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P Commiesioners Notiee, )QTAT12 OF ncniGN, Counti of 7aihteqaw, ss ii The undttrKfgned bui [i ■ ' ■■ n nppuii t-l by Iho 1 n ..■::■ to ii ■ eive, exaiii ; ■ iH claims and demanda u!' uil per ■ i lx; t si te of Ontharïno FitzgèrsJd, late oi the Township of said Cou hereby trive notlce ■ ba froin dal order ■■ for credltora te llflt Bftid (lee en !■".', :nt'l tl uil tbey w:H meet at th i tenlgnod, John Rran,ni tho townahip of Norttt i ld countj ■■- '; n '-■■i:ii day of June snö ]'. mber oext, at ent 1 !'. M . of eaeh daj to rective, examine andad ju.4 said cíalos ííoRRtóCVCÓSÑOR, ) -'omniissioners. D:l'. 1SC2. 844 w4 ; ftl Estáte for Sale. f. qtiTE OF HICHIKAN, Cochtï kaw, ss-:_ ■ lm . Htib d,o1 rj e tw in tri ■ Stal ■ en, Thai i purauaneé o. . ' the Estáte ui sai. i doeeasad, l the l!. n Judge f Probate for the 0 ; Coanty oi hti naw, t-:i the t ■ nty ■. l.-htli tfay o 1 March A. l1. ' ■ public véndoe, 5 to tl;'1 high) thé South door of the ■ ■ I .-; Bouse In the City. of Ann Arbor in the Coanty of w-.i. h0. tenaw in said State; on saturduy the day A i' 2, al ona o'cíoch ín tho afternoon oi tíntt day, (subject to :ill cncumbranoea by mortfrage or írting at the timo cf the death of nauJ ■ ed.) the (oUowiog de Estáte to Wlt: ■ú ín thcTouiuhip ol Northfl Id. i&theCounty 9 of W.tsbtonaw aml Stat of af 1 tl 0 pleeu or parce! of land koown rtedmsthe Sforth-west (juarter ol the South-Eas1 Li oibreo in ('iv.n.bip oto Soujh c ! fui ty acres, be Ihe un ■ more or ; PATH1CK VA],I,( !■: Dalí ' ■ h,18C9. 84Gtd. ■■■■■' .':" AiL'E'Ö CATHARTIC f cjVyy ffi Are you aick, feeble, and 1 - ""-ƒ arES [ coraplaüüngl Aro you out cd 4sBg3wP5 order, witli your system de1 f'VrffiBBBB luiijrcil, and jour iveliiign unir "niCE ■ ] C'-nitortublo? These yin] ñ ítm1vaukif' :"t" tomí are oftra the prelode to '. ■ v N fiíus iliueflh Sume fft oí i '?yëiïTiLl jfö ..] slcktrew Is ereeplog upon yoii, . [iriy: ,''f-- nn-:l ehould be averted by a f. ■"? ' '.-i1' .' 'i tiinoly ue of the rij;ht rem; N'íJ. 1 ' .Ki-J edy. Tiike Ayer'a l'ills, nnd rv-i'-At'" . i'-: f ck-Anse out the diaorilereti hu Khc'vV'-í' " inoiK- purify the blüvt!, and Lí, 'V í; ■ "' ftuicttil in ho:iUh again. í"lÍSaS 'Aliey Bmnïftt t'1? fnnetioua f tlio Lr.Jy into vioious ac■ '_'_; tivify, pmify tlie Bystem frcm -- ■ - ti, o oi.etrui:ti-n3 hich mako di?c:i9e. A co](l settlos omewlicro iu tho body;, :vnd ob■t strñcli its n.ituinl FanctlonS. Thoso, if uot relfevod, t roact iijmui IbentMlTtl amt the suironndingorgans, produclng general ftggrsvaUoDi suBerlog, nnd dueaae. lVliileiu thMconlitiun,oprc8Bed b.v tho (lerangcmcnts, y tako Ayer'K Pilla, and seo how djrectW tliey rvstore tho s natural nction of tlio sj-fliTn, .ini wltu it tho buoyitnt t Ibellitg 'f li"u!th ngala. What la ti Sad b apparenl in t tlm tiivíiil íintl coiumon comitlaint. is aUk true in nauy ., of the (leíp-Sí-at-(t jitul dnftgwoua dléWhipers The Hamo purpritivii olTf-( txpela tlit-Mi. pMiaed by similar obstruc■" tiona uu-I ï'"'N"iiis ot' the nnturnl funciiuns of tito body, t)i"y re rnpWly, and nwny of th-'in ánrely, cttred by tho samo i&eaiis None wMo know tho TtrtndB of these , FÍUs, wlll neglo t to om'ploy thüia wheu süaering irüín tlie dtoordort tbey cure. Stat emente from lejvdin; pliylcifm8 in f-omo of tho principal cities, aud fioiu oLliuv Well