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'1 lie Lateat Special iütpatoh ! To the citizens of Ana Arbor and Vicinity ! ! INTENSE ÉXC1TEMENT! niïridréifs 'iontcnmg tnfejfrogrest of Daily Evento ! ! The Federal Anny again Victorions! L "Tlie Union must and slíall be Preservad !" " Thcre was ajnan in our fovn, lie was so loondrous wise" But with all h ís wisdom, he ïeaf no' so wige na that ''other man," who whon he i ed to buy the The c7ieapedi and het CLOTH1NG! in thbS marlctt always jamjpedinio G O IT ER MAN' S BEAD QÜARTSRS! Fct tlifre he Itnew he always got hs money's wortb. Seeing is belipving and yju that Tvish to see come ni and believe. Thosc tlint can't 'tnee can feei., nnd as we nlwnys maks our customers feel good over sjood barga ina, they are pspceially nivited 'to our anxioni scnt.tlifit they too raay rc-nlize how "good t is l'or them to be with us," nnd liow mueh plensure can be obtained n the enjoymt nt cf SPLEPJDID BARGAIWS ! " me uil yo thnt are nnd henvy ladi'11" - with RofKS and we will do our beet to :■ !i vi: yon - ijj-urig you in re'urn thc Jinest kind of Goods ai thc loxcestjigu--es. QréHt bnttioa are hourly tnkirig placfi in tho Clothing linc - whole regimenta of Oassimeres. V(-stins'S. &q., are being Blaughtfred Gen, Sondiikim - to rit the groat mh of reeruita that are pourlrig in from overy direction, all snxioua to liavo their ñames enrolled for a NEAT AND TASTY SU1T ! - !uoh as can only be had at the Ifead Quarters of Guiterman di: Co, One of tho firm, Mr. M, having jtiat retornad from Eiirope with a iarge ussortment of Clotlis, Ca-simeres. and a nice lot of fine Vestirías, also a few pieces of fine Beavt-i' for ovurcoats wlii.h w will mnke up to in the l:itest style, we feel eonfident that we can satibfy nll. STXJJDE3STTS 1 We are happy to greet you agvn in our City.ofter spending yonr vacalion witli the " deur oíd filks'1 at heme. Be asaured we wish you a pleasant term, nnd shull ver be glad to me2t you at the Oíd ilead-Quarters, No. 5. HT" Onr former customers, we feel assured, will cali on u9 again To you who come aa Btr&ogert we would Bay a few words, we wish you to cali and look at our fine Coats, Panto; and Vest 9 we ean do better by j-ou than any other h .use in the City, and if ycu cali and examine our rooda.and try their fita, you will purchuse nowhcre else. DON'T FAIL TO O-A.Xj.Ij .T C3r. H. C?. "15ËnïÖuPL AÑ D'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For the specdy cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Diseases of the Bowels, arising from Cold, Incipient Con8umpton,andfor the relief and {if at allposxibk') cure of Patiënte in adcanced stages of ths latter distase. rpHEBalsamic Cordial is entirely a Vegetable jirorfucJL tion, oombming the healing proporties ot the Balsaxa, witli the invigorating quaHties of s Cordial, producing a combina t-on 06 wcll adüpitd to the purj'oses [atended, tLat there are but Uw cases of disoase wbicb will not, at an eurly perjud, succuin'o to ita