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i he Ltest Special Dispatch ! i To the citizens cf Ann Arbor and Vicinity '. ! INTENSE EXC ITEM ENT! IZundrcds watching the progress of Dalhj Eveñts ! '■ The Federal Anny agaiu Victorious! "The Union must and shall bc Preserved !" " Therc was a man in o.ur fown, lic was so wondrous wm" Bilt witli all hii wiidüra, lie wan not ao wise aa that "other man" wlio wben U wanted to l'y tiw T'ie elicaped and lest CLOTHINC! in this marliei always jumpedinto O U ITEll MAN' 8 HEAD QUABTERS! ForUierehe kneW lie nittnys got Iiis monoy's Swing i believing uiul y.ui tliut wisb to ee come In nud beliere. rJ lioso UiíU caateOA M.i-t.. nuil M abrays mtla our cuítomei-s fci-1 good over goud ba] tlicy are pspicially invited to our anfión Bcat.tliat they too may realizo bew "good t ia for tlu-m to lie witli ns, and how tnuch pleaeure civn be obtained in the enjoyment oí sPTRWnm BARGAIWS ! me 11 ye ll.nt ro weiiry ml henvy laon" with Rorüs and we will do our best to relieve you- ;iv i }ï yoa in relurn Ua Jinesl kind nf Goods at the lawest figures. Great bflttlea re liourly taking place in khi Clothingline- wholcregimentsof Oassimerta, V'tatingB. 4o., are being lftughtpreo by Gen, Soxdhkim- f.o fit. Uu' great nish of recrnita thit nrepouring'in from every direetion, all finxious to have names enrolled for a NE AT AND TASTY SUIT ! 3ucli as can be liíi'3 at tlie Quarters of Guiterman c6 Co. Oneoftho firm, Mr. M Guitkrman, liaving iust retui-ne.] from Kurope witli a larjfe nsaortment ofClotlis, Cniineros ond n mee lot of fine Vestings, also a few jkccs of fine Beaver for overcoftts -whii-b wewill muke up to oraer in Ihe 1-itest etyle, We feel confidtnt Unit we can snüsfy STTT-DEISrTS 1 We ar? happy to Rroot you aga:n ia our City, aftev ' spending youv vaeation vrith tliü " dear old fulks.'! at home. Be nssured we ■wifsh you a pUaaapt tti-m, and hall ever be glad tn ine;t you at the Old Ilead-Qiiartcrs, IVo, 5. Qj Our formcr eustomers, we feel nssnrecl will cali en r.s again To you who come a strangers -we Kould eay a few wordt, w wiah you toeall and look it our fine Goats Pants and Vests wc can do better by yo than any other h .use in tlie Uity, ana n you culi ana examina uur goods.and try their fits, yuu will purohate uovhere t-lse. . DON'Ï FAIL TO O-XiXj kJ? Gr. XI. 5?' "driiöüflXkd's balsaiic cordial, For the speeJy cvc of Couyhs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarsenes bronchitis, Pneumonía, Diseases of the Qowels, arisingfrovi Cald, Incipient Coasumption, and for the relief and ijf „i nl nA&mïhLe cure, ni Patienis al alt posswtej cure uj t t-o in adcanced stages of tlis lalter disease. mlUT.als:m,! is