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F! CATHARTIO ',;(,v"x;;-.' PILLS. V?.rLBB. 10 -n 3'e'í' f'vl)''": :'"' - ■ '' pr E&f3I coniphiiníiig? Ata yon nt ■ ƒ í 'í . "VBraH ! i'tnip-it. wI yoiir Urrliiig unJ.Riqc eS OmtrfurhiWoï 'l'liti bj iup[mlwaukie IBff toins ai'i' uíin the i Wt %,'% w itfHÉh íit1'ous iHiics?. töiiio Rt of t''BÉéíitoJHS5tl íí'v'ttJt'ss í-" :ri''i'Ji)j; it[n y tul, ï "?. qLHBl nuil nhouM Iu ivii'il ) y a iEÍCsvv' & Bmflp '' '■!' e Ayec's l'ilif. :tnü i '"'V, 'V'Hf cU'iinso ( ut iirfi.:-..-L-i-.l iuC u 'L. Ha uiurs- puufy ilio i . -■-] let the hnfUflliiOTe ou uriobp. ' ■ f ; ' BHb. alinctcii in liuatth HE 'I'Im'v Minn:!:ite Iht funt:tir us ' t&L f t'ie 'üOiJ.v '"' Jgorouí no sJBP'"' tivity, iinüy t!iu f-lfin fuiu ' the OMtrUCllOll wlliull ur.xkn dlaaae. A col! sittlea goniculniiu iu Uio twüy, and obRtrñcts IU un tu ral rmictloi'rt. These, it' iiot r--ü . ■■!, nmct upoii tílemsolra and tlm Burronudlng orgun, p jduclng fenerttl ftggrftTaUoiir Riiitering, muí dltwitse, Wtiil iu tlii.i coLvlttiin, opnresséd hy tlio domngoiuoutrf, t:ikc Aycr's LTÏIs, mul suo Iiüw diryclly tliey reöcorc tlifl ti'turtl uctlon ofilio syslom, anO trltli it íliu bimyaitl foeliug oí lieallh itgnliH Wlial true tiuü hj apintreat iu tlii ; trivial aml coininon contpluiut, Is ilso truo in inany of th ííeep-seutod luid dnngerona dlstami oí ■;. The ftaitia ptirn.-itivtí üíTli-i o.Htts tliftiu. OouSod bji Btiuiliu; obstritc tiiiifí uní úcrangeinonts of Ib'1 imtnmi fíinc'íonfl of tho body, Ih'.y nra r.ipidly. And m.-mv of th&tn mnely, cincl ty tliorwiuie iucau8 N Uo wbo know Iho rirttica t i i l'ills, ill t tu eiliplúff tliciu wlicu tulfüiiiig (iota itl9oñ)opi r 1 1 ■ ' cura 8;itciiii-nN froii) leüdiiig plijnUIiua iu orae of tho principal ñtk-s, urnl fioui otuet u ull kuuwu pablld persons. Voni ít Forw'triling MereJtant f $(. !uis. 7-Íí. 4, 1S30. lm. Avi:n.: Jíonr Pilla nro tlio paiag'ín of al' Uint U groal in medicine. Tin-y lmo enred my Httle dHUjthtt-r of oJceruiifi aorofl moii bur liaudá aad fiwt Umt boíl pruVod lucurnble for yenm. lier motlier bas been luti grlerMMy ntnktod vvith lilotclios and pimpleí on lioi' bkíii nml ni lir IiaJi'. Aller uur chlhl vas curod, t$Uu is& Irlcd your rillfl, nuil thcy Imíe cared liór. ASA MOUGIUDÜIi. As a Pninlly riiysír. From Dr. 7i". ÍK CUrtwriyhl, X,:w QrUuenu Tour lttte are Mie prliice of purges. Their excellent fii'ilitii'.i eurpnss nny c.-ithurtic we {HwneM. ïhoy are mili I . Itnt vi'iy Ctírtotn rtnd eflleliuü in i luir actluu oii the bourel, irhlcli ñi ikt-.-i tfieui íuToluitlile to iu Iu ibu daily ticaíjucnt of íliseast. IlcatlaclicSicklIoatinc.ikCfFoul Stomnch fínun Vi: Bdioard lioyd, ll.dtiitiur; DRARitiio. Atwi : I caiiBot &swer rpu whflt compláintfl I lmvo CKrad with yonr l'ills bettor titán to sny i íftal iw deuc oñ nn eiTectuni uatlmrtlo in my anlly eontont with lisenso, itti'I b;lit;vinjí as I. ili, yonr l'ills alloul us tlio í",vt vo havo, I ví courso vut no Ibera hiltly. PlTWDWW, Pn-, ínv 1, 1S55. 