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ST-.TE3VTElSrT Of the Rcceiptt and Expcnditurts of llic dit nf Ann Arbnr, from April Zd, 1861 to March 30, 1862. REUF.1PTS. Okn'l stuket rlKD. PCMU. ■■'; ir-'tn ilie la'.eCity Treasurer, $776 58 . :l1. Licentie, $3 00 " 5 00 WilaMen " 100 M. ,. i: .. ; .ii " 2 50 K. .!. f] ■■' " 250 Ittbin.- ii il iike'i Circus, I.iceusc, 25 00 Yankee KobMkaon " 7 50 e Man " 1 2S " 2 50 ËolonCook " 2 60 11. I'. Barato " 2 50 Cook " 2 50 5!. M. lioylan " 2 60 golonCook " SÍ0 mk et CoimniMlonar for PollTax, 145 02 i.:... C in 'Uu nib,, 3 00 John K.lndga " 50 1 for general iiurposes, 1500 0.) Taxetf i; eud for blrcel purpoie, 1500 10 1,5G6 2S i,4'.2 20 EXPEND1TURES. OIN'L RTFJSKT Ko. roxn. mm. 1 r. .1 Hosklns eomitmente, 7 60 -.' W.H i' ■ :iner, inxpectoi of election 2 0Ü ü N. K. N"ve, carnügefor streel com. 2 00 4 SpnWiuji .'o Fiemiug, ündriej 1541 . V'andehaden, sirect urk ' 60 ; John üall, " ' "" 7 John Tal lor, " " 1 50 8 J. Eittlel) " :' '5 03 j Joba YawiMiadoa, ll " 34 CO 10 '-'i 'ï'"iry, " v( 3 75 ,1 W.Uoodhue, " " 3"'5 l Oivcu Clark, " " 4 0j I l'alrick Ryan, " " a0 H .John DavidJOn, " ' 30 16 Juli.iCl.iir, " " 1 '5 [0 Jouu Vandehaden, " " 6 00 17 James Trainer, " ' 4 uo 15 Job il i " " 1 tO l'.j Win. L i. ■ mis, stone for atnats 2 5u i) A. 11. l.'oty. ballot box lor 6th Ward 2 75 2; Jolui Hofttldtter, services to Board i:i ■i'ljngs 3 75 22 J. B. (ianaon, eommilments A:c. S0 ... A GasCo. , gal lor Fimuens HU 130 ■ ■ .' I 'i ■ : ■ daden, stieet work S5C5 n l'aylor, " " la i7 , ' " 8 75 -.7 John Cali, " 21 25 _H 11. ïorry, " " 6 23 ju Owot Clark, " " 21 60 ;,u Patrick Ryan, " 2 00 ;;i Jelui Fiiim, " " 8co 32 James Quinlan, ..... h ;,„ ;j ; Uosea Seabolt, " " 3 00 34 Caspcr H.'lin, " " 1 00 33 Wm. Bourte, .... 500 ;íü Mulltgan, " & t0 ;.'. A. A.Ga" Co, ?as for FirnnonsHall 1 70 :íh w s. tíaynard, workon oumplogs 6 75 ;.'.) E. l'orteï ose ol roum ior election, 5th 2 00 40 Martin Obrien, work on pump logs 75 : 1 Wm. Roth. jnstico f6ê 10 30 - DctoUoo ff ood, surTeylng Page st. 3 00 .... Cl i.: land lot Pound 80 00 11 I.. Guroar, clerk of clcction 2 CO 4Ö J, Vandebaden $ Uro., st. work 69 25 46 John Viiin'.i-liiiccn, btreet vork 8673 47 Jolm 'i'ajlor " " 12 60 1 Gall " " 3338 1 ,: ronrj " " "6 25 50 üeorse W. GooJhue, " " 2ö 75 51 er, " " 1312 f,1 JohnKernan " " 600 5: Mathcw Sneirlv " " 17 "0 54 John Traver ' " " 6 00 f5 On-eii Clark " '.' 0 0J 5 i Patrick Bj-an ' " 4 60 87 Patrick Galbgher " " 7oj Td Pctei Carey .... 