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jSTEW GOODS, Scasonable Gcods, CIIEA1? GOODS, TT o i; Cas li, BACH fc PEERSON TTüvo jus; opcned a dioico stock of Winter GoodSj Bought for Cash AND TO BESOLD FOROASH at snoS prices ns will fnalte tlie tmyers !augfa it tlie kien of Hnrd Times. Tlic stock ineliidos a choice lot cf LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMAN'S CMTH3, CLOAKö, SHAWLS, ÜKOCE1UES, Ac, cfce. Kow is the time to buy your Wiater'i suppHea. BACH fc PJER-ON. Ann Arbor, Nov. 15, 1FG1. WLES & KNIGIIT liavc just receiveila fullstoc!; of FALLiWfflTERGOODSI which they OFFER JOH GASH! Prices very Low, WIjVES & KiMGHT, „November, 18G1. PATEKTED November lst,1859. r--f THE ttEASÜRES V; ftp A, the dfctance - -k";- b IT 5W round the Neck. 3 Lo B lhe Yüke Mp" "I'S to distauco ƒ 3 i!;H around the Body 1 üfl ,, _- m9 tlie Arm-pits, j! ■ ■ &M EtoE,the, BALLOU'S Patenlcd Improved French Yoke SHIRTS. PATKNTEDKOV. lst, 1859 A New Style of Slirt( warranted to Fit ]'■■ sendiog the abovo moasorea pOr mail w canguar antfCapt rfe I t I ■ i t i ■ ■ .. ol Sliirt, and return by express toanj pftrt of iho" United States, at $12, i .'■ , í. i s . $24, Sec. , ftc, per dozen. N" order fbrwarded lor less tban haif-a-domi Shirt. Akio.lmportersand Dealere in MEN'S FÜBWISHING GOODS. Wholesale tradesuppllod in tb1 usual terms. BALLÓU BEOTHERS, SOStf 409 Broaditay, New York. LOOMIS & TRIFP, tSuccváñOTñ to Chapín 5t LoomiSjandCh.i'nn, Tri pp A Loonus THEabove firm of Loomfs & Tripp haring purchasei tbc entiiv interest of the former compude wili nds, ■■■■ '■■■■ir tl be rcady, on the shorts( notie, to ftfl ül orders in thí 1 : . ■ o Castings and Machiuery, (n the most winkniiinlil;1 mnmifr, an'l on ns libara , ■; ii-. u :.; v "! 'n r shop in the Stato.Amö&g the vu i-i os avticlcüm;'. nu facture il hv tu, wowouM enumérate STEAM ÉNGINES of all kin'lH; HUI Gcarinj? and Fixturos, WTO.ughtand cast; allthft various ertstings for making and ropalrlng Iíorse Powers & Tlircslring Machines Kuch as are at present, or liave Pormorly been ín uso iu thla part of the State, u well as til the varlotu klnda oí i ;: ■"] machino vork cnlloil for by farmers and meehftniea btMa seutíon of the country. of all tha vftrioufl pattrng, np in slzosand prices, will bo keptcoofftaatly on hand, got the most modera and f pnived BtjloSi Thanifu] for fornifr patronage to tlie old firms, we woulii fiolicit a coatiaoance from oldfriendajAiidafeial bv :üt vvishiuu fur any thiiig inour liiiouf busuiesSi LOO.MIS k TRIPP. Aan Arbor, May 18th, 1859. 69Vtf Important National Works, Published by I. APPLICTOX Í; 00., 34G AND 348 BROADWAY NEW YORK The fotlowing wovks are sent to Subscrihern ín any part of tho country, (upon receipt of retail pricc,) by mail or expresa, prepald: THEMÍWAMERIAN CYCTOPiEDIA; A Popular Dfctionary of General Knowledge. Edited by (.ko. lliii.KY and ('haki.f -. DANA, aiilt il !iv a mimeroiiH in i tl branche of Soiem es, Ai i and litera ture, 'iliis vork is bei&g publ&hed ín ar1ouf 15 large octavo voluméflach conUlnlng 750two-column pftgOfl Vol. I-, M., Hl. ( IV. V., VI., VII., VIII. t k IX. we nów ready, eacb oontaJaing near 2.500orljrin&l artl ele .. Au additlonal volume will be puhUshed once [n about three months. Cloth,í$8; Shocp, $8.60; IX-AÍ BaMlaf$4.50 ouch. The Xew American Cyi lopaedla i-t popular wlthoul beÍiir Huperfieial, learned without belug pedantic, comprehenslrt bat sufflciently ttetalled, fri i tal pique and party prtjuáfce, fresn and yet accuraio. It is a complete statement of all that is knovn apon every mnliin the scopo of huinan intclligenco.- Kvf-rv Important artfde loit has been speolallywritten for ita pages by men whonrpauthoritfcs nfton the topic on which they Bpeak. They are requiredto brtng the Hubject u]i to the preflont moment; to state just how it ittandjB nmo. All statlstioaJ information it from the Ifttext reports; thegeographica] u unta l--i" p pace with the latest oxplorauontt; ntatorical nutteri ínclnde tho I mat views: the biugr:iphifjil no tices njs ak not only of thodead out aleo ol the living. It s a library of tself. AIÏRIDGEMENÏ OF THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS Beinj? :i ï'oliticnl Histnry of the üoited BtateS] Drom kbe organization oftheftrat PoderalGon i ,o" to 1856. Kiüii-iluml oompilod by Hon. Tuo. Hakt QsNTONtQrom theOffiolal lif.-cnni.-i of C-ongrcHB. l'l e h ork will be completad iu 15 royal octavo vol unios of 750 pageeeach, 11 of whióh r;irc dow ready. An ad dltional i olume will be puhliahed once i three month. . $8; Uw Sheep, Half Mor., $; Half i'iill", ■1.5(1 f-nnli. A WAV ÓF PROCDRTNQ TERCTCWPMOÏA 0RDEBATK8 Form a club of fooj,aad remit theprlceof fourbooka, and live copies will bc sent at the roiiuHi-i s expeiuefoi carriage; or for Urn subscribáis, olfiVO Ooplea will bp sent at our expense for oarxiagft. Ta Agcnts. No othor work will o liberally re war tl the exrrtiona of ygents. A Aüknt wantkd i.v inw Copntt Termi made known on application to the Publishers. Ann Arbor, March, ■ Ci)02a.nt -G Böï. 't'. .os. W'iuiiitT, agent at Kinue & Siniths Book Storo, Yp.sihtTiti. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus