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The City Election

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The rcsult of the Charter eleetion on Monday last was sornewhat "mixed," and neither party mdulgcd in mupb jlorilu-a; tioQ. The llepublicans electod Mayor, Recorder, two Justiccs of the Poace, Marshal, Collector, oue SuperviBQr, two Aldermen, and two Constables. The j Demócrata elected Street Connuissioner, oue Supervisor, thrco Aldenucn, aad three Constables, This result is not quite as gratifying as wc tvislied, or as many of our Democratio friends hoped, but it is rcally better than wo had reason to anticípate. - This City is ïtepublican by a inajority of iViiin GO to 75, and has been largoly llepubliean at every State electiou since i tho organization of that party ; it was even nearly the figures named beforo the Fifth Ward was annexcd. Tho voto on Monday, on Justlce to iill vaeanoy, aud on Collector, was nearer a test of party streugth than un any otlierjóaodidafea, - We niay, thereforo, say that Greoorï niado a tirst-rate run, and has nothing to foei cbagrieed over ; that our young friend Bob Fu.vzkh did uobly ; and tiiat Vandehadkx owes bis elüttion to hard work, personal fcieuda, and dlsappointed and disaffectcl Republicana. ach is tho truth in a few words. Tho new City Board stands " 'arf and 'arf,'' as follow.s : Mayor - Charles Spoor. Recorder- Ed ward P. Pithin. Ahhrmen - ■; lst Ward - ÏÏ'in. Mc Creer y Ransorn S. Smiih. 2d " -Win. 8. Maynard, John Geruer. 3d " - Xclsou B. Nye, Jeremiah Peek ltli " - "Warren Jackson, Sfichael Devany. 5th " - Martin II. Coicles, Georgo IL Rhodcs Republicana in Ilali'cs, New ménibers uiarfcd , &SE" Pitfashurg Landing whero the recent great battlo was fougbt, is in' Hardin Count3', Tnnessee, on tlie west side of the Tênnessee RFve'r. It is about 9 miles South of Savanuuli, about G miles Nprth of the Mississippi lioe, aru aböut 18 miles Northeast of üoriotb, the headquartera of Gou. BüiTJitEOABB, and from whieh lio advanced, hopiñg probably to whip Gen. Gkant b'efore lii:i:i.i. should forui a junctiuu witb hijoi. F The Michigan Twolfth, Col. Qoinn, i ia the brigade of Gen. Prei and was iu tho rcecut iiglit at Pittsburg LaudiiiLr. ïho Dth, Ihh, 13th, 15th, and tho Fusilcer Regimenté are iu -BuellV división, and ono or more of tliein may have bcou in the iight. "We await details Wlth au::iety. êl ■■! Ili $8?" It is a most humiliating faet that manj of our city officcrs are1 elected by makiog their fellow men draak. Wheu men cun bo elected on account of their truo worth, and not on account of their lack of principie, wc may Lope tu our offices cf trust fillcd by gord men and not till Üteu.-i-Ann Jrbor Couru r. AVc should hardly feel dispjsed to nutice tho above paragraph had not wbatever truth there may be in it been spoiled by tho foH&wiog " Praise-G id Bareboncs" sort of aft introduetion : " Whii!;y fiowcd freely, and thero wcro n:any, wLo liko Belshazzer of old. were weak ia t!ie knees Ve are happy to state thát our M::yor, Mr. U. Spouii, was cleeted without the :iid of Liqaor, and we üi.iy soy i:i pite of it." We will agree witli our neighbor that too rnuch whisky may have been used on eleotion day, ai on maní olhsr (hys ; but wc don't believe t!iat it was all dealt out, or all drank, by one party, or by one set of candidaics. We know it, was not, and wuuld only saggost that ' men who w, iu glass houses should not throw stoncs." L-L ïhe " CONTINKSTAL VoCAT.ISTS" are coming, and willsmg to Uangsterfer'a Hall, on Tuesday eveniug, April 17th. - This favorito troupe will appear ia the costumc of " yo olden time," and will givo Bome soul stirring rausíc. They have exchanged W, J. Frnnklin for ]). D. Snyder, u popular bailad siwgor oi" VVeatern New York, tiie otbár incoibwd of tho oompanj remdiniug as when they last visited us. ■ 'Tl 1T- 1 Tl B@f" Our cólamas uro so full of War that we have no room for reporta of thu Spring electiouB Lbroug'nout the Stute. Qjir Düinocrat'u; friends hnso tiiumpbed in Fpsüiititi, Jncfcson, : Grand I; rt EJuron, :. S1NG, Owpssp, I'.uitiao, ll.uüi'ue, ;,i;ii in a larga numbür (,'i the argcr villageg und tii'.vnp. S'áf Thü ld lïiasim that "curses like ebickc'h9 come homo to roost," is beincr ver' !!■ ■ .1 in the capo of James M. Mason, latu of the firm pf Mason nnd Südell. J lis fair.ily innnsion is now ocOupied as a hospital by tho Uiihui forooSj bis negroos hiiye al! run av. y, and what is worsej one of bis duughtcr is reported hopelcssly insane fro8 tho misfortunes of tho 'amüy. t3 Rceruitintr in this gtale for tho volunteer service í i : i .-? ln-pn suppeniied by generul order, :: i recruiting óffleers have been instruütod to cl(;so up llieif oflices and report U Detroit on the lOth inst., (ycBlerday). Eecruiling ollices are stiit open ior tho regulr.r bci


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