i-ntirtly a VcRftable produci üon,combmingthheaHngproperties d the Balsam witb the iuvigorating qnaHtiea of a üoïürI, proauciog a combBiafcoii u welJ adapttiH tp the purioses !, tl.nt there are but few cásea of disease wliich ivill not, at au wuly pcnud, succumb to íta htalingaad lifogiving propertics. "orageí, has tho tratmcnt of diseaa occupied tho groater portkin of th attentioo l tho Bcienilflc of tbt moilicnl world, bót don acqulrd mire emioesce in hi ' ' H"lf'' c!ÍM ■ celubratedPruBslaH.I'r. Koofland, the orignatoi 1 üie Bal nmicCordial. Hlalifewaa devuted to tbe prddactiim p{ temedieB Vhat woald utaud unri valled. Hot well be has succeedeS, the American people are iWe to udge: and we posllively asert, Ihnt do preparatiqnB befóte them, havo eonfer(ed theaame a?iount of bèrieBW on aufffrtng httrennity, r hiivi: eiiiitfeÜ so man; i rom aUcla&fft of aoclety.né theTemediea irf Dr Hooüand, Rrepar. d bj Dr C. M.JarkRÓn íc Co., bf 1 "M. ' The Cordial is dosi isa of diseasea more wnef] ! ■ :''h 1llL' íiooiile of thia couutry aie subjfci- tK si.nniniií frmü a "eUgM coU-1 Tliat eminent Mitfcorily, vr. Itantswhátthé Plague and 5', .'.'oio Fnwr ure to tbo.-,e oí other countrits; bit 1 cin ver oonüdentty tliat tbcy uslior in dúease of greatorcmplicity atJ muitalitj tban luticr." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholio ï'vejiaration. DTÍ. Il.JOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMÁN BITTERS HR. C. II. JACKSON & CO., PliiUelelplua, Pa. TCiU effectually cure I.IVEi: COMFLAINT, DySPSSW, i-i uDICI Chronic or Neivoua Debility, Siseases of the i unsiiig hom a 'l Liver or Stomach. Suchas Constiparon, Tinward Piles, Fumess o to the Heaf, Ae'dity of tin; Stomach, d biirn Disgust ior Food, Pulness 01 elgbi ty the M.nn u-h SourÊruütations.Siokingor yiatteilttgat the l'it of the Stomach. swimming ui' the Hcu'l, Hdrried and Difflcult BteaiKing Fluttertag at the Ik-a-t, Choking orSuffoc iona wheo in lylig postu m . [ots "1 wbs beftrethe sight, Fcver uiii Dull Pain o the Head, Deficiencj ol Perapirstion, ÏW lownessof theSktnand lyc Pain in the SHe, Bck, ■ . Lilllli.i, &C. MliliU-r. J'I Tlu'S if Ilrüt, li..i the U lesli, Constant maginiDjs of evil, ,„,. Sim rits, 1 poüittvelj prevect Ttv ÏOW FK EK, BIU IW3 11 ER, &o. ropricioiin cïilliog tha itientlon of the public to il is preparatión, .!.■.- to nitb a i. ètWg ei fce u'juosl confldpnee In lts virtue and adaptaos to the diaiasee lor ui.. I in.iT.m'.l. Itis'nonew and hnfrfcd articlé, bnt ons i. stootl the testof a Uvch-c yors' trial bafore the ican people,anditareputation and ait: are v-i hv any 6imilar preparatioaa extant. Tl inita iavoriren iy the most promineat and woll ... all parts of the CQuntrj is , ,.,: ful , . ruoal of the Alnmhac, publiahediwniaUy by the Propríetors, ano to be ha I oFaoyoftheir innot i'ut satisfy th most is rny deaerrlng the great oelebritj it hasobtained ltead tlLi; Evldcnr lrira Hewton Bromt V. D. , Kdiior oflhc Enqrlopedia uf Rr.ligiom Kwmlcdgt. AHhoUgh nutiü-i .