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The Initial Steps For An Advance

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The Burnside Expedition, the sailing of which has been fixed in the popular roind as a signal for the long-looked for advance, eommeuced moviug yesterday from its rendezvous at Annapohs fur Hampton Roads One half of the yessels sailed at nine o'clock in the morning, and at three P. M., the othershad steamed up ready to take their departure. The expedition, however, need uot be considered off for its destination. Commodore Dupont's grand armada, it will be reool lected, reiuaioed at Oíd Toiut a number of days after its arrival there, and the Burn eide Expedition will uo doubt be detam ed until all is ready at other points.- .But the sailing from Annapolis is a step towards an advanee. All the special dispatches trom asnington unite in roprcsenting sudden and ■unuaual activity amoug our troops on the line of the Potomac, and one- Boston TrawVtr- rtatei tbat the divisions of Generáis Franklin, Fitz John Portcr ai;d Smith, uumberingaltogether 40,000 men, jire to be withdruwu from the hees in front of Washington and sent down to co perate .witk the Burnside Expedition. ■ Gen. (Bosecrans who has been for a number of days at Washington cousul.iing witb MoClellan, ïeft yesterday for ïhis cemmand ip WfiMcru Virginia, a por■tion of at Eoraney, nearly joinine with the división of Gen. Banka. ïho balance of Gen. Butler's expedición has been on board at Boston for sev.eral days, awaiüng orders, and ready -to eail at a laoraenl's PQtioe. (ïen. 35-F.eU in Kcutuükv haa now all jiis frQpps ooncenlrated at the points deffiired, the bridge over Green lliver at M,jj'mfordsville'iö completed, aud he only - , . _■ „1 í - -- i-uta fr ,awaiw5 lile Sluai iu uio' "" A dispatch i'rom St. Louis aunounces ■ihat 25,000 troops aro now en route for Cairo from different points. Their arri,val willHwell Gou. Uranos forco to over JBOLQÖfti Thev will, it is tbought, move ,up to -Padueafi, wlien their faooa will te .turned sowthward to fonn a junction witb kien Bueü's comm:ind & Nasbvvlle, taking a move vesterly liue - Üie Cuinber' and peïhapB, The Missiasippi gun-Boat fieat is now completed and everytliing in such readincss that Commodorü FootehiinfieU'niatie 'p reconnoissance down to tbo rebel bat'tcries at Columbus Tuesday. Gen. Halleck has got Missouri ín sucli cann that he can bold it quiet. Glancing along the wbole lin.,2 fcora tlie eaboard to Missouri, and looking at tke diffurent departments. división ?nd expeditions by the ligUt of tueh facto as we lmve in our possession, and the conviction is unai'oidablö that tliose who pant most for a forward movement have but a little time Icft to cxercLse their yirtue of patience. ___ MAJOB WAT80N.-TU6 E 2W correspondent, 'm gpèafeing of the battle at Purt Royal Ferry. Mï, "Major Amasa WfttWD, ot the Eightli Michigan, a mucli csteemed oiñci-r, rcceived a riflebaU wound tIie 1Iis neroui RyStfni Ib prostrated, and there is littlo iikclihood of bis reoovery." We Lope these fears raay prove unfounded for bis friends' sake and for his country's, for we can illy ifTord to loso anj man uf tried valor at tkw iwhive,- Tribune.


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