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i - ■■''- --S NÍÍpA, BOOK STOREH }$ . ■ ■-- Hpuji Oi])osito "tilO H ' ' ARKXOWOPKXENtí, DlKlírr FBOM PÜBIJ8HHRS ANT1 M;inutactiii-frs, a New and Complete stook o( JLAW & MEDICAL BüOKS, School Books, Misccllaneoug Books, Blank Bnoks, dan Wall jiml Window Pjijht, Dr&wlng and Mutlimnittlcal Instrumenta, Music, JlwenUo librarles, Kuvekn.cs, Inka nuil Caidc. ppgJü.g!.!WLg!l.i.1[[-rl-r ;-: fc a GOLD And all o7er kinds of Pens and Penáis VÍT)imv Coniict, Sliaflos nrui i'ixiure, POCKET CUTLEKY! Audeverythmg perWining to the trado, and more to whtctttüey wuüld Invite thoattention it bhe country. I" M)tt&ttfltlng oor businuss, wc 1 dn all that can i doae,8ú thai no roasónable man, woman or ehild shall find auy fiiult . nsafftoHItioa vhiob vill enable us to supply our stomers at bhe Loweat Possible Figures WeprftpoRetoueHfor READY PAY, ata smaUadr&nce. W sxpeei ;i profit on our rooiIs, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. WS Iwvo onïilfteil tlie services ol JAMES F. SPAIJMNG, breft roare preparad to farnteh Vis i í ing, Wedding and all olier Cards writtcn to order, with nealnens and dispatch, by mail or otiierwise. The "Emfibe Boob STORE," is manned by agnod 'crew,' ii'l Hu-v wiU alwftVM be.found oa the "quarter dckj' rparïy umi w4H1ng to atleml to all witii pleasutö, wko wil] favor tliem with a cali. Ivemembor the "Empire Book Storo." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, May, 1800. "Jf ANTOHËR A & ARRIVAL AT THE l: OLD AND RELIA BLE RfBH CLOTHINC EMPOEIUMH %m J&Isr 3 PHCENIX BLOCIS:, MAIN STREET. - o ■Wm. 'V7'-A.C3-3NrE3ü, has just returneT from the BastWD Citios, with ft larg and dosirable stock of F ALL AKD WINTER Gr O OX JS ! whicb he ík now offoring at unusually XjOY5T PHICES! Araoog bis Assortinent may bc found BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, & VESTINGS, of a!Ulcscriptlon3, cspecially for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! which hoif! cuttinc; mvl makinf to order, ii best style, kogether with a superior teaortment of READY MADE OLOTHING! TRUKKS CARPET BAtíS, UMBREI.I.AS, and Gentlemen's FurnisMng Goods, wit li nnmrroiis otber artxles Qsallj found in slsÜlAi establihmentB. As ANEMPOBIUM OFFASBIOS, the subRribor fi.ittors himsolf. th:it hiftlODK pxporienco and gonera: suoceM.wiU enable him to glveuiti greatesi B&tÍ8mCtÍ0S tOftll wlio m:iy trUBt liim in tlie w.iy ut man ufacturiiiK gurments to order. 769tf WM. WAGNER. Summer Hill CJursery. THEODORE R. DuBOIS, pHOPRICTOROFTIIK 3ÜMMERH1LL NÜRÖEBYjANN X Arbor, Mich ., is now re.nly to receive o nier for Fall and Spring' ketting, Hls orders for Fruit nnl Ornamental Treos, VfnMj ÜbrubKeto twIHeflltecl frona tb best Ëastern Nurseries, and hlspersona) attentoon wlïl b jríw f" t: etóleotion jtnd fllllDg ttaCBamo. HAvÍDg been rTiliirly eduCfttO) in tin; NurMT.v i)u-!!ii': , lic is ooofldnl with prompt