healingaud lifo giving propertieB, Forages,harf the treaiment of pulmonary diseasea occLipied the greuter portkin of tha attantíun of the acientific of the medical world, but noje acquirod more emiiieacp in his Ucatment koí' these diaeases, than the ctileUraterl Pru?siin, Pr. }Lo íhinl, the urignatoi oí the Balgamtc Cordial. Bl&lifewaa devoted to the prodoction pf pewediee that wou Id stand aariullecl. How wll he has succoedecl, the Amertoan peop' are atole to judge: apd we posicively assert, that no preparatíona that have ever heen placed tefuj them, have ooñferñd the same axaount of beneüts on suffuriDg huinunity, or have elicited so many comiiionilatiuns rom all claasei of society, as theremedies of Dr. Houflaud prepared by Dr. C. M. Jarkson & Co., of Phtladelphia. The Cordial 5 deafgned for a clasi ..i álaeftsei more general nnd more fatal tban ativ other to whieb the peo pie of tiiis cuuntrv aie subject those nm inging from" a "slight cold.11 That eminenl atithority, Dr .Del,sa}fi: "1 will notsay that C-jlis uro to our inUab iíants whaTlhe Plague and Ttilow F.rer are to those oí other countries; bat I can arer eonMentW that they iLShtr in discae of greaterjcomplicity and mortality than thüsu latter." % Entirely Vegetable. Ka AlüoJioltc Preparation. DI?. HOOFLAND'3 fKl.EHRATF.I) &ERMAN BITTERS 1 cl bjr Vil. C. M. JACKSOJ? tV ('('., PliiUrlelphla, Pa. Wü! fíToctuíilIy fiirp L3TÊK Ti MI'I.Af N'T. DTSPfiPSIA, JAUNDICEjCaronic or Netvoaa Uebüüy, IMftsesol the Kilni ys, aud all diseases ariaing íiuai a disordered T.ivrr or í-'tuniacli, gucii Cón8tipatíon,Tnwará Pilos, Fulness or Blood o the lïear, Ac:riity of the títomach, Nausea, Heart hura. Disgust for rcod, Fulneaa cr weighi in the Stom Fiat Wring at thfl Pit of the Stomach) ftrimising _of he Head, HurrieO and DiCicult Brathing PTuttenng at the Heart, Choking 01 Sufiocating senuiti'jjifi when Ina lying posture, Disa ; Vision, Dota of webs beforethe sfght, IV ver and Pull l'n'm in tLo lli'ail, of JVr lowuess of thekin and Eyes. Tain in the Éi'tej Huci; Chest, Limbs, ko. Suddeo Plushesof Heat, Barningtn the (Flesh, Constant ImJtgiDinga of evil, and greal DepffwriocB df Spirits, and will po.sitively preveiit VEL LOW FIOVI-H, Iill,l.[i B FM EE,&c. fli e Projiriciur iti c:UIiti'.; tl ie iittcnïion of tha pnblic to fchia preparation, (loes so with a reeling cf the utmost confldenoein Ub virtuwan adaptatloa to the düHMuiM for whloh it is recon:incnded. Itisnonfw and nutricil ariielr, but OU that bas stood the test of :l '.-h v. ,i r-' 1 :-;. ! ), t'ore the Anierl'-:;w people,fmd its rejHitatttn and saie are unri valled by any similar preparationa cxf:int. The teatimony inits (aror giren by the naost prom!nen1 and well known Fhysiciana and imii ittsof the country is Jniniense, ji car. ful pi-rur-al of the Almanac, pubtiahea annually by the Proprietors, and to be had gratis of any of their Agenis, cannot uut satisfy thp wosi ekptical thattlrs roinedy i.s really de&errisg the great celebrity it has obtained Read