■''. tn fnvrr r romnvr. .' .in general, through diatrosi óf their ugroi;,t rii. ei ,. I .. know '.f no sufflcient reesoo .. hy ■ rcan maj oo( te WJ to thebeuafithe tx i a Htm. any simple preparación, In thL hopeth&thn nr.y 1lm.-: '(■(.ntribute t llio benfeSt ot Idothtatha m&n rcaaily in rag&rd t "Ho Gpraiae i ' I parad byl)r. C. U. Je ' ■ i was prejudieed against tl I e mprefsslon tlrnt öiej wre I ie mixture. 1 m Indebto to afttitai ttotjei ir tberenwnl if tlii prju u ; for encourftgementto try tlicnv. wüvn sutlerInir froni reai and Long ctmtimied debilit5 ' ' three bottie of theso Bitters, at the beginqiiig uf thp nreseni i':u . ;is iniimvcq i,y eWent lalief, ami retoratíon toa dt(free t li.nliiv :m.l loeatal vigoc wij nut irit fotnixmnthbofotB,ani ■ jnlnr. Ithereforethank Godandi .;.NK;io.)iKuwN. Reaá wl1 tlio eminent I olnrcr, .1OIIN' 11 WMU'AU.,1.: ■;.■;; of Uie BAL '! iL DR. C.M. jAfKsoN- Ro-ippeteil 1', . .' for a ite5 wiili the vlrtmM "f ihy Ba'. fiamic Cordial in eou lis. Coid, !otiemraa.tioQ of thi I ,-. i riiun Freely beur testamos; to ín efficacy. i without it in iny familv 1' :'- ' ;r;n"' lo state tbt 1 have used it w'ihéni " u-i-atnuni af Btf#el o" fmii-WsSiLL. FiftU M"t4 T8Ö8, H . l'hüa. TBefi mcilicïtïti aro for nlo by all rwpeaMp Dnitreist! -ir 1 tlealer .in mert'emcs iD.tlie 1 iiitírttatcs, Bnj i iturf f C 5!. JnCKSoNon thf wrnppiT "I ach li.ittlc; (! vli-rr ; 'rninilrrf-it l'r a4pliRc "') MüMilfa'ti'l.v ■ l'.i Great Reduction ia the Price of SINGKll & COS Standard Machines . WtU knovm in be the S for Mnufiicturing l'urposes. íítt 1, gtnndard Shuttle Machine, formerl'y sold at pU, reducoi to 870. ïTo 2 of same kinfl of Machine, for róerl'y sold at 100, reduced t.. 875. RTNGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Istheöea aihtM In Uw wnñtor VmL ,„rfrtg l',,,-,. : C" - Knautifull orr .. , ■ The Nos land itW .,, , ractnring iorputii. „r IteJit and b . and ith an iiriu long eDongb tu l.anTPartol i Mnj ftit O4apt :,, ,;:;,„ S u -";,"";. sving ut tin e I tUte. U TheHi-g! w"ouldatforoUr Letter A bUdjiMt, LI : tl.ii iiiLi .,...,. r.... i;„t,t . „„„„F., rin ■. ho at Machine, fur nghtmamifaaurn „„' ti,,.. , les "t the .ra destined tobas' MUrtlt manufacturiog piuíposeí ufoui standard dmW.'