troublc and monej tu fcecpthera in repaiii The qualitiea to be torked for in ;t Maohineare : e r taintv of correct acticn at n!l rales vt spi-cd, simii icit.v fif ennstniotion , great c'nra a pidíty ol i pe1 !■■- in enbrnc thew essential qualitien, mocl be' mndeof thWtmi !m;-li d to petfi ction. Te nT tbe way and m ■ ■ . lo i liN. ■ bread it m" , wilí Bnd tbat tbope havirytne ubveqm'itit ■ ■ j Work trai a' rtfpM a well na Ion - ■ speedbui lasí longer intbe fine-: punible workir orápr Our nmohin, as made by dr, will pam more mnoff labor 1 lian any o her tn Imita tinn 0 oars or nt. In fnet, tln-v . thsn nnr otber macbineflasaglft. I. M. "ÍNGEH ife ro., 458 FroadW] v X'wVurk. Jar Tetro i t Onico. 78 GrUwold Píreet, oppoaiteiïip Post Office. 81 'tf M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. L gr i 'LD FiïIKND-TgJ " IN TIIE RIGÍ1T PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated PülfiIMJIUHjw TUK P.KST FAMU.Y I ■, . '. f srtic n the world h í usd twraty yeara i.-. , five mili - - notlting in ■ i lunizt'M by i ; jMÊ ci] al pliysicia i Jí surgeons Id tbt y coated will. ■ . ' -;,.; Rugar í SSBMM Wyfey I.;irge Roxos 25 ernís: five boxen for 1 ; Fulldírectiuüswii h Taltjihasse, Lww Ci cktt,1 i, J iiv 17. ni; i. ƒ To '-R. HEfiaiCK, Alhnny, , Y My Dear Docto. :- ' write íli's to inftvtm vnu of tii o wonderful elTec; o f youi : Pilla on my plder dRugbter. F i Inri ■ iring nor hcfllth, which bai ■ auíint; thal period. Wben iaN ■■■:■. ■ ; me to, te i1 ;, Havíng ■ ce in idgnoer.t df mj . . '■' ;;,li aes -v Park. 1 i, Park Row, New York. Onreturntu I ■h!];k!( red yi;i l'ilis, one eacb eight. The i ■ . sur r:-cl tk 0l. A i Bftll andpeí i i ■ th has been 1 h ■ Ifps than five boxes, and consider b ■ wcli, l b ajíove a just n I 'rut thatit will be the moan of' inducing many 1" adop! yoar Pilis s tbeir family medicines. 1 remain, dearair, with many thankR., Your obeel ent wrrant, S. . Mor.RisoN. Henicks Kld Strengthenüig; Piasters curo in five bours, píílníand ■.■c;ln(■í■3 of Öiebreast. sirle and ba,ek,and Rheuraátic OompiaitfU tn :in píjuaUy shorf ppriod of time. Spread on bêautiful nrbite Mini. p.iiin, thfliruso Biibjeci h the k ir ■■' to do inuonTeniocc, ar. l each oue willwe-ir from one weck to throo monib. Price ís 5 cenia. Horrick'a Sugar Coated Pilla and Eid 1 Ias1 r are pnl, oy Drupgista un Miu-ehnnts iiráll parts of thi LTnïted States, Casada :i.n South America, and m.iy be obtaiBed bv callhii? for them by their full naxoe, JtSOS DR. L. ti. aEBRTCK, k r0. Aibany, . Y. RISDON & HENDERSO'S vmgfapj. THE GENUINE S "37 C3 1S7" ES . We wish to eall the attentionof the public to th8 oelebrated OOOKSiyG STOVEJ Whi?h is'l he only perfoct atovp nindc. If. will do more hueinesi wíth one thírd less fiicl than nny otber STOVE mude. From testimony givon by tlie persona referred to below, on iccount of its duiabihty and Puel Saviïig Qnalities, it lias proveí! a aaving from Twelve To Twenty Dollars por year. We trould refer you to the following liet of PERSONS WHO ir A VE THES1 IN USE: 1 Prof. Tíipnan, Ana Arbor. John F. Jüllcr, Ann Arbor Prof. Wood, " J. Gübprt ímith " Prof. Wincbell, " J.T. AulN, " Prof. Dougass, " Jowph Watts, 'c Alpheua íeWi, " T. WiHinsoí,, ' " V,n. R. Martin, " lira 9. l'cnfun, " Rieh'd Hooper, " O. Hawkin, " Hon.B.F Grangor," C A. Chapín. " J. W. Miiviüird, " Cb.-iHcs 'l'haycr, " !'. I,. SUibbins. " Martin Clark, " i .B ;li!n, " S ücilsfora. A A.Toirn. Mrs. O. Weloh, ' Jhoma Wood, l'ittsíiold. r. Willmms," Alwrnton Drury, ' V. h;ipin, " h PoIhemuB, Pcio. C. H. Wood, " N.C.Goodale, " W. Wood, " Mr. Fellere, Altaron. We hnve on luinJ a Urge íissortiTftnt of ihe best kinds of Cuoking, Parlór and PLATE STOVES, and a general asiortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WAKE, and Bent str.ff for Cnrriage wort. Pnrtienifir nttentioB paid t fii t inar p Earetroiigli nnd Cimduetors, and all kinds of Job work done at the S'iortest Notico. RISDON t IIEKDEItSOT. Ana Arbor, 186J. ilangsterfev's Uloek. DEA N$c CO.5 TNV1TÊ nttention to new stock con-.prising ail JL k-indfi of Cocliery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixturas andllouse-rurnishiaggoodit.all of wh;ch t'acy . iU Al the Lowtst Posnüle Ratos. Preñe China Ti-n Bcts from ü bO to 20 00 i irona ü.í 00 to 70 W Ib rr 'm to ',' M 8ton cbilM ''üiif; si ta fioin 'íoro-yno l.íiu:ps oomp!et from Z1H ■ Ekinpe complete &rom 8Q lo I'1 00 i from M O" I ■ Mrr. tfmSLQW, noxpffi-n Nt:r n ■■■■l '"iivtlc l'liys-r;an, fmf Ui thu afWnin i m'tliern. In-r 5OOTHJNG SYRUP, TOR OHIIiDHEti TEÊtHilKK otten ti..' the Ram, reducinj al) iú1i4ftiitetUA- IM llay AI.LPaIN irnd M-i-nn-Hc a f' n, nnt in 3URE to REGÚLATE the BOWELS. nl apon it, motern, it will give t1 youf.ilvtH, Relief and lienlth to yonr Itifurrf We tin . ' M:r 'iii ; u 1 nu-; pold tuis irticlu for o .-ti yeT, and CAN SAY, tONHHKNC'K AM rt, wli;it we l,nw l.t vil bn nlre O iJ .r. n.ï othermedijhh- NbVliH HAS IT FAI1.U) IS A ■tNi.LK iX.-i, :v-ri., in iiri'i T A CtKX, Ma ; nielv il-' m v.c tni i;H int: nee of dismi hy aiij incwbo uwil it. n the ei pUbm ' opef. ti II-1. nlld spent ih tt-rnm n of r-, musical elfceta ml mr-tlñ-vl lío iak in thia nwttit 'WHA'l' Wk 1() tNOW,"ft#r t.i. i. i. ' pjpcrli'DCO. ANDl'l.Hi.K juk í'.í 1 1 -IATM n ron tuk nnnLiJdNT rWHAT WK I1H.I. D! (I Ai !■ . In lluii 1 uïfj intune. in' mt ij Hufitr tiiï from p n umi psbatottttt, rt-'ii-l will be ionri in 6 f U-en i-r twmty m nuti-s afUT red. ■ . ■ r'i -il i-; ti." ]irPci:l tii'n of uu rf the most KXI't:i:llMl.l) nn.1 SKtLUTl. Nl'IWBi I ii'. 'Til, and ha In-i-ii uxi-il wüh MLVF.8 KAILINU BUCCE83 in THOUSAÏST) OV CAKFS. eehíH from m íi. bul ínvig' rife h' t iiiiHii: ;'.n I b('..'!-. n ne ïici'l fv. 8A1 pivi1- p :nlcnrry t'j ihu vbol systcm 1Í will u'.Mtf iStAil rrii'- f GR1PIMG W T1TE BOT!.=, aSI) WID COfJ anfl (''nivnlsii n ;, which If ni t '.ppflly f diml, end in death. We heliere it tlje IM l SÜRF.ST REUKliY IK THE Wi f:i n. in n!1 tmn f iïM.Ml'Hïanl riAKHMfKA IN ( III.nHl X, wlirthi-f it nr'ss tr.nri u-rtit.n-i. orfriln nny utlnr cause. W lo every me tller wti-j h n chilH sufFonnc ir.'