tlie Eiitíonc from J. Newton lirown 1. ). . Editen1 af the Enojdopedia of ftcliqipu Kniwldge. Althourli noxAiepftsed to favcr or recothtüend Patent Medicines in ponera I, through di.strust of their IhfqeiÜents and eliMa,l yet know ot no sulïicient reasou by a tcan may nul tt-hly to lü-neüt be beKei ts himsëil to i'.io ï'arivni f ïow utiy limpia preparatie n, in the hope hu tnay thuE contributu to tho benefit of otliers, I do this the mor readliy in regard to ''Hooflana Gectnan r.iitor.s." prepariH] Dr XX U.Jaofeaois ■ ansa 1 waf prejuat' ; iöj wbto ehieHy an alcoholie mixtnie. 1 am indebu-'i to my fiiond Kobart ShoenviUtT, Ksq..for the romo val of thlfl prejudiee Ir ifsls.and for encouratMiifiit to tr.v thi'M, irhan suffering from graat and long oontin-ed tlebility, Th three bottlew of these Hitteraat the beginQtng of the present year. was evident reüef, and restoratio fl 'adisrreef bodilyand mental viKovwHih I had ooi feit fursixinoQthsbefore, and haïImoRt despaired of regftining. I thert-fon ílimk God kim my friend for din oting rae t'i the use of them. J. XEWÏÜX BiïOWJJ ücn.l what the eninent Qlass NlanaCaötirer, JOHN' H. WHITAI.l,, sajs of the BA%,SA1C CORDIAL. ba.'C.rf: Jackso- RespectedFriend: Haviog for a long lime beeji acqajmea wiMi the virtiws' of thy Ba!samicCnr.'.kvl in Concha, Coldt', Inflnmniation bé the Ltmgs, c. I tsns freely bear teKtimonr to tía ForREvexatyari I have been witliout it in mv family ItatengWes m pleaRure to state thnt I hare us..lit withentire sive(i in the treatmtnt of Bovel Complainti. Thy (rfend trulv. JOfIX M. WHITALr.. Fifth Mo. 17, ISS6, Race Street, above 4th, Pliila. Ih "f m. -licinar fórjale byatl rèspectabïe DrugI dcalirf in niMtelmft in thTTnïed States; Bnt i.-!; Provlnced, nnd Went [(rd1wri 7 r. ,: Be sureaad thfr . . , c. JI, .ïrjKsON OB +he wrapMt nj ■ ■ kil BíAers ati -■■ ' h iiipfOffi l , U& ArHi AT RISDON & HEfíDERSOK'S pkps&ü THE GENUINE imST STEW.&RTS S "37 O V E! - IVe wiih t.o cal] the attenlioaof iho public to tliis celtrbrateii COOKINC STOYE! Whiih is':he only perfeut stove made. It. will do rrore I us;inss wil li oli I li i ril less fuel tlmn nny otlier STOVE Tniit, Frotn totimony given by the pi-rsun referred lo beloor. on account of its dui ibilit.j' und Fuel Saving Qualixfes, it Kits proved a saving frjm Twelve To Twenty Dollars per yeor. We would reler j-ou to tho following list of PERSOXS WHO HA VE THEM IN USB: Trof. Tarjn&n Anti Arbor. JbtlB F. Miller, Ann Arbor Prof. Wood, ■ .1 etttcrt ïHiith Prof. Wincheil, " . J.T. Aalis, M IJrnf. Doujj ass, " Joseph Watts, AlpheuB Fclch, " T. Wllkinson, " Wm. R. Martin, " Un P, leuton, " Rierrrl Hooper, " j O. Hitwinn, ' Hon.B t irangcr," C. (.Chapín, " J. W. Maynard, " Chnrles Tharer, sl V. L. Stebbin. " tin Cinrli, I !, " S. Hotsford. A A , Town. ; Xrs. 0. Welch, " Tilomas Wood, :'itt-fleld. Mr. K ï. Williams," Alfêntoo Ot-tirj, " V. Chnpin, " Jt..:)Poli.tBiii fc'o. I C. H. Wootl, " ; N. C.Goodalu, " , Joacpli W. Xfo'A, " 1 Mi. Fi'Uti-s, t-'haron. 