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Capt. Dahlgren And His Scientific Skill

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The Evening Post ot N. Y. city pays B very high ami deserved tribute tn Cnpt.'john A. Dahlgren, Commander of the United States Navy Yard at Washington. It says : - Thü names of Dupont and his brave and loya! subordínate vill bo houted througli the land and proclaimed in votes of Congreso, as they deserve ; and the name of Dahlgren, to whose scionce and skill the sucoess oí courage and loyalty was in a great meau;e owing, sliould receive honorable rnentim too. It is now thirts-five years einoe Paiïhan made his tirst experimenta in the use of heil guns, and to the porfection to whioh the efficacy oí our üre at Port Roynl was due, no man has eontribnted so largoly as Commander Dahlgren of the United Statos N;ivy. The most profound atudy, the most oarefnl experiment?, continuad al most to tbifl very duy, have made the Dahlgron-Paixiian as noarl_v perieot as the laws of matter parnnt a smooth-bore gun to be; and the untiring energy, 1 the ecientilio knowledge and mechanicil ï nicety whioh the Comrnander of the I Washington Navy Yard has expended this work, no man but an ordnance constructor can lully appreoiate, This pre blom was RCUroely solved ere the rebeliion nr.'.üe neod lor its resulta. Capt, Saiilgren has since bent all his enèrgies to the soluúon of thp new problem of riflad gunu, and with such auccess that, already, with bis puzzle loading gun and an expanding bal], he has altaineil nine-tenths of thö uccuracy of the Armstrong gun (the standard iñ this respect,) with a rapiditj of load ing many times greater and with none of its struct'iral objections. To thii eüd new expuriinents had to be made, new tests and trials of tho fjtrength "f material and proportions of gur.s, and f at this moment our nntional foundiiea are turning oul hundreds of rifled navy garra of ürst-rate constructioto, ït is bectuise the genius and neeumulated knowledge of Dahlgren has buoyed out thechannül to succefs and saved the country from the long and costly experience of improving our artillery under fire. Il our gnnnery answers to thu demand for excellence, it is as mueh bpcause Uahlgren has studied aa Dupont has disciphned But Dahlgten is as gsllont as learned and the warrior in him chafas as much at being kept out of the emoke of bat tle, ab iü the youngest hot blood in the Navy. We happen to know that he is anxious to be ordered to active service as auy one of his fellow eailors. and in view of the chances of his peere ailout is indifferent to his proper fame, enrnestly desiring nd urging to ba ordered to active service. Y et who is willing that he hoiild put hia lifa at the hazard of a cannonade, or that a chance ball ehould not only silene-e the voice of a bravo cap taio, but still the brain of one of our ablest and mout valuuble mecbaoicans one whose knowledge qnadrnplea the Btrength óf our nav_. arm ? But honor is the" soul of the service, nnd it ia the duty of the préw and the ppoplo t" lookto it that he who silently prepares the material without whiuh such achievements aa the capture of Port Royal, would be impogtíitltíjdot'B notnufTcrfroin neglect, but géfè R'phare of the honor, nnd promotion in il? propercoursn.


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