.'l ..,„. ,'nv, on K TWIST . ■j'iii:i:a'.,i.n BFöOU, UMI M.K h;ne OJLlo DuVtcture mir own NaV ii.kI wonM vrarn all noLoiMiulng ourm.'icbincs nttowj anyotbers. .nTw tbat tbere are nedle aold t thirnoit ivftrior ■VUe ece"ild1vn ,,,ir m'v.'l ;"■■ ■'■i'-uadhmmjnndlr tlatzil macípic "'Z-'oÚlu'm.'r,, mar rt M.oiedthfttaHoorL'nkn erurnishdiriUithe'l'genulneacticl6 ' .. of mail purchaai -. th om J rhaj lu ont innoktaire atamps. or bank note. . iv It is all inportant th..t we shoild, in eacn oe, !.' the Post Office, County, and atate. ,k i persona requiring raformatum apout sewmg ;■ abe, prices, working capacilio, ai.a tue : i urchasing, can obtain il bj Ben4ing t us any of 'UI' Braneli ; oopy ut' I.' M. Singer & Co.'s Gasette, Whirl, Uabeantlfal MdorUl Papïiettttrely ovotidto t'.iu sobject- Í Wlfl betont gratis. eehaTandatheTbÜMKE9UCTI0KIN:P wilïi Ui. twíf-folá' View of beneHtinu the puilii .,-h,.. T),pbHchaTebcen tatipnofoar. rrom the iron casting to the símiles! i u.lity. Tbeir =:.. thejpean to do tbair ,vi)rk.-:L ïhevlirehWftWiJrln i whcre u !,,...:.„ ..'-.i.i.. ♦ Lui. iitth.'irr wouw e unixxü-iujf i ikhv wu ■ - - -- rtmecliai "Ces. Itisonli wal ■jtmuiTemanufactai ments lht n ÍVÍwíif Sb,' Theb ■ BADLY MAUE, M . 'v's liable ta eet oot cf urf, n. m-íbui iiiidnoyt „,,:!,-.., tobelookedfor.i qpSK ■ to dd this. .. ïheourobasirsof macblnên, wil. corccin, will Bad tl lot only irtrk well at npM u we b ! ■: iis, will es ,vith . ■ othert whether m „■ nnraar oot. 1 11 f.ict. thei inelu n tlK.n nnyothe madiinosail agift. ! ■ MNGER & CO 45S Hl wk. Detroit Office, 53 Wooaward Avci.uo, (:en 11 1 1 M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. :- OLD FlUENDS r. IN THE R1GIIT PLAÜE. Herrick's Sugar Coatcd Filis S"''7 "'"'' tivinly .v:irs l-T , . Bvi mílH' inually ; alwayn ffive ' ' , í'1-' ' ■■ , '. ': ' ' -'i gritón , CdDtaill i'mg in ; ii i ííjus : 1 :i Mr? :■ ii Tai '..mus y. I. CorxTV.1 Joty W,188U. j ToDr ■ ■■ ■ i - "■ - "M5 "l'M' '"""'" : writethi ."'.V1" Supar I I j .Her aaughter. I _„,;.. mdly ünpiig hor health, 1.a .,,,„, rtoftdly laillng lni ■ WJeninKi- nrillat, n friend adviseö ' ■ : ; :''"' t lL ,;,. falles ooBtii :■■' in tli ju-lgroei tul mi , Baron Pai, nraeeists, Park Kow, Ketv York. On rcturniní l.omej Pili nneoaebfight. Tli mproretnentin her teelmft, oompteiion, aigestion, etc., surjinsed u Al"W and'pera ' We íiseii Iwsthanfive boxea, and cnnaiderWr ent reiy well. I conidet the abOTO a jusl tribute toy Phvsicta andtru ttnaUtwmDC temeaioiiirw-i many toadopl -.piu '■'■■ as their farailj mediciae. I reduun, dear.sir, ivüli mnnv il.a-ihs, Y, ar i.': ■-.'