1 l We hare on lian il a lurge asarrtn:eiit of iba i best kinds of Oooking, Pnrlor and P L A ï E STOVES, and a general assortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, and Bent stuff for CarrUge vork. Particular 3 nt-teiition paid to fi'ting up F.nvetrougli and . Conductors, and nll kinda of Job work dorta , at the Shortest Not. ice. 3 K1.SD0N & HENDËRSON. I Ann Arbor, 1861. i ■ ■ - - . . Chicago Book Trade, The l'lace to Buy School Bcoks. WHOI.ESALK Book &l Stationery House S. C. GRIGGS & CO. PTTBLI3H Sandsrs Progressive Reaffers, t Newly Electrotypti] , wlth aew and original QiostrmtluM, e ure the most bé&utiful aa wcll as tïie best bool;a extant. 3 I. SftBdera' Alphftbtt Caras, O in a set, t 10 t II. Sanders' Primary Sch'l ChnrU, 8 on 4 card-s, 1 Ju II r Sanders' Primarj Spelling Bok, 12 .IV Ü&maêts' Murepelle'ftnd LMiner J5 V. inde.s' Anstiv-: '.'.'unis, -V) VI. Sanders Pictiirial Primer, (bound) l'Ji VU. Sanders' Gennan and Jiiik-li.sli I'riiner 10 Vin, Sandtra' ïiew F.ri íUwíi-r ir IX. Sanders" Xpw Sccund ReadféV, so X. Saodttn'Now Tiiird lieador, 40 XI. 8 ináers1 Ne Fourtb ReaMor C5 r XII. Sanders' New Fifcb Itearcr, 75 e XUi. Saortera' High-Sehrol Beader, H e XIV. Tonus lTlies' Reader, 88 e XV. Sanders' school Speaker 1 00 XVI. Sanders1 Elucutiüiniry Chart, 8 00 Tlip.e readers .ir? distingaished fcr iheir strictljr proirrssive character and practicnladajitutíon to Ihe young. They have been received with un preceden led faror, and by na clase ra ore favorably thin by PrftOtical Teacher Irno have tefed theiriueriis in the school room. flobinson'a Gourse of Mathematica. EY HÜKATU) N. ROHINSUN, LL. D. S Iite Professor of Mathematica iu the U. B. Ndvy. 8 I Ilubinson's Progressive Frimiirjr Arithuietic, % 15 t II. Rabinson's Progressive Intellectual Arilh. Sft III. liübinsun's Ku'Jiinentíi of w rit ten Atith. 25 IV. ii'jbiiison'H ProgrewUre Practical Arith. 5ö II V Rubit.scn's Key to Practica! Arithnutic, 50 i, VI. Kobin.-iüu'rt Progressive Iligher Arithmitic, 7f VU, Rjbinêoo Ktj'to Higher Arithmotic, 75 Vili. Robioson'a Kew JOiementary Algebra, 7- IX. K..binsoa's Key to Elemcntary Algebra, 7.r X. Robinfton's Uuiversity AleWa, 1 25 XI. Robiuson's Kpv to Univeisity Algebra, 1 '0 XII Rfjbinson's Geuinetry and Trigoncmetry. 1 50 -i XIII Robiosonf Suryejing iu;d Navigation, &i XIV Rob:iïËons Geometry and Couic ections, 1 5) XV Robinsoa's Difïerential and Intsrl CalculuH I '0 XVI Robiuson's Elementarj AstroncBïjr, 75 . XVI] KobJD&on'i Universitj Astrotiomy, 1 75 XVHI Robinnoa's Hathemattcal Üpcrationp, 2 25 XIX Robnsou's Key %u Algebra, ütometry, SurVj mg, &C, 1 50 Form'.nga FULL MATHEMATICAL COURSE, cmbraeing 4rithraetlc and 'tVxt Bock' a the Highei Matheraatics. Kor exlent ut' resoareb, faeüity and aptntu of and practic;il u.setulnes3, the author of thia series is surpassed by no maïhematical writer in tliin cuuntry. 