1r. J. 0. ATtm. Mr: T bwre been rolitelly eliMMl of lh woi'ht It&mUiüiié anv body can lmvo Iy n dtea or lwo jf yóni1 Pilis. H soétns to orjae Drvm a (bul alonmcb, which tln-v ■ ni once. Yevi irltbgnat respect, BH. V. PRKI1LR, CCerJb ff Xltumcr Ctati ti. Ililious Disorders - Tolver Complaials. Not only ruó yonr PH1a ndmiiably aditpted to thclr purposo ns un niKM'ieiit, bul I find llielr beuoflcíal cflW'lsupon tliu Livor oiy niarked Indeed. Tluy Imve in my prac Qoe proved inore aflectuaj fur tho curo of biliout crmplaintt llmu any remcuy i clin meiitíon. I ptiiceiviy ngoii-o tlüit wu lmi; u louglü u purgntlvo wrlifch Ís vurtliy tilo CüiiUUyuCü OÍ Lliü proíeSSfoil muí Iho penólo. DlTAltTMCNT OF TJItí ÏNTERIO8, 1 Washington, D. {'., Tlli Feb., ƒ Sin : I Imvo usotl your Pilla In my gpueral and liospltai ■ví-i BUíco 3 ou iikiiIo ilictUjüiiiJ citimot licsltate (o Buy Üiey aro Ui bwt catbartio we uiiploy. Th'-ii n uhiLin actfoij ou tbo llver i.s ulck ftitd decltlod, consolUí.'ui[y ilii'y ;uu ;m Admirable raiued tor 'Icraugoiiiolits Si tjint orgnu. InUeed1, I haro soMou fbund n ■ btUuus diana w obeiliiut6 tlmt ií iJid not reitdlly yieW to tlivm. JïaU-niiilIy yours, AfA)NZO HALI." Si, i), l'ltysician oj' ikc Mui int JJbtpUah Iyaiiteiy, Blnrrikcea, Rclnx, AVornis. l'iom Vi: J. a. Oran, qf Chicago. Your Pilla Imvo liad i Iüjí iii;il In my practico, and I liold tlietn in esteomiut one of tlio bwtnpoilcuta i Imve cver lutiiM.1 Tliolr ftllorative tfl't'ct upo Uio livor uinkos tln-ni (tu excelknt reiuetly, whou glven In BlUftll osea for lilt'uts dyttnUry und uiurrhcta Biignr-coating tnnUofl tlieni very nccojitalrle auJ oou?eoWut wv tiiO use of wüinen au-J cliUdrcii. Dyíipepsla, Iiii;tiiií y of tlie ISlond. JF-owi Hetf. J. V. IlimcS) lislor of Adccnt Vhurch, Jivsfan. Da. Ayi:u: I luTeqeed yonrPlUswUIi extroordloArjr 8UCCCS3 in my Runlly aod Rino&g those I tan csllotl to visit Ín ilistrcJíB. To rcgululo Ihe organs of digestión m! jjutify tliü blood, tliey are tho very liest roiuey í hnve ever known, and I can coulidcntlv rooonnuciti! them to my liiiidrf. Youn, J. V. lil.MlíS. WarsUw, Wjorolng Co., K. Y., Ocfc, 24, lS.'r,. Pear Sin: 1 mu uittuf yom Cath&i Cilla u my wnctlcf, r.iïil fiml theiu an cxcuUont pitrén ti ve to clcaúsc lho 6ytttfui luid variu Ihe "ííííjítíúta of' Vit blond. JOHN O. MEAOQAUjM.D. Coitsiipniloii, C'ast iveness, SiipnrcNioik, yt PuvtilysiU) I(1its, tic Fom Di: J. i. Yaughn, Montrm}, Cañad. Too mocil cnnnot ha &nkl of youv Pilis tor Ihe curo of cnstirenas. 1 fot Itere of our frsternlty luive fonml thcm as efflcacloufl ns t have, Ihey shouhl Joto me in proclaJiuinp it f'ur tho henefit of tho multitudes wbo miITcr ÍWhii tinit eomplalnt whicli, nlthough bftd enongh iu itacJÍ, is tho irogentor of utlicis tliat are worse. I beliero cotiveness to origínate in tltc liver,bnt your Pilis afloot tlmt organ aml cure the distase. Prom Vru E. Stuca% Physician and JUiJw'e, Bustmi. I find ono or two lurge doses of your Pilis, tulíon nt tho proper time aro excellent próraotlvesof-ttis tiaiwxU sca-eÜonvthen wliollyor