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AYEB'S Sarsaparilla FOH PUKIPY1ÍÍG THE BLOOD. And for tho Bpeedy cure of tlic folloiving complalutè i Scroftiln niad Scrofiilona AfTcrtlonM.imcli na Tumors, CJlcers, .-ores, Krui)! lona, . Pimples, Pus tul vs, ittott tk s, iioiïs, Klaliis, and uil IL.scí -íes. ï, liid., Oth .'itn, 1 S5i. J. C. Ayt;r & Co. Qentai i fee! It wy duty to aeknowledge what youi1 Partöparflta bas dono fur ma. Haring uiliei-ited a Sorofhloug i:.:1 cti u. 1 have from it in ritrloiis wny fbr y tra. Sometimos out in Ulcera on my bands m:l arnis; qoinetímag it turn. il tnward and dl 1 1 ■■ - ■! b i al the gtowacb. Toro 3 go it broke out on my beod and eoi íukí eara vi!i ' ne boto, wbjcli vas painful i btyond descrlptlon. 1 tii. ■■■ : lus, but without nmeli reueffrom u wti tbi k worse. At length I V..-. rji iced toread in the Gospel Mencnger tliut you had pi ui alterativo (Satsapaillla). I n your reputa■ my thing you made jiüi-e Uu uood. J tout to Clndiiuatlandgof t. and iwwl ii tili l cüi it. afl yoii ;l !■. . ii. Hin til i i of a teasp Kn] month. and u i alinost turee bottlcs. New and healtby hkin Boon began to form. ouder tho scab. which aftc-ra while feil off Maküi is öow clear, nml j koowbj my feeiluga that Ü ■ fi m luy soU'm. ïou I b li re tfaat i rel what I run aylng iriMn I toH yon, tliut I huid yo to be uii oi' the apoatlie of Ihe age, autl rentAJQ ever gnitofully. Vouih, ALVUIA) H. TAM, KV. fit. Anfltony's IFire. or Kryslpeln, Tettr asid Snit Itlieum, Scnlil Icad, Itinywoi ui, fjoiv l&ye, Diopsy. Dr. Robert r. Preble writea from Salan, . Y„ I2ih Sopt., 1860, iliiit liv bu cured an Invetérate Dropsy, wliich tbreatened to fcrminfite fatally, bj flio persoi Briog ose ofoiu Sarsaporilla, aud ohw ;i dangerouf Malignant Erisipelas Ity large doscfl of the Bamo; aays ho cures tlie common J8r?ípííwi by it oon&tantlyBronchoccle, Ooltre or Bwlld Neck. SSebnlon Bloanof Pi . irrites: "Threebottles of your BarsaparÜla cured me from a Ooirt - r bideous BWflling on tho nck, whlcli 1 had suffend from over two years." Ijeucorriioen or"Vliiícs, Ovarïnn Tmnor, Uterino Ulttrntioii, Kt male Diseascti. Dr. J. lï. S. Channlng, of Now York City, writes ; í( I most cbeerfully comply with the reqnest ofymn ageni In sayiug I have foiuid your Sanaparilla a mosjt excellent alterativo in the nunierons conxplafnis fbr uhi.-h we emplojr sncli n remedy, but especlally in Famde Distases of tliy Scjiofulous dlatheslB 3 hare etifed nutny Inretorof -i" ■■■! :liu-:t by t, and Bome where the coml];iint waa eansed b'y tdeeratión oï the tUerut. Tho nlceratiou Itaelf waaaoon eured. Nothlog wlthln my kuowledjí orit:ils t for (hose lèmale derangementfl." Kdward B. ftfarrow, ■[' Newbnry, Ala., wcltea, MA danperoua ovarían tumor on onÓ of tho femalea In myfamtly, wblch had defled all the remedlee w could omploy, naa at length been compi itely cured by yonr Sxtract of Sarsaparilla. Onv nby.afckla tliought boUüngbnt extirpatioji ooulil affonl relief, but he advlaed the trial of yoOT Sarsapnrilla ns the lnst mort befoic cutHnff, and it provcd efiectuul. After taklugyour remedy elgnt weeks no Bymptom of (lic dlseaèe remalM." Syplillls autl Mercurial X!seasc. Nr.Tr 0Ri.EANe.2Glh Anguat, 