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Letter From Duncan Stewart To The Farmers And Tax-payers Of Michigan

Letter From Duncan Stewart To The Farmers And Tax-payers Of Michigan image
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i ne purcnaícfB ot western promice in New York ure inakrog stj-ong cfibrts to run down ttie prico of trueles of fnod raised by jour imhisiry and toil. Men ot' suppotted sente and patriotisiu aro influenciog tho niindaof the peopleon both sides ot' the Atlantic for baso and golfish erds. Tn Canada, the war feclihg is raiBh paut and uureaBouing. The reralt ia au ett'oit to run down tlio pricea ot jour grain, boga and cattle tuucu bulow tnir actual Yaluc, and bIso to foroo upon jou payment in Canada funds, thut iu cose of v;ir would not be Worth twenty fivo cents oq the dollar. (ïivo tbe Cañada bank pretest to suspendí specie paymeoi on account of war, nud every dollar now atlout in .V : lulil bc as good as lost. Undur fhee clrcumstancus let fnrmers refuso 1I Canada mouiy ai d keep tbeir produce, ti. al tbej arö nut tompelled to sell, at houio uutil tlie present troubles aro ígbtJed, eitber by a detflaration of war, or an amieabla adjusttnent. If var sliould 60frte, the hopo of the country and its Btrtítigth are the tiilers of' the soil. ilJb'bbry and corruption are efèrVwlicTe in the aseeaclaut. - You must unite and keep the miers of the land to Btfict aclouot fur tho mode and marmer in whieh they manage the afl'airs of the ï.atiun. We have reached i point whete pluying soldierg and tteaÜDg f rom the treasury munt como to ui end. Tliis prescDt war spirit is ïnostly cherished by men who trust to steal as mucii wtalt'i out of a war witli jligianu as iney unv kom uuii ui a ebéllion in the South; men who desiro a live at the expense of the naiion, I a v - ng liever been' ab!e to earu uu horiest iving for tbemseWes. Farmers of Michigan, it is timo we pero done with QuarterteMter (Jeuer,1a like Fountain, who Iets contraets nud hen advertisea for proposals, to rob you .nd to rob me, for we are the jiaitica vho must páy all the billa, honest and lishonest. Farmers of Michigan, it is time wo vore dons with a Guvernor like Blair, Ifho hns not got the moral courage to lisiniss fi Quartermüster like Fountaiu. Farmers of Michigan, it is time wo i-ere done illowiiig Colonels of rcgimentn So lot contracta to any one they ehoose, to furiüiêh men with cliílúng and all iitlier irtïcle-; it is time ih;it tiild dffu-era, tuid uil other offi cDupe!led to livu D tcnts, aud in cokl board buildings, ai the uïeu do, instead oí' í'easting iu hoteU, &r.d sleeiung in warm bftdi?, as is the case uearly all over the country, Farmers of Michigan, it is time that officers of the voluutecrs should be fureed at once iuto the dutics tluit pertain to thein, aid not be r.üowcd, fiw unmtlii after thcir appointnient. to attend to their uní private businei-s. In short, it is timo -tliat, as tax pajera and patriot, ynu rose as one man, and demanded of the goverument a vigorous aud duteruiiaed proaetution of th w.. - a law to hang dishonett CJntraötorj td Q'iartermasters- and au honest expendiluro of all the money borrowed, uud all the tax.e raised. Uiiless you do this, tho sooner the South is acknowlcdged an iadepejiduut nation tho better. 1 :.ü tuuutry wiil nerer subdue ihe South, and carry on a Bucoo. g.'ul wr with EogUud, while the í-hauicíui f.a.ids beiag daily perpetrated öu tho goverument go unpuuished, and their authors are lookod upon as geutlemcn, iustead of as meaD, swindliug, common thicvta. - Let clubs be fcrmed all over the North to aet as vigilaoae cummittteá ou eoatractrs and as bood as a eoutractor or Quarternuratef, isrprovedto have defraudd the overnnictit let their names be at cnce pbli , , nitttus hauT sueh villains v-herever found. Let the actiën of the committees bo aiso retrospectivo, and let us b;iqg every mau already proved guilty of fruud by the iu?stigtig eonmiittee appointed by the govtviüueut - let us swing the base, liieau swindlers iu our luidst wlio would reap and have reap.'d a golden harvest out of tho heart's blood of t'üo people. DUNCAM STEWA11T.


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Michigan Argus