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Latest Intelligence From East Tennessee

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Wc had Uip ploasure of nn ntürview witli Col. C. F Trigg, ono of tho Enst Tonnesioe patriot, who arrived in the City l:ml eveising from Knoxville. The Cul nel left that city two weeks ugo to doy wilh l;is son and six gentlemen, atiii afbiT a bazardoofl and latiguiog travel over tho mountains, reached ii'indon, Ky ., n day or two ui nee, wlieru hp lift bis party, :md reached tliis city alone. He representa the condilion of I affaire in Eaet Tennesseo as desperate. Tho LTnion men, who, olthpugh com pel led to rernain s-ilciit iind undemonBtrntive, ara firm ns a roet, and truo ss Btoel to the old (veniment, ' Hut their fiilelity daily coets them dear. ' 'i'lipy aro Bubjccted to all sorto of anti lyanres and pecsecutions, and it in ftlmost as much as a man 's life is worth to expres? a Union sentiment. Arreeta for tho inost trilling protest are made, and it .eetns to be the uitention of the rebels to crush out every evidence of i Union spirit in that part of the State. Tho di.y preceding tb e ono on trhioh Col. Trigg left Knoxvillo, Browolow hnd on interview wi'h Gen Georga B. Critteriion, relativo to his conveyancu to tho Federal lines in Kentucky, as Benjamin, the rebel Secretuty ol War, had, in a letter to tüun. C , declarbd his willingnes that Brpwolow nhóuki leave Ontederote foil, ttnting that he considured hiin far more dangeroua tb ere thán in the Federal tiruiy. In nceordance, tben, with thia view, Ciittendtn ordered a companv of eavalry to con duet Brown luw to Zolicif!er's camp, whence he could make his way to the Federal lines ; and upon the strength of this order - whicb Browr.tów took thr precaiiuon 10 inive cornimiu'u 10 paper - hfl mude every preparation to loavo. But bis disappoiuttnent c;m beat be imngined when he was t.ken jirisoner the f Ilowior uvvhi)x, on a warrant issued by a rebul Commlssioner named Ilevnolds, an unscrupnlous rascal, who was only too glad of any excuse to deprive the brave potriot ol is liberty. Aiprehensive of hia own sufety, Col. Trigg an d party immediatoly sut out, and aíter sevore travel, aüd sereral adventure.", Biiceeeded in renching KenUicky without otlier losa thnn three horsea and three pair of saddle bns, enptured by ton or a do.en Souession mnrauders. There are about 1,500 rebel soldier in Knosville, well anned, and corafortably ciad in roiigh ."in bloti.o., but without overcoats Thio nutnbei" iücludos ono oornpunj oí oavalry a:ul one of artiüery. There are seventy j or eightv Union men in juil in the city, ' forty-eight o( wborrj had jut been sent to Tuscalooss, Ala?, whera, it ' was rumorod, a penilentiary had been estabüslie 1, and Union prieoners set to work. Thirty-fiv'g XTiii rs prisonerfl arrived in Kooxvillo as Cil. Trigg l-'it ioil it "!) suppoited tlmt they wer taken in and Johniton countiês. A rumor vvas prevalent therr, ulso, thnt Edword Maynard, son oí lina. Hor aso Mnynnrd, hftd died of meftslos in Camp Dick RobinsoD, Ky., but Col. T. took pains to ascertain, and found tbc oifioer enjoyin good healtb.


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