1809. Dr. J. C. Ater : Sir, I cheerfully comply wlth tho reqnest of your agent, anti report to you orne of tho cflct'ta I havo rea&md wli :illa. I havo enred vlth it, in my practtce. most of tlio complainu for wblcn it ia recommended, and ha,Te fonnd its cifecte truly wonderfnl in tliy euro uf FcneretUctnd Mercurial Distase, Onn ofmy patlents had Byphtlitic nloers in bis t!n;:it, whicli cdnsunüng hla palftte and tlio top of hls inouth. Your Sanaparilla, steadtly taken, cured hitn In 1 ivo weeks, Another wn.s ntt ticket I by Becondary syioptona In hls r.ose, and the nlceratlon had caten awny a considerable part oL it, bo thal X belieye tho disorder wuuld soon reach bis hmin and kill hfan. But it yïeldud to my administratiun of yonr Sanapajllki: tlie ulct'ia healed, and he 11 welJ iigain, ot of without floino disflgnratlon to lii.s face. A womau who lial been treated for the eame dieorder by merenry was HiifTvnog from tbis pobon in her bones. They hadtoecome so eeot-ithv to tlit: vreather that on a danto day he Bnfiered exoradattng pain in her joints and tunes. Shetoo, was cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in n few weeks. I know Gram iU formula, wbich youv ogeut gave me, that this Preparatfon from your luboiatory must boa great remedy; consequently, these truly remarknblü remita with it have nut BDiprued me. Fraternally yonra, G. V. LAIïlMKlï, M. D. Rlieiimatlsm, Gout, Mvcv Compinint. INDEPENDENCIA, Prcstull Co., Va., Clll Jllly, 1S09. Dr. J. C. Ayer: fcfir, I have been alïlicted witli a painftil chronic Rheumatism íor a long linie, which balllod the skill of physk-ians, mul stuck to me in spltè of all the remedies I could iind. iiniil I tried your BareaparlUa. Ono bottle curtid me in two Trcelig. and resíored iny general hcaltli no mi ie h tbiit I aw far bet Ier than before I was attacked. I tliink it a woiuMi'uI medicine. J. FIUSAB1. Julos Y. Getcliell, of Si. Lmiis, writes : I have been afilie tod füi yeais wttb an affection of ttc Liver, tvliïch deetrojed my Iiealtb. J tried t-very tiiitifi, aud evoi-y thjng feiled to relieve me ; aud I havo boen a broKen-duv. " BMttl for some yeavs fioui no other cause tlinn deittttpi tïie Liver. My bclorcil postor, Uie Iiev. Mr. Eitpy, adTlgpa me to fccy yonr BarsapatiUa, bécanse lic BOld be kcew yon, and aoy thjng you made wai worth trying. lïy tho bïessing of öod it ïins ciucil me, and hae so pm-lfled my blood as to tiiakc a new uiau ot' me. I ft-cl youiijt ftgato. Tho best tluit can bo muil of you ia not hall" zood enodb.1 Srli i mis, Cáncer Tumors, Knlnvt.' uunt, Ulcernlion, Carica iiurt Kxfoliution of tlie ISuues A preat vaiiety of cases havo been reportetl to us where cure.s uf those formidable coniplainln liavo rcsulttd from the uso of this femedy, but oiu siace hcre will not ndmit tíiem. Some of Uiem may bö fonod in om American Aluianac. which the agente below nauied arspluted fa) furnish graiis to all who cali for Uiem. Dyspcpsln, Iïcnrt Xiscase} Fits, EpÜepsy, Mclaiiclioly, Kt-urii ï in Mftny ïemarkable cures of thcee affectionfl havo been mado by tho alterativo power of tbis medicine. Jt stimulates tho vital AiaetltDH into vtaoroin atton, aml tlui.s overcomes di3orders wfalch woulcl bo SDpposed beyond lts reacli. Such