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New Medical Discovery. For the stpewJy áoá pennanont curonf Gonnorhea, Gleet, TJrethal Discharges Gravel, Strii'turo, and Affectlom of tlie Kidneys and Bladder y wliich lias been ustM by upwM&i of ONE HUNDRED PIIYSIC1AKS, iü theit pritftU practice, ïritb satire Bucceas, ■ dtagCi hkhs, CoPiiBA, Cafatojss, m ftsy cotupound bit her BELL'S SPKCIFIC PILLS, ar spocdy in nction, ofteu oiïectitig a cure in a few rtaya, and írtien acure Is clfecrtea it. li pcnuancEt. Th prepare'A fnjin vegfttftblo extracta tliat art; linrmloss o& ■ the svstem, :uvl oever aaaseate the stomaeh or rapregoate the brea tb. ; and teing Huitar-coatert, allaaaeouH , taste it arnldod, yochavgeof diei is neasatary vhiht vaivg them. ; nor doea their action Interfete witli business pursiiits. E.u-h boxcorttalüfi nlx losen Pilis. PRÏCE ONK DOLLAA, atvl will bcspnl by mail posi-païd by anr Rftrertined Agent, on receipt of tiiamuney. Soid bjr Druggisls in An ti Arbor. Nene genuino without my slgnnture on the wrapper J. BRYAN, Bocheatw, N. Y., General A TT. & T,. HMONEA.Ü, Detroit, Vholusale Agenta for Michigan, 8O6tf PRIZE POETHY. Let ChieTtains boail cf loods ín war, Alld Minstrels tune Lhcir swcot gultfcr, A Roblar Chema niy ft.carí is ftlied - In oi üickkick's ipatchless pilb. Thoir cnros are fnmul In cverv Ir.ncl - Ai'ti'l Ruteia'a BB0W8 - and Alïie sanda ; Tbe ftoadroas wforks - the papers fili, Produced by HlBjtiOE'a matchlesa Filis. Doos disenso iïüct you ? nevcr doubt Thi cUftrmiuif compound will search it out, Aii'l healtb ag&Io yrflyitan SU, If you Uy at once to HsfUUCK'a Tilla. Tlny'te safe for all - botli old auJ young- Thcir praiea ara on every tongue ; Dlseane, áiaarmed - qo tenger kllls, Stnce we are bleesed wltii Hbbbics s Pilla. Put up witli Enjflísh. Hpanieb, Germán and FreüCfo. diresttona. Vire 26 ooatR ptr box Svga- Coatcd. See a.lvGrti:ïement on third page, 804 Important to Ladies. Dr. JOHN HARVEY, bavlag for upwnrda of twecty rean ftevoted Iti8 profesiioiwl time PxclaaiTeïy to tlic treatment of Fexnale IáfRoxHioe, anti haring sacceeded in tho-usaa ts oí cases in routering the afBicted to sound health, baa notr entire confldenoe in oilering publicly hin "ORBAT AMBRrCAN REMEDY," h:abvet7s CHHONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Whtch Imve nevcr yct feited (when the dlreetions havo büün sfrictly followed,) in remo ving dimculticsarifiing tton) Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, nr in restoring tlie system to perfect hflaltfc , ffhen suf Eerlng from Si'iXAi, AfÍBCUOüS, PxotAlHi Utkhi, tüiWhttbs, nr other ve:ikncsü oí' the Utbjhnh OaoüSi Alao ■ tsei sf Drbiiitï ok ?íBRVoua Phostration, Htstsuca I'mhtations, Sec., &c, wliich are fortfrannera of more nerioua diseaw. mk, These PUL are perftctly hfirmhuM on the constitución, and may bt taken hy the most delïrate femóle tottbout causing distreet; ut thfl suae time fchey act usa a csakm ty strenthening, invigotatïng, and restoring the system to n healfhy condition, and by brlttgtng on the munthly period ilh rogularity, no matter from what cause theobatruetíon Th''y slsnuM, howerer, nat be taken (Jnring 1!;g first tbree or foar naooths of pregnaney, thoagh fia at any ïther tïme, as-mlscarriajfe woald betheresnlt, Eaoh box oontaiaa CO Pilis. Price One Dollnr, and whendesired will be sen( by mail prepaíd by any atlver iiseá Agent on teoeipt of the mouey. tioid by Druggistsin Ann Arbor. J. BRYAX, Roehester, N. Y., Oonoral Agent. H & T.. S1MONKAU, DctruiL, Wholesale Agent fo Michigan. 