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From the Londoi? Times' elabórate editorial we select the following: " It requires a slrong effort of self-restraint to discuss with coolnesa the intelligence we publish to-day. Au Englisb mail steamer, sailing under the British flag, and cairying letters and passengira froni a Spanish poit to England, has beeu stopped on the high seas and oveihauled. Four of the passeugera have been taken out and carried off as prisoners, claiming, and vainly c.aiming, as tliey vvere beiug forced way, the protectiou of tho fl?.g of Great Britain. These are the nakod facts. ïhe intentionof the Federal Govemment evidently was to act upon their atiict Bgfat, and to do so in as litlle ceremonious a manncr as might be. If they aro jiistified b_v their righta as belligcreuts in what they have done, the ruanner of doing it i a mere question of good or bad taste. They insist upon putting their quanel upon the same grouud as if tbe Queoi] of Enghu.d were puttiug down a rebeliion in the Isle of VJight. Now, if tbis utre so, it is cloar thsit the Federal States of America have, in stopping our mail stearaer, been guilty of an act of sggreseion which conld be properly punished by laying an embargo on every American ehip in British poits, and sweeping their little Bavy from tbe soas. They wovikl, accoiding to their point of view, not to be al war, and woukl have none of the righta of belligerents over neutrals. I ut this assuniption of tlie Federal Governrneut bas been disallowed. ïhe worlil has reneraJly refuseci to see m tlus uisruptiun uid reeonstitutioo of the Nortli American tíepublic a mere rebellion. We have recognizeil bolb republicsasbelügereut Sta:es. We declare neutrality between thora as betweea two powcra. We roete out a precise degree of eqoal coniiáeration fot the sliips of war of each. - In avorythipg hut our diplomac}' we tear ourselw) exactly equal betwecn tbeni. Wlienever tbe'Soutliorn Stf.tes rlmll h?.ve given proof of' suoh stability as usav ranke it aure tbr.t thoy can sustain their iudependenco we oliaü donbtless recog-niza them diplomatically, ?.:, we nlready do de facto. Th is the tost applied by a!l writers oa international law. 'fo support :: claim to eotar iülo thecoiiiitv of nations the only prooi' roquired of any people is that tboy ure tibia to tnake their idüpetulence respectad. Kinga and Euiperois, and even Dukes and Elector, havesometimes rfei'iised to rccognize the govcrnment for tlio timo hoiiior. of Knolaud. or Frnnf. ar Itii'y, but only to thoir owu ultimato ridiculo. Wo liave already reeognized these Confederato States sa a beüigerent power, and vvosball, whea the time comea recognize their govormaent. Thcrefore we have imponed upon oureelves all llie duiies and inconveuiences of a power neutral between two bñlligerents. If we bad recognized the Confedérate StfUes we apjntbend lliat we sbould have been peifectlj justiüed in taking these ambassadors on board cur own vessels of war and bringing them to Eoglaud without in any way forfoiting our character as neiitrals. Butf even if it were necessary to ndi.'iit tlvat tbesa gect lemen were iu a belligerent or contrabatid ciniraoter on board the Englisb veasel, it is, we believe the opinión of v'ary emipent jurists tht tbie waj not a u stion to be adjudioated on by a uával ornear ind four bo:its' orows. The eg; oourga would havo been to take tbe sbip itself iuto port aiul to take steps for her tandem nation, or for the condemnation of tbo passenger, in a üourt of AJrniralHj. ïiie ivsnit miglit, 110 doubt, have been tlia same, but if the proceödipg was irregutaV we have surely a right to demand tbat these prjsoDeti shall be restord. J3T" A littlo thrce year oíd boy, already set aparj; for a lawycr's calling, being takcn iu haud wiíh a gwitoh, after liaviug been forbiddcn to piek anotlier pear from a favorito dwarf tree, indignantly crclairaoj - " Mauima, I did not piek oiï the pear ; you come and see if I did." Suro enougb He didn't. Ee simply stood thoru uul ate it, and tlie core was still davjglini; from tlie stem I ] The elementa oí human happiness love to God nnd man, lovo to ono womttn, aud tbe posession of a good hired girl.


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