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G REAT. CKEATEït GEE ATEST BARG41KS EVER OFFERKÜ 1859. Jq159. In tl)Í3City,arenow being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & ar o w O x r y otorOTBG Subscrlbor would pay to th1 citizon of Ann Arbor, in particular, nnd tbc rest ol Wnshimaw Cnnntv in (TBimrnl, tlint hehiisjunt ÏMPORTED DlRECTLt Ironi EUROPE.a Treraenflons Stock of Watches! All of whlch hu MndaMmiPirtiaell OHKAPKR than c;ri In' bODgbt wcsl of Now Vork City. Opon Yih-o Cylindtr Wetches Irom @fi to $10 do do Lever do tlo 8 to ijl Ilunting Case do do do 14 to :;5 do do Oylinder do do 9 to ïfc Golil Wntcheaf'rum 20 to U0 I hOVO RláO tllf! CBLEJJRATJED AMEEÏCAN WATCHES, whioh I wlll seu ter .$35. Evry Watch warrantt-d to porto rin wrll.orthc monoy rttunded. Cloclis, Jcwclry, Plnted Ware, Fnncy Gooda, Gold PenB. Musios] Instruments and .-ftriags, Ctitiory, &c, nnd in fait n variory of everythine uanalTy Vrpi jíj Jewelri eim bc h"ughtt'ortho next ninety days at foor O W N PBI0E8I Persons bxiyiiu' t'itï.:n." at thli Wfil knovtn etblistimo ii t run relytipongctting gooris eatactly as repn -fni' (}, ortbeznonny n Fouded. CaDe&rty nnd secure Uit; beet bargalns erer offercd lo tbl i:'ty. One word in regard to Rcpairing : Wc nrr preparad to mnc any rt;pnrs onftn or commun Watcbes, ever, (o nuklag (. er the rut f re watoh, 11' nnct'.tfrHry. fteptttrlng (;f Cloofefl and Jewelry .s neuni. Also tSr manufacturine oi RINGS, BKOOCH or uylhiüa: rtcrtírorl, fromCnlif' ruin O oh. onehbrtao' tice. Encrnrinj? in ftliitsbranchcsexeented withnetr. ní'ns and dispatch. J C WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jnn. 28thl859. 7L-íw HORACE WATERS, AGENT 3 3 3 Dreadway, Nu w Y o v k Publlshei of Bfuslc aiKl .Muslf HooU AM) DKA1SI Dl Pianos, Melodeons, Aloxandre Organs Orgiin Accordeons, Martin 's celebrated and other Guitars. Violins, Tenor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinaa, Fiutes, FifSs, TriaDglesClari nctts, Timing Forks, Pipes aodHammerft, Violin J3ows, bestltalian StriogSj Basa Iostcurpeota for Bands, Piano Stooïe, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Inwtrumonts. & la. o o -t J&Z xi. S X o, f rom al! the poblubera in ihc 0. S. , Bertini'á UuntinV, anil Modern choolj and all kinds of In-iimciion Books for the above instruiaeDta; CLurch Uusic Booka: Music elegROtty bouhoTj Maic pajKfr, aud all kinds of Uoaic Meroliandiitft, Att heLowest Prices. IJ cw Pianos, At $175, í'200, $226, $250, and up to $R0O. Secoud Hand Planos from $25 tip to Í160; New MetodeoUK 45, $60, $75, $100, aud up to $200; econd Hand Melodeonfl from $30 to 8E; AtexandreOrms, with fire stops, $160, ninestiis, $185 nnd S'i5; Úiírtoen Btops, $230, S'JT5 nml $300i ftftccnBtopst$3S0and $Ï76: A Libera] discount to Clorgymcn, Churches, Sabbiith Scliools, Semiaarirg and Tfttchera. Tlie Troüe uuppüed at the usual trade , dboountfl Testimoníala of tlic Hornee Waters Planos ml 3ïclul-nn. John ITewctt, of Carthage, Ñew York, who has had ono "C IIorMc-cWtiten l'i;i;ios, vrltesasfoUows! - aA friend of mino wishes me to pu rehuso a piano for her. Bhfl likes the one you sold mo in Decombei My piano is becómthg popular in thfs place, and I think I can introduce one or two more; thcy will be more fpu lar thíin any other makd." "We have two of Watew' Pianos in use in ourSeminary, one of trhih has boen severely tesiod for three yoflTB. md we can icftify to their ccood quality aud durability."- Wood ie Gragury, Mount Cttrroll, Til. 