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Great Reduction in the Price of SINGEL! & COS tandard Machines 4 i H'ííl hnoxsn o Ie the Vest for Manufacluring Purpiscs. No. 1, Standara Shuttle ftf achine, formorly sold at $90,. reduced to 70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for merlj sold it $101?, raduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTEL A MACHINE Istbebest Machine in the world for Family Sewing and l.ight ManufftCturing Furposes : (toith lemmer,) and bc;iutifa'!y ornamented $60. The Nos. 1 anJ 3 Machines aro of great capacity and appiicatkia for manofacturing purposen. Uur No. 3 Machines are especfeUy adapted to all k,lnda of light and heavy Lettber Vork, in Carriae Triiaming, Boot and SJlioe Uaing, HaraeBEaJcing,etc.,etc, Tliey are of txtra efce, and with &nl arm long enougb to. takt; under it áod stitoh the lartrest "size dfjshes. Tbcre ü seares' f-ny part ufa Trimmers' siUcliilig tht cfinuot . ■ with tuem than y band ; so, too, tbe uring of time and labor ine'-y great. The lublccf tjiéqe mattbiBM ia 21 inches lontr, and tbe shuttle will hold six times the usual quantityfof thitud. Thelarge machine works m fastas smal! ones. We woulJ ask for our Letter Machine, the special nUention of Vest Makers and Uress Makers, and all tfaose wbeo want Machine for Ugi-tmavitfacturingjmr' poses. Thry erabody tbc prldciples oí the standard macbh:es, waking. likethem. tbeioterloeked sitch, nnd are destinad to be as celebrated for Faüjly Skwino ard light ïnanufuc turing ]urposes as Jour standard machint'M n fur ruanuiacturing purposes ín general. We bav alwayion haud, uKMMihG OACQBn,aLKTinii LINKN AND CUTTO.V THIiEAD j ON Sl'üOLS, UEST MáCUJNE OIL ill bottWffi, etc, etc. We manufacture our own Xeedlcstftiid would warn all persons using our machines not to buy any otbers. 'We fenov that there are needies sold of the most inferior qunlity at higher prices than we charge for tbe beet. The noedlts sold brui are manufuctured especially for our ma 1 lns. A bad jieedlt may render the. bat machbit almo ft us'tess. Our cu-itoniör.s raay rest aïsured that all oét erancfa OÏDces are furnisbed witb the ' genuiucacticle '3 Iu i u of mail purebases, the mouej may bo sent in posto jre rtampf, or bank notes. Correspondent will please irrite their ñames dfitloet ly. It is a!l tnpnrtaat we sbould, ine'achcase, knoiv thu FoSt Office, County, ai;d StatQ. #3" AA piTsons requiring information about Sewmg Machines theit &ize, prices. working: capacities, and the best Detlioda of pnrenasing. can obtain it by sending to us, any of our Branch Offices fur acopy of I. Iïï. Singer & Co. 's Gazette, Whicb U a beautifuï Pictorial Paper efliirely devoted to the subject- Jt WÏÏI be sent gratis. 4.1 We have made tbe abuveREDCCTION IN PRICE? with the Uvo-fold view of benefiting the public undourMtm. Tlie public hare been swindk-d bj spurious machines made in imitation of onrs. Toe metal Ín them, trom the Iros casting to the tmaüest pcice, isot poor qudlity. Tbeir makers Lave not the moans to do thair work weil. They arenid a war in secret places, where it would bc impossiljie to have ;tt their commaml the proper mechanical appliances. It is only by doing a great bosinesfl , and havJDg'eiteniiiTe mannfactunng cstablishments, tliat eood macjlinefl cap be made at moderatprices. Tbe best de.-igned machines, BAl'LY MADE, are alvars li.ible t'i s'' out of &rdor, and are sure lo cose QOnsideruUte trouble and ïnoney to keep them in repaii t The quulilies to be looked for in a Machuicare : cv tainty of correct acticn at all rates of tpeecstmplteitr of construction , great durabiiiiy, andrapidity of opemtion, wiih h-ast !abor. Machines to combine th.c efisfritial (ualiiics, must be made of the best metal ar.d fiinhtd tb p'ei ei ion. We have the way and mean.s, on ;i '_:: aBd se il'", to do thí. The purebasera of machines, irhosedaftr Lrond itmay concern, will find tbat tbose liava'Kihü'abnvetj uaütic-V nol only work well at rapid as well ns slow rates cl il lastlunger in the hnest possiblc worklng order. Oar machines, as made by us, will eainmoie monev with loss labcir than any others whethrr m imitation o ouritor riot. Infact, they arecbeaDer tban any.other agift. 