9 00 ;. Jame ' " l50 .1 .1 450 ( I I'. M-.illí?an " " 4 50 62 Win. Cïithrie " " 6 00 63 Wjman " 'i 9 00 04 Jobn ■ 1 " ' 6U0 er, Jo ii Hnfltstetttr " " 1200 16 l'.Mft-tt r .... C00 - D'Xiel, stoot for streetn 7 OU .. ; Flowen & CiotJooupling for hoM 30 25 C9 Uri. S. Wella, for land to widcn Annktre.t 150 00 7J Maynard, cl)bins& Wilaon, labor and lamoer on pouud f 8 34 71 ScblUter At Co. , work on bose art 4 50 Ï2 Bberbacta Co., SundriM for Fire Dopanment 252 73 Ilutzell 4: Co., sunlrics for Firo Depart! 3 23 74 K. B.alian, ] tank walk aaíWfments 10C0 7 i A. A. Gas Cu., ga for Finmena Hall 2 10 . . V .':■!) -i ■ . J muntbs salary Kacordor '■( 77 O. M. Martin, 3 100 salarj Marshal 25 CO 7' John Elollatvtter, terviceïat Board Uwtinga, 6 00 TO.J.H (:iuson, commitments &c. 5171 r0 1.. M. Grtg , v. cl rk of elec'.ion 2 00 il Jolin HoffiltottW, service t Board meetings 1 "5 8J Richmonds I!.ickus, registrybooks 1 50 r.f Julm '..u.lcliadi:u and 13ro., Ireot w,..k 52 50 t Jolm Y.ui.lohaOen, Ktreet work 34 00 -.- !■:. 1:. " '' 13 68 J. Ktkbuss " " 10 - e; F. K: i " " üoo BSJoUnUall " " 20 00 B9 .1. in .i.nück " " '5 00 'JO Patrio Ujan " " -5 :il J f U-miiu-r " " 3 25 92 J:ts. Maguiro " " H '5 93 John Taylor 45, .1; Hofhtotter „ " ]725 '.." S] ..ti.-lilv , stonc lor strcet 1-UO 'JU John Vandahaden, strcet work L6 73 ii: Wm. V.uidehadcn " " "0 6J 93 John Gall " " '4 75 au Geo V.i;oi)ilbue " " 1' "3 inO Wm.Sneorl " " H-5 !r,i John Webrlght " " 3' '0 ?S TDoma WaS " " 3," Patrick Obrlan " " 1 62 104 Wn... " " 525 IÁ-. Wm. Trahe " " 8 31 IL Wm Burke " " 4 38 roota " " n:n ina Gotlsib Wahr " " 7-" Í09 Jol,,, " " 5 23 m. McCarlT " " 9 ït. Joh.! Wálw ' " " 1050 ,o J.ilni llnlMtlter " " SSS ,., Sohladu " " 11 10 114 E. 1'. Hall, comml tnents &c. 41 01 ]1", Moves i: -tr-, sundries 10 75 I is C. k.v-iT & Co. simdiies 31 50 117 A A i., - I o. gas mr Firemens Hall to US J"li Hclfslc'Uer, services at board mee tinga 20:) J10 1'. li.'.ilian, services Supervisor 100 00 11 0 Cl, io do 115 75 1 1 U. M. Mar tic, 3 months salary as Ciiv Haríbal 25 C0 122 F. rorg, labor Isa. ♦ 23 13 Wm. Vandohaden, street work 35 00 11 John Webright ' " " I825 1:5 J.ihn laylor " " '-& 138 Wm. ..-suer ": " 6 ín Wm.ltma ''.'.' i ,. Hulcipher " 1 9 .1 hn Wymaa " 1 J 1 1 1 Henry Wilmot " " 7; [ 1 johnJohnson - " 10 lt John (I.i!V,ister " " illeibWalir " 3CO i;4 Jomes Quinlan " " f- 135 Arlhur Tarncy " " 4 31 136 O wen Clark " 5 187 Wm. 8. Majnard " " 450 i;8 John Vandebaára " " 32 25 159 P. ter Carey " " . 9 00 líO Peter y " " 9M 1 I KdwardjGraB " " 787 11 Jobn liintz " 7 88 1 1: John McNaUy " " - '' llt Win. Vnn.lehaden " " 00 I ., 11 C. IMIon " " ? 0 llfl FranklinUabl " 7 00 141 I . 1 ■Mval.u " " f" i e JohnGaU " 8 50 1411 11. C: rbm .... S 00 [53 Wm. Burk " ■ M , r.l Wm. Trabes i'5 I5á M. 'Foolí " " 525 1 .:; (i„ en Clark . " g 154 JammGalick .... 356 155 Wm. í-Vlilado J 75 ,,-, i Geo. Webright " " 3 00 ].,7 Ó. Hoffstettor " " 4 38 l'iH B Mouní, maíon work ttreeta 1200 159 John 11 rfatetter street work 3 00 (0 PetiTl 'ar y 1 13 v:i Daniel Haly " " 48? 