'MI, Waters, Esj. - fin'.: Having used oneof your Plaiio Fortes for two yeara past. I have fnnud Itarery siLptriov Jiistriimfitf. AlONXO QSAT, Principal lirookfyn fffights Seminan. "The IMano I received from you continúes to giregatisfaction. 1 regard it a one 'f tin"1 best instrumenta in the place." lAVJUlm Cubks, Charleston, fS. "The ifelodeoD baa eafely arrired. I feel obiigedto you fory our Ubera] discouut." Rev. J. 41. JicCOKinck, YarqnesvillcS, C. ''The piano was duly rocoived. Tt camo in excellent OOUditlOD, and ifl vt-iv much admired by my numeroui fnmilv Accept inv ta;inkn for your jiroraptuess.'1 - RoBJUtx COOPBB, Wdrwikam, Bradjoed Co. Pa. ... . tg as wl. H '. bost ono in our county.",- TiiOMas A. L&XHAX, CampbclUon, Ga. "We ure very muoh obligad to you for haring sent Sttoli afine instrument for S'JöO." - B]ïaxk,ÏIki.i & Co#, Bitjfalü Democrat. "The Horare Wntors Pianos aro known as araonjï tlie ! very beat We aro cnabtud to spoaU of these menta wjtL coofidence, &om personal tcnowledge of thefr excellent tone and durable quality. f - N. Y. Evangelist. ' 'V.y c;i!i speak f tho toftHts of Uu ! (onuM VTaten pianos from personal boowlödge, as boing tho very fine&t qnallty."- Ckritttian Intetiïgenccr. "The Hoiaee ':t■l.■ pteootareouiltof best and úiofli tboroughly veuoned material. We lmre no donfri lh;ii buyera can do as wollipwhapB bet i er, at tlii.s iluin at anv otherh9uae in the - Advocate a'id Journal. Waters' pianos and melodeonfl dhaHénge eofanparison with tho finest made any whoro in tho country."- Home Journal"Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich and eren tone, and powerful - if. Y. Musical Rerew. "Oor frlondfl WiTl Bnd at Mr. Waters' tore tho vrry be [1 i ■ ortment of Moafo and of Planos to be found in the United States, and wo urge oar iwuthern au'l irestei n friemls U give hini ft cali whenever they Lu to New Yorl:." - Grahaiiïs Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, 100,000 Isscert la ten Months. The unpreecdentod ale of thisbook lias Induoedthe mblisliei to add Kme 30 oew tonesand bymna to its pres int riaé, mthoui ftxtra charge, exoepi theoheapedlon Am ■ '■ beautlful tunes and liymns &dded nay b found:-"! oughi to love my mothér1 "O Pfl ie a eood child, indeed I wdl." These and elghi "rom Sic BeU.wero Rungat theSonday Scijool AnnivepRary of the M. ■ the Academy of Music, wiih [reat appl e Wie Belteoi oeariy 200 tunes and ■:■] is one oi the best eolleettons eTerissiied. i [red.postfrge 4c Elegantly bouu 1, yllt 2ÖC, i'-"1 }■■ ■■ 100 It h:;s been introduced ato many of the Pablio schools. Ihe o i ia jjuMí -]- - m small numbers ontitled Anni. ersary and Spnday Scliool Music Bc ksNos. 1,2, 'J, k , in order to aooommodate the oiOlton; prlco Í2 k $3 per i'undved No. ö ifill soonbe iagued- cosunencement of another book. AIko, RevfvaJ) Blusió Books-, No, I 83í, prloa $1 k $2 per 100, poatago lc Morethaa :;)0,000 copies of the aoove books have been issuM the past richteen monthl, and Ihe demandisrapidly increasin. I'ubli.-ihüd hv HORACE W.Tl'lïS, Agent, '■'.■'■'■' lïroadway, X. lf. Publisod by Horace Watoi's No 333 Broadtray, New VorJc, Vocal, lKin-i Words oan oever dieV? "TheAn D . ■ "Wildfl of the Vrat:" Thoughia oX God;" !ií)v.t nu1 h.ick voy Mfnuit.iiii Some;" ■■!;: v Dreams;'1 "Dandy Cock RoVtn;n 'Tm wih thee BtiU;(Pe1 name:" "Th.-:v'"s ii dftrilng lik ralne:" "Satah .i.iüo ;"--Kvör i' tlii'i-:" "l'in leaTinfftheé in Borrow;" "Bird of "Home Df our bijwi;" "Orave of Kosabel,'1 and 'Wake, lady, wake, ' price 26ceach. 