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■ PRINTING OK ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARK PREPaRED TO FILL ALL ORDERS 1IÏ THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST EEASONABLE RATES. W hT rccontly purchaid a ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have added the lat'st stylei of Card Type, which enables ut to print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CAEDS, CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &o. in the neatest styles, and as cheap as any other liouso in the State. We ars aWo pre3nred to print POSTERS, IIANDBILLS, BLANKS, IULL HEADS,' CIRCIJLARS, PAMPHLETS, &c TIï-EJ A.PIC3-TJS BOOK BINDEUY U in charge of FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOÜRNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufactured in bxst sttlf. at Ne-wr York Prloes, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-Bound. All Work warranted to give entire eatisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop?r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main fc Hurón Sts. Mo ney Wanted. Wlio will Lend Money 1 TAM REQCfïrrED BY SEVERAL l'ERSON'S to obtain money fur them at Ten Per Cent Iaterest, (Or More.) For any one willing to lond, I can at onc inrest on good unencumbered abundant RKAL ESTÁTE security anynutns of money a uil suethat thotitle and aecurity arCALL KKilIT. 4ry The borrower paving all expen.ies, including rcording. K. W. MORGAN, Ann Arbor, Gek 7. 1869. 715tf TTi HBAD. A. DE FOREST, Aiways aheadin Low Prices HAVIN'G REMOVED MY rsTORE to the East nide o Main Htreet, onc door north of Guiterman1. lam nmv receiving Xow (ioodw, compnsiug all kinds of Gro ceriea, FruitB, ExiractB, Qbuamre, Lamps, Lookiui GiasaofljTablwCutlèry, Silrer-plated Gouds, &c, LOWER 1HANEVER! French China TeaScts, from $4 ïO to 18 0 Pnnefa China DinnerSetti. from 20 CO to 30 0C Stonu China Tea Sets, from 3 Oft to 4 5 Stone China DinnerSets, from 6 50 to 165 Beautiful tiohli-t, 00 prdozor (il;its CrOMne Lamps from 37 to 6 llatble Kerosene Lmnps from T6to 3 0 Fluul Lampafroin jo to 5( Kerosene Oil,Loodqnalty, g pergHor AU other Goodn at Corrcsponding prfcen. Uifip of all kinds altfredaiid ivpairni. roplidto# ?Wtf A. D FOWKT. N, BOOS STOREi HËM J. fi. WEBSTKlt tM ARE NOWtlPENlXG, MRECT FKÖM PÜBIJSHKRS AXi Manufacturen;, ;i Kw nml Complltfitock of JLAW & MEDIAL JÍOOKS, School Booki, Mitccllaneoui Bonks, lilnnk Bonks, ian Walt aiid Wi:(!o; PapoÏTj Drawingfind Mathematica] Instruments. Music, Juveuik' Ubrturio, Kuwlopes, [nka and Cards. GOLD And al ofter kinds of Pens and Pcncils ' WJodow Cornloo, alindes rwi'l I-'ixture, POCKET CUTLE11Y! Audeveiytliini; purtaining to the traite, and more lo whichthöy wiiuuï the-atteatíon 1 ilü' OU ;lltrv. Ineonductinprour bosEness, fre hall dn all that enn bo dono,su cluit no rcnHon:'.l)Uí man, wouuin or child shall find any t'.uilt . We posseá.H fací litios which irfll enable U3 to upply our ütumers at the Lowcst Possible Figures. Wepropnseiosellfor RBADY PAVf ata amalladvance. Wv expect a proiït on our goods, hut Cash Sales will Adinit of Low FIGURES. We hTfl eneraste! tbc rvlc of JAMES F. SPAI.niS'G, hereforeare prepare! ti furntsb Visiti-ng, Wedding and all otJier Cards ■written to order, ivilh ncalness and dispalch, bij mat' or othcrwhe. The "EariiiRBoOKStoBK.'ils mahned b.v a.gno.] 'crew,' nd they will ;i!'.v:ivs botViuodob tt] "quarlpr deck,'' ready and villlng Ui fttlend lu uil wiiii pleasure, vlio will favor them with a c;ill. Keraember the "Empire Book Storo." JAMES E. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, May, 1860. 7J( ANTOHER A ARBIVAI AT THE Rfi!0LI} AND RELIA B L E Í wH CLOTHIWt EMPOEIUMü ftJ'lioisr o. e PHCENIZ BXjOCK:, MAIN STEEET. has just roturned from the ICastern Cities, with i Urgl and desirable stock uf F ALL AND WINTER 3r O O X S wkicli he is now offering at ununually XjOXT 3F3rS.IO33fil! Among bis Assortnient may bc found BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOESKIN8, & VESTLNGS, of all descriptions, esnecially for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! which he is cutting and Aafcfag t tliolatostaní best styles, tQgethez with a sup(-nor nssortment of REA&Y MADE CLOTHING! TRUXKS CARl'ET BAüS, UMBUKI.I.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, witli mimerous ntlior artxlcs usually found n slmiUl ciitablislmit'iits. Ah ANEMPOBIÜM OFFASIIIOM, the subscribir HatiiTS himsilff that lus long: experienco añd genera: suooess, will epable him to ffive the reatcst satisfactiim u: w bp may trast him in thu wiiy oí manufaeturine irarmcnts to urdcr. 7C9tf WM. WAGNER. Summer Hill Nursciy. THE0D0RE R. DuBOIS, rltOPIÏICTOROF THE SDMtfEK IIIIX NTJR8ERY, ANN Arbor, Mich.,is nw ready koreodT.oxdemfor k all and Sprifif Setttaf, Hifl 'orders for Pruil teaA OmaillftDtal Trfos, Vinos, E?lirul)íí,etc.,wil]bt' filiolf mm tíio bul Ktítern Nnnortes, and hi-s personal attentmn will bo t;ivtn to toe Belection and flflingthesarae. Bavlog bcpnrojíulariy ftdncatod in tin; XinstT.v boaioesst ba sonfidotkl tbat with prompt and close atttrntion, and strict. lioi)et.v and ntegrity.he will be able to gire .satisfuction tu evt-ry oao conüding tliüirorders to liim, Atlfarioersor Fruit jyrowerw will do well toívo him a callbefdreordering thpoagb other partios. He imid rftr tomany oitfzensof the City and Co-.:nty who purehrt.s(doflüin the past 8ptlQg for qualityol trees broughtOD by him ollns iVit the good order in wh iel t tli f y wuii roooivod and deliverod 804m3 j W, MORGAN, Agent ior Mutual I.ifc Insurance Company, New York. eeumnl&todAtteta, .... fr,350(uoo. thelfíadinjí Ue Insurance COBipftaj in the U. S. Knickcrbockt'r'o Insurance Cumpany, New Vork, a first claKs nnft Co. - terms reasunable. Humboldi Firp InsiiraiKT fVunpmiy, New Torb. (kpUnl.witfa al irge surplus, - - $200,000. Peoría Marino í; Fire Insurance Co.t Peoría 1U. - hntV x Xo. 1 Firt'In&uranct Co'6. ?07tf Capital, - Í 500,000; THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE IXSUHANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 8500,000 ne of the HEAYIEST, SAFKST .and BEST EasnranM Ws. i ii tlie U. á. hsures n ra8onable terms, and al jrayf pay promptly. Xbeiu ia no bttter Fire Jusuranc kiinpany. LIFE IWSUttANOE. The Connecticut Mutual Lifo Insuranco Company. Accumulatcd Capital, - 83,500,000. WIIJ.INSORE LITES for any amonni not exceediqs $10,000 :t tho wholc term of Lite orfor a term uf voars, on the most favorabh t - 1 m-. N.IÏ The Compaoy Is parely mutual and the policy ïol'lcrs ifrt ;ill ttic surplus over tlif ex&ct COfit f iu-urincc It ftccotaadatM the Lnsored lo the gettlement of their proinitims ON UFE P0UCIE8, il' dosfred, bv rtking i not fur ono halfthu amount, bearlog iutere-st at sii per tut, per annum. Dividends are Dcdared Annualy! ati'l sIdog Hh'v nnw amount to i'ii'TY per cent on the promiumf c!tsh :in-i noto, and are incrc&HpLtbtiy juay be applied to cancel the notes. jfëgf The nttt'S oi premiums areas low as any otïttr respoiiKibW Companj And the larga acciunulated fund of $3,500,000 is sfi-niily invostcl, as may bc noen by refcrence to Uu1 tntc!iifnt made according to law, on Cle in tbc office of the County Chiti,:it Ann Arhor.-g JAMB8 GOODWIN, Prest. GuyR. rHKi.r9,Sccy. Forparticnlarsapply to JAMKS C. WATSON, 7631 Agent at Ana Arbor, Miuh. Oval Picture Frames ALL SÏZES, STYLES and PKICKS just rocoived aod furs;ilf cheapat 'iCHOFF & MILLER'S. 1860.Dcc. 25, 78Otf XJ ss 3EÍ SARATOQA EMPIRE WATER FOR Indigestión or Djspcptla, Coaitlpatlon, Xotyour UebtlttjT] Losrt of Appetiïe, Comioon Cokls, fllfliHHflt of the I.ungs, Headaohe, and Fvreriih state ui the ystem. ÖoW by KATHARD, PTITCBINS k WOSON anU EBKRBACH & CO , Ann Arbor. 1828. SEWIMG MACHINE F0R SALE. rOR SAI. IC ('UKAI' a ncw llrst cUrr FninilySowinj .Machino. Wurruntcd uo bettcr in market. ïerma easy. E. B. POND. Ann Arbor, July ldth,1861. WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYnpHIStooratarj "il lip a{ Oook'a Kotsl, in tlic Cltj cf X Ann Aibor, onïhurfulay of eacti weck, untii furtluT nothc, reatiy to roceivcuew men)bors. M. KENNY.Pocri-tfiry. Octulwra3d,18ei. Slf


Old News
Michigan Argus