6i Wm f.Maynard " " l-5o 162 John Yundshaden " " 40 50 L8 O.8. (iilc-s " " 4 50 1-1 (; WGoodhn " " 3 3S lofi Kenan 2 00 II 1. Uaraard.Stobblns & Wilson, lime í:i'. for si reets 75 81 ir.7 EU Pond printing 4300 168 thomnker (1 Spehr nradriM 3 21 U9 C flrosaman Imnbw toratiim 25 73 170 (.'eo Spítohly stone for sticts 2 00 171 Mr Mernck slone for stroetí S 00 7J s M Wbatr3 mo. salary Keoorder 5600 17.Í Wm Warner vmk on strect.s 2 00 171 A Widenrnann nalts fit for atas 315 170 A A Gis Co.gaa for Firemens Hall f0 176 E 1! Pond librarían 200 1.7 1 CDillon streetwork 3o 00 178 Wm. Wilson " " 19 179 John Taylor " " 3 00 1-0 Cl' Kapp " " 1 00 1-1 Tlinmas Ward " " 200 ÍS;.' .1 Vandehaden " " "1 00 l-: OwenCl&rk " " 15 00 1-1 Johnp'Krsf " " 13 00 185 Jad b Fi-licr " " 14 OS :- ' rge Kern " " 18 38 1-7 .1 ti Grotlnger " " 16 81) - 1 red ' nm " " 1 88 nH-ifbtetter" " 7s 1.0 Wm Wagcr " " 4 50 1 0 G T Wi.lenrnan " " 150 1 1 1. Toóle " " 1 13 l.u Pau lek Cose " " 1 8S 1)3 J.ihi: Flynn " " "5 1;U Daviil Plquett ■ " 2 G 1 9 1 ,i'l Cilrbaojh " " 70 00 '96 J Andren " " 4 12 ]7 U'vv-is Sietter " " 4 12 1 8 Jolm Daridaon " " 1500 199 J Pnrsliall (.tone for treet 4 80 -do .1 ÍTraTer " " 6 00 01 c Kerna " " 6 00 f 02 John Taylor work on stret 5 50 '-11 1 Wm A Qutberle " " aso "111 SOslander " ■ " 2 00 ■ OS I ' L Gates stone for treet? 5 50 '-' ii Jolm VandebadajaworkonMrwt 17 25 -■'7 W1.1 Vandehaden " " 3í 00 llicw .-neerly "' " 1000 "i'i Jlm Webrlght " " 200 3lD 1) ileimer " " 300 ■H John D mlap " " 4 50 ■■ lj John ('oterty " " 3C0 213 David Plqoel " 6f2 '-1 1 Jnmas (juiiilan " " 3 75 815 Tboraa Kelly .... 300 -!■; 1 red Wejer " " 2 25 -1 7 M To. lü " " 1 13 i-i Wm SloCarty 75 -19 Jacob Kern " 4 '-'.:i' Fie I ;- rbach 4 18 -■ i Joseph Plank 94 ;'-'j Heory iSriuan 4 38 sob Walter 3 11 ii Wm Sohlada 7 13 - .", Clark 75 ;-.: p Mullignn 75 237 WmCUnty S0O 228 John MllKr ■ 9 Cl as. Bianeb 500 .. K rn l.nrpenlnp picks 76 ■.:.] I.nvs-n.V Wm -tor Ijiackmithing 18 46 fJS N 11 Plens emmhment &C. 17 98 S.a John HoffstetUir wrvieta at Board meetings 1 8S Í34 c. Grooman jilank for treets 45 (53 eo Khodes rrpairin? bridge 3 í', ( D H VandATöook phnklng erontof 175 -.■. ] 1 i. 1.1 :. ' ; mmlninta . 4 70 I 2.' 8 G W üiMJtlhuo lx.D iJ htmtU 1 0$ i lLlJ A A ()UCu ïlglil Dg utri witli ;af,kc -C ,ij ! 240 lHuii .SiC. rvpairmg Icid&u iJÖi íí-il Julm IJniKL' uur utu íi.jj WWOtl iur Kiieni'.-iis Hall 1 d 242 M:iyn;uil V Cu. 