1 ïssrurMKXTAi.,- 'Palftce Gardon, or Singing Bïrd Polka.' 40c; ". ' Schot tisch;" ' i '-i öohottiaoiie;" lHecokmini LUtifttl ■ "Wohnerl.Mka" "Anbüm Wai orj I ■ ■ last; "Vaspoi ïiirka; "Rea4: in Polka:" "Crinoline Watta," and Mtaneew' Qua driüe " 26eeach. lThe Kmpkoof Relch'H Quadrille;" a new danee, and "The Hlbernlan Quadrille," 85oeach. Manyof Hu , ..■ played by Baker's alebráted NOheftt ra wñÜi gxeaj apulr,use.j(Q Mailed froe. A largolot of Foreign ilusic al half prioe. pianos, Afelotlcons and Orgaus. T!ni liomee Waters Víanos and Mclotleons, for depth, imriiy of tone and dm-ability, are ansnrpássed. Prices very low deeond Hand Pianoa and Melodeons from $25 to $15ü. MuiicandiluKÏciil [nstrnotlonfl of all kinds, at the lowest prices. HORAGE WATERS, Agent, N'o. .1:1:1 !![,udway,X. Y. TsstOIONULi; - "The Horaee Witters Pianos aro known fttaanong theréry best.' -Evansfelint. "We can spenk of their raei-itu from personal knowledge."- Christiaw Intetiigcncer. "Xm hing at the Fair dlsplayed groater excellence -" - Churchman. Waters' Pianos and Melodeons challengecomparison with the finest made anywherein the country,"- Home Journal. T19tf IrvingB "Works - National Editiou rnXIXB i'ino Edititm of the Worki of Waphikoton Ib L TINQ (includin the lit'u oí will be pubishod for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Monthly Volumca, Prioe $1.50 Paynble on Delivery, Beautifully Printed on heavy superHne paper, of 'the vtvv besi quality, and Bub.stantially bound in heavj b&vellod boards, OEach Volume illustratod with Viguettet on Steel and WooU. Ql Knickeibocker's New York, pketoh lïuok, notli. bolnmbufl, 8 ■U, Braoebridge Hall, Asturia, Tales of a Tra veler, prayon Uisoellany, Capt. Bonnw Ule, plivor Goidainltb, Hahomet, 2 vols. (■f-n.ula, Allüiinhra, f Wolf.-it's BÖOSt, I,ife of Washington, 5 vol. randt. Thisi'dition will be Bold KxrrrsivEi.v to SubRCribere xnd will be greátly superior to any ever beforc isued,- A veiy liandsorae set of these univerally popular work. ,ii thus placed witliin the mwu of all. P P. PITTNAM, Afft.,riibhshLr. 115 Nassau Street, New York OATÏÏAKTIC ' -$?&%L f i Aro yon sick, feeble, and L- m. "!■ "gr ft gjw complaiuiii,? Aio yoa oui . - - -■ V;, - -1"" ordur, with your bvsIoih de' n ' r'dív!í raugeil, umi your feclíus un"RlCE ' coiufortaJJeï lítete syippfc!M!LWAuKi r'"''HD toms nre often j.ii-lmJe to i -- ' V SHÉfe sciiüiis illiu'sH. Sume lit of Í u7JBiii „ _ IIUlWEmI sl-'knfs iscreoping upon yon, ■ "yPTrf. -rV S! nml NhouM 1 arertod by a k L ''V ö1 ! fc'lliely up0 ' lö '"(;ht ï'einiCe BP et]-v' 'iiik0 Aer8 l'NKand Ví'míí I ct-'l'lI19c Ott' ky diaordered huI C ii "&-è&, BagSfffM niors - purify the hlood, and ' I .tfMSyBj 1''' tlll( 'llid8 move on itnol)jV-, ""■ -■■■ i:, ■:. il In lictlth ngain. ). jjjj BhHK They (mulato the functions C :'l ; jL of the body into vlgorou acjjisJPBeB=5aH tivity, purify the syrttcm from íí the ohstruotions vhlcb uinko diae.ise. A coM scttios someuhere in tho bmly, and olstructs its natural functions. These, if not lelieveel, reaet apon thonweïves and tlio surrouoding orgauSi pro duehrg general aggraratlou, snfPerlng, and dlsease. WhUe !n this con1ltlon, opprewed y the derangftinents, talie Ayor's l'ills, and slü hmv dirccily they restore tlio natural actlon of the systtmi, nul with it the huoyatit fcolliig of health agrio. ' is and io Épparent ia this trivial and ooramon ooniplatiit, is alo truo in mauy ; of tho doop toatod nufl daogeroua dUtempert Thueanio puij(itive