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From Stockton's Regiment

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IIall's Hui, Va, ) J;i: 18tü, 1802. , Dv.v.i Srothsb :- Once moro I v.rite to you frotn HalTs Hill. Tho expectatioQ ol' moviog han gone from me. 8ince tho rooving of llie extra baggage of the officers and ex tra blánkotu of the men to Washington w; Lear QOtkiug more about loaving, and tho idea Mgain preyaila in camp tliat ve aro boufafi to stav heroall winter. Thcrc i is ono tlring oertftia, f tho Oonunandcr iii-Ciiiuf' ciilculatcs to niake ai advance he will hnvo to wait until wo have a little ' different woatliev frpiu wliat wo are now haying. To-day, SaturJay, it ruina, at . tisúes, Miel at uther times it a so mi.sty ttnd smoky tbat yon enn iiot Bffd plnloly ene huudrcd yard?: again itbrcaka away md the sun will peep out, btit in a iuomout more the ruin will pour down.- To moro bow would be nttcriy impossí blo or at least impracticable. The ni lid liere is vcry doop ; ove-:1}' step the men tookon a íuardi they would go shoe deep ' in it, and soniütiinc.s knec deep. As for tho artilUry, it cotlld not be moved at all. Should' it tlear ofF warm aud tinuo so for a wcek or two, with the ; winds we gencrally have liore, vrc might move witli case But. in niy opinión, the time for movíng this winter ispasscd. ïlie weathcr that we have had hcro for the last week has been somewhat mixed, i On Saturday night last it rained ; Runday it was warm and pleasant as sumincr; Monday the wind blow very hard, other wiao pleasant ; Monday night it pnowed; Tuesday it was a misty, and a nttsli day ; Tuesday cvening it rained, and during the uight it süowed ; Wcdncsday mixed ; Thucsday and Friday pleasant, and the sun shoi:o beautií'ul at times, weathcr rooderately warm, picasant over head, but very unpleasant uüder foot; to-day, Saturday, very unpleasant over head ; eommenced this morning with hail, wfaiob in a few p.iomcnts turned to rain, and bofore night rany again turn to hail or snow ; under foot mud a fuot decp. I suppose we aro now having a regular Virginia winter. Tho season bo f;:r has been a ' glorious one for the soldicrs, ar.d if they do not have much worse for the rest of the seasou they wili bo thankful. Drilling has becu suspended almost entirely this week, on account of the mud and snow. üccasionally wo have been out practicing at target shooting. - Our place of practico is ono half ralle from our camp. The target is placed three hundred yards off, oa tho side of a hill, 01:0 for each company. Sometimes wo fire by compauies, by files, and singly We now lire throe rouuds to a man per day. This praetiee shows that Michigan men are good marksmen, and know bow to use a rifle. So far Company A has come out ahead a this regiment. V7o are leaviri; ijuite a lead mine in that bilí, and after tho war Virginians can work it ; and there will be a number of thcm, as every regiment in this brigade shooU thc same number of rounds per day to a man. In ono of my letters I spoke of the complete do.struetion oí the church that htood near here. Iu tho yard wkich surrounded that church lies buried the rcmaina of many of the men of this regiment and brigade. Lately there has been a subscripción paper cireulated thruugh the brigade to raiso inoney to rebuild thc church, tofence the grouuds and to raiso a monument to their meniory. It will bc no more than right, it will show thcir respect for their coinrades and I hope enough will bc raised, to make tnc üesireü ïmprovcmcnt. Last uiglit there was very heavy cannonading south of us, which continued BOino tlirce hours. What was up I cannot gay. Monday, Jan. 20 - It rainod all day yesterday, and the gomo tho most of today. The mud still grows decper, and soon there wil] be no bottotn to it. ' Tuesday momiiiff, Jan. 21 - Kaincd all night, and still rains, witfa no prospect of stopping, uo bottom to tho mud. J. P. Hall's II im,, Va., ) Jan. 22, 1862. De.'r BnoTiiKit : The Pennsylvania 83d and New York ■1 lth are paoking up to-day, to loave. - But how tlicy are to march I do not see, as there is no bottom to the mud. It rained all day yesterday, snowed last night, thawed, raiued, and snowed, today. The idea about our raoving now, is that we are to follow up Burnside's fleet ; that lic is bound for Newbern, North Carolina, and that after taking possession of that place he will move into the iuterior, and take possession of the WilEnÍDfftOD and Weldon Kailroad. which leads from the South to Riohmond. We are going tü belp him do this. Whcn this road s taken possossion of, and also the Eust Tciiuessee and Virginia road, which llichmond from the South west, and wbich we think Gen. Bucll is after, llichmond and Virginia will bo at the inorcy of tho troops which now lio before Washington. As you wijl perceive by looking at the map, Virginia will, in that case, bo completcly surrounded, and a simultaneous movcnient on . Eichmond, from all sidos, must cause it to fnll. There pxobably will bo a hard fought battlo at Man:issas, but I think it will end in favor ot' the Fedoral troops. This is but spceulation, but I think foutided on good grouuds. Look out for some grand move au soon as the ground scttleu, We recelved our pay yesterday. Zhurtday - It froze slightlv last night, and it Jooka liko clearing off thig moruing. I am in the best of health. J. P. HyZÜT KAH II. SWATKE, Ol Ollio, nowly nppointed associüte Justieo of the Supremo üötirt of tho United States vicc McLean', deeeased, h:is been bA-orn nto office, and enterod ppoü he discharg"1 of hjs (j."l


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