portlally stippreeaed buU alsovery effcc (nal to eUatvu tlio sfomacft nnd ftspí umrntt. Tlicy aro so mocil tlrt hest pliysic wo Imvo that I recommeud no other to my putícnts. FrW the Rev. Dr. ZZuwïw, oflht Mdhodtsl F.jñs. Churdi, P0T.A8K1 IfOUSa Ptvannnli,On.. Jan, (i, 150. UotKABB Sim T Bliouíd bo nngmteful for Ilie relief your skill has hronght me if I dld nol report my case lo you. A coM BetUod Id my liniband bronght 00 excruciating neurtOrjic pttinx, ivhich oncted in chrmiic rhenmatism. Notwitbst&ndlng I liad tho bet of pliyfticiwií, tho dlsease grew worse and worse, until by the advica uf your excellent aflBDt in Italtimore, Dr. Ma leí r.z:.. I tiieii ytnir Pilis, 'l'heir efTúcts were slow, hut sure. liy persorering iu tho uso of them, I ni now entirely well. ?i:xate ChaüBBB, Hftton lïongp, Ln., 5 IVc. SS6t T)n. Avrn: T hnve been entirely enred, by yonr Pillé, i f Jihcumtttic Gout - a paiuful disease that had afflicted me foryears. VINOBNT BLIDBLL. 4K3 Mnst of tlie Pilis in nmr]ct contnin Mercury, which, althmigh a valuablo remedy in skilful liamls, i quenrcs that fretuently follow its incautious use. Tiloso conr.-iin no mercury or mineral substanco ivhatevcr. Frice, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Preard l? Dr. J. C. AYJÏH &, CO., Loell, Kass. .Mil fci tats _v Blaynard, Stebbms Lt M=ofl, FAJRRAXD, SHELEY & CO., Hetrult. 809yl J n. BOBBILL, Travelling Agent. SECOND WINTER STOCK! D. L, WOOD & C0M HAVE JUST OPKNED A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the FALL & WINTER Trtde, Having purehased their stock at much less thnn the usual prices,thcy ure prepared to offer GREAT IKDUCEMENT3 To Cash & Iieady Paj Buyers. Thankfiil for past favors they vill bc ever ready to show thelr Goods nnj by fuir and liberal dealing hope to receive their fullehiue of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arbor Dec. 1861. General Land Agency PKKSONS wflntiníífnrm8[orre8ÍdcneeíínorDert AnnArbor.cnu by c)ijiiig on mo ftolocifroin a ist ofover IOO Farms For Sale! Ofvarioueslzeetrom ."ï, te 13CJ acrepeacb (aonid at goodiBHQv'iithtsConnty.) Morethan 5ü Dweliiig Houses nthisCityromtwn iiundred to fourthouBancdol iri'"i'l:: u,i! oVftT 9O4I Rail, DING LOTSI Amonirthpfflrmiarothc HlshcpBrarrn , lííOOacree he Potter farm, in Groen Oak, tho IMacrtarm , aai ) arres, thc Blandón nndJenks furnia, in Webster; hr Stuobt, HiobftO 1 Cflancy, Newton BMgSik and Knllnhoi larmo, in Ann Arbop; J.KtngiIeyMfarni, tnPUtfld[dt1oHatch nnd Hick tornti n I.odi:tlie Pjitrifl; ('inyn farm in Krcodom; W, 8. lavibon,"B. fï. linker s nci lïüak's farms inSylvan. Mostnf thoRn and many others can be divídcdto auit purchheers AnoArboj. Jnn lat . lfi.rui 5: Bj W. MORGAN, Agent lor Mutual l.ifeTniirfinccCompany, Xi-w York. AcoumulfttedAsseta, .... $5,350,000. the leadtng Ufö ftwuranw füantptváy ín Mie U. S. Kqlokerbocker Ufe InsonoM Condpaay, Nm Vort, -T. ;i lirt 'las iCo.