'laiik for U fi SG 243 C (roasnian plank for itë in 4 l 314 SM WeUsiei ;i monlba s.d.u-y 25 00 245 A A (ííl.h Co gas lor Fircmons H;ilï 1 '5 24( C Km])!' rood U.r Rail 5 50 217 Hias&fieyerl; pi loting Bredet 15 50 2IS Sham&kei A: Sjmlir wmk ntr;iiie 123 ' '24'J A atherlarid " 4 36 ' 25 OM ttartin 3 djo alary Murshal "5 (O Í51 Schoffft Millt-r htaimmiy i 98 Gcí Kern vrork on .strc-ln i Pcc. but OveHookod .11 maliing uut mi raat 333 - 253 O M Martin 3 mosaiary MirshI Í500 ï5t S.M Wobster Smomlarj Recorici .50O 2"5 A Felcta battíou as City AtVjr 25 00 Gin j K reco:dingdeods 3 ro Ü57 A-A Gun Co g;is for F-umeiis II;tU 2 65 20S Cpo Firer nanking Brei iu engirie hou.uforie landlfrH 6 00 250 Jobn O HoflsloUer services nl Board méi t ngs -5 2:0 John iluiUlt-Ucr service nt Dua:d 1 nv tuig 2 60 2í;i K JilWl printing onierbook 6 00 V'!-' ti Marlr:i c ■ ment 6 04 1313 Jobn (Ireenawn w rk on slroeta ? 5 - 261 John Water ■ " iiJti - 265 Julm H-y.i-y n " 75 1 16rt Jofiu HoSátetter " ' 1 00 i.G7 CJEfmpftundrlca forFIre Dvit 10 25 S1.01B 59 $J,8U i.0 Dalanco 11 (avor of gonsra! fuad Í.47 Cö Ualuncu agkfauit stTMt fund 397 40 ' #-.■ EÏCAPITULATION. ' HICEiPTS. Balance réeelvod from late CMy Treasurer 776 5á Krom Street Com fur poll tax 145 02 ' Kor Uceasea CG -5 ïhx aweased for RtrCRt fund 15-.0 00 Tax asseased lor gcnonl fund 1500 CO S15GG 'J5 $ii422 20 BXPItrCDITCRES. Oa Btrccts 1975 50 ' I'olicc 9! 44 Klections 1-2 25 Kiix Ik'parfment liü!7 I.ujnbcr apdlinu for Ktrceta 182 45 3 Services at iiuurd uicc-tiugs 17 13 Stono for alreeU 46 $6 : I'or land to widen Ann airec-t lJO 00 Gas for FiTL-iucns Hall 10 CO Justice IYcm 10 39 BQI Vi'VJDg li iX) Por lori.d 103 34 Supervisor ia-ö 75 Nailsfor stivets 3 15 Repali iii bridge 'ó t'j Kepiiiring crossiogS 1 75 Gas for liglitin strects 456 1.0 rfcir!i."C 10") (0 cuy Harfaal 100 03 City Attorney i5 00 Printtng 49 00 1 Librari;in 2fiOÜ Kepaiiing lampa &C. 1Ü04 Bratiouerj 2 98 Rccording dceds Ü 50 510Í8 59 Üi19 40 Balance ín favor of general fund 54Ï C6 agalnst strest fund 30740 JOHXF. MIIXER, Mayor. S. II. Websteb, Recorder. Ann Arbur, March 9th, lC'2. Ill Ml IU The Battle of Pea RidgeRolla, Mo., March 16. The remains of Oolonel Hcndricksof the Twontyninth In iiana, killed at tho battle oí Pea Ridge, Ark., arrived here yesterday aooompaüied by his brother and tvvo or threo other gentlemen who left the battle ground on the Mcnd;iy following tlie battlo. They represent . the contest as a terrible oue, The j rebels fought desperately, using stones ! in tlieir cannon when their shot gave out. ïheir force is stated at 35,000, ' including 2,200 Iiulians under Albert Pike. Aa near as could be ascertained our loss is 600 killed and 800 to 1,000 wounded. The rebel Surgcons who came to dresa the wounds oí their fallen aoknowledge a loss of 1,100 killed, and from 2,500 to 3,000 wounded. We took 1,GÜO priionere and thirteen pieces ol artillcry, ten of whioh were capturcd by General Sigel'a command and three by Coloncl Patterson' brigade. ïwd