a remedy hns long been rorniired by the necessities of the peo])lct and we are cüiifident that this will do lor theni all that medicine eau do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR TUK UA.PID CfRE OF Couglis, o] ds. lnflnenita, Honwnncs, Cioup, UroïL!iii.i.i, luctiticiil Coaötintpt ion, mul for tlic ïiclief of Consumptive Tatfcnt in advanved etages of tHc This is a remetí y so nnJvérsanv kiiown to ráárpsss íiny other for tho cure of thioat and lung cfflDplftf qIj that it ia uselcss here to publish the evidence of its virtucs. Its uui-ivaHed escullenco for coughfl and colds, and its truly wonderfnl cures of pulmonary dieeftfe, havo mado it kuown throughout Ihc civilizefi nations of tho earth. Few are tho coinwunitiefl, or even familien, anun who have not ome personal esperten of iís . 8onio Uvlng tropby Iñ midst of its ictoiy over the fiubtlMiiul üangerous disorders of the throatand lungs. Asall know the dreadftú &Ulity of thea i as they Itnow, too, the efleefa of this remadji w ned nct do moro tlian to assuie tíiem Übat it has nów utl thfl vhtues that it did have when maklng carea whicta have won ho itcongly upon the coiifideuce of nankiad. Preparad by Dr. 7, C. AYEB 6o CO., UmsU, Kass. Aii-1 foi Btt by Maynard, Stebbtos 2t Wüson, FARRAXl, 8HELS7 h :., Detroit. SOOyl J U. llLliCIlX, Travelling Agent. Rifle F act o ff, y! A. J. SUTHESLAÏÏD fTASromovcíihis Gun ShoptotheNowElocko HuíjLtnn strekt, aouth oí' the Couri HousconLnesecond oor, whcrehe is nrnpnróJ tu furnisfa Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Poushes Game Eags, and Ever) otlier artiule in his Line. On tïic mostreasonable tirn]8,aDdto do all kinds o the Bhortestnotice.nndlntbc best raaniior ullassortraent aïways kopt on hand, oud made to oror. City Gheap ILmnbcr Sas7t, Doors JSlinds, Piaster Paris Grand Rivar Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sises, Glass, Paint and Putty, cêc, &c. . D. DeForest, TAV1NG 1 ncreaspd bife faiñlitie-s ïor dolng busi' 1 nfíss and eniarged liis Yard and Stuck,is proarod the present season, with the bes ; lartesi nd cheapest seasonii ritoc.k everin tnis msrlti to atify the reaeonnblf efcpeotationt oi' all. Óui nott is notto bcundersoldfor cash on dalivery will not apdertaketofrlgblenthe public bynying lattbeywil] getshuvoait lluïy buy elsewherc, for we presumo that nthervillsellaslow aethey can Hord to. All Jiimls of Tiiulier, Jolsts, nd Soantlhlg, Pine, Wlütcwood, Basswood, Hem oeki Planed and Matclied Pine, 'Whitevsrood sh Klooi iug.Planedand rounh Pineand Whitewood dins,fi;ice Posta, Oek and Cedar Poste and Pickcts 1 all kinda. )'xnt fatl), anïi lU!)itctuooïr C.;n Ptno, Ashani Whitewood Shlnglei, Barn Boards ancl Bain Floor Plank, laekVa..iUt,andCherry and thin stuft', Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and. TONGUES, oxaud liody Lumber,MailcLogTimber, rfickory, Oak, Ash, Elxn. Beech, fff 01 i'.LhlcknessCB.widths andleugthí&c., &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster f nlüihui. KTaÜS of iillslzes, &c., &o. SASII,D00IiS,L BLINDS, mnde by hnnd to ordnr ns lowas faclory pricc, on ie shorteetnotico bythe bestoi' workmp n, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Jills ofnïJ doscrlpttoQ in ïho f.bovc