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öiPECXVX, NOT1CES..... ■ ■■■■■jai Penger tralu wnr Itrol inlthe severn) Stations in thiaCounty.M follow. ;, ,„,t stop itataUQiia where figures re onilt Cel in r... Q 0 I N G WEST. Mail Ex. .lnok.Ac S'iclit Kx. Oatroil 10 01 a M. 4.50 P.M. 9.45 P. M VpiUM!, 11.SS ■ 6.Í0 " 11.10 ' Un Ubor, l'. S ■■ 6.60 ■ 11 8! ■■ luster, li. T, 1'. M. 7.-.0 ' la. 00 A M. Ch'el-. ■ - 7,5 ■ 12.'0 ■ Ar. lliicago, 11. t0 " 10.15 " (. O 1 N O E A S T . NightKl Jsek. A. Mritkx. B.M . .m. 3.SÜE i, 'lexti-r, ■ " 8iM " nn Vi r, .St A tl T.'O " 4.15 " il(M 4.65 " 7J0 " 4.40 " Ar. ut latroit, Oio ■' P.5Ö " 6.00 ' OsiT See a wnmun, in anotlier column, picking Samlmci Gnipcs (or Ppeer's Wine. It is an admirable arüele, used in hospitals and by fir.-t-c'.uss fumilies in Paris, London, and New York, in preferente to old poit wine. It is worth a trial, as it gives great satisfaction. O If HoOFLANd's ÏÏALSAMIO CoKDIAL WÜl not cure, in the last stages of Consumptien, wo know frotn expeiienca that it aflbrds great felief. A CARD TO THE SUFFEBirTG. j, The Rr.v. Vin.u.v Cnaoiion, whllí lbortn a Wtt Isnary InJapan, wsa ared of Comuinjticji, hen all ithormoans bad Fatled bj recipe obtained from 0 learned uliysician realdmg in tl. e great City ol J Tina recípo bu eund ivat nuiatora ho w" ulwnai fr.mi Uouaumptíon, BroacbHI, Bol Ihroat. Coufchs and c Colds, theücbility and ner cus ik-pvcs-i"!! causee by these disorden . ... Ilesirous of benpíitting others, I will end thla recipe, which I have lirought lióme with me, to II wl:o need it fres of charge. Addiesd Bív.ffJl. CO3GR0VÉ, ' 823yl 43Í Fulton avenue, BropkljuN. Y. t MOTHERS READ THIS. The followiDg Is an extract trocs ■ letter wrltten by the pastor of a Baptist Cuurch to tho "Journal aml r," Cincinnati, Oblo, and speaks Tolamea ít favor oí that world renowned medicine - Mus. ; LOW'SSOOTUIXU SVKVl' FOB ClIlLDBEN TEK111INK : [:Wsèe au a.lvertisemont in your columns of Mrs. Viii-]i)v"s SootbingSiyrup. Now -we ncver mM a wort in favor of a patent medicine befo in our life, uut we feel compelled to say to vour readers, tliat tliis is no humbug- wi bav tamo it, axd kxow it 10 uk au. it (■[..vnis. It is. iH-obal-ly. one of the most successful medicines of the day, b'ecause it is one of the pest. And thoae 01 your readers ivho have babies can't do it betterthantol y in a suprly." Heeadvertisement in anot hercolumn New Medical Discovery. For tbc speedj anl permanent cure of Gonnorliea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Qmd, Strlctnrc, aiul Affecttom of the Kidnetj and Bladder, whlch has been used by npwards of ONE HUNDRED PHVSIC1ANS, intheir private practice, ivitli entire success, "PJtün,' frm:i!3, ColMlB.i, Canules, or anyoompound hüher IÏELL'8 SPliCIFlO P1LLS, are ipeedj in action. (.fien effecting a cure in a few days. and whm acure is eIT.-cted it is permaner.t. lhey are nenared frojn vetivblo extracte that are bartulea on theyVtem,aBdii .■ na.1Se,it.. the stomach orimpregim!, the Ir.-aui; od teing sugar-coated, allBaHeoua : Lu-ivoided. .%L'..„ƒ dUt U ntcatary if'lsl Hting lUm ; nor doe the.r acüon interfe:e witn busin4wHl besont by mafl P",l-p.iil by any adverti.-ed Agont.oareceipt of Pold by DragtttU in without my signature on the rapper J. BBYAK, Rochester, X. Y., General Agent. H fe SIMONKAU, D.-troit, Wholesale Agent for Miciiigan, - PKIZE FOETHTf. Let Chieftains boasW f deed in war, nd Minístrela 'me tlieir swect guitar, A nobler theme mv hcarl is Wied- In pralMOf Hekiuck's n-atchless)"1'8Their cures are found In overy land- l -,..1 Rumia' nows- nd Atïic's sands ; '.{„■ oodras w irkii- the pnper Bil, i'roducod by Heukick's matclüess PiUs. Doos disease affiict yau ? ncvcr doubt This eb oompound wiU earch ït out, And health ftgaia ywrijttem MJi lf yoii lly al oïicc io Hehbick's PUI. They're safe for all- botli old and j-oung- TIn 'ir praisea re on everv torgvc ; Ilisea.