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England Likely To Make War Even After The Surrender

England Likely To Make War Even After The Surrender image
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The samo race lives 011 bjth sidea the Atlantic. The Knglish will iiüt readily renouúce a project so dearly preparod, the Americana will not willingly fbrget the daugor wincli !ms thruatenud tlicni so closely. Tho English will probably not di&arm, bul the Amoricacs will certainly arm. A year ago they luid no regular ariay - they have now 700,000 nion ander ariüs ; they have rio navy, bul before six mouths they will have a formidable one. ËQgland is well aware of this. ill she give tho United States time to termínate her internal war and prepare for a foreign one? Frightf'ul symptoms are alroady nianifestiug theinselves in the South ; terror, it is said, prevails at New Orleaus. Five huudred houses have been burned down at Charleston, and the torch serves as tho signal for insurrection among the slaves. However strongly we may feel in favcr ot the avinihilation of felavery, we cannot believe it can lead to good resulta if it has to be purchased at the price of iueendiarism, bloodshed and devastation. If the servile war extunds, will not the armaruents ot Englai:d have hadsome sharo iu it? What is eerUin is, that the northern States have hitherto set aside that poisoned weapuu in their struggle with the South. 15ut exnosed to the threats of England at tho mo'mcnt when thcy are lovally resistiug the rebellion of the Soutlfthere will be few Americana wlio will not exclaim, '■It must be put au end to.'' It will be said that wc cali for war; but that is not the case. We wish, on the contrary, to find a means of preventiug it, and we see no other than the veto of France, the incident of the Treut being Bet aside. - Bat undcr what p'retoxt cao Eñgland be piovonted froni inteifering in the United States if the slave war breaks out in tho oouthern Confederation? Can it bo expectcd that the United States will allow thevnselves to be cut up without saying or doing anything? Tho recognition of the Soüth and the violation of the blockade will provo the inevitable dissolution of the great A meriean Confederation ; no orie eau doubt it, aud every one feels the presentiraent of it. We must, therefore, behold the annihilat ion under the doublé blows of an inleinal and u ioreigp war, of that new Power whicb, in fpite of its excelsos, reiaius in its bosom the saving principie of human lerty and ot social emancipaiion. After having re-established tho balance of power at sea, the United States, it is said, threatened to overibr.nv it for their min advantage. Who saysthat? England, who is abont to lo.e her naval preponderaDce, and who wishes to resume it. We shall be reproaciiud with making commfta cause with the United States ag'ainst England. We, in í'ict, do incline in favor iif the United States, because England wishes to overlhiovv them under pre test of cbafikiög their too threatening (uvcloptüuntti and t'eir excessivo pretensions If the exisience of England were threatened as that of the American "Union now is, who would reproach ui for making common cause with England ? It is our conviclion that Englaiid wishes to destroy the existance of Ibe United States, and vvhatever issue the incident oí tho Tront may have, our opinión in that respect will not be i;i any way cbanged. Does any oiie oxactly know what England has expended in annameiua soee the in-euking out ot the secession in America? A grant of thrce bundred millione was vofea for tho navy in March last ; the exponses of the ileet and f Uit' i-viny have buen carried up tu tl',1; urioriiiKiis auiüunt of 7Ü5 millioi:s and tho lunds of 3,000 RaviDgg -. buVe been put into requisiti.m to givo the finishing touch to these nnmenee prepai'attftnB Ia it only to make herüélf r? citrú, and for no other ob jp-ct, lliat En: und has ien. íi0,0li I tWO Ui Canuda, sjjpplied wilh guos all oí' her iimuiiierablo vea.el.s, and called uil her ímífitirrie porailation to urma? - Kuch demoitrations, in our opinión, cost too dear to bö allowcd to remain dio, The lijnglish knnw too wel! toe valué oí money to lavish it for the childieh siitisfaction of offended vanity. And ií this prodigious inerease of military forcé has not really takon placo ivith u view to the United States, it constituios a tí 1 1 greatcr cause for ub to feel uneasiness, History does not offer us an exuiTiple of an aristocracy so admirably and poworfully orffanied as tliat of England. Peáoé and war huvc ahvayb boen in its hands i nieans ot goveniment, and tlio liiititili uristocracy have well known how tp niake ue oí tliose eloments; but iioxv, wliotlier tho clients have ncreased or whcthor the patrons havo deplined in nuniber and iníiuence, thp equilibrimn botween the two classes hi.s been visibly deranged. Peaco ia no íongef wbnfc England wants, for tho ' markets of the World béirig evpr_. d:iy more and nore closed to English comrnerco by coinpetilioD, ohe linda herself ill at ease. What has happenod as regards cotton provea this. Pacifio agitation would BtjreTy ruin the Biiglish oügarcb-y, military agitation may save it. It is, therefore in a war that it will soek its ealvation. A.n eloquent speaker ís like a riyef - greatest at the moutb.


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Michigan Argus