of our cannon belonging to Davidson's Battery were taken by the rebels, but were re-captured by our ironps. The rebels wero completely whipped, one división under Priee fieeing in one direction, and the clher under VaoDorn taking anather - Major Hebert, of one of tho Louiwiana regiment, who was taken prisoner, saya General Frost, of Oamp Jackson notciriety, was killed. f Senator Wright, of Indiana ie put on the Conduct of tho War Committeo in place of Senator Johnson, ol Tennessee. , ]STev Advertisements. Commissioners Notice. OTATE OF OTCBION, County of Wa ilitensw, ïlio undf rsigtipt'. biiving beon ajpuit:ti:d by tlie PtobateCourtfoi said Cotn.ty, CoramihSionei-s tü leccivc. examine an.l adjun all claim-i and dvmands of all [erBOIU lgaUuit the estatMf Catharine Kitzgeruld, late of the Townsbip uf Nn:lhfteld,in said ('utmly, decesed, hpreby giv notiee that six months fro.n date, are, by ordor oí' tlie said Probate Court, allowed for creditori to present tbeir elaims against said deceaed, and that they wül mrút at the residen -e of the uiulersignt'd, John iïyan, in tlie townsliip of Nortiilk-M, in said county aforesaid, on Pnlurday. the fourteenth d:ty of June, and Uondajthe liluenth ioy of Septunber next, at i-ne o'clockl'. M., of eacli day to ïcceive, examine anclad just &aid claims . Datcd.irarch lí, 1S62. 8!4w4 Dissolution of Copartoership. liotice is hereby given thnt tlieco(wrtnersliip of the undersigneS under i)ic name ot Beftk?8 & Abe!, is dissolved. All persons indebt';d to snid copartnersliip, ■will ]lensc eall at oncB ar.xj adjust tho sme by cash or note. HTRAM J. BEAKES, SVLVESTER ABEL. Doted, March 15th, 1S62. 6w844. T0THE ELECT0RS. Q REGI8T1ÍAJL1ON AOTICE. The Board of Registrntion of the City o Ann Aibor wül liold sesions in Ihe severa' wardsof said city, on THURSDAY and F1U' DAY, April 3d nnd 4:h, commencing at 9 o'clock, n. m. BDd closing nt 5 o'clock, p. m., of ench daj , at the following pl.ices, for the purpose of correcting and eumpkting the regisIratioD of the quulificd elector of said city : J?t ward, at tho store of Slawson t Geer. 2d " " C ook 's Ilo'el. 3d " " Office of N. B. Nye.Esq. 4th " " Firemen's Hall. 5lh " " Offiee of Sinclair & Swathol. AH who will at tho ensuing Chfirter Elootion be entitled to vote under the provisins of Swt. 1, Art. 7, of tlie Constitation sho jld Bec that thsir nanie aro registered. Persons having clinngcd their residence since the last election, must register in the ward in which they now reside. By order of the Board of Rejistration. R. 8.SMITH, Ch'n. M. H. Cowles, SecV. Ann Arbor, March 17, 1G2. td844 J. 1. BALDWIN OFFERS FOK SALE AT THK WASIITENAW NUKSERIES, The following list of fii'stclass Fmit nnd Ornamental Trees for spring