. ent prTnn. S. U. HQKUOS. Heniok's Kld Btrengtbeplng Piasters cure m live h nr, J"": sirte anrt l.adc. , l'WjU l " ' short r..,.,1 uf time. ?Pi6iá on ,. Umd fpom one weëCtottra . u corteara Dy Iraiffiist ana Uc llprt80f 1 Lnafla and South America, and m.iy M obtahufd v ik. f un iv ra -■;;-■ ,,,,;i(,.i j RISDON & HENDMSON rsíasa THE GENUINE SJËTsra W-& HT?S ST OVEWe wisli t,o cali tbc attcnlion of the public to tilia celebiiitcil OOQfCfG STOVE! Whi:h is'the ooly p.r.foct stove made. It will do more husiiiúss wiili hup tuird lesa fiK-1 than iuiy otlier STOVE mude. Fpom t(stiiiuiiy given by the porsuns rcfi-rrej to jejow, on uccount of ite auiiibility tmd Fuel Savmg Qualities, it lias provcd a taving fi'jra Twelve To Twenty Dollars jier year. - We woulu refw you to the followiug list of PERSOAS WHO HAVE THEM IN USE: Prof. TwpSO, Aun Arlior. I Jofca F. UUler, Ann Ar'.H.r Prof Wood '■ í -ï- GUbert b'mith ll Tlnohell. " I -: ■ ï. I " ■ i" wau, ;i, u I T.-"Wilkmon, " m. R. Martin, " ! M B. 1 enton, " Hoqper, " :-IH ili a. a ■ ' -' ■i.rtv],:,,. " .1 W Mal .;■:. ' rliiirl.T.lli'iycr, " Bbbins. " :i Claik, '' n b vul .ui " S Botsford, A A,1own. I ..!.'i,. ■■ Thomas Wood, Pitl i'.WiUmias," '■ ' " y , : " .laccib !'■ Hifmus, Peïo. e.' II. i. " , ''■■■'■'■■, ., '' Joseph W. Wood, " i Sharpn. Wc liiive on li ar. d alox üssoi-traeut oj tb bet kinds of Copiiing, Tuilor and, PLATE STOVES. añil a gencval aawixliicnt f AND TIN WARE, aml Bont stuff for Cttfringe wei. Particular r.tteiition paid toiSttine up Bnvatrougb nua (tor, ai. il al! kluoa of Job work done nt the Suortest Nntico. IÍISDON&HENDEES0N. Ann Arbor, lBtil. FFESH OYSTERS. Wb iw reseWing n itopwor wtiele if FRESH OYSTERS! Direct fi-om 1 1, . (X F1 UMSiï !X AM' QüAfiflTY UESIRF.l). Anrt v. jv ■ 1T FOE SAÍ-F, Cn.Ki lose in isani pi BiSw THOMPSON & SOK. Ayer's Sarsaparilla BSra. WINFLOW, AnexiK.-ii.-n eil N' I ij'!, prenM tu tli.j ÍAti ,..,Lir SOOTHING SY1UJP, ['OH CSILDREN TEÊTKlKCk, L-rtich gicatly tiKikfaUn the pwei o fc1Wr, 5 ue Bum, rwlucinf all " olí i y ALL PAIN :in.l iiuuitaoiljc aei tt, aJ ■ SURE to REGÚLATE ilie BOWELS, D „ion it, met'-iori, U W ' ' UW 'J i"ur,olva, Eelief ana health to yptff Infant? Wcliavepnt up (in3 nn.l sold (hl artic'.c m ten ïïar. aad CAS. SAX. IV toSHDÖiCK AM SINi.LK INSTASCE, ÏO l.Ml.'.T A LU.L, w),c-n K ,.ii ioHtancc uf du! ,11 latiua 01 U wi.Ït WK 1 O . kmiï" i -ii reai i "■ and i" 1 WHAT WK HERE DECLAKF. . ' vjin-tnr'-s whcrctVie min ■ ■ ■ ' ■' eíkmrtwo, relfel wil! ('■i.n-1 mtiiu.l. cl hrtdftf ipi.tra aflor Th& ?aïu ' ",,S of the mosl EXP1 " ■" ':, 2 in New tneland, ;.n ; hu bceu lued wüb M.if-1 MU!1-NP -F CA8KS. Itnot otlv relieves UrOm liain, but invig' r te v, is, t, '.'■;■! !.y. undïiiCT t. ?,' enorgy totherholesystcia lt will .in...t mr.