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GREAT BARGA "iJN'S" - AT - KTaynard, Stebbïns & Wilson's, rÜE HAVÊAGAIN RKrí.KNISIIFIi OÜR STORE W1TI1 i V tin; uutai nplcuUid s locfe ot that WAS over oflfered in any onn offtEbUithgient i: eb we offer lor OM O03 iFföOO(yjOl is V,v u can be fOUQt) lo i!ie L'uion We want Money I t:: 1 trïD r.iake Grciit Sacrifiees on Anyihing iYPlmve to obíiiin it, not exceptiug O LD NOTES AND ACC OUKTS We conlially invite ALL CASH CD STOMERS 'o cali and examino our Goods nnd Trices. We ala DVltO our Prompt Paying Customors o como and buy Mx-ir inppitos fnr the Winter. To ttioH Bashful ones that ure afiaid to cali, we my to thoin, t-i: SKXjXj Tour "VniIüA.1!? ivifhout longer waitii.g for liiyher priccfjCome in, olcl acore, nndthen it rach prlooa as will ni ikë np U lotflfti It is hftfdlj nee essatj to enumt-iatt out Qoodftj Pwr We have Svorything ! A Urgo ftsoruwut of CARPETING, CROtKERY DRY GOODS, MEDIINES, GEOERIES, PAINTS, OILS, UATS, CAPS, BOOTS, S II OES YANKEE LOTIONS. &c, &c,, &c O!LIL A 53 OUB KOL (716tf) KAYNAKD, STLDI3ISS & WILSO SCHOFF & MIL LEE RKSTILI. ON'HAND t tlicirold Stand. A No. 2, Franklin Block, with thcmoBt complttc assortment of Books and Stationcry, PERFÜMEUIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, I CÜRTAINS, H00K8 AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offcred in tliie Market ! and U.oy would suggest tothOM in pursalt cf Any thingin SANTA OLA US' LINE that tlioy can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! bypurchftMog from thíss(ocí;,ns cnch purebast-r gdti au adiütiüual present of Jewulry, &C.j Ranging invalue 50 ets. to $50. 3 Tlipytrust that thefrlong oxperience in selocting gboda forthis iiinrket, and Btrïot attection to the wants of Cuitomem, may entitle tbom to a liberol share o l'Hti'on.ige. An:i Ajbor,Deo. 5. 1800. 777tf :" OLD FKlENDSJgl IN THE RIGIIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilis- T,.-, =T1 THE BEST 'AJII1.V Cay ■ V thartic in the 1 _. - OBd (-vn'-y ycars ty . fivo milli'iiss nf persons annually ; aïways ffln V ' . .. , satí8faotUq , contaiir ing nothtog iujurious ; ti WëtJ$U patronizctl by the principal pliysicians niül sfa_ Burgcons in the Union ; grfll ■ Largo Boxès 25 catn; J ) Ti" ii i s tor 1 dollar. LA'v-i:r-'jrfl!_J FulldiEÓotlOBSwitheach ZiiwiuatE, LrsoN Coostt, Florida, Joly 17,1860. ƒ ToPh. IIiíriíick, AIbitny,N. - M,v DearDoetoi : - 1 wriïe tllis to iofoi m yoa of t'io wondrri'ul effect of ymr Sugiti Cotl Pili vb my Her daugbtw. Fcrthrei jreftrsRbe bAfl booasfflictad wlth a billfoos derangemeni of Uie K.vsti'm. 5A41y Impactng bat hoalüi, which baa been Bteadly [alliog durins tbatperlod. WheninNew ITork in AprillaBl . ;i IVii nd advlnd me to te1 jom pil!, Havlng the fullo! ooufldeuoe In ths judgmont ol my Frlend, 1 obtalned a supplvol Mesors, Barnes Park, . l'ark Row,' New Virlv. On returniog bome. '. all othejr treatment,anXl:ailniinistci rbe mproTeiii il I her comploxloo, d L'Rtion, etc., surprised ttsaT, A ii'! aeni ratlon to bealth bao Been the result, We lued 1B8 14m& five boxes And oonsiderher entlrelj well. I oonsidev the aboe .a ju.t tribute to yon ns a a, and trust tbatit willbe thenxana ol in:u: to adopt youv PUls as tbeix faniilyraediciln-s. 1 remain, darsir, wlth nnny thanlta, Your ob9dient nerrant, 8. tí. ROBRBOK. Henlck's KId Strengthening Piasters euro in (ivo honrs, pain and weaknem of the breast, ■Idb and l.ic;, nhii Rheumatic pomptoinlBin an equally short period of time. Sreal on hpnutiful u hiti' lainb skin. thelrum lobjecta the earer ti no Inoonvenlcco, andeach one villireai from one week to tbree aonths, l-ri.'o 18k oenl, üerriek'sSugar Conteil Tilla ainl Ki.l Piasters nre snit' ny PrusKists nn'l Herehanta In all part of the United States, C;m:i.l:i and Soutb Amerfoa, and m.iy be obtained byoalUng forthom by tbcirfull nanie. ly05 DR. L.B.HEKRTCK,Co. Albanj, S. Y. IIFJü lflSintAiNOE. The Connecticut Mutual Lifo Insurance Company. Accumulatcd Capital, - $3,500,000. WnXINSUItK LTVES f"r anvnmnunt uot rKc-cílnp: 0J900 !'r the whote term ofï.ifo orfor a torm of Vi'jus. on tbCIHOSt ■.avoralih' terms. S.B The Confpany is purel; mutual nml íhe pollcy holder got aH the sorptus OTer the exact cost of insur■incf1 It iccomoiliitos Ilic insnre'l in tb e flettlomnl of thcir premlunio ON EJFE POLICIE8, if deslred, by taking urone Ualftb amoant. bearing interóvt at sis per cent, per annmn. Dividemls are Dedarcd AnnualJy! nnd hucp thry now npiount tO ffft p1 ernt on thfl ]r■ .!i {i i note, an.l an ncreaBlng tbe j may bo I . cancel thí ootee. Tbs ratM of preralaBM nroas low aa any otbsr roBpotvilble Compány aadtholaie (Hwumul&tea fund ftf $3,500,000 is securely nvcted, au lofty be seen by n-fevthe utatomenl jnadeaccorrtlngto law, on filo in thoofflcooftheOounty GIerlt,iií Aun Arbo v JAMES GOODWIN, Prwrt . (icyR. JAMKfl 0. WATSON', 7f.3yl A((i'i:Viit Ann ArUor Midi .


Old News
Michigan Argus