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Annual Report Of The Auditor General

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Auditor General's Office, ) Laosing, Miel)., Dec. 19, 1861. i To Ilis Excdlcncy , Ausiin Blair, Govcrnor. 1 11 cibedience to the requirenicnts of aw, I have the honor of presenting liereil ii iny annunl report: 'hc amouut rcpurtod in the State ïreas ury at the close ot the fiscal year, Nov. ! 30, 1860, is 1125,618 02 )f this amount, there has been transferred to suspense, account as uuarnilRble, in accordance with J.R. No. 10, 1861, 65,356 40 lakir.g the amount availablo ut the cominencoment of the fiscal year, just closed, 70,361 62 'he receipts iu the ïreasury duriug the year from all sources aro- ?hrough the ordinary ohannels of ruvenuo, $635,085 38 ?hrough war fund from Baleof bonds &c, 523,083 51 L'hrough suspenso acc't, 1,470 G6 1,159,639 55 Makiug the fuuds availablejor the year, $1,230,001 17 Che amount expended during the same period,#s on account of the war expenses, $539.428 01 All othcr expendimos, 718,806 79 1,258,235 70 Showinf the Trcasury overdrawn by the gum of $28,334 53 Table D shows a large amount of specific taxes still in arreara, asido from the amount agaiust the 1). & M. Railway (Jo., which it has uot beon possible, as yet, to aójust ou the books of the departruout, The case of the M. S. & X. I. R. R. Co., beuí still undecided, I have made the usual assesamont, a portiou of which tht'V have refused to pay, which adds, to their fermer indebtodness, the sam of $11,718 34; but I have refraiucd from further action n the premnses, under the belief that a decisión of the Court was soon to bo had, and that no action of, mine cculd avail in securing the settloment of the question, with more certainty than to await this decisión. Of the one million loan authorized for war purpopes, (Extra Session of 1S61, Act No. 5.) $449,100 have been sold. from whieh bas been rcalizud, the sum of $426,631 50 Tho war fund thus created bas beeu auginented by an amount reimbuised by General Government, $92,000 00 By accrued interest 01} bon du at dates of sale, 4,338 15 And by premium ou draft, &c, 113 87 96,452 01 Total to tbc credit oí' war fund, $523,083 51 Tha expenses incurre), for wbiob 1 havo drawn my warrants on this fund, amount to $539,428 91; leavwg balance to bc provided for, of $16,345 40 ; and it ishopcd the full amount required to arm, cquip, and pay, up to the poriod of their being mustered into the service of the U. S.,tl-ie ten regiments authorized, the three raonths' volunteers and the Coldwator Light Artillery, will not exceed six hundred thousand dollars. Upon this basis there will be due (rom the Geucral Government, five hundred and eight thousand dollars; a sum sufficient, when adjusled, to meet our quota of tha $20,000,000, required by Act of Oongress, showiug no ueecssity of any special tax to meet our preseut liabilities for the suppression of the rebellion. All which is respectfully submitted. LANÜfOlli) G. BERUY, Auditor General.


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