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üíiii AT BARGA IM Maynard, Stcbbina & Vilson's. W! UN RKP1 RMSHED OUBSTORE WITII I ii r O pul fí-- . 0 Ziw irü lü'lKi irJ Lrj. 'o' IEJ l li Is ib Ion as can be foúnd ii; Ihí t'nlon WO want Money ! in! wül llUÉH Great Sacriíicea on Anytíiíng 'o oWiiín it, nol oxt'Ojiting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS Wc cordialíy invito ALL CASH CUSTOMEB8 to cali and examine our Goods alíI Prlccs. We als( invite our Prompt Paying Cusíomers i o cnmfr aiiil buy tlu-; Le Winter. T ' i o caü, wi íay lo tb i oourogfi 'vithouUonor waitii gTor higher pricffcome in, oíd score?, anilthcn I ricOfl as v.iH n! ikp up all lusaes It ia hanll. ■i ry to enumeróte ouz GooUs, for We have SvoTjthing! A lar d of UARPETING, CKOtKERY D1LY GOODS, MEDfflNES, GEOERIES, PAINTS, OILS, IIAT53, CAPS. BOOTS, SU O ES YAKKEE NOTIONS. fec, &c,, &c. O[LtL AKlO OIEH HÜOS (715tf) JIAYNAr.D, STF.DHINS & VII,3O SCHOFF & MILLEB A RESTII.I. ON'IIANI) at thoirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Elcck, vi:h the most oomplote uaortment of Boolrs and Stationerj? PERFUME1ÏIES, 1MNCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPEKS, SHADE8, EOLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, OÜBTAINS, IÍOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPE8 & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in tliis Martet ! dml t.ey would suggest totUosc n pui'íuit cf iinyUjIngin SANTA CLA US' LINE íhat they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! bjrpnnhMlng trom tMstock,aa cncli purcliascr gctt tuaddltlo&a) prosent ai Jeirélr, ic, Ranging ín valué írom 50 ote. to $50. Tl.fvirmt that tBeirlong ipsrieuce In ! trlcl nttenüon to Ihe wontí ifCuct .m, muy iiitillc tlii-m to a liberal hare uj PatroDa] Ann Arbcir, Dec. 5. 18C0. '"'lf Iliuigsterfer's lílock. DEA Ñ& C O ., TNVITKattcntion to (belrpen t-tock comprising ai) 1 kimlsof CrocKery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures &BdHoue-fanii8hliiggóo&i,&U of whích they ajreoffiu ing At the Zotvest Possible Rates. Frcncli China Tpr sol" to m 5 00 to 20 00 Froncli China sel from 25 00 I l'n.m 880 l Stone ohina .-.i ls rrntii 8 SO to 20 üO ' Lnmj'S complfttti Trnin 'i' ' . Marblo Kerosén1 Lampa complete nom 80 tolo 00 Fluid l.:mi;is from 18 tu 02JÍ &$ lampíof oUUnasalterídaiKtrepatred, NEW YOKK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accuraulated Jan, 1800, 11,767,183,84 MOJÏRTS BKANELIN, Presiden, J C. KENDALL, Vire Prerident, PLIXY FKEEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED wHhtUeComptrolleroftto State of Xe-.v Toj. Diviilfu.NavoiMü'10 PHW. luiiuially. ASSETS, Co.hlqBaí, , 31,358,40 ■ nvcHti , createo uoo tne lawsof ■ ..!. and ■; Lbo U. S., asS.STO.TO , Nos. lliamUH 182,460 01 Iratrtng? perot. Id I :'s . ,i preniama on liiv 076,31&.8ó qu nu i'.i an I ■■"''! annual premiums, dne " ,,■„.„! 'i,, .i,.i,i:n y I, 1860 20,860.38 ;,il to Jan. 1, isro, 86 488.77 uní Jan. i. 1860, H'?í Premiums on pouciiMiD íi;u,iln oí Agents, 2C,Ií i.I'1 $l,VB7,13a.-4 Drs. Weli and LBW1TI, Moilloal E vi:;,ï .1. i.ll.nH'.'.l'.-i.Minl, Agont Conwny Fíre Iiísm'auee Co-, Of Oonway, Mass. Capital paid np, - $150.000 00 A8etR(0sh), - 269,968 12 Liabilities. - - 16,440 03 D. O. Rogéis, Jas. S Whitnoy, Sccretary. President. DIRECTORS. i s winTNEY. L. TionMAN, w. BLLIOTT, AB HOW i.inh.D O. M-(II,VH.- V, !