effect expol.s tlinni. Caiiseil bj nimilur obstiuctlona and derangeinente óf the natural fuucüona of tho boily, Ihoy nru rapidly, nnd nniny of theu tmruly, cmcJ ly tboaame humus. None who know vlrtues of these Pilis, will iiclect to employ Ihem when Rifforhig lVom the diaprdora lboy oare Statémdiftt from leadlag piiyslclaoa in some of tho principal cities, umi from otlier wvll kuowu public persons. From a Forwardittff Sfcréhant '-Si. Louis, Feb. 4, 185G. Dit. Ayí;h : Yutir VWU aro the jmragon of al! that is preat in modlcine. Thej have cnred my littlc daugbtcr ot' ulret'i'UH BorM opon boè llanda aod fe 't tliat Ji il pravod ncurabte tot yeare. lier inoUior liaa boen lona grlovi'iisly ii'üi .-ti-il wiili btolcbwand plmpleaii horsKin aml in Uer lioir. After our cliild win uiueJ,Mliü alao bied your l'illa, and they huvu cuied ber. ASA. MOltGUIDQE. Aa m, Fnmtly Fliysle From D) 2? M'. Qarlwriyht, New Orleans Your Pula aro the prlnce of [mrges. Their excellent (uaüti-M fiirji:i33 any caUiartlc wo pomset. ïhey are mi; il. dut vorycertoiii and effectuul lu tlioJracUon dd tlie boirels, whicb maltes thi'ia invaluublu to uu in thu duily trealmeot f dl IIenlachc,Sl1&IIcft4lA-1e,irouI Momndi. J-Vont Dr. Aklward Jioyd, liullimore. Deas Hito. Atir: Icannot anöwor yon ivf ml complaints T ctnel with yonr l'iti Ij i i p ti. m to vwyoUlhnt we trtr treat with aptuftaliiy medipint I place great dppeudi-M ■" on -ui m'.'.i u;ü cauiartlo in my datly contMt with disoase, and bolieving au I lo Uiat yonr l'iilïj aflurd us the beat we have, I of cuuio valuó tlmin hlghly. PnrSBtmo, Ta., May 1, 1865. Dr. J. C. Atur. Sir: I have bwn repwtedly curiad of tl in worst heudüühê any hoiiy can have hy ■' dOfljB or two of your PiHs. It BnM to aiiao from u foul ttóbiach, wbich ihoy cloanse at once. xoura with great rettpect, KD. W. PREI1LE, Clerk of Sluimer Clarion. B113OU3 DiordfTH - Tüivcr Complaiiitfl From Dr. Theodore Bell, f to York Cly. N t Jïly urn yonr Piïld ndmirably ailaptetl to tbeir pnrposo ns mi n](eii(;iit. bnt T iïnI Hiolr IwneWcInl effect suion the Liv.r vi' ry marked Indeed. Tbeybaïe iuiaypracüce provcd more effect aal fur the .v,ïi of blliout com li in any on n ra Ij I cao lacntion. 1 Bincerely icjoico tJüii. vvliave at toagüi a purgoilve Is wortliy tho COiiflduce of tho profceujou uud tho pöüple. Di.i'.r.T.Mr.NT of tuk iNTruion, .' Washington, 1). (.'., Jth i'.h., 1856. ƒ 1 BlB : I lmvo uced your Pilla in my geucrnl úul hospital praci ice ever Bince you inado lbou),uud cannol hesiuito to Buy ibey oro tbe bost catfiiirtto-weemploy. Ibek regnlating actiou on lbo liver is qoick oud dedded, cüimequontly they are an adiulrablo n mcdy fbj1 derati of Uiat orgoji. Indeed] bave aeiduni foaind a ca of biliuus dit. ■ k bo ' h itluate tbat it did not readlly yleld to tbcm. ffraternally yotira, ALONZO BALL, M. D.. J'hysician j' the Marine JIusjjííuI. Dysentcry, DlarvUocn, Kclaxr Wmi. Jñ'om Dr. J. O'. Oran, of Chicago. Your Pilis h;ivo bad i long trial in my practïce, and T hold tbem in rstt-i-in as olie of the best aperientü I have ever found. 'i'iieir alterativo eflect apon tlio liver nmkes tin-in an excellent reinetly, wlien givcn in sniall doses for bitíata dffWiitrjt and Uiurricea. 'llu-ir sngai-couting zuakos theia very acf-eptublo aud couveuicut for thu use of vfoiuenaml chikhen. Dyspopsia, Impurity of tlie lïïood. From liev. J. V. Jlones, ltstvr of Advent Church, Bosion. Dit. Ater: I h.ira usecl your Pilla with oxtraoiilinary ncress in my family and nmong tliose 1 urn callcd to visit in clifltiess. To rcgnlato tbfl organa of digestión nucí purify the blooü, tliey aro tlio very beat remerty I have ever knova,ttd 1 eau conlïJently recommoml them to my Usada. Yuure, J. V. IHMLS. W'aiïöaw, Vyoming Co.t N. Y.