-i!' cnmp'n nt - I'ii KOT 1 JT ICES, NOU TUK J'KKJll 1CK. I 1 ■' ti vi ml yonr miffirnir chiM, r illef tlmt will be SL'HI- VKS. AB! O1XTKI.Y - t' rollow t'ie use of tliis medtc'ne. if timely used. Kuil diecfoila f-ir nilr; will arM nipon encli bottlo, nf ( rlïl Iri & I'KKKINS, Nei Tork, is on {he outsMc ciappir, 6 ld i'-, Dru i .r fin' n. rll. PrlneJjn! ( ïl?c 13 V1 r Si-kI. I. Y, . I Nl.V 23 CENTS l'KIt nuTTt.K Fi.rsilp liy Pbr'iach kCt. ifT.i. For the Specdy and Permanent On-r of Seminal Weaknt&Sy Nocturnal and Diurnal Jfmissionti NervQUS and General Debility, ltnpotencet and all Ih .. _Voi Sohtary Mabits or Excessive Induïgence, TIIERE arfl tliousands of Yorvc Mf.s, na wcll as Minix.9 A(;ei and Ou Mk.i, Who T tifT.jiing t-#som stsnt from ttiij RiboTe diAuM. Manv, jierliBps. are n-it twvg oí their true conditinn, or wiien assi.Ttancu ia really iioeiiet, For the benefit of such, wc herewith giT a fw uf tlie inosl rominnu symptoms, TÍ; fPeokxent of th lï"l; umi Limlm. Pain in tc. H-ad and St'de, DimitKs o Siffht, Dvi und 'eA iiefore the Egt, Palpitation of the Hetrrt, %7Mpm, ... r Memorif, Confunon of Idm, Depreiau uf Spiritu, A-rm !■ S" ■■■. Si'-!-J)iitni.yf, TimUiity, ttr. Kor -ach ami uil the above sympbums tlie3ö remedies will be found & "iovreign Balhi." - These remedies embrace three rrfscriptiom : A hoi nf Pástela, a box of Kerooue TÏMtfc ."..'.'■■, nud a lx "f f hila Tonic I'ite, all of which have importaut (Bei t o )rt'rm, Rnd should he nsed togvther iti e ■■.-'■ cajw. Their au[irioritjr over other modes of trcatiuuut may bu btiefly atated t filowt, viz; j[Jf They dimioish the violertce of pernal iitomfTit. jj Tbty iuiiüctljately arrest uucturnal and Uiuruat miv sions. flfSTThey remove Incal wal;ne=", rnnsin the orgni t assmne thoir natural torn and vlror, f jgTheystreniïtlicn the constitución hy overroming nervou deltilitv and general wtakness. j8Y"Tiicy enlivta the spirits, Wrcli er" iTunliy lepreev by expelling all excifclng cansos from yftm. ÜLe"Iiy thair invlsór&tinjf writrtiM they fMtaf Üto patiënt to hia natural health and vigor of mttnlinffd. ■ JSfS" They cnre when all otlu-r means li.-ivc fnitfil. ftSTThey contain. iw Mtrcitry, no Opíw, bar lüjthinj that oan in nnv erflilt priv injnrion. 4S"'They are easy and pleniant to dm, and 11 Bot inter fere with the pivtienP asn;vl burinew nr pleamr. J8 They uan be used without sutictoa, r knowledge of even a rooin-mat. That tliev may eomi wlfcliJn th re.ich of all, vr lnr flxed the price of the Poattl at $1 per b, nnii th; 'iv u .'1 cents per box each. ín ordering bv innil, ia ndditinn tr th price, twolve eeati iu stampa ahoald bo incluwd for rctum postado . É. liADTES i! want of n sifa mul eR".:c(nM ■ ; , ie pecnlmr t th.-ir rt ÑB Hhould nse Dn. Gatk"s Fkui; Movthit (Pk. . ■ . I, l ■(! -tie lniii. CA1 n, ,-.-.- fíifñ Pili slwnld iwt ta ""fl i l:.k fjnniwg, aa wírtrirríiís will bo Ue LADtKS irïin. fn HUhtfüUV dfcmliT. or any othor hnmnno and re ; '. ilfin ' neecfgary to avoid an in.?reifl of fai , ■ , ■ uitli'mt ionrring dangtr to hcltfc av cfinstitntiftn by t)(e una 'f i, --i Cruux'n r ■ ■' -■ Ponder. Prf, by m:il, SI i4 two starnns. These Powders -nn be obtainivl !y addfaSSlng th General Agenta, ai ie!ow. Seud fop Dr. Oates's Prirate ïedictl TreattM on Scxivii Düease3. Pí:ice Ten Cr.trw. Addre . H. G. MH.I.f:n Si CO., Gone-fl A Louisrill. Kr. For Sale by ÜAVXAl.'D, STEBRÍXí, Wil