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'-- - ■ 'T} O O rtj O I f. . . &i f. J o w tí r 2 g Ph T-Í s I H , -. S H o - d e, 'S-; j II a ..; : .f t 1 J gif gl L i ir, h l gil! MPLERS SAMBUTÍ WINE, I'UP.F, AXI) IÜ1T, TULRÍ OI.D, Of Choire Opor'o Sambucus, Fon piniciAN' use, for FEMALE3, WEAKLY PERSONS & INVALIDS Every family, at thís season, ehould use the SAMTÏUCI WiNH, Celebralid in Fnn j.í ■ for its fdicina1 sed beneflciftl quiilities as a Hlímulont, Tooic. Uiuiític and Su dorific, bighly nteemed by tinir.cnt pbyBieiaoa, used in Europenn and Amoiican Iluspiialrt , Miü by soine of the first íaiuilicd of Euroj e and Amer'eu. A A ÏONIC, It has no equal. causins an appelite And build'ng up of the system biag entin y a yuré whie oí u most raluafifc fiuit. AS A LICRLTIC, It impartí a hc-altiiy action to (Iip G'.ands and Kidney?=, and Urinary Organs, very beneficia! in IVopsy, Gout, and Rheunatic aflectioD. BPEER'S WÏKE ís not a mixture nr manuíactured arliclc, but ís puro f rom the juice oí' the Portugal t'arabocus, cultivated in N'v JtFfley.recominínded by C n.mists and PbysieUiíiM wpoa8Mtuudicali.roporti(B Buperior to nnv othei ffine in ese, and a.. exwHtnt artielfl ror Ul weafc nd debiiitated pirwtis, and tbe ;''■■! iind inArni, iiapitwini the appetitc, auJ Lwneö ing Ui Íím and childrea. A LADÍK3 WInL", Bocause it will not lotdlicato as ether v-ine, as it containa oo mixture oí spírtu or liqtiovs. and s a-!inin-d foritarich, peculiar Buvor, anti nutrttive proper ties, mpartlDg a hoaltli.r tone to Ibe digestiré oiir;ns,aud a blooming, soft and healtby skin and complexión. WK KEFEli TO A few well kuo%yn gcntlcmc-n and pbysicians, who have Iricd t!ie Wine: - Gen. WinSeidSoott, ü'S.A. Dr.Wil.on, llth st .. N. Y. U.iv. HornB, X. Y. Male Dr. Ward, Nowark, N. J Dr.J. K. Cliiltm.N. Y.City. Dr. ltougherly, " " [). Pinker, N Y.City. Dr. Paiish, Phitadelpllia Drs. Uarcv and Niclio'l, Dr. üavis, Chicago, Newark, X. J I:linois. And mnny othen too aumftroua tn publifrh. g&Sunc vmiine urilo.s the agnature "f "AT.FRFID Sl'ütR, l'as.-aic,X J," Is over tlwemk of eacli bottle. #3-MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THE WIN'K. For Sale by Mnyn.-.iel, SttbWus & Wilson, Ann Albor. For sale by Hlgby & Stearns. T. R. Ppence, Ilonry Haigh, H. &L. Simoncau, Olto I.iischnrr, who are also Agents for Speet'8 celi-bratcil Simibuci Brandy of Oporto. Trade tiuijpiicd iu DkIioü by JAS. A. l'F.RKINS k CO. A. SPEER, Fioprietor. VIXKVAI'.H. r.i.-sa-c, XfW Jer.-py. OFFICE, 03 Broa.Uvay, N. Y. JOHNLAFOV, Paiis. S34m6 Xgsnt for Fianceaud Germany. O. BLISS ïs now reccirin a largo and well seli'ct-'d assoriment of Oiocks, "Matches", JEWE L!R Y, Silver and Platéd Wave, TABLE AND POCKET C3 TKLJ TBC JMl JE: .. "W RAZORS and SHEAR8, GOLD IPEÜXTS., Musical Instruments, Strivg if Books for Instruments, SU -E ET MUSIC, CÜMBSj and a great variety of -S-A-ISTIZEE 3MOTIO3STS, &C!. Fie would cali particular atteniiou to his large stock of SIECTA.OIji23S, of Gold, Siïver, S:cc!, and Flalut, Kdh PERÍSCOPE GLASS, a superior article. Alflfl Hn'it ingtcm k Flatt's ertfbrated CALENDAR CLOCK! Kuitabto fot üffloOH, CotiTiilDff Rooms, Halls :r DwelUnrs. Thosp docks ure reliable time keepara aBd Calernlar cnmbinci], nt requltethe winding of tiw timp movemrnts only, to spsurc all thf required changes at mid ni-lii. ibowing thê áftf of ihr r% tin' nunitl; pud l:iy of the moath, includin tlic 2$th of fc'ebruary of Lup mr, UIb goodq re moatly "f teceot parchaw from New York and the manufacturera , and will be sold to Kuit the timos. Persona tiAving diflSoalt watclios to lit" with laMfta can be accomodatcdj as ui y stock is large oni) complete. P. S. Iarticular attention to the REPAIRING of all kind; of fine Watehes-, .such as Making and Setting new Jcwels, Pininns, Siojfs, and Cyllndcrs. Also CLOCüS, Ss TEWELKT1 npatly rcpairffl nnd warrantcd, at his old stand cast hide of Main Street. C. BLÏSS. Ann rbor, Nov. 15, 1861 83Gtf 'xrir'jx. isfrv 33 33 , GIRL torto hntip-e vork, ob wim will glvc Rails factiOD. will hoar of a plrtoo .n appliiaHon tö tb rkHiirc 8ton of M. Ctmtpiftn. Aoa rlwr, Ff, 18, l"?.1 :0 '.


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Michigan Argus