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New aooüs, Sea sonable Goods, CIIEAP GOODS, For C a s li, BAGH te P6ERSON Have jus'; opened n choice stoek of Winter GooJs, Bought for Cash AND TO BE SOLD FOR CASB at siieh prices as wil] make the buyers !augh at the ijon of Hard Times. Tlie stock inclutlc9 a choice lot of LADIES' DHESS ÜOOOS, GENTLEVIAN'S CL0TH3, CLO AKS, SHAWLS, GUOCERIES, Ac, Ac. Now is the time to buy your Winter'a sapplies. BACH & PIElON. Ann Arbor, Nov. 15, 1FG1. Jjffjij W C3r O O 3M Sí . WLES & KNIGHT havo just rocoived a full stock of FALUWffiRGOODS! wbich they OTTÏÏB. FOB. CASH! Prices very Low, WÏNES & KJNIGHT. November, 1861. PATENTED Uovember lst, 1859. -- - 'JUK MKASURES v7 Br ( A, tlio distance ILBSS. round the Neck. Pf S"" B lü B ' Yokc V yp"" " ; D to D, disfc'.nce ijj T around tbcrBody I'üh mm WS the Anu-pits. ■ i ■ A'S E to E, the 13A.LLOIJ'S JPatenlcd Improved Freiich Yoke SHIRTS. PATENTED NOV. lat, 159 A New Style of Shirt, warranted to Fit By Mnding tbs aboTe ineauirof por oaail we canguftr mi' e perfect iit of ur n'iv slyls oí Shirt, and return by toauypaii of tiw Cfirfted Swtes, ;it 912, $15, $1S. $24, feo., iS:c., por dozen. N'o ordvr forwarded tur leas than h-.ií a-do -i Shirts, AJso,Importerfl and Uoalera in UEN'S FURNISH1NG QOQDS. Wholesale trade Rupplied on the. usual terms. BALLOTT BROTHERS, 8OGtf oadway, New ïrk. X.OOMIS & TRIPF, Succes(rR to Chapin & Loomis,iuKlCliapin, Tripp ds Loomis 11111! l1"ivc flrin f Loomía íc Tripp having purofaaMC the entire intftreat of the former oompalüea wil continue thí biuriness at the old stands, wlu-re tliey wil! !e roady, 00 tíiesbtrtsit notice, to lili all orders in thti line of Castings and Machinery, :n the. most frorkmanlikfe naaner, and cm u liben .ei'ms as i ny othet slio iü the Sfate.Ajnong'ihe :i'i na arttoleímantríactured by u-, w tronld emunerste ö 1 JliAlVl üiINIJlIN kö of all kind; Mili Gearing and Ft xt uros, wroiightand cast; all tlit vitriimft ctistiriffsior mukingand rtpairing Ilorso l'owers & Thrcshing Machines s.uch aa aro at present, or have forxnorly been in use in bfaú part of tb State, na trol) as til the various kinds oí i mul machine wort callcdforby í armer aud mcchaincs inthis Bectfou of th" ooontry. of all the rartoufl patteras, mi in Bitmandpilo6a,irlUIe kcptconstantly on hand, got the most modern and improvcd stylea. Thanklul tol former patronage to the ola firins, we wi.-iM toltoii i continuanoefrom oldfrierids)nJ atria] by ft 11 wishing for anythinjj in uur line Of biutni '■'■■■ LOOHIS S PRIPP. Anu Arlmr,May 18ili, 18S0. BQ7ti New Remiídibs kor SPERMATORRÍKEA HOWARO ASS0C1ATIOX, PHILADELPHIA. A lic netolml ïnsiitulion establhhed hy special endowmtüt for tke relief of the Stek and Vistrcsaced, ajjlir.tcd w'nh 'Viruhn and Chronic Discanta, and especial !j j 'ur tke Cure of Ih'r-.itsiï of 'ft e Sexual OrV'ií, UEDICAXi A0VÍCE giren gratis, ly the Acting Sur' VALUÁBLE BEPORTS on Spermatorthceaand other Discaaes of the Sexual Organs, and on the NSW KKMBDIES eroplo) e3 in the Duspensary, seot in seulel lettel1 envelopesi free ofobargp. Two or tlirot stnmps for posta re aooeptable. AddwRs, Dr.J. SKUJJN 1IOUGIITON', 'Hiivu-'l AHSOoiátion, No % S. NinHi 8t., Phlladetphla, Ta. lyouöGeneral Land Agency PERSONS wantlngfnrnis, o rresidencef ín ornea AnnArbur, eau