and clone attoution, and strict honeüt.v aii'l Integrli v , he wlll bf able lo iri'f satlsfactton to ererj one oonfldíng tbelrorderi to hïm, Allliinnors or Fruit gTOWEfrfl will do wel! togivo liim n oallbeforeordertng fetirongli other parties. IK -il u ii] refe? Eorannycltiísensof tho City &ud f'. -ui ■. vlio purohawd ofhhn the past flprmg for the un.iütv of trees broughi on by hlm , uk irellaH foi the (tooi order lo whiftli tin y wt'i recelved nnddeliveired 804mS 87 W.MOBGAN, Agont ior Mutniil T.ifoTnsuranci'Company, New Yorlc. AccumnlaU'l &8sete, - 6,360,000, the le&dinff Life [nsorftooe Company In the V. s. Knlckerbocker Ufe [osuranceCompaiir, Now York, - a first class 8 ft f e Co. - tennfl reasoimble. HiimboKli Fire Insurance Uompany, New York. C'iii-irjtï. wit u ;i 1 surplus, - - L200,000. l'eoria Martnc & Fire Insurance Co., Peoría IU. - hritv . No. 1 Insur:mce Co's. 70Ttf Otpltül, - - $500,000; TÜK PEOI1IA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 one of the HEAVIBBT, SAFBST .nd BE3T Insurance C 's. in tlie U . rf. Insures oh rbusonable terne, and al iraya cay piontpüy. Xhere Ea no bettei Fire Insurane Company. IíIFJU Ii?SlJltAÑCK Tho Connecticut Mutual Lifo Insuranco Company. Accumulated Capital, - 3,500,000. WDX EMSÜRE LI7E8 for any amonnt not öïcoedi'ng ■ - : the wholo term of laf e orfbr ■ teño oí yoars, (ui the most t'avor ;i)k' torms. N. ', The Company la pufely mutual and the potlcy holden jet ii 11 the surplus over tbeexaoi oo( o( anee It accomoilate tin inni-t in the HCttlemení of thcir premiuniK ON UFK POUOIB9, it' dealred, by taking a note for one half the amount, bearing lutecefit at bUc pvr cent, per annum. Dividend are Dedared Annualhf! and since thoy now amount to Kirrv per cení on premium, cash and ootej and are inoïeasing they may hu applied 1" oancel t he nol ■ i ■ j)Tjr The ratea ol prAufmnsareAfllowuany otiior röiponitlble Company and the large aecnmulated Paad af $3,500,001' is Inveftted, ni:y lic scen by reference to tlie statement made aoeordlng l'i l.i .v, on Ulo in theofficc of thü County Ann Arbor. l JAMES ÜUODW1X, Prest. GürR.PirBLPfljSecr. Forparticnlarsapidy to JAMES C. WATBON, 763yl ,j-m ;it Ann Arbor, Mich. Oval Picture Frames ALLSIZE8, STYLKS and PRIC'ES just received and forsale cheapat dCHOFF & MILLER'S. 1800. Deo. 25, ;stf TJ B 33 SARATOQA EMPIRE WATER FOR Indigestión or rysjtcisin, Cotutfpatlott, Nerrona Deblllty. Loss it' Appetlte. Coromon Colda, dlfleasea of th Langs, Headaolie, aod V rerlsh Btfttdoi the Kystciii. Si.l.l by M.WNAHI), RTEBBIN3 k W1LSON nnd EBEBBAÓH & CO , Ann Arbor. Ij8 . JuAt opened the [inest assorlinnit of Kaut-y Gooil ovtT lüougbt lo tiiis m.iikrt. DECORATED TEA SETS, GOLD BAND, do PARÍAN MARRLE STATUART, BOHEMIAH WARE, PLATEÖ GOODS, etc, etc. Alrto one lnmtlrcd loz. toys for hltlo folkfl at DEAN & CO'S. Hoom FmvMng aten. líimgterfcr'rt lílock. Ano Arbor. tw8-ll


Old News
Michigan Argus