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New -A.dvertisenaents. "aGRICÜLTÏÏRAL SoHeTyT AMEF.TIN'G of tb ExCommittw, of ibe Washltntw Couniv AfrricuUural uud Horticultnal Society, will be hell al the C'turt House, in the City of Adu Arbor, on WertnwJay, .ï.umnrv Í9th 1S62, ut 10 o'clock A.M. A genen) attcndance of the Committee a requested. - Pannen and othett fnterasted in the wellfiu-e of the Bocietjr, are respectfully inritort to tttond. B. UKKEN, Cor. Sec 'y. Ann Arbor, Jan 24, 18C2, MOETGAGE SALE. DEFAULT haring Iwpn made in the payment of a cortuin ninrt-age, hearing Ute tho Sflth day of Octo b, A, D.. 1858, exwttted by Jesse P. Gillet .o Almon4 II. H. 1'r.iU, :u' Kecorded in the office of the Register of DüoiIm and Murtgagcs of Waahtcnaw County, on tb. !)ih day of November, A. I) 1858, ai 10 o'clock, A. M., and rooordod in Liber 25 Of Mortgagcs on page 02, naid morage was iuly amgBdoB the 28th day or October,, A. I). 1808, bythesaidAlmoudll. M. l'ian ki dally Prmtt, which said a.ssignment was duly pecorlea at the iam aid timo and iil;ce of the recortliug uf .said mrrtgnget on wliich mortgage there is clainicd to bo due at th uate of tbÏ8 notice, tiie um cf three hundred an I twenly five dollars ($325,00) principal, and seveutr three and 63-100 dullttrd (S73,(13) interest, making in all tho sum of three hiicdrod and ninety-eight aud 6-100 dull&rs, 88), iiiiJ uo Btitt oi proceedingH at law having boen usiituted to recover the saine, or any part tüoreof:- Koticfl iii bereby given timt by virtue cïf a power of sal eootalned therein, on ñrarsdar, the 24th day of April, a. d. 1802, at tirelre o'clock, noon, of said d&v, at th front door of the Ocrart Home in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place for holding the Circuit Court forth taid CouatrJ there will be sold ut public auction to to highest bidik'v the mortgaged pretnises aforeHaid, or io tnuch theivof as shaVl be necessary to satiafy thoamount duo un Bald mortgage with interest, and thè cost and erpen-ics allowcl by law, for the forecloing the samo ; id promises are describe! a.-; follows, to-wit; AU that tmet or parcel of land sitúate in the townnhip of Manchet tor, Counly of Washtvnaw, State of Michigan, vii: Comnienciufi; on the north-west corner of tbO suuth part oC; noi tïi vost fr&ctionfti öne quartor of section six, ïown. hip four south of range Ihreeeast. thence on tho linetast on 8. lid lot to the centre of ri ver Rj.iau, thence upth centre of &aid rivtr to the centre of Marsh Brool;, tbenoa aloog the ceutreof f.a'A Marsh Brotik to the centro of Territorial Rood, ttae&co ttöat to & south east cornor of Ümds ov.iK-J by Thomas Gunn uorth of the Territorial Road, theuce norih to the centre of sai d river Ilaisin, thence up the centre of thesaid rirerRalsin lo thtCounty lint , supposed to be tlie placo of begmniug, contain'.iig, twenty twu {'12) aoiea of laud, be the sume more or leas, , .s;iii] mortga6 being gfven toecnre part of tho pure has pricc uf the aid iami, BALLY PRATT, Assignee. Crane k Armtrono, Attornoys ft-r Ansigneo Dated, January 20, ï863. ' S36wl2 TOBACCO AT WHOLESALE! I arm prepared to Sell for Cash ALL GEADES OF Tobacco by the Barrel AT DETROIT PRICBS ! Merchants in this City and SÜKROÜNDING VILLAGES CA.3ST SAVH Freight and Cartagel BY BÜYING AT MY STORE, in Franklin Block, Ann Arbor. L. STUBBS. P. 8.- I am abo Manufacturing Cigarsl SELL TIIEJI AT WHOLESALE, At Prices that will Demand Casli. Ijoiis Jolni'a And all other popular Brands, Constantly on hand. Ann Arbor, 1862. 836tf


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Michigan Argus