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General Sigel's Address To His Victorious Soldiers

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CAMV l'KA KiDOR, ATíK.fíJAS,) [ Headquarter First and rect)Dcl 1 Itüiowi iHncoti lSth,18 9. J J Po HM' Oflicar :'.iül Soldier óf the Ytttt aad Saeod i i i . :. : Alter so many bardehips and suffer ! ings of tta's nar in the West, a greui j t ynd dn.iive viutory ha, far tto tirst L linie, been attained, and iho army of L tlio eneu.y over hu]rned and perfectly ! j routed. The rebellious fiag of iho ! Confedérate Status Hos ia tb dust, and ! tho same men who had oranizud :n ni'jd rtbeHion at Camp Jackann, i , Mnvsvillu and PyttovUle, who bav , fimjiht nnrainst us at Boonville, ago :i 1 1 i Wilson's Creek, at Lexingtoo and Milford, have paid tlio penalty oí i thi'ii1 scLitions vvork with llieir lives, or t Ure scfkini refage betiind the Boston Muntuinü and tho (bores of the Arkanas Kivor. The laat days wero bard, but , umphunt. Surrounded and pressed opon all üides by an enterprjÉbg, des porate, and greeiiy enerny, - by the Mifgoun and Arkansas IMountaineers, the Toxao Bangere, tho finest regiment of Louisiana troops, and oven the Bavage Indiana - aímoat without jood, ;!f'p or camp fires, yon remained tirm and unabítsbtíd, awaiting tlio moment when you vould drivo back your assuilants or break through tho iron circ!c by which thy eneray ttionght to crush or capture us all, and plant their rebéllioua tiag on the rocky summit of Pea tíidge. " You have defuated all their sehemes. Whcn at McKissock's farm, west of Dentonvillc, you oxtricated yourseli Irom tboir grasp by a night's" rnarch, and secured a train of two huudred ,-a;_O!!s before the eneiny bocarne aware of the direction yon had taken, instead of being eut off, weakeaed an j driven to the necessity of givini battlo ander the most unfavorable circuroBtnnceA, yon jnined your fiiends and couiiades at Sngar t'ceek, and thereby saved yourselyei and tha wholo armv frou beingíoparated and beaten ia de tuil. On tb retrtmt Erom Buntonviüe to Mugar Crcck - a distance of ten miles - you eut your vvay through an enemy at least íive times stronger than vonrs-lves, The activitv, self-,oísession and courage of the littie band of sis hundreiJ wi 1 ever ha ipemorable in tlio history of this vai-. Wlten, on the next day, the great bat'.lo began, under the command of Gou. Asbo'h, you aswisted the fourth división with all tho chaerfulness and alacrity of true am.l faithful fcoidiers - that división ou that day holding the most important position - whilst Colonel Oster)aij8, yo-operating with the tbird división, battbred da'A'B tho bosta of McCulIoch on our left, and Major Paten guarded our rear. On tho 8th, you carao at the right time to the rio-hit place. It was the first opportunity you had of showing your fnll stloogth and power. In less than three honr.s you formed in line of battle, advanctid and co operaced with our fiiendspu the right, and routed the enemy ko enmplutely that he fled üke dust before a hurricane. And so it v.ill always be wheií t rei tors, seduced by seltish leaders and nei'secuted hv the panga of an evil conseience, are fighting against soldk'ra who are dofendhig a good cause, are well drilled and disciplined, obuy promntlv the orders of their offieers, and do not shrink frotn dangwous vvlien, at the propor Linc decisive momunt, it is neuessary. You may look with pride on the few days jast pasaed, dttriug which you have so gloriou'sly defended the fla oí the Union. From to o'clook on the morniug of tbo 6th, when you left McKissock's until four o'oiock on the eventful aiternoon of the 9th, wliun you arrived from Keiisvillein thecommon encampraent, you marched fifty miles, fouo-ht three liattles, took nol only a flaar and a battery írom the enemy, but more !han a bundred and fifty prisoners - arnonaj them actins: Brigadier General Horbett, the commmiiler of the forcea, and his Major, Col. Stone, Adjutant Gen. of Price's forcé?, and Lieut. Gol. John rl. Price, vvhose life was twiee b pared and who has now f(;r the second time violated his parole, and was arrestec wit'i arrns in his hand?. You have done vour duty, and you ean justly claim sharein tho eom ilion glory of this vjetorv. But let UB not be partial, unjiist or haughty. Let uti not foraet tbflt alone we were too vveak to perform the grent work befort us. Lot us acknowleJffe the greai services dope by all tlio brave soldiere of the 3d and 4th livisio:is. and alvv:iys keep in mind that "United we stuud, divided we lalt" Lat us hole out and push the work throuph - no by more words and graat clamor bu by our m;irohes, by hnrdships nnc fatiarues, by strict discipline and effeo tive biittlcs. Columbus hns füllen - Memphis wil lollow, and if 3-011 do in futuro as yol have done in these past duya of trial the time will aoon come when you wil pitch your tents on t'ie beautiful short of the Arkansas river, and there mee our iron-clad propellers at Little Roo] and Fort Smith. Thet#for8, keep aler my friends, and look forward witt confideiiüo.


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