building ïine urniebedontl:rthortsiot" notico,for We have Mills Gutting Regular ly. fulïnndn porfoct ftstortineut ofthüftbove anc thcr kitide ui' Building Materials Constantly onhand at Uu lowestpossible rates Cali and be Convinced. A few rods snutJifrom R. R. Depot or. Dctroi. Slrcet,Ann Arhor, Mich. 11 O O F I N Gr, f.B. - I am now operating Bxtonslvolj In the Patent Cement Roofint;. I Mórtgage Sale. Dl.'l' haring been made ín the eondiflon of i tl to Lu t her Jajncty dated "■ D id recortfcJ tho same il.-iy at balf ):i-t twelre o'clock.wl naon, in l„ih.-r o. tor'n nflice. ta iheCoui naw, by which dufautt th power ■ berein contnincd became ffpf-rative, anl no -luitf :■ ■ ed al I.lw f reeOvM . 1 h''i -li_y or itiy part thereof; and hv miva ot ii'c hundrwi and ftfty nino dollar brnji now clahnod ta in due tlit toon: Notie.' ia therefure hereby 11] be foreclosed iy ■ ! of : : - ' " -■ . (o-vit: Ml ■■'■! ;ai:i iracf - ' ■ , -."'.: i the ;iU itf ■rt and the foutb luitf f th simth r.' the uorth east quarjer of and the noctli east quarter "i th north v. i quarter .-l' section No. nineteen mil the nu i-i h woAt quarter ■!' tbe north wet líon N". Iweuty') ífi townslilp No, om nuth of range N'c. four (vist. in Lbe Counly of Viwb teujuv gn ■ j-j.ri theieof, at ' i lou ■. ti tbc i'hy f Ana Árlw r, i ! , ou lbo l--i i-iy of Marcb nxlLl'Tlin JAMES, Mortt'aget.E. W. MÖB :n, A1tr. D ■ .2Gtb, -■. D 1861. S'iSt' GJiaucery Sale. BV VIBTI Eol :t '.■ fitiorci] in thr Circuit t.'oïtrl fnrDio Counij o1 W.:. -' t-ï :: n , in Cbán c ry, bearüig date on the fourtb dajf of N'ovembei, 1-iti; in tbecasc wher&tn George B. Sotitbwicb, Aiiminiitmti-r of Daty iSoathwick, deceased, and Joba l. Uarble re'i 11. r..]lin-, !' itn'-I'.-ï ('(.Ilius, nn-i Ü rover 8. Woimw are Uefendanl, j sbalicell at puWjo auction at tho South Ooor of the Courl House, In th knnATbor.on Iho tventj-fifcb iUj f, tbe followfng de útdiTix.: ■■"liic Kast bal f of the Mort b vestí (xcepi ■ re on the North-eastcoriKr,) anfl the Xurtli we.ii quitrín1 of the Soutli eaat quarti th-east quartpr of the Xortb-eafit iju.m - 1 ■ ii : ui-i fcatrip í-iriy roda wriÜQ uff Clie West BÏde r tbat pait of tbe West half of the Nonh-el quar erol secttont a,iylngSoutb of the roud as it i: now travi-llcii act I (exwpt a strip two ro4. . 1 he i oad fsrSoqfti wp i n Is qow 1 1 1 :i on said Kat line) coatainmore oc less. The ür-t tliree ddscrlbed tracts coDtftfn one Insn-'r ■■■: .■■!■] t anv. of land more or les, rcference bcfnghad lo the United"' eeythereof. AH of whfch lands lic In tmvnBhip ooe South of range three Eftrtt, m the state of Michir; m' ï). P.Twnvm :.r,. CírcaitCOuri Commíssfoittr ftr Waahtenav Co., Micb.Bbakss& Ai:ki.. i,i Counsel Pot Compbünantt. Dated, Ann Arbor, Dec. II. 1861. SCOtd Estáte of Patrick Iloban. STATÏ 0L MICHIGAN, Cointv op Wshík.vaw. y.