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Jreat Ecduction in the Price of SINGRR & COS t andar d Machines . Well l.nnvn ti be the Heil for Manujaduring l'urpoten. vo. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerlj sold at 90, red u eed to 70. S'o. 2, of saine kind of Machim-, for merly old at $100, ruduced to $75. i SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE ■i the bett Machine in the irorW for Famtly Beving and ,ht ManufttcturJog Purpones : (icith atmmtr,) and -ca ut ful íy jitianuiiti-O fiO. n Tht Nos. 1 Md Machines BW of great cni'.'iritT nnd J .pmication for roannfiicturing larp fc uur !S. 3 Maebiuw are ■.sj-cí-iaUy adapted ío al] kinds tl f üght Btká Ik-íivv l-t'-ither Vork, in (.';i rri.f ! ükij, Bom aml bh Makiug IIui-iun.Mfik;ii;,eic.. die. ' 'bey ure of txiru sie. aii'l vwth m arm long nug to j L ake undr ii aad atitcfc tbc lárices) J Diere i toftrwr nny p ■ oi ;' Trimmers' tiitchbig tbnr eannt ! u óotw wilh tbexd than by hand so. too, ihe ti avihtf oí time and labor is ve-y great. Tl.'c tablcof ln-so"mach,i'is Ís 2-1 tabei longmand tlie shuttle wld !Jix tíniestliC usual qutiMityï'jf thrwd. Thelarge 3 uflclnne workti as fasta? si"i'0' a Wewouldaakforour tt'tw A Maehinw, the spee ial attontion of Vest Makers aitl vrsn Makers, and all l hORfl ho waal ICmUhsLot ïja'.1. min-HfatturingpurMses. Tht-v erabofly tbe pridcivlei the stamlard g nacht nea, making likethem. theinteilockcd sitch, and [.■ destinad to bc ascelebrated for Family riBTviNO ncd i (!tt manufaci aring purposos as our standard pia:)iinc.-j ara Tur manufacíuriiítr purposes in geneial. J We have aiwayson hand, iikmïuü üai cus .srk tvist i . XSOtS KD :uTT0N TOREAD 3 ON Sl'OOLá, BEST MACHINE OIL in j.ittl.'s, etc.. etc. p We manu l'uct ure our own Keedla, and wonld warn uil tentón ufllng our machines not tu buy any othera. We tnow th;it tliere are needlea sold of (Ai tosí inferior ■ pitiWy at high er prices tlum va cnargti for the esi. - iifcdU-ö aoM by ui are oaacufai turea especial ly for mr 1:1 Linos. bad needie may rtnder the best mack'nn e ilnlost u&eï'tss. (lur customers may rest aïsured Ihatallour Prancli t jüicc.-. itiü turnisbed with the '' genuino acticte " In ise of in all purebases, the müüe) may be sent in ï otage stamps, or bank notes. C(,rrcspoii'l.'nts wil] please write theirnames distinctiy. It In all inportant that we sbould, meaencase, KBO tbe Post (.ffice, County,aiirt biatu. fl Ail persons requiriug iaformatiOD about Pewing Machines, their size, prices, workinj? capacities, a: in-si methoctaof purctuuiitf. oan obtain it by túding to us, auy ui our BrunchOfiiceb for a copy of I. M. Singer & Co.'s Gazette, ; Which is a bt'iiutiful Piclorial Paper eiltirely devoted to tbc subject - It wiii bc sent gratis. . 4. l &ïr We have made the abwya REDUCTTON IN PIÍICE5 with the two-fold view of bvbefltïng the public and our selves. The public havo been swindledby spurious ma fihinea mude i ïmUation of onrs. Ttie metal in them, froiii the iron eastiDg to the smallest peico, isol DOOI quality. Their' makers have not the means to do Iheir work rail. They arehid away in secret plac-.s, whcie it would be impossiblt; to have at their command the er mecfaanieal appüanoai. It is only by doing a great buiness,and lia vinar 'extensive manufacturiiig estaiilishments, ihat cood machines can be made nt moderatprices. The bcfttdeaigoed machines, BAJDLY MADE, are iiiways liiibU' to got out of order, and aresure lo cose considerable trouble and inoney to keep them in repairt The qualities to be looked for in a achine are : eer .ainty of ciTi-cct acticn at nli rales of $draimp.icitj of ionstinction, great durability, and rapidity of operatlon, with the least labor. Machines to cabine 1! ■-.