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'i he Laíest Sptcial Dispatch To the citizens of Ann Arbor and Vicinity ! ! INTENSE EXCITEMENT! Uundreds walching the jyrogrcss of Daily Events ! ! The Federal Arm y agahi Victorions! ; The Union musí and shall be Preserved !" " TTtere was a manin our town, Jle was so wondraus wise" But with all li8 wisdom, ho was not so wise aa tliut 'tither man," who when he wanted to buy the The cheapesi and best CLOTHINO! ín this rnarjcet always jumped into G TJ ITERMAN' 8 IIEAD QUARTEKS! For there he knew he alwnys got his money's worth. Seeing is bclieying and yau that wisli to eee come in and believe. TÍioso that cftii't Bee can feel. and as we always rnake our oustomevs feel good over good bargains; tliey are especially mvited to our anxious seat, that thcy too may roalize hovv "good it is for thetn to be with us," and how mucli pleasui-e can be obtaincd in the eujoyment of SPLEWDID BARGAIWS ! " mo fili ye that are weary nnd heavy Iade11" - with RorKS and we will do our best to relieve youriving you in relurn the Jines kind of CWs al the lowcst Jigmei) , Great battles are hourly taking place in tha Clothing line- whole regiments of Oassimeres Vestins, Ac, are being slaughtered by Gen Sondheim - to fit the great rush of recruits that are pouring in from every direction, al :ii]xioii9 to have their nauies enrolled fór a NE AT AND TAS TT SHIT - Buch as can only be had at the IleadQuarters of Guitertnan & Co. Oneofthe firm, Mr. M Güiteeman, having just returned from Europe with a large assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, and a mee lot of fine Vestings, also a few pieees of fine Beaver for overcoats whiuh we will make up to order in the latest Btyle, we Ceel coufident that we can satisfy all. STTJXDE3SITS 1 We are happy to greet you aga'n In our City.after spending your vacation with the 1 dear old folks" at .home. Be assured we wish you a pleasant term, nnd shall Ever be glad to me;t you at the Old Head-Quarters, No. 5. D Our former customers, we feel assured, will cali on usagain To you who come as trnngers we would say 'a few words, we wish you to cali and look at our fine Coats, 'ants, and Veste, we can do better by you han any other Ir.use in the City, and if you all and examine our goods.and try their fits, on will purchuse nowhere else. DON 'T FAIL TO OX-Xj A.3? Gr. 1SL. Q, DE. HOüfLAKD BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For tho speedy cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarteness, Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Diseases of the Boteels, arisinyfrom Cold, Incipient Consumplion, and for the relief and {if at all possible) cure of Patienis in advanccd stages of ths laUer distase. rnHE Bals&mlc Cordial is entiroly a Vegetable rroilucX tiou, combmiugtlie healiug inopcrties ui the Bal.siim, witli thö nvigorating qualities of a Corüial, producing a combin&t-on fio welï adaptcd to the purfoses ihtended, tliat tlien; arebutfew casea of ilisease whicli will not, at an early penod, succumb to ts lieaUugaud Ufe giving proporties. For ages, has tho trealroent of puhnonary dUeases occupied the grttter portion of tile attention of tbe scientüie of LUi BHdiwJ world, but none acquired more eminence in bis tieatment of tliese diseases, thao the celébrate! FriiEsúui, Dr. Hoodanil, the orlgnator ot the Btthutmio Cordial, lis lile was devoted to the production of reoiedios that would stand unrivalled. How well Le has succeeded, the Amei-ican peopleare able to judge: and we posiitvsly assert, that no' prepantiona UiiiL iiave ever Ijcen [il.iceil b'-fore them, have conferred the aame amount of bdnetita un .sutlering hurnanity, or have elicited mj inany commendations Irom uil classes of society, as Ihe remedies of Dr. Iloonaml prepared bv Dr. C. M . .liick.