- toíon of tne Probate Court forthe Coüoty oí VTasbtenara ,bdldea at liie l'robate Office, in the City o : Hday, the t lay of Novemlf-r, in the yc-ar one tbouaaad eigbt bundred iml sixty one. -!t, Tltomaa Minde, Judge rf Probate! Iti tbe matter of tbe eatate'of Putiick Hohan, late oi tbe City of Ann Arbor, In said Cooály, deceamd. On reading and üliiifi the petltion, dalj verified, of Kllcn iloban, prayinp ihat n certiiïn in-trinncnt rmw on ■ court, pnxpoxiing io be be tbe last ''iii anl Testament of tbe aaid doceasod, may be admitted te Probata and Latten TestuaeqMaó' granu-d thexwAl to Patcifa Wall. m m nat -i ae Executor lbo rein ''lurmpon itisOrikred, That fnni:ty, the tliirtjf-th' HfLj of December nftxt, at ten o'eloek ín the forenoon, W asaigned for the bcariBg of sWïd petition, and tlmt the. legmtecfl uní iu'irs ,-it l:w ol said ilecrastüi, and! all otber persona Interest) dtinaatd estáte aré reijnirctito appear at a i !d Court, then to be holden at l'robatp Office, in M.p City 0f Ann Arbort in said' : ad show (MUM-., i :tn.y tbrberwbj lh''-prayer .il tbe petitioner sliouüi nol begranted . b fur" i : ■ r ' ' dered, that satd Petttioper giye notioe tó Ui uprreetéd ïd said etete oi um pentEkmf ofiud . üijiI the harug . tber:ertf, by. causinc; a copy of lor to be pbblïnbed la tbeHlehlcan Argos, A tu.-w.Tpaper printe and circulattng in .saiil ('ouuty of Wasbteoa w, toree Bocceuilve weeks pxerioua to saiM ■ l : i v of ■ -:. (A trae copy.) Tüumas mnuk,' 8C9td Jnrtge of ['róbate. Estáte of John P. Davisv O'l'A'l'KOF MICHIGAN, Cci'XTY op Waíüitk.vaw,. - . O At a SBüSion of tlie "roba!; Court for tbe County "i w ■ -iii.-ii:iv. ". holden :it the Probate Ofüco, in theCity f Ann Arbor, on Mónday, the .-ix'cenlh day o(T !i wen b tr, In the yea "i ■■ tl du tai á eight bundred amS iixt} one. Present Thomas Nïnde, Jndge t f Probate, In il Halter ' tbe Eistateof Joba P. QavUTdcMsed Ho i io (1. SlieUlon, Ailininmtmtor of naïd fteCate, come inin Courl and representé that hels now prepared to rendor hls acopvnt ns such administrator, and aaha that ;i time ;mil place may be as&fgnod for the t-xainiuitig atn ■ ol sucb ;; c lunt, and tbat notlde thereof may . -it ;ill pernoiu int'Tf-ti-d in tttiú i state '" uch mannci1 as snïd Court hbaïl ïirtct. i iiii ii 11 vi ii nuu . mil t nuil 11 wnt vt. Therenp'tn it ïs Onfered, Thai tfoaday, the l"tli dajr rvncxt. üt une o'clock Ín iiltcrtiouii. bI for the heariiw of saíd account, and that the boira ai law of eaid ai . i i ;i)l other persona mK'1'i.'ti'il in sai} estáte art' refjuirí-il to appear ata scssion of Mid Oourtj tiien to bc holden ftt the TributeOffickí, in the City of Aitn Albor, in saitl (Jounty, and -■■, '.f anj ihére be, why íbo saM account eliotlld nol be oUowedi And fi 'ls further Oideréd, tliat saM Admfnistrator gíue noticié to the persons intetcsteil in ;rji r-t.iic, of tlie, of said account, am! the hearing thöwof, b.r ciMtfelng ít co)V uf this order to be publUbed in theMichigan Arg'us, a newapaper printed and drctibvting íd saitl County t Washtenaw, t ti ree Bucoeutve weeks, provious 1osatddav oi ln-aring-. i i tnu eopjO THOMAS xiiíDE, Ê31td Judgeof Probate, STATE OF MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court for tb oaw, Íd Chancery-Á-íra IarkcTr OtímpIainant.vs.HeDry Brvuslaugh, Maria C. Baushiugb, Oharles Kltcben, and James F. Avery, Defendants.