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Make Farm Labor Fashionable

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At thti base of tho prosperity oí any puople lies this great principie - make t'arrii labor faghionabl at lióme. Edúcate, instinct, encourage ; and ofi'ur all the incentives you can :iñer, to give interest and üignit) to labor at hume. Knust the huurt and tho intellect of tho family in the support of a domestio eystern tbat will mako labor attractiva at the homestead. By means of the powerful influences of early homo education, endeavor to invest practical labor with an interest that will cheer the heart of eacb meniber of the ianiilv, and thereby you will givo to your household thograce, peace, refinement ml attraction which God desigued a home should possess. Th truth ie, Wö should talk more, think more and act moro, in refurenc.c to questions relating to homo. The training and improvement of the physical, intellectual, ocial and moral poWera and sentiments of the youth of our country, requiro ■omething more than the echool-bouso, academy, college and uoivereity. The yonnj mind should recuive judicioug training in the field, in the garden in the barn, in the work-shop, in the parlor, in the kitchen - in a word, around the hearlh-stone at home. Whatevor intelloetual attainments your son may havo aaquirod, ho is unfit to go forth into society il ho has not had thrown around him the genial and punfyinginfluencüB of parents, eisters, brothers, nnd tho man-aaving influence of the family governinent. Tbe nation must look for virtue, wisdom and strength, to the eduualion that jontrols and shape the home policy of the family circle. There can be no love of country where thero is no ove of home. - Patriotism, true and germine, the only kind worthy of the name, derives its mighty etrength lrom fouutains that gush out around the heaith atone; and those who forget to cherish the household ipterests, will ?oon learn to look with indifference upon the interests of their cornmon country. We must cultivatoroots - nottops. We must make the family government, tho school, the agricultura! faira, the laboratories of our future groitness. We n.ust edúcate our sons to be farmers, artisans, architects, engineers, geologists, botanists, chemists - in a word, practical men. Their eyes must be turned from Washington to their states, counties, townships, districts and homes. This is trne patriotism; and the only patriotism that will perpetually preserve the nation.- Jlirljipn jüfliis".


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Michigan Argus