-on & Co. , uf l'hiladelphia. The Cordial i dAstoed for a claas of diseases more general and more lalal tban any other to which the people ol this country are subject- those spiinging from a '-slight cold." Tliat eminent authorily. Dr. Belljsnys: "I will nul say tbat ('ulns are to our fnhabHaotfl ubat the Plague and Yellow Ftvtr are to thOM oí other couutrits; but I can avr oonftdently tliat thej usher in disuaee of greatcr Jcomijlidty and' iqoiUlity than these latter." Entirdy Vegetable. No Alcoholic l'reparation. DR. IIOOFLAND'S CKLKBKATICD GERMÁN BITTERS Prepared by DH. C. 11 JACKSON & CO., Pbiladelphia, Pa. Will e!Tectuatly cure LIVIJK COMl'LAIXT, DYSPEPSIA, J AUNDICE, Chreaie or iieivous Debility, Diseasesof the Kidne} s, ni'l all diseases anaing i rum a disordered Utct or Btomach, Sucli ftfi Cnüstipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the Heat , Aculity of the títomach, Nausea, Heart burn, JPisgust for Food, Fulness or weight in the Stom ach,Sour Eruetation:-,Sinking or Flulterinc ut the Pit of the Stoniiich, Swimming of the llead, Hurried and ÜÜÜcult Birathing, Fïuttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffooating senbatfons when in a lylng posture, Dim ncss oi Vision. Dota of web beforethe sight, Ft ver wuJ Dull Pain in the Uead, Lieticiency of Perspiratlon, Yelluvvuo-is of tïi e Skin and F.yes, Pain in tl; e Si lp, Back, Chest, Luubs, &c. Sudden Flushesof Heat, Burningin the pflesh, Constant Imaginings of evi), and preat üepreasiocsof Spirits, and will positively prevout YF.LLOW FEVEB, BILLtOüa FEVER}&o. Dn? l'ruprietur ia calling the uttention cf the public to thia [neparation, doos ao with a fuling cf tlie utmost cnniilrncr iu it.-, virtucs and adaptation to the disease-s tor w'uic-li it is rccomtnended. Itlsnonew aud ontried article, but one that has stood the test of a twelve years'trial before the &.merloan people, and its reputation and paie are unrivalled by any isiuvilar preparatioas extant. T)ie testimonv inits favor given by tlie most prominent and weti-knowa Physicians and individual in all part? of the country i Immense, and a canful perusal of the Almanac, jüibliahed annufilly by the Proprietors, aud to be had gratis of auy of thi'ir Agenis, c;tnnot Dut satisfy the most skeptical thatth!s remedy ia really deserviug the great celöbritj it hasobtaiued. Kcad tlie Evldcno? Y rom J. Newton Bromt D. )., Editor of the Encyclopedie. of Rel ig i 'o us Knoichdge. AlthoDgb notdisposed to favcr or recommend Patent hledtoines in ffeneral, through diatrnst of thelr ingredieata and eoects,] yet know oí do suiïïcient reason why a irán niny nut testify to the benefit ho believes bitnaeU o have recoived l'vom auy simple preparaticn, n the hope that ho may thus contnbute to the benefit of others. Idothisthe more readily in regard to "HooOand's fierman Bitters," preparad byDr. C. M. Jackson, ot thia city, because 1 was prajüflioed against them fof venís inder tlie ImnresBion that they were chleflv an alcoholc mixture. 1 ara iudebted to my friend lïobert tshoemaker, Ksq. , for the reraoval of thia prejudiceby proper egts.and lor enooaragementto try them, when sufferng from great and long continued debility, The ase of fcree bottlee of these Bitters, at the etrinnlniz of the present year, wasfollowed by evident relief, and resteation imt dKïrt-(M,f bodily and mental vigor which I liad not feit forsixmonths before,and hadalmoftt deuaired (,i regaintng. I thereforo thauk God d my frieod for dirtcting meto the use of them, J. NEWTON BKOWN. Read what the eminent Glass Manufacturcr, JOHN H. WHITAIX, saya of the BALSAMIC CORDTAL. Db. C.M. JxCksoN- Respected Frieml: Havinir for a onR lime been acqainicd with the virtues of tliy Bal .mime Cordial in Couhs. Colds, Iiiuammation óf the -ungB, &c. I thus freely bcar testimony to ita eflicacy ■orseveralyears I hav never been without it in my family Italsogives me pleasure to state that I have used it witheutire suceess in the treatraent of Üowel Compiainty. Thy friend truly, mm. w 4... JOIiN M" WHITALL, Fifth Mo. 27, 1853, Race Street, above 4tb, Pliila. These medicines are for sale by all respectablo Driippsts and dealers in medicinen in the United States lïntsn Provincefi, and WestlDdies, at 75 cents per bottle - „e Eureandget the genuino, with the aignatnre oí C M Jackson on the wrapper of each bottle; all others are eoHnterJüH. Principal Offie and Manufactory, 418 Arrh Street, PhUadeJphia, Pa. ' gv]


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