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Arrest Of Secessionists Ordered

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St. Louis, Fb. 10, Tho following circular has bccu issuod f rom headquarter '■ All persons wlio aro known to have becu in arma against the United States, or to have autively aiJed rcbeUión by word or deed, are to bc arrested. Those who are accuscd of acts in viulatiou of the laws of' war, sucli as the destructio.i of railroad bridges and private property, tiring iuto trains, assassination, &c, ui:l not bo roleased ou any terms, but will Le held for trial befure a military commissíod. Notoriously bad and dangcixus men, though no specitie act of dis'.oyalty can bo pruved against thein, will be kept in cu-stody and their cusi'.i rofötred to the commanding General. Prisouers uot 'n c'uded in cither of the above olassca niay ba released upon substr bug to the usual oatb and giving a suffi;ient bond with good secunty for their future good conduet. The auiouut of bond should in ijo case, be less thau 1,000, and, in some cases, should bu niueh larger, vmying aecordiüg to the wealth, iiiflueneo aud previous conduet of tho party. ïhe security should, in preferenoe, be a secessionist. Persons dow engaged iu recruit'mg For the rebel aimy, ulso thosc cnrolled for tho rebel servioe will bo ari rested aud held a prisouers of war. Iu additkm to this, all property belongiug to such persous aud whieh ean bo used for military purposes, such as horses, mulos, harneas, wagons, beef cattle, forage, &c, will be scized aud turued over to the Provost Marshal to be disposed of accurding to tho orders uf the Coiuinauding General of this departnieut. Whero persons wlio have been iu the rebel service voluntarily come forward aud tako and subscribe to the oath of allegiance and parole, and are released on bouds, all property not of military cbaraeter, taken from thcm will be restnred. By order of Maj -Gen. Hallock. N. H. McLÜAN, Ass't Adj't Gen. Gen. Ilalleck also issucd a general oidor, the principal part of which is as follows : At the roquest of tho acting Govornor of Missouri, it is hereby orqored ihat at all futuro elcctions held in this Stato, wbetlier State, municipal, county or town clectiöns, ovej-y voter will bo required to take the oath of allcgiance prescribcd by tbn Stute Convention, OctobiT, lCtl), 1861. Offioero of polls wil] sec to the ejreoution of this order - If thoy ieceivo of persous not taking tho oatli tlicy will bo arrested and tried tbr military offence, ai:d the elcction deelared nuil and void


Old News
Michigan Argus