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An Affecting Incident

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Tho WaslJington dorrespoudent of tlio Phihuli'ifhia Inquiifr refates the follow ing Lucklent whk'b oöcarred in the office of the ïicw 8eer?tarj uf' War : " Judge Kullej cüiae in with u youth ful looíítng oílicür, wliosö empty oaat sleeve hung fro&i bis 1 e ft uliouUlr Hé was introducid to the Secrutury :is Bre vet Lientenant ilarry Kookat'eilyw of PIÍ!:ulcl,hi:i. " My friend continuetl tlic Judge, " íeft a sitiiation wortli $800 perye&r, threè duys after the President' proL-lainatioii fur troop, to e.irry a uiuskot at Sil a nioiith witli h'.ê rudiment, the New ï ork öeyonty hrst. Atter the turin of his entjstiuoiit had traaspirsd, bo tnarefced with his regiineot to Uail Hun. Euriy in the d;iy he received thut uglj? riño Lall in his mouth (poiutirig to a Minio ball that was hung to his Wtttüb koy) and fcr two houra aud a half ho car ried it in his fractured jawbone, fighting liko a truo horo, aiilil u oaur.on ball touk oli' arm and rendered him liuwurlusH. Ho was captured, and for three ïuoiitliü laid in a uiangled conditioii in a tübarco warebouge in Riohmoud, withiiut proper sui'giciil treatment. He was bi-ovett'j a Ijieuteiiant by his Colonel lor his bravery, and ík now (iilinga sukiII clorkship. I bug of you to appuiut hiin io tlu; regular service' " Hut where oould I put him if I was to ?" aid Mr. Stanton. ïho Judge -is about to re ply, when the young soldier raiged hi arm, and saiá with an hnploriog lo ik: - " Seo, I havo a right arm stil, ud Gen. Kcaincy bas only his left; gend nic mto the line, wliere there ík lichting to be done ! I have letters from" - he tried to draw a bundlo of letterg from his pocket. Mr. 8tan(on Btopped him - '' put up your letters, sir, you liavo spoken for yoursalf ! your wlsh símil be granted ! ïho country oannot aftbrd to nealeet uoh men as you !" Ere the soldier ooulil tkauk liim f oi' liis kindntiM, his case was notod, H ■! turned to loave, and reina ik ed to the Judge, ;s tliey ft, " I sliall bc proud of iuy oommiiBtoo, for I feel tliat I have earned it ! 'l'his day ík Ae proudogt. one of iny wholu lifo." 11 is huurt seemcd so liglit tb at we doubt if lio thüii realizad the loss he hiid met wilh. or reinernbered the weavv iiijilits, and th: long, limf: dayn he had aufiered in tbe vile prisons of tho traitor crow. CongiTgsniau Ely cune in just hb he pM9ed idong the aisle and remarked, " there gnes the nobleet and most boroio of' all our prisoncra. Ho was the prjde of the l);)s- all loved hiin as though he wero a brother.:' Cap Gen. Stone was arrestad on tlic 2Úi, and sent to Fort afayette. Tbe ehí.rges aaioet liini uro : lst for misli-havior at Unil'e Bluff ; 2d for ho(Jiftg enrreKp )ndenoa with tlio eneiiiv befmv ind BÍDce 15 ill's Bluil battle, and re cfliviug vipitH feom rebel olHccrs in hk cump; 3d fof treaehereusly saflering tin; oneinv to biiiltl i fort stnc ths battle í BiiH's Bluff, onder hig trunc, unmoiehteo; 4tn, ot aevign to expuso his torco to capturé liy tlie enomy,' urirler pretenso of orders for moving from tlie Conirnaodiog General. -■■■ --4- urn j&'ST " Wlu'ii you seek advico," tgmarkod Montaigne, in ono of liis essays. " t!ero aro two tliinrs to bo oonsulered Sce that you ask tho most competent person to give it, and tliat his eonditiona ara such that he may give it without prejudice.


Old News
Michigan Argus