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Our newspaper frienU, a3 wel], as sorne of tho more common BOl't of peo. pío, wero considorably fógged .a few days sinco as to whivh Johnston harl been captured at Fort Donelaqn. The telegraph said Gen. A. Sidney Johnston was a pnsonor, and fcrthwith Editors and noo-editors congratulated themselvea on having secured General Johxston, ol tho nrmy of the Potomac, the same wbo saved Buil lian to the Confedéralos. Ono journal even consoled itself for tho escape of Pillow and Floyd by eaying " we have got tho best man of tliom al!, Gen. Johsston," " virtually Commander in-Ghie( of the rebel forces," &c, and yot it had n a previous edition given the correspondelieo betvveen Gons. Bückneu and GsANTj-which ghowed Buckxer in command at the Fort - after Pillow and Flcyd's elopemenf, - a po.sition he could nct po8sil)ly havo oceupied had the " Comtnandtr n-Chiet of tho rebel (orces " been in the F.irt. Tho íact á, as the Frenchman woulj say, " there are tiooltreei" aeyerul JohnBtons. Tho commandor of tho rebel armv of the Po torn ao, who remfoiced Beauiiegard at Manassas, and who is next in rank to President Davis, ia General Juskpii E. Joiinstox, formerlj of tho U. S. army. Ho is s;ill n oommand at Manassa8, unles.s temporarily absent at Eichmönd, Charleston or üavannab. Gen. A. Sidxev Jobnsxon, of the famous Utah expeditiöü, and supposed to have been trapped at Fort Donelson, bas all aloog been and is probftWy nouat Cülnmbus, Ky., at which placo is also the Itov. Mi.j.-Gen. 1'olk. The Joiinson' baggod at Fort Doneison proves to bo Brigadier General Busiikod Johnson, of Tonnesse). Of the rest of the Juhnston or Johuson fainüy thi.s doponent saith not. iSST" OongresSj unabte to induco the President to remove his friend Lamon, Marshal of tho District of Columbia, is endeavoring lo legisiate hirn out. The Sonate has passed a bil] providing for :i Warden of the jail, relieving tho Marshal frofn tho superintendenco of that institution, - presuming that tho Warden may give honorablo Senators freo access, - and tho llouso propouea an amendment to aboüsh the offico of Marslial, There is eviduiitly an " irrepressible conHict" betvveen tho President and tho radicáis in Congress, 5F Th o Gen. Smith who commanded tho lcft vving at tho luto Fort Donelsou fight, who headed the Btormiug pa'"ty and was Iho first man to enter the enemy's lhies, is tho samo Gen. Smith tho nbolitioni.sts and radicáis, io and out of Congress, have persecuted eo vigorously, and whoso rejocüon as Brigadier-General was urgcd upon the Senaie, and was even suspended by that body until after h8 gallant aetion at Fort Ilenry. Iíis only oflenco was that ho regarded the salvntion of the Union the purainount object of the war, and believed that white men had eorae rights whiuh the government is bound to respect. U3L" Adjutant General ROBEUTSON has issued an order prohibiting re(Miiting in thia State for service in companios or regiments organized or beiog organizod in other States. He saya all the men willing to fight aro noeded to fill up our Stato regirnents and kpcp them full. L3C It 's 8a'd at Com. Foote, in thu abseneo of tho pastor of tho Presbytorian Church in Cairo; at whiuh he vvorshipéd on tho Sabbath alter the capture of Fort Hunry, took the pulpit, read n chaptor, prayec), and then delivered n sermón f rom tho following text : " Ye believo in God, bulieve yo also in us." Tho injunction, peihaps rubuke, is applicablo to all who have been clainoiiiif; against tho artny ior the aeoesánry delaya,


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Michigan Argus