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ittBtfltiB littttnti}. CARDsTcARDS! ! CARDSÜ! Itavin peirchased n RnaOUS ROTIBT Diamond Ord Press, wTtli a fine :ssrtment of Card type, th Aríus OMceis preparcd to print Caria of all in the Matestposslbleityle and at a frreat reduction from iormor prfcSM.inoluding üusinoss Carde trinen of all kTOoatlonaandprofMsionii, Rail, Wedding, and VislUng Crds, etc., etc. Cali, give us vours orders and see how t is d&ne ' W. N. STRONG - Tvixn - NALL, DUNCKLEÊ & Co., WH0L3SALE in.; IIITAIL dealer in Dry Goofls, Cr petinga, Floor Oil Cloths, Feathers, Paper Hanglngs, and a general assortmont of Furntablng Goods , No 74 Woodward Avenue, Corner of lamed st., - - - r.ETROIT, Micb . J3,Orders solicited and prompüy nttended to'g 609yl RAYMOND'S PUotograpliic aad Fine Art GALLERYXos. 205 and 20" JelTerson Avenue, DETROIT. PliotoRrarlis.IjfeSize, colorea or plain, eabtnet, imperial MelainotypM, Daguerreotype, Ambrotypss, jtc -CARU "i'ItxURES by the Dezen Thou innd. r. o. o. f. W18HTESAW LODGB NTo. 0, of the Irnlcpi-mli-nt ■ T'lfvof Odd Fellow m8i at tbelr Lodgü Room, Ivery Fridav eveninr, at 7á o'clock, E. K1CHARDS0N, N. (i. B. Sunpuhim, Sm y. "lTstübbb. TüUtUJ an.l BUU Draier in Tobacco Cigara fco., W MaiaSt.-lgo of ': B.g Iudian," FrankUn Blodt, Ann Arbor, Mlc' ' B. G; SUTIÍEÜLÁÑD & SON, tiraOLESALB Al) RETA1I. Onicersan.l Commission VV Mcrchants, Bt 8d Main Street Ann Arbor. TWITCHELL ás CLARK. 4 ttobnkys and Counsellors at Law, General I.ife a"'l ■ Fire Insurance ogents. Offloe n City Hall Koek, ju Huron St. , Ann Arbor. Collectinns prumptly made adreinitteJ, and special attent ion paid to eouveyancing. D. 8. TW1TC1IEI.L, f74Stfl E. P. CUM. J. M. SCOTT. mbpotype fc Photuckpii Artists, in tlie r formerlyoccupiedüyOrdley,overüio store j)fqgrr) fcMoore Perfect satisfaction guarantecd. WINES &KÑÍGHt7 DmlERsinStaple, Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoo, &c. c, Main Street Ana Arbor. EISDON&HËNDERSON, DEALERS in Hardware, Stores, litiusefurmslnnggoods, T,o Ware fto. te. , N'ev Block, Jlain Streot. aTp. MILLS, DEALER n Staple Dry Goi)ds, Groceries, Boots and Show and Reudy Made Oothing, Hiren Street Am. irbor. BEAKEü & A I5E [ ,, TTORNETS S: CorNSKiims jit I..ÍW, and SoHclton in ÍV Chanecry. Oiü:-e iu City Hall Blocli, over V, ï Co's íiaoK jitoro, Aun Vi-lmr KÍÑGSLEY & MOBQAir, CTOEHCTS, Counseltort, B(eltor, and Notarles Pub TL lio, hTe Book and Plat howing titles ol all lana litho jounty.ani'.nttend to conTtyaociBg and collecting emandfl and to payinïtn-. I ■' ut.-r.-1 in m.y rt of tiie State. ()iBfieasl si.eofth Eijuue. Aun Ar3Or. , JAMES K. COOK, TrsTin: OFTHE P&tf. Office neuvtlie Deoot, Ypsila'nti, J Michiir'in. _______ - - Wh. LEW1TT, M. L., PnTSimx & SEBOSOS. Office at h8 resMi-nce, Xortli side of Haroa trt, tod M hou WcstofL'ivisioD rtrtet, Aun Árbor. O. COLLIER, árA.vcFiCTrr.EK.inilO.ea'.er in Boot nnd EShoe. 