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Í ORE AT. GllEATER GKEATEST BUíGlAJNS EVER OFFERED 1859. JÍqIÍ) I ti tliisCity, nre uow benig o fíe red at the CHEAP.CLOCK, WATOU, & & o ve flry StoreI hor. i i particular, fíiiri tbOi reet oí WMblftnflw CVunti intoonr'l. ihHt hohixjuit IM PORTEÓ DI RECTLY tram KUROPK.a Tremendous Stock of WatcheB! Al. of whlch he blftáttinurlftnsell OIJKAPKR iban CHP llA bODffhi wrfi! o!' M(;w Volk fVy. Open Ffu-i: ryljtilrr Wntche I rom 86 to $10 lío ti. I.cver d do H to 21 nánllng Caía 4A do rto 14 lo 35 ']■ ño Oyllnder do do 9 to 2P OoM wn.hcf trom 20 to 150 1 : Bve (íImi tnc CKLKBRATEü AMEirCAN VV ATCHI-S, w)if'-h F wlll 'm h.r L;.". l',ví?ry "'V ntf'h warranted to pcrlürm Wtíll, or iliu muiiy etunded. C).c!t8, Jpw ]ry, Piatcd Wsr,, Friny Gooía. ](,[■] Vene, Musical fnstruments aud Si rinpg, Cwtiery, Scc, uní in fact a vftrinty of eerybma iirtimlty krpl a y Jtw el;rs can be iii:ht forrhp ooxt riinety days al vi'r O W N i' 11 ICES! PeriOiis buylng fltiythiag nt tilia wrll kmmn rsuh■ Hsi.tnr? ni can rHy tipon ui-tr íisg cnori cxact1? rpreaent ), orthenv v.i-y n füi.drd. railnurjy nd seüuro tlie beei bargátas cvér uftcrpd fn thif f'ity Olie word in renard to Rcpairing : Wc iiri' prépréS to makfí finy repnirs onfin r comraon Wfiiht's. fvru tomskineocr the eiittrfl wtch, íf nftcpssriry. RfipslrtDg of f'Iuckfl nnri Jewelry u naiifll. AI50 tbo rmiiHifaotoHPt oi RINGS, ïüïOOCHP or ftuyihin doroíi, (Vom Cfilff ruiaGúld od hortnc tice. EnjrrRTÍPC in nll tts branchusexecnted wtthneat nces tind dipatch. J C. WATTS. Ana Arbor. Jsn, ííPíli 'P5í. ?ífw Imporcant National Wcrks, PubíUhed J I. APPLETTON & CO., 346 AND 34d BltOADW&Y KEW YORK '] lie followiDg worfefl are sení to Subscribas in uy parí cf tuj couutry-, upon roc6pt c-f retan príce,} i' mal] 'ir i-N prot -■- ; repula: TI1K NSü W AiUKKIA!V C:V?T.OP5DIA: A Popular Diction 3 ■ Gonerfti Knowlodgv. Kdttcd bj Gio. EUplby and CuApucSA. Daíta, aided bya numerous Mleot corps ol writcrs in all Umncbes ■( ciouces, Art and Liieratur. Thtó work tá being publishedin rík-uí íá latge octavo rolóme, i acKcontaining 750 tiro ; Vola. If H., , IV. V., i.. VIL. VIH., k IX. QOW resdy . Bftch nntjntng r; ;ir '_'.;"i Oorfgiunl iiti cíes, Au aflditioiuiJ volunfl will lie publislseü 91a.ce in ibout threc m 1 . Trice, n t'luth, $' Sheept$3.&0 Half Russta, S4.50 each. The N'w American Pjwlo] eedfa popular vrithu1 bein.c siipcriifin] , loarned wilnoui belug podantíc, coinpTfr hen iv but gufllcicntly ilelatled, froefrom personal piqué aii'l party prpjuflicc, li and yei accurate. It is a complete i:. i;hij' ofall tbal knoirn upon fl■l■_ m)if !.: ni ■ topic ■ ■ ' !:in tllC SCOpf Of 'tliiruï ill'iOlHgunCt.', - Kvcry (m portan nrticlo latí haa been spedaJly ivrtttea for i -; ]■."■ by meo who Jtre autborïtiea spon the topic on vlilcb tliey speak, Thoy are re qulred to brtng t he -ii ■ ■ ■ : !■ 1 1 the present moment; t slnte just how it Rtandn ntm. All Ehe - tfonnation ís from t!ie latent report : the . ■■ tgrapliical ticooiintfl koep pi iritb the late ■ I uaattera búliide tbe freshé I just views; ! he biogmphical notlces ods ak nof oolr oí Un dead but also of the living. It ís a hbrarj of tself AüKIDGFJIEST OF TI1B DEBATES OP GOIVORGSS Bcing a Politica) Eüstory of thi ' - ■ -tí the i.;.;i'.-.ilinn Of tilC li, ' : ■ .. 178' to Ï856. ompilêfl by Hort. Tuo, Hakt BiíXTON,froni tiio Official Record 1 of Congrens. The vr.ort wU be comjñeted in lú royal octftyo volumes nf "■" pages eacb . 11 of trbich "are now rea'ly. An ;ulditional volume irill be published once lin tnree monthB, Cloth, $&', Uw Sneep, HftH Mor., $4; Hulí Calf. W.ÍO eadh. AWAYOFl BOi : BNGTHECyCLOPJSDIAORD3SSATKS F :i:i ;; club of fotlT] ari'i n-inií tbe piÍCO of four books, copies will be sent at the remitttr'a ex pense f of . . or fox ten ub cdbers, eleven copies will b .sent ut oor expense lor oaniago. To Anti. No other work will so lUu-nilly rewardtlio exArtionB Of VgUtS. AW AOBXT VANTKf IN TUIS CODHTT Ti-llníí mftaf Lnowa on applicntion to the Publishers. Atin Arbor. March. Í85 '. 6OO2a.nt -g Hcv Thos. Wrjoot, agont at Kiune k Smitbs B'fok Store. Yp,-ii;u)ti. Blackwood's Magazine AND THS British Review. GREAT 1XDÏCE1IEAT SUBSCRIBE! PREMIUMS and REDacriOwS. USCOTT&CO NEW VORK, continue to pnblisb tUe followinjr leadtog Hritish PerocUcals, via: 1 THE LOXDON QUARTERLY (Conajrvative) , THE iDiNnrilfiH REVIEW (Whíg), 8 TUENOUTH BRITISH REVIEW (Froe Churcli). THE WEriTMIX3TKIÍ RKVIKW (Liberal) 5 VA..M KWOOD'S EDIXBÜBGH MAGAZINE (T.rv). The present ritical state of ííuroppnn afTa;r will readertfaese pubVioatíona snasually Intereatfng doring rli: tnr:hcomipg yeari Thoy 'i[! oocnpy ;i middle g round belween tbe liastilj frrittañ news-ltms, crndv .-pfcitITïon;ï, aií1 liyiiííí rumofa t the 44Üy Journal, anl tho ponderous Ti me ' tli1 future nirtorian. wrílten ;i'ttr fue Uviiisr Interest aod exciteownt of ti politica: erents ol the time shal) have pa8$ed nw&y ti is to these PerlHÍCJil tbi I readers must look for the only if.tllv iniclligíüle and reltable histoi y oi erents, an4 aï a itíb !n ndditlon to tíieti well-eBtublfftlied litcr;iry, 8ciectifie and theololeal ob&xacter, iré orgs . l H 1.1 upon 000 Me ration of the 1 eading publfc. Theruceipt ol .viv;ufe Bfewots (rom tbe Brltfah pubtishers frivus additianal valúe to the ie Reprlntt, [nasmuchas tbfty eannow o plaoed In the liauds of sub.-icribersubjut as boob u the original edil Ion. TEKMS. (Regular Trices ) Per ano. For toyoneof íhe four Reyiewii, - - - $íí 00 tyttvoof thfifour Reviews, - - 5 03 Kor ui Éhrco f the .cur Reviews, - - 7 ('0 For all four ol theKeviews, 8 üO For Blackwood s M 'gazine - - - :j OJ For Blackwoodand one Review, - - - 5u F'r BlackwooQ and two Rcviovrs, - - - "tu . ikroodand threePevIetrs, Kuv Blaek irood o hí tbe fourKevlewa, - - lu uo Mnney airrenl in tke State ich'.re issucd loill be rectivtd Upar. POSTAtíE. The Postaok to any part of the United Statea b íl) be but Tv:nty-lour t.'fii(á a year for " BIa?kwofl," and but Fourliicii Cents a year for 6aeh f the II: lievr. At tlie abo ve prioes tbe Periclitáis wiU be fuinishcd forl82. ANDAS A Premium to Wsw Subscribers, tlie N'os of thesaniePeriodicd b for 1860 wUl befumished complete, without óddUioual charge. Dnlike the moM epUemerai HAgazl&ea ol the dar, tho&e iodicala little by age. Iiencj, a full year uf Nos, for líJO, may be regarded nearly as valuable L8 2. Subscriben irishing also Ene N"o&. for 1S6I, will be supplied at 1 he (olluwing exthkhsli lov i; ues. Splemlid Offers for 1860, 'Cl, & 'C2 Together. For Bliickwoítd'a Mngaziue, the three yoars, Só 00 For any one Review, --' cí 5 ('0 For any two Reviews, - - " " s 00 ] i r Bïackwood and one Review, " 8 co Por Blackwood and two Reviews, " " 12 oo For three Reviewn. w " 1100 Fo) Blaokwopd and throeBeriews, " " ífí 00 For the rour Revlow, " (t 13 00 F6r Blackwuod und tbe tour UeTJpvs, " 17 00 Any of Che abore wbxks witl alflo be furnished to Nexo Stubecribers foi tire v aT 185W , B) and í1, At One Half the Regular Subscription Prices. Thus a New Sitbscribcr may Main íhc Beprintfl ofthe FourRevit-w.s and Blftokwood. Seven Consecucive Year for $37 ! ! ! v, : [eb la but little more tlilu the priee ol" the original works