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The President's General War Orders

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asungtcm, Marón 11. The fullouing orders by tin I'resi. dent ere published by ruthority in the lntelligtncer this morningf. Tlieit' importante and hearing tro manifest. GENERAL WAR ORDER, No. 1, Exkcutive Maksion, ) Washington, Jan. 27, 1862. It is ordered that on the 22d dav of February, 1802. thero be a geoem] movoirent of and naval forcea oí tiic United Stütes againat tbe buurgent forcee) that, cspeciítlly, the nrmy at and aboot Forticis Mtmroe, tho irniy of the Potomao ; the arrny ot Western V'.i'uinia; tho aruiy near i[unfordville, Kentucky ; the army and (1,, tilla ut Cairo, and a naval force in tlu Gulf of Mexico be ready for a move. ment on that day ; that all the othur (orces, b'.'th land and naval, with their respective comfnaodern, nbey the ex iating order for the time, and be ready to obey additional orders when duly given ; that tho heads of Departmei.vH, and especia Uy the Becretailes of Wur and Navj, with all their subordinates, and the Genera! inCiiief, with all other comrnan(1tivs, and snbordinutee oí tho land nnd naval forcea, ll severally bp held to their strict and full respoi.sibilities for tho premi p.C execution of thia order. (Signed,) Abr.miam Licoln. GENERAL WAR ORDER, No. 2, Execuïp'e Mansión, Washington, Muich 8, 1862. i Ordered : First. That tho MajorGeneral Coninianding te nnn}r of tlm JNjtomac proeeed foftbwith to orfiuni$m that part f said nrmy deaigned t(j entor ii pen active operations, ir.etnding the ri-scrve, but exulucKng the troop tn bc Itjft iu tho foriificationa abutrt Washington, into iour inny dorps, to Ijeponnnanded aocwirding to eniority af rank, na f'ollowfl : First corps to tonsjst of four divisions and to be cminanded by Major-General McDowell; second corpa to consist of threa d'uisions and to le commauded by Brigadior-Guiieia' SuiTincr ; third corps to cötisist of threo divtsions and to be commnndcd by Brigndier-Genend ë. P. Heifilzelman ; fourth corps to cotisistof ihrco diviiona and tobeenmraandcd by Bi iga General Keys. Second. That the divigions r.oiv p;rr mandad by the offjuers nbtive íi-í.síiíhü4 to the oomnmnd ot corp?, sball be urn braced in and fonn part oí their respective corps. ■ Third. The forces luft for the defenso of Washington wül be placed in eoinman ] of Brigadier-General James S. Wadsworth. who sliull ajso be Jlililary Governor of the District oí Coíutr.hiu. JPnurth. That this order be exeented wuh iooh promptnefti anxl as not to dlay ti.d coininencer;ünt of p nperatiorw dirocted to ba undertaken bv the army of the 1 otornac. F'fth. A fifth army corps, to bo commanded by Major-General N. P. Banks, wül be forraeH frnm his own and Gen. Shields', (lato Gen. Landur's) divi.-ions. (Sigtied,) Abraiiaïj Lixcoi.x. GENERAL WAR ORDER, Na 8, Exkcutivu Maxsidv, f Washington, March 11, 18G2. j Major Gonerul McClel'an ha ving personally taken the field at the hen i of the nrmy of tho Potomoc uniil otherwise ordered, he s relieved it'ot the eomrnand of theAther military der nartments, he retaining the cummand of the Department of the Pototniie. (Jrdered furtber, that the two Djpnrtmants novv under the rsspeatiya comilüimls of Generáis Halleck and Hunter, t-cether with so muuh of that of Gen. Boell vvhieh lies west ot :i n.orth and south line drawti through Knoxvilie, Tennessee, bo eousnliUuted and desigimted the Department of Mir'isippi, and t'nat until otlierwisa ordered Major-Qenera] Hallek hav eonntiand of the s;.ïcl Department. ürdered ateo, that the eountry west of the Depaptrasntof the Potomne and east of the Department of the Missisppi; be a Military Department and the same be commanded by M:ijjrGneíul fjemont. That all Commarnlera of Departmer;ts. after reeeipt of this order, repeclfnlly report scverallv and direc ]v to the Seeretary oí War, and that prompt and frequent reporta will bu expected of all.


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