- terms reafion.ii.Lile. li-inil-iMi Hiv rDBDTABróCoiJipftay, Xow York. OftpitaJ, vvnh ilargfrsurplas, - - $'200,000. Peortp Marine . Five tusurance Co. IVirn Til. _htv i. Ho. 1 Fire Insurance Co'S. 707tf Capitni, - - - $500,000; Monoy Wanted, Who willTëTidMoney 1 IAM REqtrKSTK) BY SFVjaUL PÊR3OÏÏS to obtain monpy for tliPm at Ten Per Cent IateFest, (Or Moro.) i Forany one willïiipr to loini. I eau at cmc.o invcs: on snort unencumbered abundan t REAL EÍSTATK securlty ; inysmuï of mmt'y anti see that the titla and security j lie .i. r. i;ii;ur. . bnrrpTrer pftfiltg :ill evjMMi w, inrlnding ' iorrfinff. '}'. H MtR3 VN". Ann ArHor, Ocl. i.ISjV, I1ÖU Eritaïe of (Taihurine Fitzgerald, MICÜHiAN, f..i.niv of WH,li. a,u n. tl Ata eesdii D f the Prob.-itc (ouñ lr the t imTt enaw, holden nt the l'rbai: ulH.e, .:: (;„ Ar!,, r, on '1'iuwlny, the tfigbiet-Mh day of yh ! rur.ry. m year (inu li tand ■ ,; ■ sixtj tv,.. ent, Thomas Ninde. Jurig? . ; I-r. lu the matter o) Lhr i .11 e of Ki'-r.i'i.i late óf Nurtkfu'ld. En nald county, cocea hed. i u u fin ; flting the petllli o, doly viil ed, ol Uu.ige M.tio? pruj in ter ti.r prutane oj) :n Instrument i iw f ju iu intliUcouii perprirtlnR to tl e last Will ndT8U. ment ot ;i i ■ l decCIMWd. EHld f T the ii)[,(iiji1in(-ut of n Amiiiistralor, w-i !i i'.. nrfUaiauxed un IL ElAtaUtf .-ii 1(1 .{(■■■. r il TJieoedpon ii is Ofttöred, Tht Fnday, tdc fft;rtemfj ■■■ I i k in ; aftt-i nipned for Ute barinp ol saïd peiititn, aml iIj:ií 'tj,fl - al !:uv of .-.'.'! ■ and ;j!1 other per on j intcrcied in wiW oxtnic ;irf-i-.' , ijuirfd t :ippein at a ftfr,i) fcf said Oourt. tfaen to h holden at the l'n bate Office, in tiic City of Aun Arbop naai Ccuniy.Mnd show enuse, [f nnj tberc be, wb? ihe pnxjrerof Ui ■]■■- mted And Ij i-i fnrtuer i oer giv notice to ..i .-:■■) rétate, -i tl e ; i ;■ ■ fi '_v .f safd pntition, and the hearinje tin y (-1 t!iif order to be publi Lrd in tba Michigan Argu newapaper printed and circulal p . il ';ili!i-!].ivv, tlircc BUCCe&BlTC Week prevíoas in .s;iil dajr ui' hearinir. (A Iru'copy.) TIÍÜMS NI"1'. ■ ■.. I'cobate. Cuiumissioner a Notice. QTATK OF HICÍlGAN, Coont of Waibtenaw, ■ Tlio undtfflííjrne '. bai ing been atpoíi t 'l by the ) n bat? Cotllt fot 8BÍd Coutitji C inii),.-1-;! tu-: lo i'CCCÍVe exanxlm a la of all ,er. BOSlfl agaiuRt the estáte íif Put riek Roban late of tli City of nn Arbor, íd saüd Coanfy, ca. cl. lit-reby give noiicö tli:it sïx raonthl fron date, nrt-, y order fff . Y' ■! ;■. tc Cotfrt, aliowcd fbi ffrèditorB to presñi thcir c!;i .:ni'l that tbcy wiU meetatiVpstor of Fahck Wal!, in the City of n Arbor, in BatStiounty aforeaid, on Saturdny, the tiwtfJ ty-niiïtti 3ay of Marcfa, tinA TuesOay Vo lirvi dny of July next, at no rt'clocit iJ. M., of cacli day to icuiím:, cxuiuiiii! uii'l iuljust Piii'l claims PATK1CK McKEHNAX, mmisslooert. Dated, December; ■ I ! 833 Lbtute of Titrick Ilobau. S. Ata setsíon of the I rt for the Cuuniy i Í V;islitCJ!:LV. . bold D I t tbe I : ";'. il Uffice, in the t_ity oí Ans Arbtr,on Honday, Ibfl ii:i'h day o' Fcbruarj,! the yeii ■ ■ liundred and Bixty.