( Oct. 24, IS55. De Ar. 8iR : 1 am using yonr OatharUc l'illa in my pmctice, and fina tlicin uu exitHrnt paratthre t dMlue the eysteiu aud jwrify Ihe fottntaim "f tut lUmi. JOHN U. MEACHAM, M. D. CoiiNtipntlon, Co# ïvïne.H, Supprcsfcioii, Kiicitiitalisiii, Ootitj Neuralgia, Irop 8-, Parnlysis, Fits, etc. From Dr. J. P. Yau.jhn, Hvntrml, Canada. Too mucli cannot bo Rnid of yonr Vills fur the enre of costiventss. ]f othora of our fbalarjiUy havo faund tliem as offleacious as I have. they shonlil juin me in jiroclnimlagitfor tlio benefit uf tho multitudes who ulier from thut coniphüut, which, aUhough bnil eootigh in itself, fs tho procönf tor of oUters iljüt are worsa. 1 bell tiveness toorlghmto in the liver, but your Pill afl'ect tbat organ auü curu the disease. From Mrs. E. Stoort, Physician and Jlfidteife, Boston. ,1 find ono or two larpe loses ofyonr Pilis, taken nt tho propor excellent promo! V. -sof the miOtml sm-t(jon irben wbolly or partlally ■nppreased, and aluo very eflbctnal io cleanse tho lomavh aud exnel wnrms. They are so ïnuch tho beat physic vu liare that I rccumiutiul no otlier to iny patients. From the licv. Dr. Ilnuius, of the JWdJtodisl Epis. ChwcJi. PmsKi House, Bavannab, Ga., 0. 185G. IToxohed Sm: I Bhonld be nngntortd for tho relief yonr skill ha brought me if I tlid not report my caao to you. A cold settled in my limbsand bltmgbt on excrueiating tMuralfficpaintt which emled in clirauie rhanuatism. NotfitoBtaDding I bad tlie bot of phy?icians, the disease grew worso und worse, nntil hy the mivice of your excollont agont in Baltimore. Dr. Mackeuzie, I tried your Pilis. Tbeir effects were elow, hut rare. ïïy jjcrsoTcring ia the use of them, I am now eutirely wvIL Pésate Cïiamdeiï, lïaton Bonge, Ln., 5 Dec. Í9651 Dr. Ater: I have been eutirely cured, by yonr Pifie, of Jihemnatic GouL- a paiuful discart that bad aflllcted me for years. VIHOBNT SLIDELL. 435Most of tïïo Pillf in market contain Jlercury, wnicb, althoogh a valnable remedy in kiïful hands, "is dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conseqnences that frefpiently follow its ïncautious use. These contain no morcury or mineral substanco wliatever. Price, 25 ceuta por Box, or 5 Boxea for $1. Pre#ar&d fc#r Dr. J. C. AYJ5B. & CO., LotöII, ïtasa. Au I i i ale iv luaynarö, Stebbms & vvjsoü, FARRAXD, SHELEY ft 00., Detroit. 809yl J II. BLUKIiX, Travelling Agent. Rifle F actor y! A. J. SÜTHERLAWD HASremovedhisGunShoptotheNuw Blockonlluton strect, south oi'thc (ourtllouse.ontneüccond Eloor, whert he is prepured to fu ruieh Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pci;ies Game Bags, and Everj other article in his Line. On thciuttreasonable tormp. ftndto (io all kinds o IET 0EÏ 3E3 jSL X H. IKT Gr the shoiteslmticü,andinthe bt inunei riilliasorttnontalwaye kep n hand.ond made to oriïi-i- . BOOTS SHOES ■ , , ■■■ , i u 10 e '? S MOüHB & I.OOMIS Aro now roceiving a largo assnrtmcnt of Boots and Whidl tlny propos? to sell 50 per cent below former prices for eath. Men'o good Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 Men's good Thick Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 Mon's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 , Boy's Calf, Kip ond Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaiters, froro 