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Thurlow Weel's Letter From Europe

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The Albany Journal of Satnrdiijr iae anóther letter fïom Mr. Weed dated London, Dee. 7. lic says the jreparations of England for war aro ju a gigantic .calc and that " if rt wére ïpt thut the io In i'uo St Ltrwrehha pröaeuts a banier, t'iero wrtufd be 13ritisli wal' steamefs itporl the wcstoru lakos n a month" Mr. Weed urges the presëfvation of peace at all hazards do'w, leavfög a war with England, if w must have ooe, for a timo oi our ovij choöaing. He sajs: " 1 dined yesteVdfiV ith a lnrga nnd distinguished ptirïy at Öir Emorehn Tonbants- all frieniis aï our cauèe, but all inien.-;'ly ;.',[)!■( !ienivo f war. You cannot find un Eng i h i an who is not pragmátrcally fènacioue ol tha honor ol the Brit-sh ftag. 'l'l.csa geotlemen (amorrg whotñ v ere Admiráis. Gennrals, MembeW of ment, and Munclii'stel" mfllii ruines,) all ospre sed iho hoj.o that pur fcovt'i-nment wóuld órvGrt war by ts wis moderuijort'; that if both jTbveriinietoti insistod tliiit ihi'v w ■:■(- right, than,1 a ques.ion, not f( r büi-ty ;,r, but for aib;tr;tii n. Kir Jobfi Wünott, n vetevan Rtnerul, to wlioui I was ntrndtic(tj fiiid that hè recciveü seven vvoiinda(thon Captain Wilson) on tho Niágara frrmfler in 1814, umi was bfougUt wounds'il with Genot-al Bcott to Álhany, wiiere lia remaincd Reve-rál vfeikn, und was thon taken to Pftísfidld. lïe spnke warmly of (ieneral yciott's g;illantry and gwierosity. He isorefnembérR, grutefirily, the kind nttontiona of hw Amtkan ; Biircfean, (Ur. T'nomas, of Potihkeépsie), 'wlio etrtdred the èrtny ahmit the : tirnu General Bcott, was appoïnted a. Oaptain. Sir John stated severa! íntíidents that ó3cuTred dB hia way to Atlmny. A few roilei west of Caunndáigua, Ht a tavern, he was annoyec) by a Yunkeu who uiime into his yooru, sat down and nskud all sorts of q'iestions, mrtnr oí thom in bad tasto it rrot impurtinont. Before lea,vina Gapt. Wilson usted for portar, bot it oould pot bo ntiüained. Somo honra alterwanlH, as Üiu wotindod oificor was jonnieyino; oartwurtï, ha was overtnktn by the Ynnkco, wbQ eui'l, 'W!!, ioáptairíg, I 'spose you di'l not ox!L'cl to seé me ngin." The oifu-or repl'od ''that lio neitlier Bxpecled nor desired to see bim asin.M Well, responded the Yankee, ' novar muid that. I heard yon rJ you wanted porter, and T havo liroiivht yon Borne," then produoiBg a botila and tnmblcr, pouied it on! nnd hndd it to Üiö Ca] tain, who rtrpnk it, ivna refresltod, anl. ofteredj with 'nis thank, ]iaymont. " I don't #nnt BO pay for that, nor tlioo isis 'io'tl.-s. WbAt we Amerioana want is to wWp tha Tli-itish, ! and then treat 'éni w)l Hrturwards, ppcciailv if they are wmindeil," T!iis"ineidenf, said Blr John, with IIkj i-xlrmno kiridniess if ril dlusei tö ■ Mm, led him to cherish ploawnnt r!ilI lectioiw oí Am. rica, and to pray :d .'vo-itlv that the hoirir ti nnoih.T 1 war hc-l-weeu ! :.-' .uight to be I fiiends. may be uertüd.


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