-nrft. . odt , Judge of I'rotjalf. In tl.e I Matter oí tc Kata.te.of Pat-riek llubau, latfe uf aid CüuntydcciTtscil . Ün reaciltg ;.u l flliag ilif petïtion !uly riüfc tt Paf riek Wall, Exécnto'r of saïd decease1, pjraylng foj lieflik ti) ücll ci-rtai:. O ■vj.i.-.ii the MU J deceascd dïed seized, described in s;ii'l petition, for the pucpDBOof pyiDg I'im: lt . of thg saiil (íeccasetl. Tboreuponft is OrderedjThat r'ridajri Ibe Uemy. c'fihtli day of Miirchnext, :it oneo'clook in the afternoos, :.'- for the hearing o 1 t, and tbat Uie di tteeea, Icgfttces, .it.-1 htïtral law of said deceased, RniJ all peionfl i-.1 lestate arO r.iuire4 U :■!; '-arata éesêionof BftidCourt, then tob holden a tbe Probate Oflfletinthe City of Au Arbor, in síiíUCouhtv, and show cane, ir" any there b, why thepry of tïie petitioner ihoald oot be granted: And itis lurtber Ordered, t'mt sni'l Petitioner give notice to tlie pen sjns aterested in said estáte, of tbe pentlcuc ■ pelition and the hearing theieof, bj ■ tg a copyoí this order to bc ntuUftbed ín the Michigan Arg ut, a aewspaper prlnted md circulatiüg in sid County of WashU'tmw, four succ9_sive vreektf prerious to yaiU day (AtniL' eópyO THOMAS NIN0E, Jádge of Probatt, MÖRTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT havtng boen m.ilc in the paymentof a eer tuin mortaagc, eariojdati tlij26th day of October, A i)..l ■ "■■ ■ ■■ ■ !l " '' i:;;!c" ■" Almo4 :; M Pralt, ...i-i Kcoorded : I '■■ Register 1 : ■ . ' n iliu 9lh ,! ,1 Soreml r. k. I 183 , ut lOo'cIok, .'.. SI., . ] age ■ ■■-', sim morlgage was dnlj assignidun the :8Ui dny ui Octnber, .'.. I :■ 8. bytbeaidAlmonJH. SI. I'iatt toSalljr P(t; rhich ala MdtH t-HBsicüjf reconleó t tlm fra ■ald Urne and place of the recording cr iaid snf.riap, .,ii wbich mortgaec ttstm ctolmed 1o be iuo at tht ilateot tliis notiou. the uta of three hundred anl tcntv flve dollars (SaSö.oO) principal, and scventy-lhrce and 6.3-100 Jollari ($"8,63) interest, makiug in all the nu( three hmdred and Dincty-cight and (3-100 dullits, '$398,PS). ;■ ii 1 no sult O pim ecilings at la Laving tm Uieratav, 't :i i-.y par thereofc. p-, vet of ah ■ . the ?4tli rtuy ■■: April, i.n ■_'..-.. i ..:■■"■.■'.-■:■ "■■ ofsail day, at tU ; front doorof ÜW Couct House in llie city of Aim Arbir, (thtbeing the place loi CSrcuit CoortfottM ;.,;,: ei..;.. ld :il public ni.cti' n to the hiehest bidder the norigaged pi-en ' ;- or much tbereofaa sbnll b n sstiry to atfy theamm due on said mortgage with Interest, and the cwt anó ei, penses allowcrd by lar. for the forccloping the stmo; slq prcmUea are describid 9 folio, to-wit: All that tríe', ornarcel of land sitimlo in the townxhip of Manchester, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, vi.: Cora-. menoiag oA thie north-woal cornerof the soutb ji-irtuf est frsctlonaï oiíe quartër of Beotion six, town - i i ■ 1 , foor south oí moge throeeast. thenco on tlie line ast rn aaid lol tolho centre of ïiverR.ixin, thenceupth ceBtre of said rivir tu the centre f Marsh lirool;, tlienc along the centreof ï' Uarsh Brook to tbe