44 to 1,25 Ladiea' Morocco Bootees, from 75 to 1,25 Aiul au endless varicty of Smal Shoes from Tancy Baltnorula to lofants' Creeping Shoes, Wc are nlsolllanuractarliig all kinds of WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Mens Fine French Calf Boots Tegged and Sewed. Po givQ usa cali beiïiro pure'., h re, as wearo i Iróundrtot to bo andewoM. {■UKI'AIKI.VG UONE ' ON SH'illT SQCICE.JSS .. MUOBE & LOOMIS j Ifaln Pt., Ann Arlinv, Mich. 82Ótf ( WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIHJS INSURANPE i ■"IlliKSivivhirv v.ill bf iit Ci.ik' Hotel, in the City cf ' JL Aan Arbor,"onTlmrMlay of cach week, uatilfurther lotico. ready to receiye uew members. l M. KENWy.Sfcrctary. '. OctobcrS3d, 1861. PMlf Mojrtgago D1IAI I.T haring been marie in t'ie cnmlitiou of m"r "! 'y Calvin T. Killmun n5 . hte wife, to l.uther Jams, rtatod December l,t A. ;. 1. ;,;. iU..i ive. r I. ! tlie int ,l„y U aftun ininutw paai two o'cli i !. P. M., in,,., of UartgMga .iJ" 1..Ï ui 1( gf v.'s office in V.ihfcnw rmti K Aefouli the oworof nle con-aiui n said n' ri r.iin Ix-cameiipi'rativp.Kiiil nosuit ur proeoedll lm ving been lajtltuted at lw ti reoovor the lobt leciinS ; tgageoranj p. rt thereof, aud the Min. of mn lmndrcd iin.l forl.v ...Hars bointr now cllhned ti, l„ . duethereon. S'oticeU therefore hereby glvtn. tliat th sai'l mortgKM will bc foreelnmd iiy a a!e of nu -i. gagpd premUee, to-wjt: "Th N"rl:wrtt (iiartr of soctioö tío. twonty-fhcce, In Townslilp liro Bontti of range Ut Eut, la Soio, in i! county and stati-, exceptlng the Etat llity acre of land of ;.! quarter Bectinn,' oraome pti ts tbereof, al publia vendue at tli Coort Houie In the city of Aon Arbor, on the twent? sixth flay of April next, at nóoO. I.ITIIKR MU8, Mortgagw. E. W. UOMUAU'y. ' Dated, .i:in. üotb, a . ii. , 1 8 ;a. 83;tc MO] 1(4 AGE SALE. DEFAÜLT haying l -en made in the payment of a eertaiii mortgáge, beartn date the 36th day of Octo"■r, A I) 1 .".-. . ■■-.■.■■::. -i hy .?.■- .■ !' Gillet '. Almon-1 li II. l'riut. nul KwordOd in tlio office of Retftttex of Desds and Uorteagesof Waahteuavr Couuty, on tbq 9ih day of November, A. 1) lj.s, at 10 o'clock, a. M.and recerded in Lttter 25 f Murt gagos on page 92, saia mortgage waa dulv uwlfoedon the ï8ih day of October, A. D L8 H,lvyth-siu'lA!moii.lIl. M. Pra:t to 3ally l'ratt, which Bftld a-itiiiH-u! i ! u I _v recozded at the tame sald lime and place of the reoordlng of said niortgaer on wliich mort page thorc Is claimcd to bu duo :it tBW dntfi of thifl DOtjce, the um of tliree hundred un E twenollare ($3ft(00) priucipaKuui] BereuIjr-UiiM and fê-100dóftiral$73,63j Interest, Dftikine in all Lhe sumóf '■-' ii n ! and nlnetj-jgnt and 63-100 8), :ul do snit oi proceedings at law hav, Instftuted to recoTei the satni, or any pirt thereof:- N'mí.ití, ].i vt-'iy irivi'u ihat by rirtue of a power of sale cc ataioed thcrein, on Thnrsday,, the 24th iny uf April, a. D ld '-i. ;it t ■'. n'. i .■!■:, noi m, of sa!d tlay, at the fifuit door of the Cour! House in tlie city of Aun Arbor (thai belng tbc placo lor holding the Circuit Court fortlié -.liii CountyJ tbere wil) be nolü at public auction to the t bidder Ine piorfgaged premitu s aforerald or so much thereof aá shkll bo neeessriry to salinfy thonmotint due on uld mortgage with Interest, and the cost and exi illmw-i! l,y l:nv. tur tiio foreclosin tho same; said premiaes are describedaa íollows, to-wf t All that tract ui pareéi of Land sitnato In lhe township of ManohesWr. County