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PBINTING OF ALL KTKDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. Wo hare recently purohasd ft BTJG-GLES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have added the lat-st styles of Card Type, which euables u to print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CAIIDS, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CAIIDS, &c. in the neatest stylcB, and as eheap aa any otlicr house in the State. W are alao preparcd to print TOSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, ÏJJLL HEADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, fec THE ABGUS BOOK BfflDERY ie in charge of FIEST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOÜRNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufactured in best sttle at New York Priees, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-33ound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, PropTr. Office and Bindery, cor. Main t Hurón St. Money Wanted, Who will LeudMoneyi IAM BEQUESTED BV SEVE1UL PERSONS to ob(i moosy rot tbem at Ten Per Cent Iaterest, (OrMorO,) Kor an j one williuif to lmï, I can al onco iavest u good unoncumbored abundant BË-AI, ÍSTATF' seounty iny s'iinw of money and sv: tbat thetitlo aud necurily a AT.i. RiGirr. jf& Tbe borrower paying li expenden, includíng rcording. K. W. MORGAX, Ano Arbor, Get. 7. 18B9. 7tf H0LIDA7GIFTS! Just oponed the flnest aiüfiortiuent of Fancy Goodg (■vit bfought to this market. DE30RATED TEA SETS, GOLD BAND, do PARÍAN MARBLE STATUARY, BOHEMIAN WARE, PLATED GOODS, etc., etc., AUo one bundrod doz. toys for little folks at DEAN fc CO'S. House FurnlBing Store. Hngsterfer'n Kloek, Ann Arbor. BwR31 TO TEISTTATWO STORY Brick dweiling ia a ïilensent part of ïlie City. Applv to P BACH. Ann ArW Peo. 2Í, 1861, 832wl LBik BOOK STOREOi ARK NOW OI'KNING. DIRECT K.ROM lTHLtsilKUS AND Manuf:u-.Eut-rrs, :i NYw nu 1 Cöuipiute stock of LAW & MEDICAL 1ÍOOKS, School Bookt, Misccllaneous Books, Blank Bnoks, dan STATIONBEIY ! Wall and Wlodow Paper, Drawingand Mathematica) Instruments. Music, Librarien, Klivfclopes, lnksand (nd. rfC gMBHi nfj ..n..._iiu.Li _ [yjl- '■■ -iiTii-i-Jiii irti'i ■" i'i'Tiilni " GOLD And all oiJier kinds of Pens and Pencih Window Cornicc, tShades aod Fixture, POCKET CUTLEKY! And evorythinii pertafolng to the trade, and more to whichthaj wuuld irivite the uttention ot the country. In conductingour bOBtno&a, w fih&il dfl all that can bc 'lonc,so that no rcasonubto uian, roman or child shall And anv fault. We n'.siss facllltlefl whlch will cnable us to supply our stumcrq at the Lowest Posible Figures. We proposetofiollfor UEAPY PAY, ata smalladvance. Wt ttxpeot a prollt on oar guods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGUEES. Wc linvc ensajied tho services ol JAMES F. 8PALDINQ, :iro preparad to focnitfb Visiting, Wedding and all olher Cards wnttcn to order, with neatness and dispatch, by mail or otherwise. Th "EmhrkIÍikjk Sioiir:," is m!Uiiicl tiv agood Vrow.' iid tliey ;i alwayfl found oa the "quarter dedL," ready umi willing to attènd to all with pleasare,wtio will favoi1 tlu'ni witii i c:ill. Uemember the "Empire Book Storo." JAMES R. WEBSTER & CV Ann Artmr, May, 1860. 7-lj AÑTOHEll" L$ ARBIVÁL AT THE WÊ01 AND RELIABLE %S CLOTHIWt EMPORIÏÏMÜ tUjsfcJsL 3T O . 