Corone yoar, a ■■ ■ sliali nover affafn be ftkely to olTer such imlucomanta as thoe hera presen ted, Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! [i1" Remittancea must, in all cíw.s, bo made direct to publUher, for ;it theae pelees no cmmlssíon can boatlovodto agenta. LB0XARDSCOTT fe. 00, No. 54 fiold street New York Ann Arbor Marble Workst o IOttolxolc3Lor I I AS on hamla. tino assortment of Amoiican aud 1TALIAN ML Ii B L L whichheis prepared to manufacture into 3LÏ O N ü -.riJ'CAfe. MENT8. in aíltUelr Tariet!es,andln a W(HKMAN'JJKE manner Saving had considerable sxperieñee in ihe b he Qattera binwell Uial will be abtt lo jilean all who may Favor mo with their títf.wt. UU pfföei LO W AS THE LO WEST. those wishinc; any thiog iu my Une nre resMotfulj iri'itod t.i 0411 U. C. BATCHELDER. Ann Arhor. May 20, 18P1. bOIU XT s 3E3 SAEATOGA EMPIRE WATER FOR Indigestión or Pyspepsin , Conítipation, NeryoUfl Iíobility, Losa of Appetlte, Comrooa Coldá, di easeí of the Lung.s, Hcadache, andrerish site oí tbe systom. gold by MaYNARP, STEBBIN? & VlLSOH and E-'BERBACH ,V; 00 , Aon Arbor. 1)828. Sarsaparilla POR PUBIFYING THE BLOOD. Aml tur i)ie Bpcedy enw of the foHuwfng coiiiitlulnts: Scrofula and Serofulouu Aftcttlouft,uch us Tiuuoi's, Dl cc ra, So&'c, 10 rapt lonf lJim;,l i. PutiUe, ]t!,i, ;i( .,," öoils, BIaIu, anti all Skiu Dlseaeea. Oki.anii, IiuL, (ith June, 1869, J. C. Atkr A C. UmiIm: I t :- i ií niy tluty to ao fcnow Ictle ñliai yotii :aiw i ■ . done I r ).■-. i llavhig luliurUtnla Hcmftilotw infijiili.ui, I lian tuinend lVuin it in vitrji ii wiyn for ywirs. boinetliiiua [t buret out in UI ■■! . mi un !. ■ ; turavd iuwHiü j'.u.l dktrafftftl uieutllu tuumcli. ï'wo j ycuiviigoii brwke out o iu luw! mul ■ s wflli mie mn-t. wlifcli nu imímIhI hIhI loathui beyond dwcripcluu. J trUtl man) irntUdnes ri I . ubyslciuna, bitt witliuul tuucli reilH fmui an tlilng. In fact, the dburttttj gruw frume Ai leugtli l waa rejolocd to renü iu lli Ui lI vou baU i , nu alUluf iii.m].,i:i.Ih, I' r I ki.-w tnm jour. ttfJUtatlon thüt Jinv IhhiK Jfo lunirt n.'i-i gcutd. 1 wut Ia intiaml gii it. umi uhw! H ii!l i( eiiroi] we. I leuk II, us JfOM llihi o. il] ülliull llutKNf Cl li ,m -j. ■ n ;■■.:! OVI B moürti mi.l iiiuil aliiiunl threw i-Mli-s. New HUÜ.littilliiy bki M.uii i-t-iii i.. Rirm uwlvr lliu cal, whlcli wh i Ie : II uit Ujr Pkin i iiuu cK'ar, nu ï 1 kuuw by my fveliiign Umi I h , ,,,■:,. rWi my s sloui. ' Jfen Ctm weil beliov l fuel utmt 1 ni Kayiiig wIhhi 1 Ml y il, ttmt I livltl 3 mi to tw mu vf tb uixmIIim oí Uie agt, and iciuuiii eter gruU'ltilIj; Ifuuro, AI.KlttSD Iï. TAUJ'Y. St. AiiM.oiiy's Pire, Rose or Ki-ysioelns. T etter uiid Snit Klieiim, Scnld litad, Kliii; woLiii, Soic KyvH, Óiropsf. Dr. ItObnt Mi I'.vW.i urii-s In. in Si.lM.i. . V., l'Jili Sr-pt.. 1H69, Ihttt lio cttrvd au inretorato Dropsy, w Ii kli tlirentciitül lo Icrnitimte faínlly, ly tho ! DOmvOrlDg USO ofuHi 'iis:l[uní!iii. umi alm -i aOUtfWUUl Maliffnant J3rtfrfpetaifay taiye dosea of the Banio; eya he otira tlie r,.i:ii;nm ■',rt{ttix bj it ooijfiiiiitl y. Croncliootlt?, Ooi (re or Srellel A'ek. ZobnloD Ploan of l'p.-i.n-t. 'i'uxav, irrllea : "ïlivee bot llefl of youi Siivwhhi lU ■ m ,-,j me froia Cíiñfre - :i bid' toua EmmlUIlg 011 tl ie iiet-k, uittelt 1 had oullcivd froJIi j ovr twq yenn.' Lfiitorilufn orXVhlhu.Ovnrian Tumor, Uterlue Ihtiidlon, FUiaI DUsei. Dr. .7. B. & CliBiiniiig, of Nw Vuik Cry, wju-s I most elioerfutfy cotHjtlji wltli Die rotjnoittof journgmtlo wiviiiK I liintj' RmiikI jrflitt SiimiimHIU n most excellent ■IterattTe ím llw iimiioroufl cniii píntate for bich v employ iiieJtii reniMily. Iml pwai'lully in Pbmde Viseases of the8CHrlouB ili:irl)Mis. J h:tve ciind many invi-tt rute raws of liCticurriioert by i f. mul sou il wberc il'p compfiiint mu oiñAeti Ijj tUfr,tti-u ut' iho uferus. The ulceraiimi itdi-lf wns (toon tineiï. NolItJDg wilhin niy kuowl6dgo eqiItliH It (br llifsfc !