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The Attitude Of England

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Tbat EnglaDd would mako the riair of the T rent, a cause of quarrel with us, wo never doubted. It was in tbat view tiiut wo regarded the arrest of theEnvoys as a nioat unlovvard event, for wlule it waean assúmptíon of auihority th;it brui no warrant in Iniernalhiiuil luw, it was a revei'sal, in action, of all that we had conteiidud for, during all voluntarily, and in the intercats oí International faw, woul1 iiavo elevated, instead of Jowering our posiüon among the Powurs of the World, We huvu let this opportunity pasa; and qow Great Britain has sent' forward her demand, flccompanied by ;irrogant tlireats ukI hurailiatingj demonstratioQa of forcé. His c[erheánof, èottn not, it is truc, alttr the nature of the quèstioB, or the sêrioiia ctiaraoter oi' the rights iriyolved. But it makes their BoIut'toD. in the ípirit oí' justice teresis dtttnand. ThU natioo cannot live at poace under such doctrines of international lav, as that Onder vvhich ïis Betóure is sought to bo justifiüd. - Dar interest and our duty is to come to such ao understandinjg with Great Britain as will settle thie question forever aa betweeú u, aud incorpórate the decisión, so far as the authorïty ot' two Kreat raaritiroo powera of the v, orld can do it, in'( Lhe Law of Nations. Snch a concession of doctrino made to us, would be equivalent of the surrender of these emiösaritjs. Whatever we havo soid on this sub ject bus beeu uttered in the inierestsof our govemment and of civilization. - We desirud to support it, in advanca in what we thougbt would be its course and we desïred that ita course should be through the path of bon'OT to public Bafety. Whatever nuiy be its decisión dow, whether to hold on to its position at the hazard of war, or to settla the controversy on the basis of sueh mutua1. oonoessiona as we havo indicated, we will stand by the govérnmênt. It must decide. We are in one ship, and tho only hope now is to elfng together to Jie wreek. Concert of action may save us, even in euch a tempost as now threatens to overwhelm us. But let us not underrate a war with we havo the contcst with theSnutb. The struggle would be a tembló one, and one only to be pur sued by the sacrifico oí govenuuent, of property, of fifo, of bocibI order, of publfoand pi ivate firospèrïty. It would be a revolutionary and supreme strug ít] e Biich as hni'ninenco of a bloody death, when all mearis uro justiüed, aud no saprifice is top foc safety. Lot. it not beïorgotten that In such a war England would ootnméuoe with the co-operation oí France; and that this is alieaily BOJure'd. The British; Navy would li&the blockada from the Southorn porte, and i.mpose it on us and tbü Engüsh fleot in tlio Iridian occan would simt up the oullets of Cal ilbrnia by sua.and by isolatin-j it, dctach it "and te treasures troto us, bo Ihat we could only hold it by the irapericot throad of tbc Tclegraph and the Overland routes, The Confedérate forco of 400,000 men in the South, would bc a Britiah arinv, and the 100,000 Provincial and Regula trópps would oecupy the Canada line. The war steamers'and mailed vssels, which Wnn-lnmi has been accumalatitiff, osten sibly in fear of France.but'pot wholly without provisión of auoh a cODtèst ss this, might bomUbrd o'ur cjèfopseless porte orfthe Atlantic and UieLakos. - EDglaad would expe'gt to gain, in roturn for this, the monopo! of cotton, umi a roarket lor manyfnptvirea goöda, from whicli the North would bo tihvays öxoluded. This i tliü worst usj.ect of tho cau; and theíü evils would fall upou us in the beginning What the end would be, it is not íor human ken to penétrate. Ii wo pjrued tha struggle of war, with the enérgica we have unfoldcd in peaoe, we vould; before the close, carrj desolaiion into th homes of our enemic?, and destroy the perfidipua dynaitiea that inenace us ia lluin s of iievolulion. Lot Qot thfl struggle come if t can beaviii!,Hl; luit if it mufit como, let vis bekr ourfeolves in it witb tii't heroio fortitudí that become tho citizens of a groat Reptíblio. Let us not hope to avoid it by dishonoralilè capitulatiops. Eoglond ha watchetl for a pretest for a rupturo, and we havo given her one. But if she waslookiug ior one, and was determiced to find one, let us not deeeive ourselvcs witb the hope that the sutUement of tliis (uestion prevente the threateoed peril. cfore tho provocation came the preparation was made.- As bas been wet! snid, " they were sjraping, int in South Carolina, béfbre tho írrosidential votes were countea ;' so tliey wuio fitting out fteets for our coasts, and sending reginlentB to our borders, bt'foro the Ootifadernte Envqya wêro appointed. Whn a aatiou ia düterrnined on wnv, tho party on j ! whom it atternpts to tlx it, cannot avoid i it even by coriciliatory éubmisekm; We r.ever doubted that Englanrt, atter j itingand encouragiiig tlio abolition agitation "of the North, feeding it with nicn and with money, woukl turn about and favor the South, giving it arnig and mcans, and secret counsel and hope ; nor that, when the timo carne, it would open]y fisiiuuso the cause of that one of the i belligerehte, whïch it should select j with the hope of making a separation ! eternaL Oh ! for tho old Union of the States ! Oh ! for the old Bemocraoy, with itg warlike national spirit, with its love of country that did riot ask to re form it, but only to let it grow to the proportions i that God and nature designed for it ! Aml oh ! for one year of Jackson to lead it ! Then from the Cañadas above and to the Isthmus below, and from tho Islands of the Gulf, and from both the Oceans that bound us every hostile flag wou!d be swept, and the Old IJannor of t.lifi Tlnion would wave over a united and


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