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From Stockton's Regiment

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Camí Wibe Awake, V;.., 1 A] r[% ï ƒ De.' h Brothhi: : As I have an opportunity of Hen you a letter, aud ;iüi pretty ente fbat t vvi] reach you - and 1 aiíi not so ! sure that the f thers havo - I embrace it. ! liave but a few momento, therefore it wil] be short. We aro in camp, and very wfcll nituated, three mijes IVoin Hun pion, and about the same distance from Big Bethel, whioh we visiteo1 a few daya ago; ibo partbulara of uhicli viait I wroto you last week. When we arvivod here tlio soldiers al! thoughtthat wo were to make an imroediute ::■!- vanoo on Uio rebels; that after eis monlhs cf waiiing uid drilling without seeing what you might oall a ' live, rebel,1' wé'wereto be brought face to face with toom. That vvo were to try ! oür atrengtb with them; th'at we were io be permitted to drive thera from their strongholds n tlii.s part oí tho j country. We were in hopos to be lod , agu'inst theni, a, the soldiers have been od on ín Missouri, Kcntucky, and Tcnnessee; that tlie war would soon bè closed, and that thoso of us who shouid survive the pe.'iJs.of war would scon bo ablö to return tu our ijuiet and peacoblo homes. But here we aio caniped. Nn demonstraron has boen made but thaj o;ie, wIilüi we took a few empíy forti fications, reaped a bioodlefs victory, and returned to uur cami, after a hard daya inarch, Our time s ñ. spent in drilling. We drill Bej'e'n houra per day, but I do not beliove that th:s wil) ever elear the country of rebels and bring tho war to a clo.-t'. Vhile we aro fooliog our time hway in this way - for if, after sis monihs drilling, we are :iot capabe of meeting tho enemy, I do not Believo we ever wül be - tUa hot weather ia fnst appfOachïng i these parts, when to rriilrch and fight will be inhuman, fór no Uortherner can stand it. If it i.s done, the heat wilnost probabiy kill niore meo tha'n tho bulla pf the enemv. This is a splèndid country. I would 'ike to own a farm and make my homo hero. Fruit trees are in blossom, and if not déstr'oyed therè will bo any quantitv of fruit, at least I tliink so from present appearauces. As is usual, I believe in all conntries, we havo had i a variety of weather sincewe have been ' here. 'There have been two slight flurries of snow, but lliey lasted only a few uiomenti, and Ifieo ttirned t'1 rui-i, and rain has bren plenty. There havo also been tlireo very war.m days, The night8 are very cola here. T!ie Ano Arbor boys in tlus regi ment aro ill e!l Oapt. NfoTT arrivej hero yestarday v.ith eighty regruitf, anc) we pow nuinlui- 1 o Ii2 mon in ihis regjmeftt. The Michigan 7ih arrived here a iew duya ago. There are Michigan regiiiienía stationcd here. Tho relations and fiiends oi tho soldiers shouhl nót feèl alarnied if they do nol receive luttera from their frieuds 'nero for som1 o time. Wo have not received any mail sinco wo left AJexandiil. Lient ArñOLD c[ tho Michigan Ist called on tne one day last week. He is welt. Neapapers aro acaree here atd we heat' no newn rif any kind. I am doingvVell, and improving bvery J. P. L3ÊT" Wendöll Phillins-is adverised ti) leeture in our city, thia eveniog, on 'Tho War and t!iu way out ofit" Wc do not bclicvo that lic a the country any 6orvic&, aud '; hie .'y is nut uur way," but we certaiuly liopo that the pie wilí forbid auy iutemiption or disturbaoca. lio apa bis co-workers tbrivo o: opposition and covét inartyrdotu ; let thcin ïuuke no capital liei'o, If only tboso go to bear him who ulmit tbat tlicy endorse bis insano raviugs ho will bave a meager aui L3C " Winter kflgors in tlio hip ■ ■! S ring." Yos, and thu youhg jade ombiaccs tho hoary-bemled ld veteran m if .-lio peally erij"yèd r,;uui thistoo, wiicn' -lic miglit(y) 1 1 : i v o n yoiiiig and blooming lover. WeB, lie ir; only mitating the iroüks of snmu üi' woaian kind, :u:d vo nlu 11 have to Pllbmit to it. Co 7d oomfort,-'we kcow. 23 Qo. Jonssos baa depoa&4 tho Mayor tuvd rfraatpry Gounuilnicii of Nashville, npd Qrdrcd thern, wiili otber promiiieiit citizena Jifi havo oponly and activoly aidcd rcbclüon, uudur arrest. ;-T!;o Detroit Ádeeitiser tuid tne iire efrylng l"ustííy ïn favor ojf " f ree speech " and 'Wentlull Phillips ; but í8 yi't wo havo séon no word in pitbb'r paper (eiiayring thu Gov'erri. ment for proiliilJillAg certain p fi-on cifculali-ng tliro'ugli tho ma Is and écndibg óeVtníii editora to Forts Lafayette add Warièn. Wei)di 11 Phillips avows iHul ho has luboi'èil innctueii ycars to drive filtren States out of th'è UtiioW, a;id u ttoétroy tbê constitution, ant] tdanks (.'il tfi'Vt he has a'j pHsfiüd hi.s object. Tho dditörii ie'L-rred to doub'.i d [hé j;i;)iri ty or abiü'.V Óf Iné i.v..i :,ü;olit lo Cl the Siatcs back intd tlifl I'iüoii nlter Wi'ndi-1! Phillips a:;.ï Cö. hád succeed ed Iri dnving them put. AVhicli cptnmittcd the Ln'c;itest crime a'gainst tho country ? P. 8; Wou'.d lbo Aitctïtlsér and ffifhuM: ofám'or 'so l,;-;ily in favor of j " iicc s.."..i,'' .ü.vi u iiijr ïor Y:-.ncry, BKeCÜiiVidgéj or any oj thuir frmhds who r'ejóice that they and Pliillips have deatróyed tho Uhioh and CoDsiitutioh.'aild brought on ;i 'civil war wbich i!5 desoía tl hg tbousanj.s of houst'LoUU all over iho !:■.:. 1 ':


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Michigan Argus