'fhis series has boen reccffimtadvd by ih,& heul .MathLUia.Uiïians in all MctiunsoJ the country '" Gray's Series of Botanios, six books. Hituhcock's School Anatomy and IMijsid olg)'5 31Hitchcöck's Geology, one book. e Well's Graimnars, two books Well's Sciciitific Series, including GLerae istry, Pbilosopliv, etc Ihree books. ;v VVilson's Series of Histories, ñve books. 0 Fasquolie's Frcnch Series, eight book3. 1 Woodburys Germán Series, aeven books. r Brvaut & Stratton's Series of B.oois-keepy ing, three books. Spencerian System of Penmanahipj niiic e books. And Hany other Vulunble lïooVsv y Wholesale Dealers and Retail Ttirciiaaors Will fiml at owc 8tï evor Four Th on sa nd diffownt artiole? ui' Stationery, and Three Bundred ThomuunJ Vul0 unies of bookR, from which to make their E1vctiOQ, oomprisfng an auortraeti not rivaled bv any othor bouk house in the U'aited btatea. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. Are Special Asentí :or Messrs Hurper & Bro's Publieations. " D. Appltton & Co's " Tickuor & Fiuld'.s ' 1 " Gould & Lincolu's " J. J5. Lippiucott & Co's "■ Auil furuisli lüihiir ]'. ■■:Us at Eastern pricwor cah. , Noto Papers, Lctior Papers, aud Cap Paü pers, Blank Books, Pass Bookü, 5 And all k'ncls of STA lïOVKUY, ;,t tho lowt rices. -, SLATfiS by tiie üoxtnor catio. : trStranffors nn3 travolers Tl.dtiDg Chtoojo wül find 0 it intorosting; to linor ivr au bouramid thi? iuieraimabe - piles of literature at Lii) an'l 41 Lako Srrcut. S. C. GRJGGS & Co. j s Agents Wanted. &g For all costly :inl vaïnablo Hubïcrip.tina rnpfc, 8 or auv noble vork upon Iieliioii, JLitemtai'U. oitaoo ir '- Art, iddreai 8. C.GElUüS ii CO. 1 )' PLKASK Kh.llEMnER " Thai there [t no booktor iu tliis cuuniry. koeptoga UaV ter or more ostensivo assortmeut than is al':.iy.i" found hi LP ;ui'l 41 Uiliü Itri "t. 't niOlI'.MlÍKU. That PubHo or Pm-ra1 Libarles cxn bc s;ipplied with lirM qIwu BUedtid Wotks bj s. G.6. ie G. upoa belUr termfi (ban to scud East auc pay ïreiyht ■ Ivrn I.itorary and l'rufeasipoal mon.Teacberf Scbolars u all departmeiA of of tha woHi at h-it.-rs, 11 ar)jnvt(d to nmko L9 nj il Utke trait Uicir pluce of -' resort in momeutaof tefkore. U S. C QRIGGS & CO., e Wholesale and Retail Utioks.-ll.-r-. .in.l Sutiom-m, 'f ■■ .ï 41 Lake Street, CbioMo. 8. C. 0EWG3 S42lll3 E. L JAXSKSI. ■x1 olbtT - 'pUE BRICE HOCSE aml Barn oocupiod by Olncy i. 1 Ilawkins, 1-g ., on IJetroit atreet, Alm Arbnr, poa. r aanloagirts Iht l,t of A]. ril. Alfiosevera] stqie&.aadooi)u iu Huc1ioïjs ïïlor.k tn f Iet togoorl stcarly ;vt a vciy low rent, iiuntoili. a e posscsNiou given. loqulreof L. r, nuciio.. 1 Ann Arbor. M.irch S?, 1Í61. SPECIAL NOTICE TO AU'-coiuits OTer six naontha mt be settled at onat. Calla 4Me office ,-i nd pa v uji i A wp:l scltciecllsluck of .Neiv' c.uihI Clima for - Ca-h. ! 821 tf MAYNARn.STURMV & WUfOW SAEATOGA E M P I ii E W A T E II FOR Inditrcstinn or FTf.prpf.ia. Tnnr tirati'D, rvf.up Iohility , Loah at ADpotito. Cnmiuon Coliln. diüaeft of the Rívlache, aud K-vFíah ttite jí Ib sildTy ma VS 'R7 SIFT-'i: A Mlir.'iv J„j


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