etntre oí Territorial Soaïrl, tluinee west to tho south cast corner of hni-ls O'Viir.i bv Thomas (1 min nor'ih of Territorial Road, thenco nnrth to tho centre of said river J:.,i,.:n, thence up the centre ofthesai'i rherlïaisin to the County Koe,RuppoRed to-Mthü place 6f beginning, ctu'ain:ngf twenty twu (22) ae of lan I, be the same ranre or I. --, SiiM mort?a;e Iwing jrlren to icenre jiarl of tliepircli of the said land. SAI.I.Y l'RATr. Assigiw. Ciuxs k Aex&TRoxq, A't tu). forAssignee Dsted.Janoary M, 1812. 83el! Mortgagc Foreelosure. DIT UIT liiv:-; licin made in t'ip ccniütion of mortrfage eseeutri ly Calvin T. Killmora and Marania his wiTc, to Li. ■-'"■■! eccmbartet, 1 II 1M" oii recorded the next lajr at flftceu ujioota o'clock !'. M., ín UUcr 'J! of Mórtguges, atp ].".: i i t'n' gi-'L-i'si in Whtenw countv, W wliichilPlauU jowiTuf conlaioed iattii nuing"c again lxnnsait or procndiM having been iiwtltotc4 at law taweovw tlicdebtsecurtd by aajdmortgogeoranj part Uiereof, and Uie suracf üx lnindred and fortj doltari being now claimedloblt ilup thcreon . Noöoeia ümofore hereby givcn. that the siii.l mortgage will bt foraolosed by a sale of the mortTtBrW, to-wit : ''The North-west qnartir of Beotioo N". twenJj-thwe, In Tawüsbip two SouüloJ ;. n -■ (ivc F-;ut. in icio, in sniiï comity and Stat1', K' Ihe Kast sixty urea of land )l" said quartll Bection." or BOmfi parte tbereof, it public veuilue at t9 . ibm In the city of Ann .ïrbor, on the twentj sith dav of April nc-xt, n ooon. LUTHER JAMES, Mortgagce. E. W. Morax Att'y Dated, Jan. öOtli, A. !., 188B. s ■"'■' Mortgage Sale. MICHAEL-M. PKKK1Ï.-ON branïndentureof tfortH hearing date he Bteventh 6ny of December, in ;..,■ yee ttd fögot hundred anl üfty-eig t, duly mortg&ged ti WÏUiam Vansickle aïl those iwctt knd pareéis oi land lyin in the State cf MichigaD, County of Waebtenew, nd Towoa pf field ná Vpsilanti. kinnvi: and desenbed as the Iiist halt' of tli Nortfa K;i.-t rjuartcr of Bection nuraber one in Townlp r.umber threo South, Ol Range numbor six FJs) (Plttsfield); and alo tlio Weal half of the Nrll quarter -ï setUon [nnnliiv m ;i XownshJp aumber tlirt 6outhf of Range oumber seven IC&81 (Ysilanti) The Sftifi in(irtgag1, wlth the power ol ;ütr ilirreïo contJiined, was recordad on tlie lllli ilav if lVctitibfr, A. I., lS58,at 6o'Cloclt, P II., of that ny, in Líber 25 of mortgugw, at i;:i;'el74,in the office ol the I af Doods for theCounty ol 7ashtenair. On r' i,iy of Teccmber, A, D. ISÍl.said Uortgígc vas ïulj aasígned, by an Instrument in writinfr, AuXy ccuWi witnessed and idcnoir ledgeO by -:ii-i Willlam TansfIh and by htm then delivereu, t Leasure L. Kimincl, whieh aasignment -as weorded on tlio first day of Jíiniian'. A. L., l-f2, jit IJ,1. O'clo Ie. I'. M-, of tïirtt 1T in 5of MortgagéSyfttpago 175, in the office ot tb aforeaald K, '.. The siim f 1 our H ured and Beven ty-iour m iw Dollars, bestdea the ;;" i '.