806tf LMPÖRTAKTto FEMALES PILLS THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOMAK Iscontinually mlioril if she ia mad enoucih to ncglect or raaltreat thoM sexual inegularities to whicb twotbirds of hpr sex are more or less subject. DR. CHEEPÜMAN'S PILUS, prepare! from tbe same formula wbichtlie inventor, rORN'FJ.irS L. CHESSEMAN M. 1)., of Ncw-1'ork, has for twenty years useil successfuliy in an eitendod private pnetice- intmedlatelj relieve without pain, all disturbances of the periodical dichurse,whether ansing from relaxation or suppression. They act like B cbarm in rADOTiDg the pams that accempany difflcult or immoderate merstruation, and are the only safe ïnd reliabla remeilv for Flashes, Sick Headache, Palld in the !ins. Back and Sides, Palpitaticm of the Heart Nerrou Tremor, Hyrterics, Rpunu, Broken Pleep and other unplcasant and dangerouH eiïecls cf an unnatural condition of the sexual functioni In the worst cases of Fiuor Altus or Whites, they ollect a speeily cure. To WIVES and MATROISTSDH.CHE1-KM.V.'S 1'II.I.Sare olïercd as the only safe means of renowinginterr.ipted menstruation, but. TiADIBS MUST BRAK. I3i MISD Thcre is one candition of tkefemalc system út Kliirh the Pilis cannol be talttn without proditcmg a PECULIAR RESULT. Tkecnriditian referred 10 is PREGNANCJ- the rceult, MISCARKIAUE. Such is the irresistible ttndency nf the medicivetorestors the actual fiivaions to a normal condition, that even the reproductivo power of nature cavTiot reeist it. Explicit directions staling when, and when they should nol be usfíd, with each Box, - the Price Out Dollar each Box, r.önlaining .00 Pilis. A valuable l'a-uphlet, to be had free of the Agents. Pilis sent by mail pro-mptly, by enclosinj pnce to any Agent. Suld by Druggisis general y. K. B. H0TCU1MGS, ProprietoT. 20 Cedar-St., Few York. For' Palo by MAYXARD STEBUIXS 4: WILSOK , and GRENVILI.E & 1ULLER. Wanted For The FIRST EBGIMEHT! Now Statuned at Annapolis Janctioo, Md,,BH ll ABLE-BODIED MEN. liH PAY WILL COMMENCE FROM THE TI.ME OF ÏÏNLISTMKNT, Xow is the Time fcr all who wisli toenlist in A POPULAR REGIMENT, XJnder ]STo 1 Ofllcers And. Go Into Office, Corner of Main mul Washington Streets, over Widenmann's Stcre. Lieut. GEORGE C. MOOK Ann Arbor Jan. 27, 1862. 837tf DISSOLUTION. "TOTnE IShercbr given that the partnership heretoil fore existing u'njir the (irm of Dalton and líausj has been Disolved by mutual conReut. MATI1 KW DALTON JOUNUAÜSS. Ana Arbor, Mich., .lanuary J5. 1852. MTwfl Closing Out Sale OF WINTER DRESS GOODS! Notwithstanding tho great rise on East, ye wjll offer for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS OCK LAEOE STOCK OF WINTER DRESS GOODS Ai greatly roduced priecs FOR CASH OR READY ifAY ! C H. raiLLEHT & Co. N. B.- Alfio 1000 yards oí Funcy Silks at 3s. per yird. C H. MILLEN & Co. Ann Arbor, Feb. Ist, J 852. 8!7w4 SPECIAL NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS.' ALIjar.counts ever hix months musí be eettied at once. Calla tli office aml py up. A well celecteó stock of New Good Cheap for CB'h. 821tf MAVNARD , STiIBBINS & WIISOX. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, PURE, AD I'OUR TEARS Ol.n, Of Choiie porto Nnmfoucus, FOR J'IlYíICIANS' OSB, TOB FEMALES, WEAKLY PERSONS & IXVALIDS. Hvery faiuily, at Ibis season, ■ïumld' use tlie I 01 WINE, Celebrateri in Enroñe forltfl tiK-i'ioinïil and V ■ qnalltien aas gentle tjtimulunt, Todíc. Dinttla and Su 'l' r Bc, bigbij e teometi bj eminent pliyfiieianB, iinl in Boi " ei n and American HoapitalB, and ly somo oL tbe irsl families cf' Europe :lud America. AS A TOXIC, I' liTi no pqiml, causiN nu hi elite and building op of the gystem . beiag entifelj $. puro wiae of a un-t valuübU' fruit. AS A DIÜRKTIC, It impartí a hcaltbv lu-tinn to Ihc GlandsanilKiiünci's, anil Urinary Organs, rerj besefleial in Pi-opay, Gout, and Rheumatlc aflvctlons, SPEER'a WINE Is not a mixture wc manu&ctured artielp, uut la puro, from tlie juice of tbo Portugal Snmbuciis. cnltivated in New Jersey, recomxaended by Cnemista and 1 hysiciana as poseBUBr medieal prflpertii b Bupettaf to any otber Wi'.ip in n-;c. and ai. excellent article for all u-cak anti deMUtated persoua, and the aged and infnro, iraproving the appftite, anü bftneflting laütefl and daluren, A LADEES WINE, Bocause t ffill not intoxícate ns otbcr m-ípp, as it contatafl no mixture of spltitB or itquors. and id admired for its riel), peculiar üavor, and nntiiïive properttea, impartlng a lic-iitliy tone to the digestiva organ,and a blooming, soft aod hcnltby -in and complexion. WE REFEB TO A ftw well linown gentlemen and physicianfl, who hare tried tho Wine:- Gen. WmfteldScott, V S. A. Dr.WUoOi llili st., N. Y. 0.v. Morgau, N. Y. State Dr. Wsnl, Newark, N. J Dr. J. K. Chüton.N. Y. Dr. Houghcrty, " " D.Parker.N Y. City. Dr. Partan, Philadelphi Dr. Darcy and XicboU, Dr. Uuvis, Chicago, Newaik, N. J Illinois. And others ton numerous to pubüsh. 8iNo"ne gettuine uoless the lignatnre of "AT rM'.Kli Sli-KH, Paaaaie, K. J.," ie over the cork of each bottle. M3FMÁXS ONE ÏUIAL OP TUIS WIXE. For Sale by Blaynnrd, Stfbbltn & Wllson, Aim Arbor. For aale by Higby Ji Stearns. T. K. Fpenco, HenrJ Haigh, H. kL. nmonean, Otto Leuschner, lloare aho agenta lor Speer'a celebrated Samhuof Brandy of Oporto. ïrade suppbeilin Detroit br JAS. A. PERKINS & CO. A. SFEER, Prcprietor. VINKYAHI). Tah-nic, Noiv Jerspy. OFFICE, :08 Brwuiway, N, Y. JOHNLAFOV, Fa'ia, F3tm6 Agent forl'ranccand Gprmany. TOBACCO AT WHOLESALE! I am prepared to Sell for Cash. ALL GRADES OF Tobacco by the Barrel AT DETROIT PRICBS ! Merchants in this City and SURROUNLING VILLAGES CJTX SAVE Freight and Cartage! BY BUYiNG AT MY STORE, in Franklin Block, Ann Arbor. L. STUBBS. P. S.- -I am also Manufacturiog Oigars! jfVTID WILL SELL TflBlI AT WHOLESALE, At Frices tliat will Dstuand Cash. Ijong yola.xx'is And all other popular Brands-, Cor.stantly on hand. Ann Arbor, 1862. 836 tf TWO DWELLINGS FOR SALE OR RENT. 'Wfllt QTTI'ATEr, onc on Main fltffiSk i& O and thf otluT nn Detr.nt MlfiSfl JMjï ww Sif.-ct. }-'ossí:sKÍ(tn givtm IJBb, JfBekiémm immprliitfejy Eithpr or ■HfliSmBf : botH nf the abóve ñivt Ufa ; rHI Im boM for a smail lum dowHt au l the balance on time to fiuit purchers. Kor furtlicr partiüulars ïmiuire at TUIS OFiaCIC. TOWHOMITMAY CONCERN. THK ÜNDEBSÏ(!NED,H( tel Proprietor in tui city H Ar;n Arbor, 1 1 Dnounoo tn the public, that ou uuü aftCf the ürsl. of Jauuury, 18C2, TEN CENTS F ARE. will br ch.argcl to each ani; cvery pi.Ts;:n earrlfid to or irmn the cars, to tbt respective Hotel.-i, by the Omnibus I OK QtM' Hotel. II .AlifiTOW, Frnnklin }lo-.-. Aou A,rbor, Dtc. 2ttli, 1R-.1 tSSU j


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Michigan Argus