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The Old Sailor Parson

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Thero died in Cleveland, O, ome years a po, au old Oampbellite preachflr, named Samuel Kidd. He had been krown long in tbftt vicinity aa o man of retired babits, and withal exceedingly eoceutrio in his manners. Summor and winter he wore the same black cap on his head, and carried about wilh him the same thick' - a stick that must havo been cqual in bulk to the club of Hercules. He never seenied to notioe any one, bul kept talkin 5 to himf.elf, and gent uring as lio walked; and ever and anón he wou Id be seen to stoop and piek a pin from the sidowalk, or, so sure as he ernssed a piece of greensward, the dandeiions that grew in the grase. Such, indeed, was his pnssion for these humblo blossoms, that so long; as séaeon lasted, he never retunied from his walks 'vithout carryiog all his buttonholes ful] of them. The wags of the dav used to nicknamo him " Eider Dundelion." Being very familiar with the Scriptures, he rarely expresaad himBolf without a quotation from them. and generally, when any ono asked him a queatiori, he finished off his reply vvith a text that would be sure to rnaks his interrocrator remember it. Sometimes, it is true, the force of the applieaüon depended on a pun, or on tlie mere drollery of it, hut he comroonly answered a fooi ccording to his folly, and inquisitivo people, who showed a disposition to teaae him, for the moet part went away wkh the impression that hu had as much wisdom ae wit, One day a ianatic, named Peter Smith, who liad figured at camp meetings as an ezborter, and made no litile trouble In several churebes where he had intruded himself, accosted the eJder, as he was passing in the street, with his usual formula againsl doctrinal preaching: " The old Israelities in their best days Hïüü only one way of thinking. Why were they not always qarreung and fighting among themselves as these doctrine churches are ? " "I think," returned the eider, rather grnffly, " that you must find the reason in the 13th cbapter of lst Samuel : ' Now there was no S?nilh fo ind throughout all the land of Israel.'" At another time he was assailed by a certain sectarian who poured forth a tirado of abuse upon " revivals,'' "sensation-preaching," and religioua stir, and ended by challenging him to produce an Detanoe out of allscripture of a strolling evangelist. " Jesus Ohrist is the first instance that occurs to me, sir," replied Kidd. " God'ö chureh ia the world, when he found it, was just like your sect - wtagtiant as the Dead Sea. What Ghriet did for it then, his avangelists are tn-ing to do to-day - keep the water of' I i f e rutining in it. ' Moab bath been at ease i'rom his youth, and he hath saitled on his lees and hath not been emptiea from veesel to vessel. J Therefore, behold the days come, saith the Lord, thíit I wiïl send unto him tvanderert.'" Once a case of scandal occurred in the village whore the eider was stopping, and while the gossip consequent apon it was at its height, a peddler, who had canvassed nearly the hole parish without making a " trade," met him with the question, " Where be al! your women folks in this place?" " I reckon you'll find them all," answered the eccentric parson, " down at the suwing society, in the brown farm-house, under the hill. C P lost her reputation day before yesterday, and I supposo they're gone to attend its funeral. ' Where the carcass is there will the eaglcs be gathered together.' " At another time a Pre-byterian divine, not specially distinguished foi the iruitfülnoss of hit ministry, took occasion te rally him upon bis baptis mal opinion8. " Bro. Kidd," said he, "it seem3 a little too much like forcing matters to cali you and your deRoinination the Lord's sheep. You tako to the water too kindly, and that isn't the nature of tbe animal. You're more like ducks; but we don't hear anything in scripture . about ' the duck of the house oí Israel.' ' My duck bear my vcice,' " &c. "No," replied tho eider, " but I 0 suppose our sect is alluded to in the f, sixth chnpter of Oanticles, as one of 0 the particular onianients of thechurch: g 'A flock of eheep go vp from. the. g waslting, whereof every one beareth t twins; and therci is lot one barren one c among them.' When :ny sheep get to c be as unproductive as the flocks of , some shepherds that I know, it will be i time enoügh tí) give thcm another name." - Watchman aud Reflector. A Tkuiü Woman.- The World'a ington correspondent relates the , ing : I was told to-day of a inarvelous , stance of escape of a prisouer oaptured by the eneiny. He was a meinber of the secoud Regiment of Vermout. After the Inittle he was placed in a tent. lie uoticed he was not guardad, and '.vutclimg an opportunity, cffectcd an escape into the woods near by. He mado his way to near Leesburg, and faraishing for want of food, asked a wouian to give himsomethina; to eat. " You are a Federal soldier I soe" said the woman, " I am," he replied and went on to explain about his being taken prisoner, and how he oscaped. '' Have you a íuother ?" " I have." " I will give you food and save you," said the lady : " a son of mine in the rebel army has been taken prisoner, and I have the feeling of a mother for you." Shc at once gave him a hat aud suit of clothes belonging to her husband, who is a iniller, and through this disguiee he workcd his way outsidü the enemy'a unes and thence to this city. He now weara the hat aud suit about town. J3L The Louisville Journal saya that in tl.elaft fight in Wpptern Viriniii, Roïencrans whip[iod Floyd - ''by (iauley." A New Namk. - They have got a ncw name for our national troubles out in the Sandwich Islands. Tho nativo ohurches there propose to observe a day of fastiug and prayer " for tho United States in their progent piltkia. We don't sec that rebellion looks any botter when 1 spelled iu this way. It is a bitter ptil, auy way you can üz it,


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Michigan Argus