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City And Ward Committees

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As the time for making nominntions for Ciiy and Ward officers approaehes, vo appencl tho ñames of City and Ward Cftmirnittees, in order that tlio individuáis constituting tliem muy consalt and make the proper cali : City Committkb.- A. J. Sutherlnnd, W. S. Maynard, N. B. Nyu, E. B. Pond, R. B. Chaso. lst Ward Cnm.-J. S. Henderson, Geo. 0. Mogk, John N. Gott. 2á IJ arel Com. - A Widenmann, L C. llisdon, II. üumpiun. 3cZ Ward Com.-TX. 15. -e,. WilHam Walker, Jacob Snapp. 4A Ward Crm. -S. G. Sutheiland, G. W. Efoei, Charles Brooke. We have not the naraes of the 5th Wiird Comniittec. jfrZgT We are indebted to J. H. Buklesox, Esq., for tho Catalogue of the Univtrsity of Michigan for 1862, a neally printed pamphlet of 72 pagos. We eitraot the íbllowiog summary of Studente íd attendanco io tue several c!nSí?s an departrnents ; ACADÉMICA!, STUDE.XT3. First j ear, 53 Second " 42 Third " 38 Fo'.irth " (Seniors) 47 In Select Oourses, 49 Ih Chemiátry, 36 In Engineering, 2 In Courses íor Second Dcgree, 3 Medical Students, 216 LAW. Resident Gradúate, 1 Jiiniors, 85 Seniors, 43 Totul 615 Exclusive of members in other Departments. This is indeed a prosperous showing íor war times, and we presume will compare favorably with any College in tho Union. EP A letter to the Frce Prest from a membor of the Michignn Ninth, dated the lOth, says that the regiment has been orderod 10 Nashville. Col. Duffield has been placed in command of a brigade, cornposed of the Oth Michigan, 8th and 23d Kcntucky, and od Minnesota, to bo called the 23d brigade. Liout. Col. í'arkhukst has taken oommand oí tho regiment.


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Michigan Argus