by callingonrae eieclfroma liet ofover 1OO FarnieFor Salt-1 OfvarioUBStzeetrom 3, to 13ü'acreeeach;(aome ai goodftBanyinthisCunnty.) Morcthan 5O UivcIMitc Honses ntbUCItyromtwn Uundred to fourthouaan ddoïar8ftch;Hnd orer 2 O O R ÍJ ï ïi l I W G Ï.OTS ! AinoniitheTarms ure the lïisticpernrm , lííOOncrcs, tbe Potter í'jirm, i n GroenOHk, to Placefarni , au j ia ) acres, th c Blandón nud Junks C'irms, i n Webster; th Stabbs, MI cbaoi CUncy. Newton Beegan, and Kallahix farms, In Anti Arbor; J.Kir.gsley'4 farm, inPittafifiid'thn Hfiïch and Hick ínrrai f n Lodhthe PatrirkClnyularm in Preedono; W. 8, Oavit-on, B. G. Rakor b nd Huck's farms inSylvan. Most of these and many otbers can be dMdodto suit purohasers 15. MO MïA. AnnArboj, Jan lat . 1861 S3 3STOTICE. TIIR ANNUAIJ meetfng of Ute fferman Parme1 Tire trance Company of Washtonaw Couuty, wlll 1' liold a1 the rtwollinff house of Jeob April, in Scio, on Monda? Hec. i-t. 1861. at 10 o'clook, A . M. J. ;. Koen, Becy. JAOOB JEDELE, 8n., President. Dated.Xov.Öth. WO.. GREAT.GREATER GEEAïEST BUíGAJNS EVER OFFEÏIED 1859. Jq]859. In tlii3 City, arenow beingoffered at the CHE AP, CLOCK, WATCH,_&_ Jewelry JStorOTHEStibcrlbor wollldsny to thf! particular) ;uil the rct of Wntblanaw Cimntv n enm-rnl. tlinl hchnsjust 1MP0K l'KI) DlREOTI.Y trom EUHOPE. Tremendo Stock of Watclics! All of whicll br hinddliimBolftosell CHEA.PEK than ean-beboQgbt west of Huw Yoik city. Open Fbcc Cylirider Vntcht:s Irom $6 to $10 dn do Luvcr á do 8 to 21 [lunliugCaee do do do 14 to :;5 do do Oylinder do do 9 to ' 28 : Oold Watphes trom 20 to 150 I i.ave aUo tho CELE BR ATE D AMERICAN WAT CHES, wblch r wlll snit trr $35. KvcryWatch vrrrantud to perturm woll, or the money reiundud. Clocke, Jewelry, PInted Vara. Fnncy Qooda, .u]l Pena, Mubícm] Instrumeíits and .Strioes, Cutlnry, Jfcc, aud in l'act n varicty of everythlDs uually kcptny Jewclors cñn be b'-ughtfortiip next ninety ditye at ynur O W N TRICES! Persons Iroy f Dg aiiy íhlng nt tliin well known ostsblidnme "t fan rely upon getting goods exactty as reprü8tínt"d, orthemorifiy rcíunded. Callearly and gecure the bnsí btirgains evfïr iïurnd in thii t'ity, One word in regard to Rcpairing : We aro preparod to mv.V.c nny repnirs onfine or common Watches, even to making o er tho eutfre watch [f nee ïasarj. Repairfnflr of Clocke and lüwetry m usual. Alm tbr msnufactorlDff ot RINGS, BROOCHS Oifnythlng defired, trom California Gold on short nctlcï. JKngritTii'g in all ita lTan(;h:sxeented withnoatn'iiB and diüpatch. J C. WATTS. Adu Arbor, Jan, í?8thI859. 7S4w HORACE WATERS, A G E fl T 3 3 3 Broadway, Ncwïork Publisher of JIusIc nid niuslc Booka ABS DX11EB IN Pianos, Melodeons, Aloxnncire Orgaoa Organ Accordeons, Martin'e celebrated andotlier Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes, Triangles,'Clar3nettf, Tuning Forks.Fipes andHararnere, ViolinBows, bestltalian Strings, Baes Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. SSt lx o o t 1SX. xx S 1 o, fiuMi all the poblishprs in the I. s., BertinI'i Ifuntiifs, aii'l Hodern bohool, ano all kinds of utstmctfon Bool for the above instninieuts; Church Muslo Booksj Uui I elegantly bouud; Music paper, and all kinds of Musi Mí-rotidinlisf, Att heLowest P rices New Planos, At "$175, $200, $225, $250, and up to $800. Soonin Hand Pianos froin $25 up to $160; New Melodeons, $45 $60, $7í,$100, and up to $200; gccond Hand Melodeon i to $80; Alexandre Organs, with flre tip-;, ilt'O nine --, $lKö and $225; tbJrteen stops, $250, $276 an . . . rteen stops, $390 and #-'!7;"j; a Uberal 'li-oun to Clergymen, Churehes, BaVbath Schools, Seminario md Teacher. The Xrade supptied at tin. usual trad QscouDta Testimoniáis of tlie Hornee Wntcrs Plnno aitl Mtloclfoiis. John Hewf-ttj of Cárthage, New York, who lias ha oue of tlie HoraccWaters Enanos, writesas feUowa; - 'A friend of mine vriáhes meto parebase a lier. She likes the onO yra Böld me in December, 1856 Uj li.uiu becoming p:pirWr in iliis place, and l thiuk can introduoe one ot two more; they wiü bo more popí lar toan any other make." (We havo two ut' Waters' Pianos in use in Óurf5em nary one of whicb ha been leferelj testèd ter thpe reara, and we can testifyto their good quality aml dura bility."- Wood &Gregory, Monnt Carroll, 711. "H, ffawn, r.-'j. - Dkab Sik: QáVing uited oneof you ['iano i-"4fti-s for two yean past. I have fonod itaver superior liietrumcnt. ÁUOXZO GKATt Principal ïïrooklyn HeightaSeminary. "The Piano I receivod from you continue to fflresai isfactïbn. 1 rard ït as one of the OÊBtinstromontB In tti i vk r.. O ARKB, Charleston, Va. afely arrived. I feel ohltcr-ii to vm Tory our tSbera] dicccnint." lïev. J. M. McC'OBMirk YaryiicstillcS, C. ■■ i wat étñy reoelved. Itoame in excellcn :ondUion, iuid is vcvy mtich admtred bymj aniñen u for yor promptnésa." - ROBBKT CooriiH, Wdrrenkfim, Tiradjoed Co. Pa. 'Your piand pteasea ua well. H i-; the best 4,ne in ou county."-TivoMas A. Latham, Car&pbéllton , Qa. U'V.Y :uv vi'iv iiuicli obUged to you forhavfnff son stií-li afine instrument for $250." - UuA.VK.IIíao Cü. Bujfalo Democrai. Horace Waters Planos are known asamong tli very beat We aro enabled tö Kpfnk of these nstro raents v isl kndwledfie of thei excellent tone ana dnfable quality." - N. Y. Evangelist "Wf c;üi spepk ui' the mcrits of the Horaee Waters pi anos froin peraimal knowlelge, as boing the vtry fine.s qualiíy." - Christímt InlclHgencer. "The Bioraoe v.'.r. ■ ouilt of the best an most thorough Beasonea material. We hare no doub ■ oUjperhapfl better, at thisthan a aiiv ottn ■ '■ - Auoocalt aidJanr::al ty?atex&' piAQOs and melodeona cliallenge comparisbi with the ftne tl ■ OW in the - Hem Journal 'Horace Waters' Piano Forten are of full, rich am. even tone, aud powerful - N. Y. Musical Review. KOuc mendawill find &1 Vr. Waters' store the ven tesi usortmeni of ICnsiO aod f IMnos tobe found in ad Stat ea, and w urge our southern and western rienda to give him a cali wlienever they go to New York." - GrahanCs Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sabbath ScTi ooi Bel], lO0,OOOl88ueilIn ten Montbs. The annreoedented sale of Ihisbookhas induccd the mbli&hcx to ailt some 30 ew tunesand hymns toitá pros■ut BÏze, without extra charge, exoept oii thech Among tlienianv beautffoi tune audhymn.s added may bo fimnd:- "I ought U# love my mother;" ■■() Dl e "a good chiM, indeed i will.' Theseand eïghtotheni rom the liell, were nng at the Sunday School Aniriver the Academy of fcfuaic, with roiit applaose. Tbe Bell eontains aeariy 7ÜQ tunea and i mris. nnl iftone of the beal collections everïssned. . !c ElegaDtly bountl, hi1m-,m l gilt, 25c, $20 per 100 lt bas been introduced atomany of the Public School. ! .■ o . is puhlished in Bmali nnmbers entiüed Anniersary and Sunday School Musfc Boots, Nos. 1,2, 3, k , in order to acconunodate the mtlUon; price $2 & Sï per hiniiln-'l No. 5 will soon be issued - connnpneomrnt oí another book, AIso, Revival Bfusic Books, No, 1 & -, pricc $1 k $2 ï-fr 100, postage le. More tha-.i 300.000 Odplea uf 1bi :ibüve books huvi b4eS isiued the past eighteen nionths, and the demundísrapidly increaslng I'ublisht'il bv HORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 Brondway, X. Y. NöXV IMCuslOf Publised by Eorace Waters No 333 Bcoadway, New York. Vocal, "Kind Worda can neverdie;'' "The Angels told rao po;" " offbe West;" "Thonghta oí God;11 'Gitö me back my Mouütain HOHiej" 'Day lrt;uns;l "Datidy Cock Rbm;" 'Tm wlthtiiee stitl; " l't n;i ...■-;" 'TPhere'a no darling löse min;1 ESar&fa Jane Lee j"J&r er of fchee;1' '['m toaTiogthee ín 0orzowM "Birdof Itcnutv;" ■ Som of our blrthj" "Orave of Rosabel,'' and 'Wake, lady, wake,,' prioe -óc each. 1 L.-rriMM:TAU - ' 'Palace Garden, or Slnging Wrd Polka,' 40-; "Swiii-.'in Schuttische;" "Mirabel SohotHflch;'J 'Thomas Baker'fl Schottiache;" 'Piccolomini Polka, 35 cents each. The aooTepieceshavebeautlful Vignettee. "Welmer Polka;" "Arabían Wai crylíaroh," tho rory laftt' "VassoTianna DoniellsJtCanirka; "Rca-l; og },,]■ ine Walt,' ajad "Umcers' Qua. dnlle 'J 26c each. "The Etoptre of Keich's Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Hlbernlan Qaadrille,'1 8&oeaoh. Manyof these pieces ra played by Baker's odebrated orcbi-.í ra ítíi greal applrose.ja iiuiled free. A largo Iot uf i'ureigu Hiulo it half prfbe. Planos, JHelodeons and Orgnus. The ïloruce Waters Pianos aml Melodpons, for jïopth, pnrlty of tone and durability, are unsurpassed. }rices verv low i ■ ■ j r l Band i 'i;1. ín ■ and ttolodoons from $25 to $150. Music and Musical [nstructlons of all kinds, atthe lowest príces. H RACK WATKffl, Agont, S . :::■:; Broadway,N. V. TJBEDtOVlAlB; - "The Hornee Watera 1'iauos aro known aaamong thevery bost' - V.vmí{t!ist. "We can spoak of thoir menta Ítobí porwonitl knowledgo."- Christum Intelugcncer. "Nothlngat the Fair displaycdgreater excellence -" - Churchmuit, Waters1 Pianos and Melodeona challenge comparison with the Anest mado anywhereio the country." - Hmne Journal 7iotr Irving's Works - National Editiou rflHCS Fino Edjtton ofthe Works of Washikotok Ib 1 vive (ínoluding tholif oj will be pubíshed for STJBSCRIBBRS ONLY ín JIontMy Volumes. Price $1.50 Payablo on Dclivery. Beanttfnlly Prlnted on heavy superfina paper, f "the ,.l best qvaUty, and eabstantially buuud ia lioav bovellcd boards. ETEiich Volume ilhistraied with Vignette; on Stoel and "Wood. XD Knlcfcevbocker'fl New Y Sketch Book, Cloth. Colambm . 3 vol, B ■ ■ ■ Hall, Aatoria, Talespf a Tmvelet, Oro fon Miscollauy, ■ rille, ÖUrer Goldamith, .M;ihonii.'L. ii volw Gr ■■ All:;imlr:i . Wolfort'i Hoost, Litv of WaabJngtoa, Svols. Salmagundl. This editionniU bo sold kxcitsivelt to Subsoríher? and wilt be greally saperior u anyerer befttre Iasne3j- A vei y bandsomo f1! "f tfaeso univenally popular wurk. ík thús placed witliiu tho mans of all. & p. l'l'TNAM. Aift.,Publinher, lift Naesau Street, NowYurk


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