- tho Hon. Edwin LaTTínce, Cirooït .'uágc at It satisfactoril; appearing to thij Cvurft lefeodants, H-nry B lulaugb, Marta C Bausid Charlea KJtchen, are non-residenta of this State, butarerecidenfsof tho rrorince of Uppet nai tlonol 0. Qawkins, of Counsel for compbUnant, It Ís ordered that tbesaid defendantflj Héñrj Baua. ria C. Baaslaugb, and Charles Kitchw, causetbeir appearance iu Una cause to be enterro witbin four ny)nths from the date of this uïrr, ;;ii'l iliat in cuse ofthelrappearance, they caube Ibéir answer to tbe comjilaiimnt's bilí to he filed, and a copy tnen'of to be served ou the complainanl's solicito, wnfiln tnt-ntr er service of n copy of i-ai'l bilí and notiee of : and in áefault thereof, that the said h be the eaid defendanta Btnr Bausaugh,and Charlee Kitcnen. And ItUfurtïiW ordfitü, tbat within twcnty days the aaid comilainantcaiií5e a notice of this Order to be pnblished in the Michigan Aiíiis, a newspaper prlttted at the City df Aim Arbor, and that the saLd publicación bc coctin. nedln sald paperatleasi once in eacb weuk for six iwi aks, or that hfi cause a copy of this order to be personal)? servedon the s:iid delendaata. Hetiry C.B aghj and Charles Kitcheu, ■ ■ ■ i above ]rescribei3 foi tbeir appearatic Anti AVbor, October J4th, 1S6U E. IAWRKNCE, Circuit Judge, Attest, Robert .T. BajiBT, Register. 0. HAWK2NS, Solicitor for Coiuplainant. Aan Arbor Marble Works. DOíVtolxolca.or TT AS on hand a fine as.sortment of Ainerican and 1TA L 1 A N MA li B L L whïchheis prepared to manufacture into n alltheir varicties, and In a WORKMANMKE mannér og luid c si Jora ble experience in the bumnest he Qatloifl himwU thai he will be ablo to jileas ftll who may Favor me with tlietr His jiriCAs L O W AS THE LOVEST. lliose wisliins; any thlne in my lin nrp rpspeclfullj n''itedto cali. D. C. BATCH KI.I IKK. Ann Arhor. May ÏO, 1861 . 801t 1861. 1851. FALL & WINTER 600DS XOW REClCniNC AT C H. MIJLEN & Co's HAVIXG to pay CASH for nearly all kind of Goods purchnsvct in New York. wc aro iiecossarily ollÍ!íil loiostrict our credit systcm here. Couaequcntly we shall offer our Fall Goods for Cash, nt a vcry small odvance on the cosfc. C. H SULLEN A CO. Ann Arbor, Sqit. 24, 1861. 819m3 Ilangsterfer's Ulock. DEA N CO-, INVH'. .itu-ntion to tlieirneiv stock comprisiug all kinds of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures .ui.ül.i .i-,o-rurmslinggoud!i,all of which they are offer ing At the Zowest Pos&ible .Rales. li. ,:■ h China TVn sets fn.m ! 00 to 20 Om K-.iiitli China dioner seta from i!5 00 to 70 0e Stone china Tea set ïtom 8Í0 w 5 00Stone i-liina iliiim-r ittsfroro v ■'" to - WJ I . ;n fi'2i. M:irl'.c KcreiH" Ijijilioinplitv rom SO to 10 0 Fluid Lamj)B f rom 18 t 62K jgST Lampa of all kimlsaltorol nrid repalrcd, SSWIWG MACHINE F0R SALE. FOK SAI.K CHEAP :i nt-w first ctass Fjuniiv Sering Machine. WarrMited no better in murket. Títüi.-í E. B. POXn. Anu Albor, Jn!y lSth,1801. Ice for ihe Summer of 1882. ÏHE 9CBSCRÍBEB wiHconnncnejeliveriDg Ico abmit I and iliOivi t imtil tlio miiidlo or ].,.. ,,f(; m months will dèlivir 20Iba. per. ba onSaturdayfor$5,00 Sor thêAi. (villbeglad to supply nll hljftffmtt ountomcr and by beinepr i ;" '■'■'":" '"■'" 'v "1is" I „tjoii to all who may faytr him with theitordeta. horotofoiefor a fr in dog l" " "' !■ ''"' ■ "■""')' a t is Imppssible t" )nep the t'iin? nodfrthat arrahgtmeat. Houla and Baloona furniohed as heretofore. EMENT. R. THOMPSOK: Aun Arbor, Nor. ï'.. JTw.T


Old News
Michigan Argus