3 PHCENIX BXiOCIC, MAIN STREET. ■7Vxul. "W -A-GUÍJlíiJtí., hun upt rcturnotl frniu the Eastern Citics, with a lar( and derrubie stock oí' EALL AND WINTER 3r E O 3O 9 l which be is now offering at unusually XjOVCT PRICES! Araong liis Assortmcnt may be foutid BROADCLOTUS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, fe VESTINGS, of all dcscriptíons, especíally for F ALL AND WINTEE WE AR ! which hcis cutting aii'l making to order, tn tln-latestani bewt styleSj toguther with n superior assortment of READT MADE CL0TR1NQ! TRUNKS CABPBT BAGS, UMBREI.I.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnisliing Goods, with muñeron! othet artlcles usually found In simila: e.stablisliinents. As ANEMPOBIUM OFFASBION, the subscribcr flattors liimsolf, that liia Ion? erTipncc and venen! succè8g,wi!l enabie bfm to give the greatesi fiatifactinn toall who may trust himin the way of manufrtCturiiiEr parmiitu to oi'dcr. 76l'tf WAGNER. Ho for the Mimmoth C'abinet Ware Hoorns. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TTAVE JUST OrEXED IN' THEIR ncw and Elegant War e-R ooms east sinr.OF mainst:: A.SZTSt ARBOH A completo stock of R0SEW00D, MAIIOGAKY SETS OF PARLOR FURNIÏURE JNCl.UDIXG Sofa,Tcte-a-Ttos,Malirjjiany Rime-WnoJ, Black Walnut, I'ljun anT luirble Topped BOSEW00D, MAHOQANT, BLACK WAI.N'TT, FANCY ANTI COTTAGE CITAIRS, &c, &c, ííc, kc: tkla sm j 9 Eleeant MIKROKS, BUREAUS, SECRETARIE?, Complete BEDROOM BETS, INCLÜDING LATEST STYLES, -oyiiiitiáiii witli 1sX.A.rE TH ES S E S Of tho best quality and Different Ifatenal In Fact they H:ivc !■ t-i vthing with which to furnish PARLOB, ÜÜUDOIR, SITTIN'fi ROOI!. OR KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO loDgor go to DetCdil r cUcwIhto to find a large assortmL'nt. Thli IFTTIRlSriTTTIFtE musutbü sold and will be BOM at VERY LOÏÏ JPKICES! L&■ Lol evvry man and his wife or gomg to be wif COMK AND 8EB. Theyalso have a II E A ESE VA RUI A GE, And are al'vays r-;ily to attend to tile Imrial of ths dead in the Cityalnl adjoining country. Ware-Koomseast side of Main Street, between Washington and Liberty O. M. MARTÍN'. mT39 C .U. TIIOMrSOX Summer Hill Nursery. THE0D0RE R. DuBOIS, TíuoPRirron of the bduceb hill nursf.ry, ajj x J. Arbr, Mich.,is now rcady toroceiveorderufor Fall and Spring Setting, Hifl "orders for Kruit and Ornamental Trees, Vinfs, Slirub,etc, willboflllotlf rum the bi-st Kastcrn Nurserics, and l)is).eríjnai atUntum will be lcívcd to the BelectloD %tA ftUipgtheame. Having beenragaUrly eduLteil in theNaiterj baraneUkhe in contideni tlt with prompt and close attention, and strict honeaV u"f) intcgrity,he will be ablo to give satisfitction to every ono contidiug tht'ij'order.s to him. Allfiirniers orFrviit (frowers willdowell togive him a callijeforconJerinír wooghothet iiartics. Ho wouldrefeTtom;ii!ciii.iir thy City and Connty who purchasedof him tiie past Spnog Tor tho qu.ilitynf trees brought on by hlXD, as wellas fo] ttie good order in whicli tbey wjcrercceived and dehverod 6O4ifi3 fj W.MOEGAN, Agent lor Mutual LifeTnsuranceCompany, New York. AccumuIatedAsseta, - - - $5,350,000. the leading Lifp Insurance Corapany in the ü, S. KnickerbOfltér tM'a Insurance Company, New York, - a íirut cljj.53 safe Co. - ternas reasonable. IItimbuJ4l i1'1"' Insurance Company, New York. Capital, with a larffc surplus, - $200,000. l'eoria Marine h Kire Insurance Co., Peori IU. - hotv Mo. 1 Fire Insurance Co's. 707 tf Capital, - - f500,000; THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 8500,000 one of the HELAVTE8T, SAFEST and BEST Insurance in the U. 8. Insures on rsasonable terms, and al ay pay promptly. Therc t no bctter Fire Insurnnc Ccwpany.


Old News
Michigan Argus