1 iVl door West of Ihe Post ( Hice, inn Arbor, JtOOEE & LOOMIS. TlM-VACTl-HEUS lll itólJ Ín Bout. IM! Sh, VI Phoenix Block, Main Street, one door Nortli ut Vashinylun. _ "liTGUrTÊRMAN & CO., [XT'HoiESAiEand [Utail dealen aml roanafaoiurer of W RendyMadeClothing, Importers o( Cloth, O ocres, DoMkiu, &c. No. 5, New BlocU. Ana too. O. B. POBTER, SuiígronDentist. Office comer of Main JWBSpLb and Hurón utreets, over 1. Biich's store, Wm. WAGNER, D KALER in lUody ílade Clothing Cloths, Casslmcres an.l Vesting, lints, Caps, Truulis, Gupet Bafa, ka Main lt., Ann Albor. BACH& PIEESON. DEAT.Eus in Dry Geodf, Grocfrics, Hardware, Boots & Bhoes, fitc, Main street, AimArbor. MAYNAED, STEBBINS ds CO., Dkaleks ín Dry Gnods, Gi-oceri?s, Pruefs & Medicines. [Boots &Stoe), &c.,ooinerirf Main and Ann itfeeta, jfii bel w the Lxcliange, Aun Arbor. SLAWSOÑ & GEER, rockrs, Provisión 5; Conunission Mcrcliants.and deaJT lurMM Watkü LlME, Lm I'I.AMUB, and l'LASTEK OK ARia,ono door Eaütof Cook's Hotel. C. BL1SS, DïlLERinClocks, Wiitchcs, -leivclry. and Fancy (loods, at thesign of the Big wateh, lío. 2T,PhcenUBlock. J. 0. WATTS. DuuninClooki, Wateh, Jewelry ana Silver Wan No 22, Kew niock, Ann Arbor. T. B. FRÉËMAN. Barükr and Faslikmable Halt Dranar, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Micb.. Hair Fronts and Curls kept onstantly on hand. BOHOFF & MILLEE. Dealers in Miscellaneous, and Blaak Booka Pta tionery, Fapcr Hangisgs, &c. , Mün írtret Aun Arbor. D. DeFOKEST. Wholesalr and Itetail Dealer in Lamber, Lath, Bhtngles, Sash, Doors, BHnds, Water Lime, (ram! Kivcr Platter, Piaster Pvrls, tod X;iils of all A fnlï n perfect asortmen1 of the aboT, anl all otber cindR of bulldifag materials conRtantly on hand ut the towest pnsrible ratee, on Detroit Stret a few roda froto fche Banroád Depot. Also opefatiog cxtt-nsively iu tlu Patent Cftmeut Etoofing. WASUTEÑAW COUNTY BlliLE SOCIETY. Depositort of Bibk'fi anil Tcstaments at tlio Socictj prlccs at W. C. Voorhels'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., 8U0CES8ORP TO IjTjrr3D, CHAPINtfc Go MANUFACTi'lU'.RSOF Iiiixt, Bools., AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, Wrirn,XIix3-& Pnpor,!!o. A V AKI1OÜ M1CH. SPECIAL NOTICE TO GTJSTOMBES. A ï-I-ftccruints ovpr six montlis must lie MttUd at -r nr. Calla the office andpayiip. 'ell sclcctedt stock of New (ooi]k Cheap for Jto maywabd , grenmx8 & wii .-on. U9SB SA.IR, .A.T O O A. EMPIRE WATER FOR Jnlicrrption or Pyepopsin , Crmiipfitifn, Xervoup l"llity, I.ofs nt Appetite, Common Cnlda, diuanei fr tlic I.uns;9, Hcadaclie, nml J-Vvcri.-l) state oí tlio W l.y MAYNARP, 8TERT1IN3 k WÏIJK3N and WERBAÖH k 00 , Ann Arhor. lj8.


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Michigan Argus