planting : Apples, a fu" Mountain Ash, Amerinient, stsodftrd and can dwai f, including a Horse Chostnut good iupplyof Strawbeny Tree Steele's Rad Winter Black Salix Willow King of Tompkin's Co Weeping Ash Wn"ner New Amerienn iVeepl'eck's Pleasant ing Willow Penrs.A general Kilnmrnaek Weeping ment, including the Willow Barbiett Wceping Elm Seckel and Choice Evirgreons Virgalieu Norway Spruce Pears, dw'f. best kindu Am. Doublo Spruce Cherries, suidard nnd Scotch Tine dwnrf Corsican Pine PeacRes, a goneial as Red Cedar sortmeot Bnlsam Fir riums, Aprico'.s American Arboritao líjetarines, Figí Siberian Arboritae Siberian Crab Anplcs Round Top Box Downing's ever- oear liosos, consisling of ing Mulberry Petpt1l%ll Hop'Treo Moss (trapes, beït kinds jBengnl Ourranta, ' " Aártriko Rnspbeivies, Briiikle's Bourbon and Orange and others Climbing Strawberries l'kiwi-riiig Shrubs, a Lnwton Blackberries general assortmeut Mountain Ash, Euro Paeonie ,,ean lD..hlias, All of whieh will bcoffered nt my mirscry at hOW K1UURES, to suit the war times. All persons designing to plant trees or dlirnlis are iuvitcd to on.ll and examine this ■",c]t 3 P PA.LDÍVIN. Mnreh. 1S02. 4n-?44 TAX ON TOBACCO, In anücipati'.'ii of a tax of SEVEN 0R EIGHT CTS, PR. LB. being levicd on all tfANUFACTURED TOBACCO; I will sell for a few days for Less than WINTER PfflCES! [ have on hand a large stock of the jest grade of FINÜ CUT CHEWIXG knd Smoking Tobacco and being desirous of Commencing anew WITH THE NEW PKICES! and as all tobáceo Found in the lianas oi the Sellers tril] be taxod aud Added io the selling Price I . I proposo to Give all a chance To Sirpply Themselves - at tb e - Lowest possible Cash price, I have receivod somo of the VERY BEST VIRGINIA PLUG . in market, alsö LIGH CUT PLUG, KILLIKI? 4TCK, and Spanish Smokinji Tobacco 200 BARRELS SMOKING! To be sold in Barrel ! And put up in pounds and half ponnd papers by the dozen. 50 Barrels Chewing, I. S. - Anj Farmers wishing Tobacco Seed Cap have somo by calling at my store. This seed carne irom the Patent Office. I have reccived the English Birds-Eye Smoking', A new article in tliis market, South side Hnron st., near Cook's Hotel, Sin of' Red Indian. TNL. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, March 20, "62. 841w6 TOBACCO AT WHOLESALE! I am preparcd to Sell for Cash ALL GK.VDES OF Tobacco by the Barrel AT DETROIT PRICES ! Merchante in this City and SUMOÜNDING VILLAGES Freight and Cartage! BY BUYING AT MY STORE, in Franklin Block, Ann Arbor. L. STUBBS. P. S.--I am also Manufacturing Cigars! A_Krr will SELL TQEM AT WIWiESALB, At Priccs tbat will Deniand Cash. Iiong; FoiiTa.'fii And all other popular Brands, Constantly on hand. Abd Arbor, 1862. 836tf


Old News
Michigan Argus