kuowu public perfc soua. i Jíoín Forwarding Mtrcháfit of St. Louis, Ihb. 4, 1856. I)r. Ayhr: Your Pilla nro thoparagonof all tliat is ■ gront ín medicino. Tliy lavo eured my Ifttle dotight r 11 of nícefoos sores tijkii her baiulfl ind foet th;it had proved c iiiruntbíc fr yoarí, Iler mothér has beéñ tóíig gríev9 omly aílIicteJ witli blotchea and pimples ''ri her skin and I in hét hfdh After our child was cufódeuê xso tried II your Tills, aud thoy havo cuied hér i ASA M0IIG1UDGE. As a FnmUy Physlc. öiïi Dr. IC. TH Qxrtwright, JNtoo Orltans, Vonr V]$ aro tito princo of purgefl. Tlioir cxcc-llont ? qtialitio surp.193 any calharttc wö possosa, Thoy nro , mild. but very cflTtttln nnd effbetu il i" llielr nction on tho Í bonruU, whlch uiakes thvm iuvaluablü to ua iu iho titiily '" troatmeut of disenso. IIcadacliCfSIcklIcadnrtieToul Stomncli. s IVoni Dr. ï'dtuard Joy(ïf BuUHHCTt. DcARÜito. A.VÉR: I caonoi onswer you wktü compluint ■ I havo cured with yoor Pilla Iwtter tii:m to say üll tHat wc ' erer trett with apuTffottve rneïichte. I placo grent depeitdonce o fin eflêctiial cathartl 'in my dally coriiest wil Ii 3 diaerise, nud uelievlog as ï do yonr Pflla afford us tlm , Lest wc have, I of ooorse value thyin highly. 1 PnTSBüBO. Pn., Way 1, 1S55. ? Dr. .T. C. Aïrn. Sic: I bate boen topcittedly oured of the worst hcudacfit Aiiy body can havo by a tloao or two of yonr Pilis. It Bóema to arise fiom a foul ütomaclt, whith thoy Cleonse at once. b Yours with great respect) KD w. rnr.r.T.K, Cltrlc of Steamcr Clarion, Blllons Dlsorrlcrft - Tjlver Compiülnts B From Dr. Thtndnrt lid!, fNho York Oitff. Nol only are ymir Pill odmlrably nrlnptfd to tlieïr pnr- pnse as :m aperlont, bal I find thelr beneñdal efftets U] r.n tho Liver Tery markcil Indeed. Thoy havo in my practico proved moro tlftfotual for the euro of bilious eomI plttints thiui iiny ono renic,ly I eau mentlon. 1 slncereiy rejolce tluit we have at longth a ptirgAtlTe vrfalch is worthy tho couüduuce ol' the prolbsslOD and the people. . DCPARXUEHT OF TUT I.N-TEltnn, Woslüugl d, D. C, 7lh Feb., 1856. f I Sip. : T have userl your IMHa in my general and hospital practico over Kinro yon maitu ihem, and caiiuot hesitóte to say thej are Ihe best catbnrtfc wc employ. Thoir ragulatiog actiou on tho llvei1 is yuicfc and decidodj cmcquently tliey are on adDib abla n metïy Ibr íloniní'inlnita vi tlutt organ. ludved, 1 havo seldum found ;i case i f bilious üitease bo obstiooto that it ilitl not reatlily yi-Nl to them. liuUiiKiüy youra, AWÜZQ ÜAL1, U. D,, J'ti$kiun olhe Marine Hospital. Dyseiitcry, ]Oiarrlicn} Rclns, Worms Front Dr. J. O. Orcen, af CA Yonr Pilis havo had ft long liial in my practico, nuil I hoUl thom io cstficm as ona of the beet nperleutfl I have ever found. Xbolr alterativo i-ücut upoti tho Uut maUc-a tiieiu au excellent reraedy, whon given iu small doses tbr btlinus dijstnUry uwl (Uarrnca, Theii' eugar-nniitig i makea theni very acceptabla and couvouleut for tho usü L,i prooien and i lilidrea. Dygpcpsln, Impnrlty of the ïïlood. From Jifü. J. ï'. UimeSy i'tstor of Advent Cturc'i, Bo&ton. Dr. Aykiï: ï liaT&nsed yonr Pilis with extrardinary family and aniong thoso 1 am colled to visit In dlstress. fi' regúlate iho oi'gans of digestión and purify tho blood, tliey aro tlie very best rémedy i have ever knovrn, aad I eau confidently recommend tbemto my