■ easeiitiftl qualities, [must be inaonf t,e best metal and I ÏDiahtd lo perft ction. We havo theway aiuï means, on a grand scale, to do this. The purcliasers of machines, whofledailv broact t mav coi:C?ru, will önd that ibesé havioglhe ahovequalities not only woik rail at rapM as Well ai slow vates r.f speed .but lastlonger In tbe iinestpos.-ible werking order. Our machines, a.s made by DS, will earn more money with leas labor th:in :ir.v others whether in imitatioo o' ours or not. In fact, they are cheauer th:in any othei machinesas agift. !. M. ÏNGER & CÖ.f 4ó8 Broadwaji New York. 5 Tctroit Office, 53 Wuolward Avenue, (Mferrill Blockj blitf M. H, GOODRICH, Agefit, Ann Arbor. Chicago Book Trade. The riace to Buy School Books. WHOLESALE Book Sc Statïonery House. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. PtBLISH Sanders Progressive Readers, Newly Elcctfotyped, with iww and oririnal illustrations, ure the most beautiful as wcll as the best booka extant I. Sanders' Alphabet Cards, 6 n a set, $ 20 II. Sanders' Primary Sch'i Charta, 8 ou 4 cards, 1 5o III Öandors' l'rimaiy Spelling Boojt-, 12 IV Sanders' New Speller and Detiner, 15 V. Sande.s' Analysisof English Worda,. 50 TI. Saoder'a Pictorial Prinwr, (bound) 12K Vil, Salidera' Germán and English Primer .O V 1 1 1 . .Sanders' New First Reader, 15 IX Sanders Xew Secontl Reader,... , 30 ; X. Sandwi'New TWrdRder, 40 XI. Sinders' Newl'ourlh Reader, 65 XII. Sanders' New Fifth Keaior, W XIII. Sanders1 High-Schcol Heaier, B6 XIV. Sanlerj' Yoanz Ladiea' Beador, 88 XV. Sanders' Schcol Speaker,., 1 00 XVI. ftaoderii1 Klocutlonary Churt, 3 00 Thee readers are li.itinuióhed for their strictly progressive ckaracter and practicuhuUtptaiionto Ihe young. ï'hej have been received with unprecedented favor. anJ by no class more favoiubly than by Practical Teaclilis vlu huve teateJ llitir inuriu in the school room. Robinson13 CGurse of Katkematics. BY .UOlïATIO N. ROBINSON, LL. D. Late Professor of Mathematica in the U. S. Navy. I Robinson's ProgrcüaiveTrimary Arithmetic, S 15 II. Kubiuson'd l'iogifrisive Intel ledtti&l Arith. L5 lll.%obiuson'3 liudiinents of writtVS Arith. 2ó IV. Hobinson's froressive Practical Arith. í)i V Robiuson'B Key to Practical Arithmetic, 50 VI. RobiiMoh'ii Progressive Higher ArithmotiA, 70 VII, Rjbimon s Ky to Higher Ar.tlunetic, 75 V J 1 1 . Robinson's Kcv Element ary Algebra, 7ó IX. RitlhDSoa'fl Kcy to Elemeatary Algebra, IS X. Robiofion's Univeraity algebra. 1 25 XI. Robinson'g Kcy to L::iiversily Algebra, 1 00 XII Bobinson'iÖeometry and ïrigonometry. 1 50 XIU KobinaoB'i Surryying aod Navigation, 1 50 XIV Rofcason'n Aualytical Uecmetry and Conic SwtiooSj 1 5') XV RöbuisonMtïfyc-rPntial acdÏJitPgral Calculus 1 10 XVI RobinM'u' Klenienti tj Astrominy, 75 XVti Kobiuson's Univeritv Astronomy, 1 75 XVilI Robinatm's Matlumatical Operationa, 2 2- XIX rvob.iison'.s Key 1o Algebra, Geometry, Survejmg, fie, I 5Í' Formingt FÜLL MATHEMATICA! COURSK, em bracing Arithmetic and 1Vx1 Books in tha Higbéi Siathemtiücri. For extoot of research, facUity aud aptaem of Uluttratioit, and practical wetutaaaa, the au t hor o!' this scrii-s issui'passcd b' no m;illR'ii:atical writer in this country. This series bas ut-un recomimended by Uw be1 MaüicinaUciaus iu all sectiona of thè couutiy. Öraj's Series of Butanies, six books. Hituhcocks Scbool Anatomy and Phjsiology, 81. llitchcóck's Geology, oflc book. WelTa Grammars, two books. Well'a Scientific Series, iucluding Chcmistry, Philosophy, etc. Three books. Wilson's Series of Histories, five books Fasquollc's Bfcnch Series, eight books. Woüdburys Germau Series, Beven books. Bryaut & Stratton's Series of Eook-keeping, threc books. Speitcerian System of Penmansliip, nine books. And Ianjr otHcr Valtiablc Books. Wholesale Dealers and Iietail Purchaser8 Wil] l-nd at our fitnreover Four Thousand different fir tlclea uf Stationery, and Three Handred Thoosaftd Vol unies of books, from which to make their telection, comprisfng an auortmact uot rivak-d by any other book house in the United States. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. Are Special Agenta Cor Messrs. Harper & Bro's Publioations. " D. Appleton & Co's " " ïickuor & Field'a " " Gould & Lincoln's " " J. B. Lippincott & Co's " And furnifih all their Boek at Kastcrn prices for cash. Note Papers, Letter Papers, and Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And all kinds of STATIOXERY, at the lowest prices. SLATJS8 by the dozen or case. ft5_S(rangeisand travelors visiting Chicago will find it iXHerestiDg to linker for an liour amid the interminable piles ot üterature uLo'J aml 4i Lake ötrect. S. C. GRIGGS &. Co. Agenta Wanted. For allcostly anl vnluable Subscription Works, or anj' noble work upon Elftltgioa, Litvalurö, Scieuce, or Art, Address S. 0. URlliüS 4[ CO. PLF.ASE KEMÈMBEK ' Tliat thero ie no bookstore in this country koeping a bot. ter or more extensivo assorlmt-nt tluui in ahvuya fouud i at b9 and 41 Lake Etrect. [ RK11E.MUEK. Tliat Public or Private I.ibrarics can be supplied with 1 liist cJmi Standard Wks by S. C.. & Co. upon better 1 terms than to send East ant pay freight ' ta-'cstern I.iterary and Professional men, Teachers, Scholars n all departments of of the world of letters, are invitcd to m.-vke i'J an.l 41 LaVe slroet their plact of resort in moments of leisure. S. C GRIGGS & CO., i Wholesale and liooksellers and Stationcra, 89 ie M LakeStrwt, Chicago. 1 R. c. cmoos 843m3 . l ÍA1IBW. I New Remedies tob SPERMATORRIKEA UOWARD ASSOCIATION, 1'H1I,AIEU'HIA. A Bê nevolent Jnslitution eitabUslitd hy special tndovmevt ■ for the. relief of the Stek and Distresseed, ajl wied mth : Virultnt and Gkrmic Hiseases, and esie.ctallj for the CureofDiseasts of tic Sexual Organs, MEDICAL AllVICE given gratis, by the Acting SurI VAI.UAnl.K KET'OTCT n Sperma! orrhren , and otber DiH'ases of the Sejnal Orpnns.aml on tb( NEW KEMEDfEfi employea in the Dispemary, fnt in MBléa lette.nyelopM, fr of charce. Two Or threl stiwn i for aceptable . Aflore , Dr. J. SKILUN riOl_G HTON', ifoward Associatioff, No 2 S. -Niötb ., Ph'la . delphia,?, 'i'0"0' Ayers Cathartic Pilla


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