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Letter From Thurlow Weed Correspondence Of The Albany Evening Journal

Letter From Thurlow Weed Correspondence Of The Albany Evening Journal image
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London, Dec. 23, 1801. We aro, howevèr, breatbing with more freedom jii&t n.)v. A dispatoh frorn Mr. Seward, received by Mr. Adauis, to Earl Rüssell, which though not in relation to tlio Trent afluir - being wjritten subséquent to the seiznre of sTideil and Mason- is suppósed to have that qaestion in via, luis calmed down the war feeüng This view of the matter is itrenjitbened furtber by the knowledge tlmt Frunce has informed our government thut it regarde the captura of the rebels on board n neutial veasel is indefensibie. ín view oí theno eircumstanes, in iufli'ential personage, iih wbora I breakiusted yysterriay, said, " Yon w'tll escape (kt linie hut your gnverniiifnt is quarrtUomt and wili too gn-e us Jeik cause of complainl." 1 Btated in a íormer letter that the Queen is mr friend. I a.n enubled to sav, on reliable authority, that the lalt use the Priooe Cnwort matie of i.i pen wae, at tha Queeii'i request, to soften the diBpatcb sent to Lord Lyons. We rose eariy oi Friday Uiorniug and ent down to Si. James park barracks to f:ee' a regiment of Guurds take tip their line of murcb fo.r Canada. Neaily íií'ty yearfl had lapsed Bince I had sacn '■ Biitish red-ooats " whose muskets and bayonets wero to be turned foward ub. Something of the old feelintf - u (eeling which had died out - begaü to rise, and aftar a few minutes of païuful thought, I turnod iway. I continue to meet in society the lignest classes of Engli:h "people, and mcounter opiniona and hrejudices moet rroneoufly, hut honèsuy entertained [ meet. also, in tho a;n' üirclei, :i few Enghshmen who have eithér heen with ís, or obtainëd accurate iöformation, ;vho aefeist in diH)ellin tliese miiiipprelieiifiions. Tho LondoD preisduriDg [he present rnonth haii rolled tip a tiountain of bitter prejudiceri aguinst as, the fuil force of wLjch -ill lje lult when Parliarnent meets in Januury. The dispiitch ot M Tliouveiiül to t'no Freneh Miiiinter appears in the evening papers of to day. The inatiacl which prompted. me, before bmiring any opiniona upoa the Bubject, to Bit down and wnte letters home urging ihe Biirrender of Bljdüll and Mason - bard ur such fortune was - shows tlie valué oí iirst iropreBeion. Instinct and reapon, unaided by such knowledge of international law, taüght nu that it was Dot right to take these men (rom a neutral ehip. I have met with no claes of English men with so litlle rolish for war with us as the offioers of theirarmy.


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