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i . 'T 3Q s = P! 5 S T JH = h c: J C 'S o H rt esa H s -l .. & lSi.i,.í H a, Ml 41 I i Í h -M S -i HL.. SJ'EER'S SAMBUCI WINE, PÜRE, AHD FOCR TEARÍ OI.H, Of CUoú-c Opor'o SambucuF, FUR rir.lCIAN.-' UíE, FOR EMALKS, WEAKLY PERSONS & INVALIDS Rt7 fe mi ly, t ilii-; ncasnti, sl-.oulO use the BAMB1 CI W1ÍTE, CVlobrated in Knropc fnr í'k BiKtfcfuml an Vneficiiil oo luien fis i gentle tiraulunt.ToDÍc, Diuuttc and ííu trui1, hii;-! v -ti i'im-il emir ent phjMcwt, usvi] in uropcan aml American H's,iiils, aodbj scme oí ihe rst rainilics nf Europe and América. A TtíÑÍO, XI haano eqoal, caoiiln(r nn afpelite and bulMTng up of the Bjatem, bcing entir-. iv y purs winc ul a bsbI aluable fruit. AS A EIÜRtTIC, It impartía honlthy ac.tinn to thf Olandsand Kidneyji, indUnn;iry OtgaM, ?ry buneticial in IfOpBy, Gout.aud ihomnatio uilcctiüus. BPEER'3 WIN'E s not a nilvtun or manufáei ored ttrticle, bul is pure, Vuiu tbe juk ut the l'urtugul tambucuji, cultn ated in Scw .i ry , ix:mmi.TuVtl bj f [n'inists and l'hysiciao" ís poMomiDg medical j rnju-it i - u] wii t to Buy otiiti Wine a use, and at ex ce 11 e al article fot ftll wcak and debiíitateá ptrsoLin, Aod tbe &gvá aud inliiro, iniproving the appí'tite, and beoe&üng la lisa and children. A LADIM WINE; BecauM it wíll Dot inl'ixiraííf as other vine, an it cootaiofl no mixture of spiriis or líqoors, and id aouiirftd 'oritarich, peeatiar flavor, and nutritivo properttm, Impartí Dg niU1 y tone to lite digestiva ergaaa,and a blooming, soft und healtby uk and oomplöxion. WI EEFER TO A few woll kaown gentlemen and pbysician, vrho have tried Km Wine: - Gen. WmfleHSeott, ü S. A. I Dr. Wilion, llthst., N. Y. Guv. Morcan, N. Y. Sítate Dr. Ward, Newark, N. J Dr.J R. Ohüton, N". Y.Citv. [ir. Doucrberty, " " [). rarker, N Y. City, Pr. Parish, Philadelpbia lírs. Darcy and NichoU, Dr. Da Vis, Cbieago, Newark, X. J I UnoJi. And nany otbera too nuiaarous to pubHfth, jfSfSoae gtauine nnless the ignaturé of "ALFRFD Sl'LhR, l'así-aic.N. J.,"' isovör tbe cork of each buttle. 4SrMALL ONH TfilAL OF THltí WINE. For Sale by JHnynnrd, Btebbllt & WHsoií, Ann Arbor. I'Vir sale by Higby k 3tearna. T. R. ?pence, Heary Haigh, H. & U simunt'uu, Ottu Leuschner, whoare alaó Agents for Speer 'h celebrated Sambuci Brandy of (Jpurto. Trade Hup ulied in Detroit by JAS. A. PERKINS 5: CO. A. SPEER, Propiietor. [KVA1U. PuiiSaiC, New Jersey. OFFICE, C08 Rroadway,MI Y. JOHNLAFOV, Paus. 834m Agent för Kraneeand Germany. G. BLISS Is dow receiving a largo and wcll selectod assorlment ClockSj Watches, J EWE LR Y, Silver and Platecl VVrare, TABLE AND POCKET T3 -WLJ' C 3C-í "B53 M.' TdST RAZORS and S1IEARS, GOLD PENS, Musical Instruments, Stringf íf Boolis ftir Instruments, s:hc-e:bt music, S, and a grettt vr'oty oí -z-aostivEe isroTioig-s, ssa. He wouUl crill íarücular attentiou ío his large stotfk of SPECTACLiES, of GoU, Silver, Stect, and Ptaled, whh PERÍSCOPE GLASS, a superior article. Ateo Nuníipion h Platl's cele b rat ed CALENDAR CLOCK! suiütble for fflTices, CounÜng Konm3,IIalls or Dwalliog. Theso loi'ks ar reltable tí rae koeporn and Calendar conibtned,&nd requiíe the rindi g of fhe timfi m-ivements only , tn secure allAhe requii ed changea n ntidnight, ghowing the day of the week tbe raunit and day of the month, inoln lin of F(rtruary, of Leap year. HisgooAi are montlj of roernt pureliase frnm Nf.vv Yofh and tin1 iiianul:i!-i uiers, fiinl witl be so4d to totj the times, Pw%oni havjQg diffloalt watobea to fit with glassPs can be ■■■■ it U my st 'CU i.i large and complete, P. S. rarticular attention to tli ofall kinds of fin WatchVB, BUCD as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, ftrtJT, dd Cylindert. A'tn neatly reaired und warranted, at bis oíd &t;i n" ki .t d? f Main Ptreet. ' C. BLISS. Ann ibor, No. 15, 1S61 BKti Oval Picture Frames i U-SIZBS, STYLKf añil PKICES just reocird nó I V. L-)r..i!e élie&pat CHOFF & MILLER'Sí.25, l-"tf


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