(ii!iil GBIPING )N THE EOWEÍ-?, Afin VriNn cono overeóme oónvuUlons, whleh f ■ t scwllr ""V th. Vc believe it the BES! :i . IK mis WORLD, ir, all rij 1,5-,..; :n CHIIjiRIM, whetl 01 from any olhtr cnuse. w o h ■ fbiW nffcrnj 0T1IKKS, tndbetwny.iila niT_iiflTIl CWW, aÜ the relief th. ■■ A' "Lu"„. T tu f..!l"w tlie -,? of tliiá nwíic:t. ií timrly uJ. ,i CüftlB i IERNeTÏork, is n tho oulsWu wran-ir, Sol I bj I v.-.rkl. Prltct))al Hier, 13 C.l;,r 'nut. lï. For the Sper:' lancnt Care of Semmal Weakness, Noctur nona, Nervovs and General DebiJity, ímpotenet, ahdall Di ig front ttoluarp JSabiUor E ■■ ■.-■ '" genee. Faois nd Oi.n Me, 16 re ralftrliig to som -Mout i i "%. remedie embrace ' J!" KÍLVímL 8iJB-Thoy remoVe local rfcM, "..sins tlie or;1nS w um, .hdr .,;! ....,.;.. -r. „; . overcorails ..„. ■5SxKjr" ■■.:.-.. r.,.-nM-y depreco. bf , ; LH ■ eT.nror,-lt-. „.'.„" vl t lmve fix.d í i r:;:,-;,:r ring í , ; SI '"'J - n. of . ■.. Kr. I,r Sfate hy MAYXAKÜ, STEHBÍXS, i WIIüON. V7r.,.! Ar.r. Acfjor, Micp B! :ic k wood 's Maga z i ne AND TOE BriíIS) Hí.views. GREATINDICEííEaT' SOSCRIBE! PREülIümc! aad REDUGÍIOwS, L j,,, ülnjf i" pal fuUowiHi ! I'ri)dica:. vi::: 1 TtlEI.OXDOX QüARTERtV ('"inn-rvativei. THEIDma R'XWáig). :! IHEBOUÏÏI 1':;;í-i-;í::.V!::w (l-ieo Churci. .1 TÍIE WÉSTiltSa B m,A, ( i ma(;a'ivü Otvu ... ;i(T..'v. ivill lvlil,T'. .. líuailj; ínteresünj .!ur:ni i,ig y-:ir. tl -v will OCClip? t HW- ,.,„,,„,! , nrjlton ncw.s u-m-. crudR . .,.'■. WAtual, :„js lui.ju „l tUefeiturc liistpriHn, wniten ■ interi-sl :.!)■! excitem ni il t ■ '■■ " g ln ,n, ' ifsclerij raun lonk ..? Ihe 1 .. hii-trv Í ru'i-nl ' H 1 1 ■ - - ■ evenl . . ■■■ M!t ■liriu i ■ '' l"lbiifitf Advance Slu-cts Itora Ibe l!ii::-!i , i in tM ImW" üf subscriU' :ubut . i:lsTi.51M.S. (Itegúlar Pnces ) :itiU. poranj ■ ■ - - - ? '"' j 11 1 Foranythieenf tlic mir U.-;os, - 7 ■ o Tor Kil fiwr-of the Review, ' '' ForBlackwiKHSiMgnnne, ■ - - :1"' V,j Blacl wond .lid nne 11.-VÍ. w, - ■ - ■ fV)rHBcliroonn'l to Jlcuiuf, ' ' ' iwlatirt i !i i ■-■ : ■■■ ■ ■ - ,'""' rlAHitwi. ■ - JOOJ Mmiryciirrcnt iu the S:ale M n taSMlfaK bc rccr.iccd ui pir. posta;; y. Tbí p . Ktnan ■ ■ I'1 but Tw nlj - fiinr Onit :i ur Cents í, yeia; ff qagli áf ti). AttUe'a ' ' lin' li"J foi 1 -. Premium tr ?T.. ouborib3r5, ■ 11. Ij; i; ;. !'.■ -I'it. n fi'H y-r , ... eduarlv fluabl , f,,r is.-r, 11 U -TUS. 'lV.:".!!ur. o, tlrethrceyenf, l -i Fnf three Kevy, - ■ ■ '; " 1 Kor the l'our - For Bl ' ■ i-fewV, " ■ ip; Anv,,, ü.nNol.v fumli.e' -V. Subcr ■ ■■'"' '■' At üue IXaJí" tho L Four Iteviewá ; ui; [ SevenConsPciiiis'e l7ear for $37!!! fi ptne yeai .' . &._. . : un i,r ük.'lV toilH. T Slicll ■ nu-uE Kow the tir-io to Subscribe ! ! ra i i ■' " ■ ' '■■ ' '' '■■!l Oral IMcturt' dijimos .AM-, '' ;1"3 KiOBOFF & MIMiBil'S. On 'i-'.. tr sss E3 E M P i U E W # T E K FOK Ute o! th,


Old News
Michigan Argus