■:. D. SIO&GAN WA1T I'.r.MT'NT. JOSIAII AJ4.I8. A. II. BU'I.KN w.u. DicKiNsos, w t. ctp, d.c;bqbers. Aun Artor Srf'Teurcs: Dr. B. WKI.I.R, 1.. JAMKS. L. nnllGI?, ENOCI1JA.UE8. tapt. c.s. ooonnicu J. W. KNlGIIT.Aííent. Tnn Arbor, Micliigan. HNTEW GOOI3S, SeásQnable G-cods, CIIEAP (JOODS, F or C a s la, BACH fe PEERSOfü Have juai opencd a dioico stock of Winter Bought for Cash AND TO BE SOLD FOR CASH h iriccs in wili mate tle lAyer !nugh at I lie ideo of i, :. .: i ;tn'-ö 1 bc stock iiiclu'los : chuiee lot of LADIES'DRF.SS CO GEN-TLÈMAN'S CLOTIB, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ÖRÖOËfilES, i-o., e. Nnv is the time to buy your Winter' opplies. BACHfc rTSR:OIf. Anti Avhor, Nov. 15, 1861. 3KT2ÍÍ17V ö- O OD TT WINES & KNIGHT havo just recoivcda full stock of FALL41NTERG0ÖDSI wliicb thoy OPFE3. ÍOK CASH! Prices very Lr.v, AVILES & KN1GHT. t November, 18G1. PATENTEI) November lst,1859. jr... TlIE UKASÜ11E3 ƒ ' a er ":íy (w A, the distanco -T--l- [y o round the Xcck. fn' B to B the Yoks. I Á f-'- 'mga C to C tiio tlu.vü. r Jp" Í "i X) ti) Di "listaöce ) J a arounLi tho Boy I k'jff m w M the Anii-['ii -iJJ ■♦l EtoE.tU M ' lcngth of t'uo 13VLLOTJ'S Pateoted Improved Frencb Yoke SHIRTS. PATEXTÜI) NOV. Ut, 1659 A Uew Style of S irt, warranted to Fit Hv end Dg li"1 stoor measnrea per mail w eanguar ;mt i1 ;i p rf cl it i ''-r ; w ' ! "i t: i ; t i tul rel im l.v (rxnreen toanj pari o( th United StBtes, "t Hï, frl6,$18, $24, &c . 1., iiucn. iïo order forvarded for 1. n t!i;t'i half ;i-).- D l;:rts. Also.Imiiortersind Dealen n MES'S FUSMISBING UOODÖ. f, Wholesale trade upplie.3 on the uenal terms. BALLOU BROTHEKS. BOOtf 4üj Broadtray, Nw York. LOOMIS & TRIPP7 Succtis'irs ín Chapin & Loomis.nmlChapui, Tripp & Loomi! THE aliove firm of Loomis : Tripp havinp purchasn the entira iuteresl "f tlie former companiei wil thebo ■ ' ' ' wlB M ri-ndy, 'JU the shoitiosl notice, to 1111 all orJcrs in tbc line .,1 Castings and LIachinery, in the m st v manner, nsté on nslibora (.ruis anyotiiershop i'; ■ Imongtbe ari ■ . . ■ ■ as, we woal l Onumérale STEAMEÑGINES of all kind; Mili Gearing atvl FiTturcs, wroi: ■ the v;u:ntis lüivtiiiL'" Fot ankíng mi'l :■ palring Ilorso PowcrB & Tbreeiiing Machines mofa as arop.i. prMent,or hare fonberly been in ase in th8 part of State, au sreU ü :;ll the varlouB kinds oi ■ work calleüforby farmers wnnJ ■ ; ,m of the ooun ry. of all tho Torlous patternê, up in .v.illbe keptoosataotly onnandigottbemDst moaero and bnproTed rtyle! Tliankful Tor fstmer patronage totheold firms,we vould soünit h oonUmiancoCromoldfncnds.aud trial by all wiiihing forauytUiug in our liiit'ol' biufnem. LOOMIS .V TRIPP. Ann Albor, May 18th, 1SS9. öOïtf General Land Agency PERSONS wanting lirai, o r reildcncru n ornon Aiim Irbor ,-:.:] by calling on mo ftelectfrom a Hit ofover l oo Parms Kor Salrl 0 f ■.' ario sIzcb trom :1, te 13C!' Hcrt-p !nch ;(some aa goodagiu vi n hl ionnty.) ïorílthftn IO Dweltng ilonsei) n i: r ;lty,fromtw" mndred to lourthousanidoiar Bftoh : nd ovor 2 m n(nr,Dii(G i.otsi ímMi'llirírmnrftbp lllhc pttKrni , l.'iOOncreB, thf i'itttrr Oirm. i n flroijt Ok, thePlaoefarm, a i 4.t)! reo thcRIandoaknd JsitksArn, n '.Vubstor; t'. :niii'u, Mfchnel Claacy, Newton Beegsn, ad Ptllshsi fariña. In Anr Irbor: J.RIngiley'farm, inlMttsriid tho ïfitch and Tlick !hpitii In Lodtïthe Patrirfcf'laynfarm (n Krftfdotn; W. 8, Davlton. H. O. Bakfir f and Buck'e furra Iniylvan. Moito) thosr md many othors can bn jivldodto auit 1 E. MO1OAN. AnnArboJ. Jan lat . iflUB :i 1861. 1861. EALL & WIxXTEll GOODS XOW RECnVINT, AT O H. MH LLN Oo's HAVING to paj CASIIfüi' neartyöij kindn of purhii8ed in New York. wc are neceeanrily obliged to rest riet our credit Bjit v:ii herc. Consequently wo elmll offer our Fall Gtoo&s for Cash, at a very small nd.-:ieo on the coat. 0. 1! MILLEN Jk CO. Ann Arlmr, Sept.iïl, iHCi. 819m3 A.yer's Cathartic Pilis.


Old News
Michigan Argus