of Washtenaw, siivt of Michigan, %iz: Commenoing on the Rorth-weef corner of the .south part of ! nmth west froctiooal one quarter f sectinn si. townBkip fonr simthof rango throeeast. theuce on the line cast on s iid lut tothe centre of rirerRaisIn, thence o the : eentre tf iaid river to the centre uf Marsh Broofe, thenco alons t!it' centreof sald Uarsh Brook to the centro of Territorial Röad, thence west to the south east corner of tanda owngd by Thomas dunn north of the 'i-r rit ruil Road, tlience north to the coiitre of said river llaUin,. thence up the centre of the sald river Raïsin lo theCobotj Une , supposed to be the place of beginning, contaiivng usx-iity tv. o (-22) aeies of land, bc the same mtre or les, .:i'u mórtgage being given toseenre part of tlie purchaso price of tlie said Land, RALLY PRATT, Aiisigoee. Crank & Akmstkono, Aitprnen for Assignee Dated, January 20, 18C2. 83Cwl2 Mortgagc Sale. DEFACT.T hn inii been made in the conditinn of a Moríptgc, exeouted by David Smíth to'Luther Jamts, latiül October 25th, A. ])., 1856, and reconlel tho same d y a1 half past l .w.'lve o"cli)ck,at noonf in Ltbcr N. 29 ol Mortgages, at page 95, in the Reginter'a office, ia the Countj of Wahteaav, by which defauH the power (" f f li' tberein coirtaíni d becamè operatíve, and no Ruit or proccèdinge haviug heen instituto! at law f recover eby or iny part thoronf; Anti tha sum oJ t ï ■ tiuii'.l.'i ' and fifty nine dullars oe'ng now : to b duê thereon: liofïce is therefore herebr L'ïvt-n. that ttid utortgage will bo foreelosed hy a saleof the mortgnged, t o-wit: All those certain tractH or parcoN -r Laódkaowu and daocribed m the ast half of the Bouth east quarter, and the south half oí the ,-t quarter of the north east quartor of seétloq Cío. Alghteen; and the north east qiiarter oí thf north east quarter of section Ño. nincteen; aml the norlh west quarter of the north irf quartör of i;cti'n Xo. twenty, in tovnuhip No. one ggóth ofrangv Kc. four east, Enttte Couniy óf Waslitenaw and State of llichigao, or port th-ioof,at public ven"UiP, itt the Court House, in the City of Ana Arbor, in said County on the ltt day of March next at noon. LUTIIER JAMES, Mortgagee. E. W. HohC.a, Atty. Dateü, Xov. 2Gth, A. D. 1861. 82fit Mortgago Sale. MICFIAELM. DICKE&3ON bvanindfntureof Mortaga hearing date Eleveph daj of Di'comber, in the year üqc thousan ï Eigbt hundred anl fifty-eigut duly mortgaged to Williaml. Vansickle all those tracta uid pareéis ol land lying in lhe State cf Michigan, County of Washtonaw, aud Towns of Pittsfield and Visil;inti, knovn and deecnlwd as lhe East half of the Xi'ith East quarter of ection number one in Township □amber three Soxrth, ol Range number six Ean (PittBÖeldl; and abo the West half of the North West quarter of section crumber sïx In Township number three Sou tb, of Range number aeren Bast (Yp.silunti). The saifl moitgage, with the power of saïe thereln contuined, was reconled ou the llth day oC Dfloenher, A. 1)., 1S08, at 5 o'clock, P. M. , of that day, in Liber iö Of noirtgáges, at puye 174,in theoOiceof the Register ol Deedafor the County oí Wasïktenaw. On t'1"; lftth cay pf Dooeaaber, A.D., lS61,said Mortgage was duly assigned, hy au instrument in writinjr, duly ex:cutcdf witnesn d aod wknowtedfed by said Wiuiam VanskkJ, and bv htm theo doj peredj to Leasnro L. Kinunel, whtoh asstnnneDt as teebrdcd oq the flnt day of January, A. T. ., lHi-2, at o'c.oik, 1'. .Nf., of that day Id Liber 25 of Úortgagea, at page 175, in tbe oflice