■ rmit-inciils." Kihvnrd 8, Mam-w. of N-.I.iiiv. Aln., wiiti'8, " A diinperonfl ,-,, -í-di tnmornn one of lliu fonuües In mjfainily, wiii.-ii tiiul defled all Hm remvdioa we coHldemploy, liaa at l-in;tli I ii comilttei) curd liy Kxtrm-t 8ar■ pur phvflicïun (Iiou-lH nbthlng bnt xfirpaIlon ruuiii ftffóril peïief, bnt De i Im,. fl trlüi of your ;ii -.ip.u 11: na !].■'■ buil n--1. 1 1 before cuttluKi ! it I - ■íTi'i'iiiíil. Al'ii r t:i!;in- v-'tir reuiudy cibt vl'l-1í3 uo 9yiiiptui) of Ure dfocwc iQinfiïiia.n S.vphilií and íliKuiJnl Xlens. NEW Oki.i: vs. -ZiAh An-nt. 159, Vu. J.C. ATír: Pir. 7 éh&rfiilly ooinpl wlili ílío reqnest OfyOuraRBnt an1 rnpnrt i .vcu boqic ui thu efireta I have realtzed uï:!i vi-ui suntapafill. I Í1HV4' cnrrd -.vith t. in my puutirc, mocrf nf lli mtnpiaintB fnr wljicli it is rSL'Oiinncnáed. and huvo fi umi jts i (ï ctfi ti niy wond i t'nl in Hie enn -ï Ftocréal and Jercurio! Dista, 0ifl of my paUvnta bad Svpliiiitic úlcera in hid tliront, wblcb were consumhig his (tálate nnd tho top of liis iiiüuiIi. Vuur Barwi paffita, stiridilv taken, curtd liiui in live waeks. Anotbiti1 wag attacked by kccöndnry Bymptoim in UU n&se, athi tlie ulccrntimi bad Mteo away ;i oonsidorable part ot i. o tliat I beüoTe the ili irder woiild sooii reuen lus bnrili und liill him. Hut it yieldol to mv ndaiiiiisti:i(iui] of ymir ËaraftiRurllht; the ulcera htitflad,und lie i well ngaiu, oot of eourae wJUiout Kme diitiiguralOQ to bla fiicc. A wotnáii wbo liatl been tiüitted for.Lbe .sn:nc il:-..i..-i Irt ii.i-icury WW BlfflèriDg ft'oiu tbis puison in her boues. ï'licji bad becoine so seu: ;i i b to the wiMtht-i t]tn1 on ;i daui Jny slie BQ(iufed excruoiutinK pnin in her juiLs and bonea. fclu t.o, was cured entJroly by yoar feaiwifirllltt In n few tveeto. I knou from its foiinulii, vrltkli vuur ageut gavo im-, Lbat tblfl PreyaroÚóñ froiñ you? liXomlürj luiwi bèa great ruuiudy; c&dsequeully. these hnly rcuiaikuble. ïesults wltb it hiivu nut surpiisexl me. rmUiiiiiUy .nirs, (i. V. IMUDIKR, íí. D. Klieumatlsm, Gout, Li ver i om ;ln int. J.MiLI'I.Mil.NiT, I' , -,iN O .. V., Uh .Illiv. l-.A'. Dn. J. f'. Aïü: : Slr, l bare been affHof! wlih a palaral Wiatuiutiêiit lur a Ioiik tinif, w lii-h blflled tho skill (jf ihi' i i -s. iti'l Btuch te me iu eptte ut" all ihe reincdiufil conid lind, initll I triud yonr Sapjaparilla. Ouo bottle ciiK-d iiiq in twu weoka, and rfefltored iy general la-altlt so nincli lbat 1 stm for Imtter Lban . ■; ■ i i v E : altacked. I tliink it u wondvrliil uu-dii ino. J. FKEAM. Jules V. Qèttfliell, of 8t I. nis. wrhs; -1 have ftffllcted for yfears wltb n ajlectton o tte Lieer, wblcb t! -hi 3 ed my hcultb. I trted eVery tbtiiff, :md every thing fklled to relieve ino; ud 1 Iiut been a 1 rok en -down nmn for Fomo fi'tin froni do otber causa tban drravyemait of Vu Lirtr. My betovtid [ma tor, the Uev Ur. ISapy, adTJeed mo totry your Saraiiwrilla, beeffiuso lie said lic kcew ron, and any Uibic yon made was woi tli tryjog. Jiy tho biest' iug of Ood it luis curad me. and lm o pudfied nsy blood as to ninlto ;i new oiun of me. 1 feel young npaii). The beat tbat can bo said of yon U bot KSlf good cnough.' H ïi Tlllliors, Kiiluvirinicüt, rivi-Htioii, Curies uud Ëxfoliatlou tt tlic liuitcs. A great vat it'ty of cnea liave heen report ed to us where cnrei of these