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In conseqiiciK-e of íhu mnny I dents that nro constantly occuring frorn the uso oí Kerosene or Coa) Oils, ihere having been tlireo explosioiis andeeveul deaths reported by tho Detroit papera to have t:iken place n tb ut city during one d;iy. We deern it advisnble to cuutioó iho public nbout plncing too iiniuh reliance in the folloviiig, ïuimuly : " PI noa a ligliied umícli n n port on of oil poureti n a eauocr, il it will not bmn ie 3 stifu." No honorable man would innke or eell oil tbat wonld ignite in this w:iy. - But wheo it is uniluivtood that uil Goal Oils vvill beuome uflti'iinablo und linb.e to explosión when confined in a lamp ut about 120 Ph., oí a Mille highcr than tho tliennometer stands in snmmcr, no ptrson can be surprised at the nurnber of lives lost, aiter 1 ing tho carele'Ss manner in which it is ' used, and the dirty oil that is sold. - We shall only give a few direcltons at this timp, as we are preparing lor publication some information bout its uso frora our own and others e.xperin;ents. First. Latnpg, the burners of which become hea'.ed, wbn in use aro dangeroqs. Sucond. Use the cleanest and whitest Oil you can find in market, be assurcd it is botter puritied and thu taiest and best for uso. Thère is notliingtornake ight in the impuritiea that givcs it color and odor, but it will clcg up lamps, prodaoe a ernst on wicks, and in this way heat up the Oil and tnake it dangerous. To provo these fact?, warm some Oil and apply a light. DEAN & CO., Oil Dealers. jJST A gro:it panic is reported at Richinond, and inartial law has bcen declared over tliat city and for ten miles iruuud. John Bí. ]jorrs and twenty Stber suspcctcd citizcns of wealth, cliaracter, and position, are said to have been arrested and imprisoned, and all eitizens have been called upon to surrender their arras to the auiuoriües. Ë" A secesíion club has b.en diseovered at Alexandria, Va., and the ar rest of twcnty-seven prominent citizens made, who were actively co-operating irith the rebels, funiishiiig buth information and material aid. lll MU III ■ jL5fT" IVc invite the attention of dealers nnrl large p.urchaeers of Kcientific, School, and Miscellaneous Books and Stutionei y to lho advertisernant of S. C. Gkiggs & Co., Chic:igo, a house of excellent teputation.


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Michigan Argus