of the. aforpsaid Register. The sum of Four Ilundrod and geven ty-four 81-10!) , besidea Ü)e SoïicUor's feea and expenses of foreoiosure ; prorided in ii'1 Mortgage, is clahned to be due on said mortgnge, and tho note accompanying the samo at the date of thla notlce, and defuult having bit n made i.: the c odttion oí sald murtgage by vhich the power of sale thoroin cootáfned has beenme opera ;iYt;uid do snit or proceeding at law having been iustituted to recover the debt tíiereby secured, crny part thorcof - Xotice is horeby given that said Mortgage will be foi-eclosed by a sale of the ahove describeti landl. which Bale wilt take place u public vendue at the Soutfi door of tho Court House (being the place of holdinc the Circuit. Court) in tho city of Ann Arbor, in the said County., m the thirty tirst day of March A. D-, 1Ö62 at I oVlockl'. M., of that day. LEA3URE L. KIMMEL, Assignec of Mortgago. Dated, January, 3d. 1862. 88UCoiumissioners Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa.thtenaw, :, The nñdénigne haring been appointed by the l'robate Court for aid ('out, tv, Commigsioners to recebe, examine and adjust au claims and demand of all pwBons againat tho estáte of Pat riek Hoban late of the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, deceascd, hereby ■rri: noi-fi' ib;it six months froin date, aro, by order of the said Probate Court, allowed for creditors to present thelr olaims agaiosi iaid dptwioAjtvA that tberwttl meet at tbr bí Pntnek Wall. in the City of Ann ; Arbor, in said couniy aforesaid, on Saturd.iy, the twenty-ninth iffay of tófcrch, and Tuosday the first day of July next, at doe o'clock 1'. II,, of each day to recoivo, examiue aml adjusi raid claim. Í'atSÍ-K Vk'S VV }Commissi0Bt.. 1A1K1CK AlcKr-KA , } D.ü), December CO lsci. 833 Ann Arbor Marble Works. o TT AS on hand a fine assortmeut of Americau and 1TA L 1 A N MA B B L L which hela prepared to manufacture in to Si ON U MENT8, II E A 1 S Tï STONES T O M B njjll L TABLES in alltheir varieties, and in a WÜKKMAXLIKE manner Haviiiii had considerable experience in the businesi ho flattera himself that he will be able to please all vrho may fnvor me with their orer. His pricef LOW AS T II E L O W E S T. those wiahing any thÏDg in my l!no are rpspcrtfully initcd tu cali. D. C. BATCUELUKR. Ann Arbor. May 20, 3S61. 80Í' SECOND WINTER STOCK.I D. L. WOOD & CO., HAVE JUST OFEMED X LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For tho FA1L & WINTER Trde, Having purohased their stook at much less than the usual prices.they are preparcd afifer GREAT INDUCEMENïS, To Cash & Ready Pay Buyer Thankful for past favors they will be evv. ready to show their Goode and by fair nd liberal dealing hope to receive their full shar of the public patronage. Wegt side of public quare. Ann Arbor Deo. 1861. New E.EMKDIES fob SPERMATORRHffiA H OW A RU ASSOCIATION, I'HILADELPHIA. A.Bf, necolevt Iitstitntion cslablishcd by ttptcial eyidatcmmt . 'or tht rtïief of the Stek and Dhtreuecd, afdicted wilh ■'iritlmt and Chronic. Diseasts, and tsptcxally for tht 7re ofDiscasrs of the Snual O&t"', MEDICAL ADVICE givou gratis, by the Aeting Sur;eon . VAI.fADLEREPORTS ou Syrmatorrhaa, and othpr )iapasos of the Sexual on tlif NEW„REMïniES employee! in the Dispepsary, sent in lctfr nvelopes, free of ol.arRe. Two or thre tjraps for lostageacceplable. Addresn, nr. JV8KILI.IN HOUCH-. ON, Howard Asbociatioi), S'o 2 S. Sintb St... PM! lelphio,Pa.


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