SON. y78 i Arbr, Mich. Uíackwood's Mngazine AKD T.':: Brilish lieviews. GREAT IXDl'CEHBXT SUBSCRIBE! PREÏÏIIUM3 aad HEDCrciIOwS. L. 3COIT " ' ". NJ - VORK, cm' inu tn [uiblib the . ; tísli I'üríxUcain. vi i 1 TUK r.ONl ON QTJAIU'KKI.T fcoa5M--aUv„ ËDIXDCRGnUr.riLV (Wliig), a TliENOTïTJ RRTTIn REVTËW (Fiee CiraWti); 4 Tilt: TESTMIX8XER HKVIK'.V (i.ibciv.i). BJ.ACKWOOD'i :■.! INBUIiGH JIAGAZIXE (Torjp. I ■■ rnpoan : w reader those pubhcationa untitfiui 1} atertüHidff tffirtn the f rihcomiug ye;ir. Tliey v.;:l occupjí a milUt! 1 , n npvrs Jt-'tns cruil of the daiiy Journal, luid the ] ■ ' ■ ■ ■ t ie Tul urn liistnriiui , f'ltpn a ''ter the living f -uil ptcitempnt of fhe ffreut p ditiflal event of the tim ■ shall have paiwMi imi It ia t these Periüüicnl-? tfiat rïaderii urnt [oo ft tin I reliabl hist&ry t owm-nf ■ i Bil i-c-tiih'i'1'1! : i; eal c'hMf.cpr1 we urk ;hem npon theconÏH'ratioti . the rearting tuOiIíc. Thfl reeeipt of Atlvaiu-e Siiects trom tb Briti.-h publi: h ■ ;-,■■. t , thW ltuprints, qoot ho plnced Ín tlie hamlM uf RulMoribertí i .■ t s : he original eüï:.uns. ÏËRMSi. (Regular Trices ) lVr nna. Forany one bf thè f nr IÏgtïows, - - - $3 (X) ;ív ! wo of the fbür Review , - - 30 Foi' auy three of ilie our Reviews j ■ - 7 i 0 Kornll fourflf the Reviews, 8 Öfl Tur tUftckwouü e M 'sazine, - - - . - 10 1 For Bli 1 vii w. - - - SQ ForBÉackwoodand two Reviews, - - - 7 0) ■-. . - B ui) i l'eviewa, - - HM) Mtnuy ct.rnnt in the State wh re issaed ivlil bc rwcfivcd POST AU E. The Poseaoi to üiiv art of the CmfÖ l Status will Va bilt 'JTwrnty-iour 't-'i!t t, vi:tr Tor " k Avtoil ,v' and but Iourttcn Cents a year fo? each ot' the Reviews, At tii'1 above prïces the PeriodiculR wi'J be tmnislu'4 fot i - AKD L A Premium ia BJaw Subscrib5rsf, for 1 Sf 0 will be furnisheá complete, vftkovi áddkieita&chnrgé. the morí 9]herjcteral .MaLrazinos of the ilay, the&o Fe; iodici I by a?e. ïÏcjicp, n fiill yt-ar of the Nos fr 1860, m:iv be i-egaMed ii-;irly t0 valuulk! as for 1862, gtibscribera irishiBg also tire N'oi. fuï 1'W, wiH b sapplied at the toUowmg kxemsmkcy loWratks, Splendid Oflers for 1860, "Glrife 'cá Togelher. For Blaciciroo'Vs Magazine, tbe throi yoars , $ó V for any o&A Rftview, - - ' " ■ l " ny two Reviews, - - " " S "■ Fir BBackw i ifw, J l ' 'S For Blackwood and two Reviews, " ' l'ou Forthi . - " ]"" : thrèe Bevlnra, " " IR Q(i For Uw four KTiows , l' " M '"' AnJ' of the above worts wil ' Lröl hedto ïew ri(rrnr ui. ;. aiid '., At Une Half the Regalar Subsaripiion Quaa Jïi54cüina ■ ;.-i.mts nl'i! Four 1 Sevc-a Conaocuïive ïoar $37! f! Which tlie prie of thj oritinut v.'orks tVii-i'ii' Agwe - ' too.Tcr shi'Ii muienUeuta as tlin--c be:- presetcdj Now is tho time to Subscrios J ! jr Remitti in !" fafR.V piaHti rfrï lo the Plll lister?, for ■' rumi.ion e 1 i lieallo" Xo 54Ciiiuslttit Neir Yutk XJ S 33 SAEATOGA EMPI il Ê W 4 TER "GR '::. CfJliüpatVp. .'..rii-i: . Debülty, Isa ■ :' '■ . --i t!ti ! "il-. íim-anm Öf tbe ' aud Fiverisïi iti-t.i tUo bv MAYNAR.2, fTi-::1!;.;; ; fc ff . ■"-. n4 Oval Pictnre Prns A ; i.t r.-ieiTcil una lo diea)t OHOFF & ilIvLKK'S.


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