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The Nutritive And Digestive Qualities Of Food

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Kor u iv Ifjw tu.k itrgtu Jtlifijipit Jrpg. Theimportnnce t thu subject is k" very nlrvioQa in itself. that it ia deeirind wliolly unnecessary t offer any remulle upon it. The nutritiva and digestiva qiialities of the lood wo eatr ure mutters whicli concern the henlih f overy individual. Many ekpertraients and nafy een have been mude by competent men ot' science, to de'cnuine tliest poinls, nnd tb resuits üf them will bo iouod cotnprisud' ín the following: VVheatis the riuhest in the cletnents of nutrition o( n'l uubstaoces, excopi Oil - contuiniiiit ninety five part of iintrwneRt in every ono hundrud parta. - Indmn corn r:ink8 nuxt in valae to heat, it yiukls, (iccording to Dana, nrnety-one parte to the hundsed cl nutriment. lu bnïloy t&ere is eightynioer i rieo eighty sfx, in rye seventyeiire, vn oats seventy-four, in buekwhent ixty-oight per cent. üf nutriment. Meut of all kinds, in its fftW stnte, enntains about fVotn SHventy to eiglity por cent, of matar: henee, when ovaporuted to dryness, the residue amounts to from twonty to thirty per cent., . which may be regard ed as composed nlmowt entirely oi digestible (natter. - Multon is the most nutritious; then chicleen, then beef, then vea), then pork, which is least ïo. The fruits are as foltuwe: plnms, twenty-nine; grapes, twenty-sevun ; apricola, twenty-six ; cherries, twentyfive; peaches, twenty; applee, neaily the same: peáis, six'.een, and ganseberries, ninetoen percent., of nutritious intter. üarden vegetables stand the on the list in respect to tho amountnf nutrition afforded by them, inusinuch na they contain, whun freab, a great portion of watur. Cucumbers give only tvvo per cent., meions three per eert., turnips four per cent., cabbage five per cent., carrots ten per ent. beets foiirteen per cent., and potatoea - the higliest - twenty sis per cent. Digestión is the conversión of lood into qhvme, or the proeïss of decompoling aliment in tho stomnch, and recomposing it in a new form, and thus preparing it for ciiculation and r.ourishment. Ot all the articles of i'ood, boiled rico is digested in the shortest time- an hour. Tripo and pigs' feet ure digested almnstas rapidly. Apples, if sweet and ripe, are noxtin order. - Venison is digeeted almost as readily as pples. ]J;iled potatoea require threo hours fot. digestión, while roasted potatoes aro converted in little more than half that time. Bread requires threo hours, nearlj - more than boef or mutton. Stewed oysters an(} boüed eggsare digested in fonr brours, an hour moro than is requirnd by the same articlcs raw. Turkey and goose occupy two hoars and n huif, but chioken refliiiroH alonger time. Pork and salted beef requiie five hours and 8 halt for their digestión - rnoro time, perhaps, than almost any otber article of food. J. M. H. Oswego Co., N. Y., 1861. Tns Troops in Khxtucky. - With th exception of Iowa, Missouri and Kinsiis, every Western State is repreented in Kentuuky by moro or less reariment8. Of tho Eastern States, only Pennsylvania has troops Üiere.- Ohio has sent the largeít contingent of 11 - over thirty rogiments. Indiana is a fow bohind this number. Noxt corne Pennsylvania with five, Illinois with threo, Miuhigan with three, Wisconsin with three, nnd Minnessota with two. Ohio, Indiana and Ponnsylvnnia, hare sent strong complementa of cavalry and artillery, and Michigan, Wisconsin and Minuosota. e:i'-.h ome nrtillery. lyST Teil uio, anguín; uui, ye mes ■ngers of love, shall swiudled printers here below, have no redresa abovo ? The sbining angel baud replied : "To i ii knowledge givea ; delinqueats on tb printer's books can never enter heaven !" 'Tnn Captürk of Cedar Kkys. - The Charleston Mertury admita that the Cedar Keys, in Florida, have been captured by a Uuion expedition. By this movement, it says, the Federáis have gained possession of the western terminus of' the Florida Railroads, which conuects tho Gulf of Mexico with the Atlantic Ocean. Codar Keys is a small town with about thirty houses, and probably one hundred inhabitants. Tbc bar ha ntne fcet of water, and is a good harbor for small resscls. VistTORS to tuk Univkksity. - The Superintendent of Public Instruction has appointed Hon. B. H. Thompsoi, of Flint, Rev. Azariah Elridge, of Detroit, and D. K Underwood, of Adrián, risitOM to the University oí' Michigan fur the years 1862 and '63. )PC" Tho Independence Beige declares that tlie Prinoo de Joinvillo planned the Shermau and Burnside expediiiotis, and gave valuable advico to the Federal troops. A Good Basis. -It is conlidently aserted that the gold now he'd by the banks and the pooplo in the Northern State auiounts to S'ióO 000,000. f?(T Few minds are sunlike, sources oflightin theniselves and to others. - Many more aro moons, that shine with a derivativo and reflecte:! light. Among the tests to dtstinguisli them in this - the formar are always full, the latter only dow and tho, when their suus are shiniug full upon them C3L" Words are nicc things, but they strike hard. We wield them so easily that we are apt to forget their bidden power. Fitly spoken, thoy fall like Runshine, the dew and the summer rain ; but when unfitly, like the frost, tho hail, and the desolating tempest. JCS" Ma-.iy a goodly leg is lost in battle; thousands of brave fellows walk proudly into a war and hop out of it. XT Serious thoughts are folded up, chested, and unlooked at ; lighter, like dust, sottlo all about tlio chambcr. lsg Sorrow comes soon enough without despondency ; it does a man do good to carry arouud a lightaing rod to ftttract trouble. 5ST" He who puts a bad coDstructiou upon a good act, reveáis Lis own wickeduc83 at heart. ty It costa something to be elected Mayor of New York. At the late elec tion, Guthrio's bilis aro put down at $20,000, Opdyke's $29,000, and Wood's 10,000. tsr" Tho discovery of trutk by slow progreasivc raeditation, is wisdom. Intution of truth, not proceodod by any perceptible meditation, is geniut.


Old News
Michigan Argus