-o, disarraed- no longer lUls, Since we are blessf d wlth Herkick s Pilis. Put up witli English. fpanisb, Germán and French direction. i'rice 26 cents ptr box. 8g Coalcd. Soo adviTti.C3icnt on thh-d page. 8U4 Important to Ladie3. Dr JOHN IIARYKY, having for upwards of 'fjj1 vcursdevotod lita proreMional t'm MClutlrely to the treatmentof Feiruiles Diffioiiltips, ' hving saTcJededin thouSnS of ca-oa in restflting the tosoundhealth, hu POT ít cunfnucs to u-nng publicly li is .,, ., OÜEAT AMERICAN EEMEDY," HABVET'S CHEONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. 'wiiioli havneveryet failed (wVn the direct. ons liave been striclly followed.l in removing difflcultiesarising from Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, ortnresWrtaft.ttM systcm to perfect healthwiien suf ?erSe from Wil Amenosa, Pbolamü Itehi, thï Waagt of other woakaew of the UtkhinkObgaxs. Also in all asesor Drauw or Nmvoo Prostratiox, HysÏÏrics P urn OM, te., &c, which are the lorcrunners karmless m the consti'uüo, and may bt taken by the. most delicate femále without causing disiress; at the same thne they act likí a cbaem ly rtvengthening, invigoia[ g and nwtoring the system to a h-althy condltwn, ' Jw bringing on the monthly penod with regnkrit;, „,, matter from what cause theobstructions may vrise. Thev should however, not be taken during the first tl,!-,'... „r four mon'.hs of pregniney, though afe at any other timo as raiscarriace wnuM be the result. r.,'.i'box coutains CO PilU. l'rice One Dollar ani whon desiretl will be sent uy mail prepaid by any adver tiseil Agent, on leceipt of the monty. Sold bv Uruggistsin Ann Arbor. "J BKYAX, Knchi-ter, N. Y., General Agent. H & I SUIÜNEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agent fo Michigan. , Í!1L #„k sngM coia, or fafie. gktp-cd, which might be cheóked with cü simple remedí, ifneglected, often terminales seriously. Few are aware of the importanoe o a or ëfLi(hi tfaLd in its first stage ; ihat which in the beginning would yield ío a mild remedy, if not attended to, soon attadzs the lungs. were fint introduce! eleven years ago. Il has been prsued that ihey are the lest aHiale before the publio for ScuaiSi, rfaLds., &tan.chLLL&, fL&tkmcL, tfcLtcLtfih., the Hachmg Coagh in, an.s.u.rnLtLarL, and n-imerou3 affeotions of the, giving immediate relief, Public Speakers tt Singers vAll f.nd them effeotual for clearing "and strengthenvng Llxe voxce. Sold by all Qrxiggists and (Dealers in Jáedieine, at 25 cents per box. TmportANTtoFEMAILÉ THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOMAN Iscontinually inpcril f she is raad enough to neglect or maltrpat tliose sexual Incgularities to which twotliirds of her sex are more or less subject. DR. CHEESEMAN'SPIUÜ, preparo from the same formula nhicli the inventor, CORN'ELICS L. CHEESE. MN H. KtW'íetk, bu for tiventy years used muy inanextenfled private practico - imn)eü;il!'ly without pain, all diaturbaocM of the periodical discharge, wlrether indag from reltx&tioa or luppreision. They act like a charm inremoving the pa nis that accempany öiüicult or immodérate me'Struation, and are the onlï' safe and ïvlinbl; rancdyfor nuxhw, Wek rieadrchc, Pains in tho L.ins, Back and Pides, l'alpilation (if the Heart Nrvoua Tremors, Hynterics, Spa-ms liidkcn Slorp and other unpliiasantand daniïerous effecls of aa uqnat'Tal condifion of thö fjexual functions. Tn the WOMt autl at Fluor Albus or, they t-Uect a ; spee'lv cure. To ■WI'VKS and. r-TE,O3S3"S. DS.CÏIJEEiEMAN'8PILUÏreoiferdM tho ufe ; ii,„;i!i of iL'nüviníínterfuptCíl menstruation, bil. IAD1ES MUST BKAR I!M MIND There is onc cnndiliou of thtfemnlr $ytcm in ipkich tht Pilis taken wïhoul producmg o. PECULIAR BESULT. Tkeamdüwnrefavedto h Pit F.GNAFCY- the retidt MISCARKIAQE. Súchil the irresistible tendmm of the medici re'tors the serual funcUoni 10 „ virmal condilion. tlmt even the reproductm powcT J FzMcitthéaioiiTstating vher,, tmlwlen they thouU ■nol'heuwd. wilh each Hox,-the Price Oue Dollar each Box, r-.öntainivg 50 PMs. vtlxuMe l'a nplilet, to ha had free of the Agcnts. P,lls sent by mail pmm-ptly, by enclosing pnce tu any Agent. Sold by V'GS, Proprietor. 20 Cedar-St., Fciö York. Por" Sale by MAYNARD STF.BBINS jí WII.SON. and GREKT1LLI í; FVI.I.FB.


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