- feea ;ii '- expense of forfclosure s nróvided In said Mortgage, is cis med toVt due on salo morlgogg, and the note ccompanyínp tïii same at the daUs of thts do tice, and ciefauH having been maat Eathe crndttlon of s;iiil mort gage by wliich the mwi r of ■■'-■ tberein cuutained ï: : s me. me opfr:]Vf.:i!i'l no suit r prOceeding nt law liaving bB iufltïtuted to recover the debt therc-by socured. rrany part thetfeof - Notice a bereby fflveo that said ilnrtgjR will be foiccloseJ by a sale of the abovO desetibtrj lands which saTe u-ill the ] lace al public vendue at ilif Poö!B doof of tbe Court Boun (being the place of holdmi the Circuit Court) in the city of Ann Arl.or, in tlip " County, on the ttiirty Brst day oí March A. D., 1ÓÖ2 i l o'cloek 1'. v..;r thal dar. : RE L. KIM.MKL, Assigocc uf Mortpage. Datetï, Januarv. 8d186l S33tf. STATE OF MICHIGAN".- Puit pending in t!u Ctrood Court for the Coiinty of Wasbtenaw- Id l'hancerjr, Before llon E.Lawrenco, Circuit Judge at Charobert, Uaiwivet Everett, C m] lainant, v. George Evoreit,JW fendant. lt BÍiüBtactorilyappcaringtothe unaersigned. by ;it)i,l:u lt, that tb dofendant in thia cause, residen oui ol' thia St;i ti, on motionof L. lï. Xorüs, Solicitor f" Complainant, it U orde red that tlir said defenásw muse lis rtpiicaraiicc in thi cause tobo entere! within threemouths from thfl (fata ol Ibis opler. And it i furthtr Ordered,thfct within iwenty daya thocmiplainintcautetbifl order to be publUhed in the Mirhigia Argos, ; newspapeTpnbllehód in sató county, and (hi suoh publicatioii be coott&ued ín sald Devspaper] least onco " each wot-k for six weeks in bucccssIoq, tbAt the cauae a cojty of thia order n b peMonaiiJ Bcrved onsaid defendant, at luast twenty days bcfyre the time prescribeil lus appoakanw. i)ated, M;ireh3il, 1862. K. LAWRENCT, L. I. Nokris. Circuil .Iu'!íí'. Complaiuiint'fi Sclicitor. 6wb Aan Arbor Marble Works, :O.tolxol3.Ox FT AS on hand a ñuo assortinent of American and 1TAL 1 A N MA B B L Í, whicli he is prepared to manufacture nto ttON U . .- .■J&s) jf --, MENTS, HEAO #%í, ■ """ J' fV STOSBS in 11 their Taricties, ui la V,'ORKMAN'I,IKE mannff II;i.;i' )m cositloruble experi-in:e in tho Ijustneil he riatters biftsolf that he il 1)0 nbk' to piras all who may favor me vvitli their or.cri. Hifi piict LOÏÏ AS THELOWES T, thoso wishin-1 auy tluug in my lïno ar1 respectfullj n Fltsd to oall. I). C. BATCHELDEB. Aan Arhor. Mav 20, Í8C1. SOIt , -f New E.E.MKDIES fob SPERMATORR II (E A HOWARD AS?OCUTION', PHILADKI.I'HLV. A B' nevolent ïiisLitiition cMablislrd hy special rndavmt? Tor the relirf of Iht Sick and Distrrs.'trrl, aJMrtrdieU Virulrut and C'ironii: Ditcnsrfl, and espiTAalïy for '' Cure ofDisetists of the Sexual Ors;iif, MEDICAL ADVTCE given gratis, by the Acting Sttrr VALUABLE RKPORTS on8penna(orrhont,ni1 otwf [)i-' of tho Sexual Organs, an on tlifi ÑKW RKMÏDIES omplojod in the Dispensar)', sent in seated lol'0' , fruí of charge. Two or threi stamna Wf MMtagüiacceptable. Addreiw, Dr. J. SKltJ.IN noCG foN.Howírá A looiirtlon, Xo i 8. N'mtli PI, ''1"1 lelpfiia:r. ':■"


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