rttonda. Yours, J. V. UIMEÖ. Wamaw, Wyomtög ro., N.T., Oct. 2J, 1855. Pear 8tB : I am ustng yotir Cuthartfc 1'ilU In my praci tice, and ft ml thein nu oxcellcnt pureatlTO to cluau&u tho . I system aml vurif'i the fmtutain "f am Itnod. JOHN S. HEAOHAH, M. !. Constipntlon, CoftUrentsn, Suppvcsslon, Khcumatl ïü, nt, rVnualiu, Uro;y, I'aralysis, Fits, etc. From Dr. J. l. ïïrttffhn, Montrccl, Canada. Too mucli cannot lio sald of your Pilis for tho cure of cotíivtíuss. Uotlien of om1 fratoruity havo Ibuiul them ris afiQcacloua as i havo, tbey should joln me In r'ocliiniiiic it for the btoofll of the maltltudM who sufler from that rouiplaint, whfch, althotigh bad cnough in itself, ia tho progenitor of othera that we irorse. I byliovo enstiveness to originato in tho livor, tut your Pilla aíl'ect Umt organ and euro the iliscaso. ' From 3í'í. E. Stttart, Plysician and Sfidaift, Botton I And ono or two large dosoe ofyonr iills, taken at tho proper tiino,aro excellent pr moth ei oL r l ie natttral tecr& (jon wbeu whollyor porüully uppixiesod, and ahiovery effectiiol to cUantê tho tlamach and exu-i mn-Mt. 'J'lu-y avo so inuch tho beát idiysic wo havo tliut I recommcud ■' no othiT tu my paticuts. 1 From the. Fcv. Dr. Tiawl-cs, nftht MRUiodist Fpis. Cliurch, Pri.ASKi IIotTpE. Sav&nnah, Qtu, Jan. fi. 1S5G. Ho5otibii ?itt: I Bhould be ungratoful ïor the relief your skill has brought me if I tltd hot report my case to yon. A colil setUeu in my limbsand bronght oii excru ciating neuralaie paitts, wbïÖi endd in cnwiie rhewna(i.--i)i. NotwIthstaDding T had tho best of physfclans, the ■ gre.w woree and worsc. uutll by tho advlce ofyour ' ex mlleot avent in Balthnore, Dr. Mnckenzio, I triod your Pilis. 'J hf-ir ofÍL-cts Wftfe Stow, luit furo. l!y jErsc cring' In tlio uso of tlam, I am how entirely vell. Senatï Oqambeb, Baton Rouge, La., 5 T)oc 18U. l Dn. Aykr:I havo heen èntlroly eured, by yonr PlUa,of t ■ Jiheumatic Gout - a paiuful disease thnl bod affilcted mo 1 fbf years. Y1NCKNT SLIDELL, 43" Ttífiítt of tho Pilis iu ninrl;et contaln Mercnry, vrhich, although a valuablo remedy in skili'ul hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from tho dreailful couseojuancefl th:it freqiifiitly follnw its incantious use. These contain no niercnry or mineral snbstancs wliatevor. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prwiarwl fcp Dr. J. C. AYR &, CO., Lovell, Kass. And fbi sale by Mayuard, Stebbins & Wilson, FARIUNO, SUELEY & i ■ i SOOyl J n. BÜERlIX, Tim veiling Agtnt. SECOND WINTER STOCK! I D. L. W00D & CO., nAVK JUST OPENED A I LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonahle Goods, i For tlie FALL & WINTER Tradc, ' Having purchascd tlieir stock at much less than the usual prices, thoy nro prepared to . offer GREAT INDUCEMÉKTS i To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thank ful for past favors they t;11 be ever 1 rendy to ehow thcir Goods and by fair and librral deoling liope to receivc tlicir full sharo ■ i of the public patronage. West snle of public square. Ann Arbor Dcc. 1801. I WASHTENAW MUTUAL ; FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYrfMlfCS ieir} trfll 1 ook's Hotel, ia tbc X Ann Arbor, n:i ïiims !av of raoh weck.nntilfurlhcr noti-o, to n micnt mi mbent. Ii. RBXKV', ?fcn Ou'.okiiS3d, 181, c-l'i'


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