formidable oompiaiuta have reaalted fiom the uso of thiu remcdy, bui our spaee hete wiü uot adnñt tluin. Koine of tbeiu in:iy be fututd In uur Aineiiean AluiaiiUC, whitli tliu agenta bclow uuuicd uvniettHd to furuieh gratis to all wbo culi for theni. Dyspepsia, ïïrnit OIscnKe, Fits, T'pllepuy, Ulniiciioly, Neuralgia Mftny romatkcible ctircs of tbwe ailectiinm have been made by the alterativo power of Ihis ninii Ino. H sttmttlatc-a the vital fbuctfous iiiio vlgorous actlon, and thuti I overcomes dbordéM wbteb would be Bnppofied beyond its reiU'li. Bnoii h reiiK'ily hu l"iifí beeü rvqulrcd by the nocessiti(-s oí' tlie people, und c me GOufldeut Üiul thw will do for tin-m all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, TOR TUE IIAPID CUltE OP CüHicli ., o ld s, litilui n.n, Konrsciuïji, Cl'OUP) Iïli 11 1 li itis, 1 lt E i 1 1 ïfïi i ('OU Slllikpt lOll, anl for Hrlicf Of t'oil s mu i tivc l'at u il t in al iiii I Síu;is of tlit: liftast. This Ib a reintily Bo utilvenally knoTi n to lurpaa ny, othcr for the cura of tlii'oat und iufig comptaiuts, that it is nscless ben t pobljgh lbo erldence f i i s vlrtuefl. lts um-ivalled excellence for cougtia and rolds, and lts trnly wonderful enres of pnlmonary dfeease, have made it known tbrondiotit the civiliz'd natlooa of th eartfa. few are the conummitit-s. or even families, ajnopg thm wbo have not soine personal experiencdof Itaeflecta - ■ome livirif; èrophy in Iheir mldfit of ils victory over the ! subt 1 and daugerous disorders of the tliroat and lunga. As all know tho dreadfal fiitality of these dlsordeis} and as they knnw, too, the effectfl of this re ineciy, we need not do more tíau to assnre uiem that it bas now all the virtuaa that it did have whou making the cares irhich have won ed stivni:ly upon the confidt-nco of mankind. Preparod by Dr. J. G. AYLK fio CO., Lovcll, llasg. Au I foi sale by Ztïaynard, Stebbins & ?vfóattj FABRAND, 81IELEY & CO., Lïètrolt. 8ü9yl J II. Bt'RRUX, Travelling A$mki, SECOND WINTER STOCKÍ D. L. WOOD & CO., EAVE JUST OPEXKD A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For thu FALL et M'IXTER Trt.dc, Having purobaseJ their stock at mucU loss tlian the usual priecs, tlicy are preparod to offer GEEAT INDUCEMENTS To Cash & Reaily Pay Buyers. Thiinkful for past favors tbcy will le ever ready to show their Goods and by fair and liberal dealing hope to receive their full abare of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arbor Dec,18Gl. General Land Agency PERRONS wantÍBfífurmB! or reside neen n o roed Ann Arbor , oun by cnlling on mf telecifroma list ofovor IOO Farms For Sale! Ofvarioulzeetrom 3, te ZC"cr(!F"ach(ome ai goodasanyinthieConnty.) More t bao 5í f wclin s Houses nthiaClty,fromtwo imndrcd to fcurthousancdoiarauAch ; and over OU RtllLDÏNG LOTSJ Amvinpthefnrm are tho Hishcpeinrui, JSOOacrcÊ the Potter farm, in Green Ofte, tHe Place t arm , a a i 4d) aerea, tb e Blandón nn Jenká farms, i n Webster; tH BCoÜbSj Mirhnel Clauy, Newton líeepun, and Falhiho i'arnia, in Ann Arbor;i.{Licfs]ey'4farm, in Pittafiejd-the Hfltch and Ilick farms In Lodiitlio Patrlck Claynfarm in Freodom; W. s. l)avitor."B. O. BBlter f and Burk's farms inSylvan. Most of thosr and many others can bc ividedtu sult 1 K. MCIGAN. AnnArboj.Jan la . 1BB 53 ï, W.MORGAN, Agent for Mutua 1 1.i ff Insurance Cni5)] ■■ :-y, Vnrk. Acoumulated Vnsete, .... 5,360,000, the lewling Ufe ítií QTance Compauy 'ii the V . S, S&iokftiroooker Ufe Insurii Hev Vork, obVIfl saftCo. - tel r. ;;..,' iiiitbif. liumboldj Pin Insurance ConijKiny , Xcw York. Capital, wii ii ■ Large surpliis, - - $200,000. i... ii;i Uarino & PTre lm uranoe öp.j Peoría III. - h x Xü. 1 l'ire Iusuranct' Co'8. 