1. M. fÍNGER k CO., 458 Broadway New York. L& Detroit Office, 58 Woodwurd Avenue, (Merrill Boek.) siltf M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. fcW fLD FRIENPS gj IN THE aiQHT PLACE. HeiTick's Sugar Coated Pilisa j!iám. nl TÍIE BnST FAM1LV Cu' VT'xSy t-;artic in the world, j i3o, used ty years ly Êfy.Vc VÈfv five ruillions of pexeona 1 -y annuallr ; always pire - ,. . ' ■ '. i. (■;.'■ ■ ' -; ... ■' ing nothing injurious ; lBVkJ patronized by the priu'í'X jísXy cipal phBÍcians and '"'á surgeons in the L'uion ; ËBË&k' '-'"X'f-rS" '.""rV' ■ tlögantly 'coaied with ?-% . ■ i suffar. cjo-fV V r H ' LargeBoxes 25 cents; jiTrr ii tS"-" -'r="5 fi re box es for 1 dollar. 7rrg?=r--'';t" ," J Fuïldirections wit h each Tallahassk, I,p:ox County, 1 Florida, July 17,1S6J. ƒ ToDn. Hep.bick, Alb?my.N. Y - Iy Dearloctoi :- I write tliis toiofoimyou uf ITteironderful effect of yonr Sugar Coated Vills on my eider cl.iugbter. Fci t&ree years -bc bas been afflieted wit li a billíous úeraogfineni oí' the lyetem. mtdly fatpartng her health, which bas been steAdly failing dnripx tbatperlod. Wlien in New Vort iu AprÜ lust, a frii'iid .tl-, ised nie to test your pi 11, Baring the fulicst confldenc in judgmett oi my friend. I obtained a supplv of Mes-r.-. lï.irnes Park, Druggiets, Park Row, New York. On vet umi ng home. vre 4censed all other treatmci. t, aod admïnistcred youi Pilla, ooe e;ieh tig&t. Tbe improvemc-nt in her feelingfi complexión, digestión, etc., Burpnsed us F. . Lapit and'pei ïnanent reetoraon to healtli has bern Ihe result We i.i-c-1 Iwa than iiveboxes, anl considerher ent'relj well. I consider the abore a just tribute to you ns a Physici' n, and trust that it will be the naeans of iniucing m:ny to adopt your Pilïs hs tl.oir family medicinus. I remain, dearsir, with man y thanks, Ycur übi'ï.ent servant, S. G. MoRRiaoN. Heriick's Kid Strengthening Piasters cure in five hours, pairis and weaknpsi of the brei st side and b.ick, nnd Kheumntic Cumplain'.sin an cquallj short period of time. Sprea,l on beautiful wbite lamb skin, their use subectc the weurer to uo inconveniece and each one will wear from one week to three nionths Price 1$% cenis. Herrick's Sugar Coatod Pilis and Kid Piasters are sol oy CruggistA and Mercbanta iu all parta of the Unitet States, Cunada and South Amrrica, and may be obtaine bvcalling forthsm by their full name. 'ivSOö DR. L.U.HERRTCK, fc Co. Albany, N. Y. MSDON & HENDERSOJi'S fSsm THE GENUINE ÜÜË? STEWáRT'S j S T1 O "V ES - ! ft'e vish to cali the attenlion of the public , to tli is celebrated COOK1NG STOVE! Wliiili is'lhe only perfect stove made. It will do rcore l.usiiiess with one third lesa fuel than any other STOVE made. From tcBtimony givcn by tlie persons referred lo below, on account of its duiability and Fuel Saving Quaïities, ty haa proved a Baving frm Twelve To Twenty Dollars yer year. We would reter you to the following liet of PERSONS WHO HAVE THEM IN USE: Trof. Tappan Ann Artor. John F. Miller, Ann Albor Prof. Woort, '; J. üilbert tmith " Prof. Wincheil, " J.Ï.Aulis, ' prof. DouK.aM, ( Josmb Watts. m Alpheaa Felch, " T. Wilkin".on ■ 'm. R. Martin, " Hra S. Dentón, " lüchM Hooper, " O. Hawkins, " Ilon. B.F (irangor, " C A.Chai)in. " J. V. Maynard, " Cliarles Thayer, " I I. Stobbin. I Maitin Clurk, ' U.B.Wllson, 11 g. Botfcrd, A A ,Town. Mra. O. Vvplch, " Thomas Wond, jusrteld. Mr.i, B. ï. VVillianis," Alverston Drurypr' V. C'hnpin, " Jacb Polliomus, Scio. C. II. Waad, ' N.C.Goocialo, li Josoph W. Wood, " Mr. Feilen, iiharon. We have on hand a large assortment of the best, kinds of Cooking, l'arlor and PLAT E STOVES, and a general assortmcnt of HARDWARE AND TIN VARE, and Bent stuff for Carringe work. PartieoUr attention puid to fiit.ina np Knvetrougli and Cnnductors, and nll kinds of Job work done at the Shortest Nntice. RISDON & HENDERSON. Ann Arbor, 1861. New Remedies for SPERMATORR H (E A HOWARD ASOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Be ñtmoiimt hiMitiition tr.tiltlshnl btf special rvdottmenl fnr the relief af iht. and Dstrtice.d, nflMrdwlth V'rtürnt and Chrnnir. Discasrs, and especially for tht Cure of T3ÍUMU of Uit Sexual Org,uii, MEDICAL ADViCIC given gratis, by the Acting Sur. gocip . VAI.UAtiT.EREPOr.T5 on Sporniairr!i(fa. nw olher of the Sexual Drsani.nnd on tht NEW REMEDIES employod in tlio Dispensar)-, sent in soalefl letter envelopes, inf nfoliarpe. Tn-o or thre stampa fnr pimtugefwxseptaMe. Atlrtress, Dr. J. SKILLIN IIOL'GHT0, 'lloward Asiooiatinn, No 2 S. Ninth Pt., PhiladelpWjl.Pa, 1v'"r' Ayer's Sarsaparilla


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