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["he Lívlcbt Special Dispatch ! 'o tlie citizena of Ann Arbor end } Vicinity ! ! NïENSE EXCITEMENT! ! ■ - - ■ Ttmdrêds waichwg tlie progresa of JDail-rj Events ! ! 't i'be Federal Army agaiu Victorious! _ . The Union must and shall be PïesCTved !" 1 " Títere toas a man in our iounr I J ite was so wondrous wise," íul wil.h all liis wisdom ha waa not bo wísü as that "other man," who when he r ed to Luy tlie The clieajpest and "best Q,LOTHINC!, 'n this market always jumped tibio G ü ITERMAN' 8 HEAD QUAETEES! i For there lie SneW lie alwayí got liis mcnoy's wortb. Seeing Í9 believing and ym tliat wish to ee come in and beliere, Thoso fliat i ean't bs can fekl, and is we ttlways makc , our cuíLomers feel good oyer good bargtwns, they are especially invited te our anxious seat.lhat t&ey too may realize how ' ít is forthem to be with us," and how mucli pleMnre can bc obtained in the enjoymtnt oí SPLENDID BARGAINs ! " me all ye tiint are weary and heavy lade11" - with Rotes and we will do our best to . ri-ii. vi' ymi - gÍTingyou u return the nest kind of Goods at the Ioicestjgurre3. Groat V.attle3 are Rourl'y taUing place in [hu Clothicg line - whcle regimenté u' Onsftimeres, s, 4o., ore being siaiü Gen, [il - bo fit the great rnnh of recruits that are pouring in from every direction, all anxious to have their iiamcs cnrolled for a NE AT AND TAST Y 3 UIT f - such a8 can only be had at the IIcadQuarters of Guiterman ds Co. Oneoftho firni, Mr. M Guiterman, haring just returned Srom Europg with a largo assortment of Cloths, Cassi'marea, and a niee lot of fine Vestinga, also a few pieces of fine Beaver for overcoats which we wiÏÏ mate up to order in the latest style, we feel eonfident . that we can satisfy all. STXJJDE3STTS I We are happy to greet you aga;n iti onr City.after spending your vacation with the "deur old fiks" at home. Le assured we wish you a pleasant term, and shall ever be glad to mest you at the Old Ilead-Quarters, Wo. 5, O Our fermer enstomerg, we feel nssured, will cali en U3 ngain To you who eome na strangers we rrould tav 'a few words, vra wish you to cali and look at óüf fine Coats, l'ants, and Vests, we can do better by you (han ar.y other house in tlie City, and ïf you cali and examine our goods, and try their fits, you will purehase nowhere else. DON'T FAIL TO oaijIj -at" es-, ia:, q, DR. IIOüFLAÑD'S BALSAIIC CORDIAL, Por tlK1 Bpeedy cure of Coughs, ColJs, Influenza, Croup, Hoarscness, Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Diseases of the Bowels, arisingfrom Cold, Incipient Coa$umptïon,md for tl ie relief and (if at allpossible) cure of Patiënt in adcanced stages of ths latier disease. rpiIE Balsap)Io Cordi&l is entiri-ly a Vegetatie producJ. tio;i, pombittingthe beaing propeBtiea oi the Bal6dp , wii'i the i i i , pro. ■ ■ combinaties so welt adayttd to tlie pai ■ ' ■ ■ ■ i ■ whlch , .i ■ arly period, succumb tu lts healiugand lije giving pro] : ■ tha Uvilment nf plflionary i1" occup!ed tlie greatei1 portion üf ihe a tt ention ui the Bfientiflc ui' tlie niedipal world, but :i :i ! acquired more L-mineuce m higtroatm e, than the Saeivl, the orty-patoi; of the BaLaamicCctfaial. Sifilife ivaa ileyu . podmjtfon of remedies that would nd unriralled. How Hrptlhti ' ïj '1" Ameriöan ptopleare ftble to judge: and vre i ..: ■ pi aratiuDR that br. e erer been pi ■ ben, i ave eonferred :!, of beoeöta on suffering humanity, or have eüciÊed so mauy eommendations u-mui vil - of society, as thero;ïicd:is of Dr. Hooöandj prepared bv IH: C. M.JacksoQ & Co., of l'iiii id I] r Lía! is dosigaed for ;i cl i ol' tUseagaa muro ' p to wkich the of tliis Country are mi lij eet- spiinging aent aatborily, Dr. : iI will injtsay tjiat Colaa are toom 1 ■ . '; and Xtllow i',,:r are to tbow ■ - usher in di easo of greafc 1 ind mortaüty ■ e tatter." Enilvely Vegetable. No Alcoholie 2rcjj(ü 'üilon. DB, IIJOFLAND'S f!:i,n;;ATED GSEMikN BITTXSRS iT-ijarf i by DB.. C. M. JACKSON & CO., nïiUdoIphïa, P, Wll efléotually curo UVKK ■ , , JAL'NiI'Ë,CUrdütfl ÖÉ oí the , and all dist ■ - . rderod ■ i Ëtomaeb. Buch as Coastipation, Inwarii Piles, Fuloess or Blood , li art i. ,, n, J-; ■ iichour Eructatiön,i i I the Hcad, Uurried and po í ase, iJiui Et, Ftvár auO q, Yl'1 ■ : '.: ! Ej e j l'aïn in i b ■ , mba, &c. Om ■. . . , irningio . trelj prvct VKLI.OW i ' CUt! i'rupriclur in calliug the at'ention of the public i f the utmost I ■ tor wbicl Itisnonew aad uní ried artillo, but ons th e testof a tw i I i can poople, ;ilil ï ts reputatloo and Raio ure unri aiilai ï'i'i n.i-utiuus ct p timony Dd well-knowu ■t r] jnirts of 1 Uo country is , ; nd a car lul perui al ■! tlie Alnumao, publ ! ffratïa af auy of their Ageiua, caauut but atisfy the most nkeptici I thai I ■ ' . great cuU'brity it hasoW ■ Jïcatl th.c Evldenra LromJ. NcMon fyram ). . . i:,li'nr af ihr Encjdapcd'ta ■■'.. to favi : o t ■u;-m-nil Patent . dieïHfi ait eS?ctí,I y.ct kuow oí no i ton vhy .w ,,iirr.s i. . , I Ijjoui n.iy simple ■ . in the hope ihut lm ij atribute to tha beo ol Höf6. j lu tiii' the morp roadily ín regard to (tI{ooflan4'a ." I '.,í 'MÍ l._V l'ï. I'. ■ . ut liiiü I I V . ■ :ri-l ;.ail]C t]ii.-tli fw B ii'uhulic inixturc. .1 i Êhoe ■ .[.. fur the n f :■ .; - . i n i l'"i' (■:■ tto tfj thn, when ing ti-Diu -v;'t :iihi kwij eontmued debtKty, Th■ Ui, e bpt1 ■ :i Uic bi ■ 'ni rviic', iiint rrstoration tax dRn i i ni-n;:il i; i . ■ . i [tl ■ ■ ■ ■(.■■! fiTui iuv fried fur ■ . ■ ., O lii;t)VN :;.■'. w '. ■ : th ■ isa Manu fa c n. . yc coí85tax Da. CM. Jacú ön- Ií HavJng fur a f jrtuüfl r-f ! hy Hn■ ■ '. !■ . I thu - lVci'l v bcar te t.uiinjy to itfi efftcacy ■ In ui)1 Tainily l!í;ir I have used it with onti ;ij the treaiuiiüt ol ..Is. '11 y lricivVtrulr'. ns . aviht.u.i,. f'irih Mo. !7, ' Kaae nÁditne aiw fftrile by al ! ■ i.-h Provinces, ki - per Bottle - :. iloe, i t li the ■ ■:. oatare ol .,, i a pptr ol [tob b ttle; ofl atktrs w countervit. PrincipftlOJQoe .ui'l .Lmufaviory. 41 Arch Stci-etPhilaÜelphííií Pa. 630j1


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Michigan Argus