7O7tf Capital, - - - 500,000; Mo ney WantecL Who will"LëudMoiieyl TAM RfiQUEemSD BY S'KVKIÏAL PERSONS to obtain monoy tot them at Ten Per Cent Iaterest, (OrMore.) FóranyoiM vflUng tolend,! o&n ai once invest on good unencuniboreil abundant K!v I. I STATE security anyauma of uoitej and seo that the tHle and .'curity are all richt, jj The borrower paying all expon ?os. ncludtnfr recordine. K. W. OROAN, Anq Atbor. (et. 7.1850. 7l5tf Estáte „f J, öinh R.'Slout. ;' QTATEOy MTCHl;AX,r..ii,ty ol n ; i At h aeMti □ ol Ibe Probate Vimn !■ r Hit Cr-untvTr Washtenaw, holden al the l'robs tv q . ' ui Am i ArWr, on Tueadny, tlio tne:ity fttth dajT2 i i a the year uu taouBasd fiiit Uundi nfaM II 'inde, .!!'■■'■ f l'rnlinte. I lililí Ü. Mout. latt' uf On J ■■■ '■ ■:■■:■ tli jk-U. of Mary Jatte Sloat pring tiiufc ailuiinihtpytinn n! FMftle o a l'-cw(i ma; u ■ u lo sonxe othr ■ .1 There u] ou il Ordered,ThiU Friday, the i ihifvnib, .. i nl bcxt, ■■ ■ - ■■ ' i; R of (said ; tiiat Ihe luir.v at ).iv,-nf Mild i ons nter. . 1:1 1 il to nppear at a ■■■ -..'■' 11.iivi, Uien to be holden at the Probate 0 -■ of A it u Arbor, in ai i t uuty .aud show c mai il" au; there be, wtay ti.u prayer uf the jHtttom-r sboukl nol begi And lt i mi I:t (i '1m"('O. thal siil Petitioner ffiv DOlice to tbc persona ntereftted in said estáte, h i].to pendency of aald petition,and the hearing the ( i,v - :i ct'jiy of tb ia order l be [mplitbed ra Ihe Alichiffn-n ArB;Ue,ii new&paper printed uud circula tin I IW, '.lirCW SUCCC-SalVC' Wwlij. 1 ing . (A lïueoopy;) . tB NlNDE, Judge nf Probate. MOltTGAGE SALE. n made in the pa y ment "f a eer. . ._i'. I" ■■) i tl.,' iliiif '-; li (iiiy jI Hr,}. ber, A. D., 1L58, executed bj -!■ - ' Üfllet ïo Alnanft H . l'i-.'ti. and :;■ ■ ■■■■ Ie I in the ufl l tl U'-,-i.-i-r ■ i l ■■-, . di Wanhtenaw (Vniutv, uq t0 SUuday of Xovumbvr. .I' 105$, at lOo'clock, a. M.„ ;um1 rcorded in I,ii ■ mortgRga waa dulj : i L.ëtb ly ol i A. J. 1Ö68, ly t - -;iil Almon-li;. M. l'riiu to Sa urbich nald fi ■ ■ ; ed ;ii j-am ene umi place of Üie racording of said muxtgan, nn wliicli ïnortfiage there is clairaed to be at tht itice. th Bum of three l undred :m I twfety flve; ($325,00) principal, and geventy-threfta 60-100 '■' lUre (S.;;.i :: nten t, making in nlï the uuiot bucdnd ano uiiiety-elielit and C&-100 dollar ngi at law baving Uva ited to recover the sa we, or any part thereof: i □ lii, tl ly of : DOWer Of lt cf niüiiicl therein, on Tparsdaj . 'l- 34 th day of April. a.d. 1862, at twelve o'clock, poon, ot' sail day, at th& rpontdoorW the CuurtHou ) of Ann Arbor, Circuit ('t.urtfurthfr sald County ) there wdl i old at public ;mctiin to t) bighea bidder the i imittc albresaid, or mueh thereof as si ben ■ i . : ■ ■ tisfy the amount due ■!! .-."i'l noi tgnge with interest, nmi tho ;si and ev penses allowed hy Law, foi the Foreclosing thesawSl4 premises are dOBcrftea &fl follows, to-wtt: All that tract ' or parce! of land sitúate in ihe towmtbip of Mancliestcr, Ciiiiot y !" Waibtcnaw, Stat ■ of Michigsp, viz: Com1 menciog on the north-vest corner oi the suth part -ƒ nortb weat fraotional on auarter of seotton rtx, townehip fotir south of range tnreeeaflt, thence on tii Hm D naid lm toihe centre of rlrerRaisin, tbenoevplha Marsh Brook, thvnco ' along tlio ct-ntreif saM tfarsh Drook to tl.e centre of .■.-.