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Air. Sunshine And Health

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A üfevv York merchant notioed, in the progresa oí yaara, tliat each successive bookkeepw gradually lost his health, and finully diod of consumption, liowcver vigoroua and robust he was on entering bis uervioo. Atlength it occurrod to him that the littlo rear room whero tha booka were kept opened in i back yard, so snrrounded by high walls, tnat no sunshine carne intoit irom (ino year's end to another, An upper room, well liglitüd, was imnediately preparad, and bis cleiks had uniform ffood heaHh ever alter. A familiar casa to general readers is derivca ÍVom medical wor.ks, wbere nu en tire English iamily becama illand all remedies seemed to fail of their n'sual results, when, accidently a window glass of the fp.müy room was broken, in cold weather. It was not repaired, an'd forthwíth tlicro was a murked iinprevemeot n the heaMi of the inmates. The physicïan at once traced the connection, di-continoed his medicines, and órdercd thnt thowindow pane should not be rèplacod. A' French lady becartiö ill. The most eminent physicians of her titnu were called in, out failed to restore lier. At length Dnpeyjren, tbc Hopoleón of pbysio, was consulted. lle noticcd thnt sho üved in 8 dim room, into which the fiin oever shone, the house being situatcd in one of the narrow streets, ór, rat'her, lanes of Paris. Ho at yj-djred moro aiiy and cheerful apartment?, and all her coinplninta vanished. The lungs oí a doj? becorno tuberculated (consumptivc) in a few weeks, if keptconfincd in a dnrk collar. The most comrnon plant grows spindly, pulo and scrap2;!ing, if no sunlight falls upon it. The greateft medical nnmes in Fi'ance, oí tho last centurv, regar3ed' annshine and pure air as cqual agents in restoring and maintaining health. Frotn these facts, which cannot be disputed, the most common mind should conclade tlint ■cellar-., r.nd roofp? on itre norlhern sido ol buildings, or apartments into which the sun does not immediüttly shine, should never be occupied as iamily room.-, or chambers, or ns librnries or studies. Sucli ipnrtments aro only fit for stowage, or purposes whiah never require persons to remain in tlem over a few minutes at a time. And every intelligent and humane parent %v i 11 arrunce that the family room and the chambera shall bs the most commodious, lightest and brightcst apartinents in bis dwolüng. - HalVs Journal of Hcal'L jJJSET My decensed unole, spvs n humornus writer, wns the most polito jentlenian in tbs vvorld. He wns makit)"1 a voynpn on the Danube, and the bont Bank. My Unole was just on the point of iirowntng. Hs pot hh head abovp water tor onoe, took oflf his hat and enid : ''■ T.a'ües and gentlemen, w il I vou pleaie lo excuf e rr;ov" nnd down hé "'ent.


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