- -,:■ x i the loutli eajrt corner : of landfl ownedby Thomas Gunn north nf the -Territorial iïtj;;i1( thence nortli t the centre of aïd f ï v ■ I 'm i sin y thence op the centreofthesaid rlverBaiin to theCooity Une, sopposed to be the place of beginning, contaia'og tweoty two (22) actes of tht same m -ir oi lam, s:iit mortgage beinggtvep toueenre pari f Lhcpurchaie l) rice of ihe saiü Uüu, SAI I.v PRATTj Assignee. Ciïaxr Ak.mti:ovi;, AUorncys fur A Dated, Januarj 20, 83öwl2 Mortgagc Foreclosure. DEFAITLT ):a-.i:i'_' been made n the comlitionof i morí "■ d ty Calvin T. Pnímore sn4 Mantnila, Mi wifc, to Lnther James, da,téd Hecember btk . . 1 1 L8S7andi ■■ rded the next day at (ïfu-en minute peiBttwo o'eloekP, II., nt-iber34 of Mirtguges,atpagfr , 157 in tin Kigiter.s office in Wa'íhtenaw county, by which ilcfault thr powerof sais contained in said xain, gageagaln became opetative, and no sut r proceedio been inatitnted at law to recover thedchtsecund by said mcftgage or any part tltereof, and the Bix hundred and forty dolían belng dow clahne4 tobe duethereon, N'oticei therefore hereby given, that the e will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortwit: ■■The North-west quartei oí Vu. twenty-lhree, in Township twSnuthof ; . ui -Yin, :n Baid eounty and State, cxtty acres of land of Baid qasffei section. o rts thereof, at public vendue at the llouKein tl i city of .Ann Arbor, on. the tffcntj BÍxth day oí April next. at neon. LUTHKR JAMES, Mortgugee. E. W. MOSOA Atl'v. Dated, Jan. 30th, A. 1)., 1Ö9. 83Ttf. QTATE OF HI UIGAN.- Snil pending in Ihi Circuit Cj Court for tho Gonnty of WaJ In Chancera, Bel ■ Hon E.Lawrt nee, Circuit judge at ('■■. ■ f ; i r _■ ret Ererett, Coinplainant, vs, (ïeurge Kvcrt'it.Dcby afBdavit', that thedef ndaut in this ca of tlns - tioQof L. D. N'onU, Solicïtor fnr taant, ii is ordered that the sW dcfeiidiint causo h': appearance in this cause tobe entered withio threc Tn m the date ( t order. And it is i orderedthat witlii" twenty A&ya' the cmiplainant caí i ■ be pablwhed in tiio Micbtgiu Argtt8am rspaper publUh anty, and tUnt such publicatiou coutin icd in said nenspaper, it ach weck for iix weeks in s icc - ion, ■ r . v of tlii order to be persontlh; i ant, ;it least twenty daji oeLvre the ti:, . tor liis appeaiance. Datod,March3d, 1S62. E. LAWREXCE, L. D. H ;■ Circuit Jmln, Cómplainant's Bclldtov. Commissioners Notiee. QTATK OF tfïCHIG ■ of WtuhteBtCtr, s r Thtg bt'sn appofntod by t Der ato i-ecan, exftnii:! demanda of all parate of Catharine Fitzgerald, lalt oí theTowi ■ anty, decauei, herebygive no i montbs froai date, order of the wA Pi-obate Conrt, allowed for cre]i;ors present . :::;'1 'Jt the undersignefl,JB Ryaa, n the lolJ!li] of Nortaöold, in said coustj i, on Statorday, the fourteenth day of Juno, aal f September next, ai c o'clockF, M., of eaeh day to rece-ive, examine aod-djust saiü claiiüs Smonnob, }.?. D;ited,Marclill, 180Í. BUvt Dissolution of Copartnership. Notiee is hereby given tlmt tliecoiiartaorship of the nndetaigQ&d under ilie name of BeHkea fe Abel, is dissolvetl. All perspna indebtid to snid copartnersliip, vi':l ]i].:isc cali at once and adjujt the aame by c-Msli or uutc. IIIRAM J. BEAKES, öYLVESTElt AliKl.. DnUd, Marcb 1.1-.!i. 1862. liwí-íí, Great Reduction in the Price of SINGE1 & CO.'S Standard Machines . IVell knotcn to be the Dist for Manujacturing Purposes. Xo. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formtM'Iy sold at 90, ruduoed to 70. No. 2, of same kind of Machi n, for méri'y sold at 8100, reducud to 875. SINGEK'S LETTER A MACHINE, Ts the best Machine in the world f ríngtnd I.ight Uaaufftcturing Darposes : (uiih Hemmer}) &nd beautifully oroátaichteí 5ü. The N ichiaes of great en iacity anJ tion fór ma nufact uring porposee. Our No. 3 Machines uve évpecially adnpted toall lïind of light aii'l luriivv LeAther Vork, in Ciirrioge Trimpiing, R-'it and Shoe Making, HarnessMnking,etc.Latei . ■ uf ejetra size, anü v. ith an arm Iong avoiwU W dashes. Tbere ís Koaroely uny partofaTrünmers1 titohing ctisvot be better ddiie with them than by hand ; bo, too.h saving of time an labor is vej intilei'f theao machines is 34 inchea long, and the shuttle wffl hold sl tlmesthe oacial quanütyfof thrsad. Ilielarge macliinu works as fJutas smal] onefl. V"would ;:■]■: for imr 1-cttcr A Hschtnes, , oialattentionol Veat Makers and D ,.indaU those who want Macl fXtmaititfaatifmgpn poses. Ti'.'-y embpdy the pridoip{cs tUe stsndarJ uaachineA, niaki ■' theinterlockedsitth,! ï !-'av:iv Swi.vGHiJ lig hl manxifacturing pnrposca asjour standard va■■ 11 ing p-.iri qb{ i geoeoal. We have aW ayson hand, mk-.imi,, , íuosj ,silii nnii IINN ANl niflTiJN THliKADj OW ÍÜ'OOI-! tiKST M.lflílS'A 0lL '" bottle, etc, etc. V in.uiiitjii-ture onr on Nwdlwind wouMwurnall paraoiu usii - ourmachioet not to buy any other know that there are needies old of tkè mott ƒ tjnality at higher prices than wccharge for the i The needies ftold byns are niíimifiictured i-jipcially for our ma bines. A bad nccdlcviay rendar ihe best iwckixi almost vseïess. oustomers naay rest assated Uiatalloor l'rúch ■ fiii'iiislicl wjlli the " genhrri'eáclíclc"' In case of small pnrehaaes, the mono may bi soot in stamp, oi bank notes. pondïntfl wlll píen■ affiesdlstío81 I !y. lt Ifl all ■ [lOUld.-iO aChCa&ip know the Posi ; .!:■!.■, Cotmtyj súü Sttcté, 4jEy AU persona requiriug cfonnation íbote1p8 Machines ■ pacities, aud tfco best methods-of purchatún, canobtaln il by sending to us, or ny of our Brunch OOice.s for a copy oí I. M. Singer 6c Co. 's Gazette, Whieb i a bcaiiiifii] nctoxlal PajjexeOtireïy devqteéto the subject- It will be gent gratis. hare made the above REDUCTÍON IN PRICE3 ; the iiuhlicari'' 'u:ïhe public hai e been swindled by puiovs ic!ichine made In tmitatiou of ours. The metal i from tlie ros casting to thr emallest jm-ícc, is ol poor OUdUty. 'i'li'ir makers have not themeans todotfyp'i work wi'il. They arehtd away In secret places, #herll' would be mposi-ible to have at their comniaod tli erinechanical apjuianecs. It is oo)y by doisg üii'l havinjj'pxtensivp man menU, . prices. The best designed machines, BADJ.Y Ui : always lfabte t- get out of order, and areeure ■uní niODey to keep them in reji!11' . The i t :i 1. 1 . ol correct action at :.ll rates oí speed, BimplWw ! ot con truction, i-u-.-i durablífty, andrapidity of ( r!i tion , with the leaet labor. Machines to combine thJ eflsential qual be made of tbe best mets)l11' ft topepftctfon. We have the way and mi B a ■■! A&d aeale, lo do thfs. The purchasers of tq Lchfnes,n-hottQ(laUy bread concern, will find that those hnviog the nhotnji uut ooJy work ell ■.■.■]! ;.-, Iom speed jbitt lastlonger in the flnesf possfble WorLing raefOur machines, as made by us will earn with less labor than any others whether m iinittlJU of ours ot oot. Iu [.!■ thnn anyW" machineiasagift. I. M. SÍ KG ER CO-, 45S Broadway NevrYoffjjgr Detroit Office, 5S Wooclward Ave Block.) Slltf M. II. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. TÖ WH0MIT MAY CONCERN OflTÏTIBTJS FA.BE, Tra rNDKRICNKIt, H.-tfl Proprietorfl In tkhff city 4biu Arbor, resp ctfuUy announce (o the publlctM! on and a ft er tho fitst day ofJaaoary, 182, TEN CENTS FA II E. vill l.i' i.hrir:;'; i to ertch fín] cvrv pfflon i rivï lot1' fmin thu ciu-H, to Uie respective Hutels, Ij tho üuim'u. Line. S.COOK.Cook's Hutil. H.BARSTOW.Franklin HAnn Arbor, Deo. 2lth, 1851 . f:ötl


Old News
Michigan Argus